In case you missed it in yesterday’s comments, the big hockey news is that Nike is getting out of the sport. This isn’t quite as good as, say, curing world hunger or solving the global warming problem, but it’s a good start.
Unfortunately, we’re still stuck with Reebok, which is apparently determined to blaze a new trail in hockey uniform design, so this seems like a good time to look back at the hockey attire of long ago. The photos that follow come courtesy of reader CJ Fleck, who found them in The Great Book of Hockey (out of print but easy to acquire if you’re so inclined). Lots of good stuff here:
• I knew some baseball teams had worn special “World’s Champions” uniforms, but I didn’t realize this trope had also extended to hockey. Back in the 1920s, however, the Senators and Canadiens both went this route.
• Two other old Habs sweaters — both light-years from their current design — here.
• Art Ross — you know him as the name of a trophy, but back in the day he coached the Bruins while looking pretty damn suave. And I probably don’t need to say this, but I really want that sweater.
• The first U.S. team to win the Stanley Cup was the Seattle Metropolitans, who wore one of history’s greatest sweaters.
• Time was when front uniform numbers were pretty common. My favorites are here and here, because I love the way the Bruins put the “B” on their sleeves, turning the current number/crest relationship on its head.
• Back when I was a kid, it wasn’t so uncommon for players to wear their uni numbers on their skates. But check out the guy on the left — is he wearing someone else’s skates, or was he traded and issued a new uni number?
• Speaking of mismatched uni numbers, take a look at Bobby Hull’s gloves.
• And speaking of Bobby Hull, check out the weirdest nameplates ever.

Membership Update: The good news: About 30 new membership kits went out yesterday, covering everyone who signed up through last Wednesday.
The bad news: A week or so ago I mentioned that a server glitch had resulted in about about 90 names being wiped off of the membership roster page but that we were retrieving the data and would be restoring the missing entries soon. Unfortunately, the data retrieval has turned out to be trickier than we thought. I still have all the original membership orders, so I could cross-reference the roster table against those, but that would be reeeeeaaaallllly tedious, so instead I’m asking for your help: If you’re an active member but don’t see your name on the roster, please e-mail me with your name, membership uni number, membership level, and why you chose your number. If your name linked to a photo, please re-send me the photo or the URL. And although this last part isn’t necessary, you can speed up the process a bit more by picking out your card design from the design gallery and sending me the URL for that too. I’ll restore things as the info comes in.
Sorry for the hassle, and many thanks in advance for your help.
Uni Watch News Ticker: I just can’t watch when the Yankees trot out Ronan Tynan to sing “God Bless America” (plus he takes so long that I actually had time to run to corner store for more beer during the middle of the 7th inning on Sunday night), but several people tell me that TBS’s camera shot of the American flag during Monday night’s rendition showed an Adidas flag in the background — nice. Unfortunately, MLB.TV’s video archive doesn’t include this segment, so I can’t get a screen grab. If anyone TiVo’d the game, kindly shoot a photo my way. ”¦ The Chargers will wear their new powder blue alternate jersey this Sunday. ”¦ Speaking of the Chargers, on Monday I mentioned that LaDainian Tomlinson’s American flag decal was still missing in last Sunday’s game, but I didn’t have visual proof. Now, thanks to Doug Mooney, I do. ”¦ And speaking of helmet decals, yesterday I wrote that the Bills’ throwback helmets appeared to have the little warning decal. But as Rob Montoya and Joe Skiba quickly informed me, that’s actually the NOCSAE logo, which is a molded into the helmet, not a decal. ”¦ Reprinted from yesterday’s comments: Good article here about the Seals wearing gold skates back in the early ’70s. ”¦ Essential reading: This article about the NFL Players Association feuding with the league over uniform fines (you’ll have to register for the site, but it’s easy and free). Among other things, it turns out the league is now threatening to fine equipment managers and trainers as well as players, which could be bad news for faithful Uni Watch reader Joe Skiba. No more low whites, Joe! ”¦ Something very odd is going on in this photo. Aside from the defender’s underwear being partially exposed, is that his jersey tag coming loose and falling against his left thigh? ”¦ Slowly but surely, we’re building a nice little gallery of nose bumper messages. As noted yesterday, Illinois wears “Team” and Eastern Michigan wears “Pride.” Today’s addition: Toledo wears “Attack” (with thanks to Noel Blaha). ”¦ Has anyone else seen this Monday Night Football ad? Lots of things here just don’t add up: Black shoes (Nike Speed TDs, at that, which didn’t exist back in Rice’s SanFran days), no whites, no sock stripes. Clearly a Photoshop job, but why? (Good spot by Ryan Armbrust.) ”¦ A friend just sent me a copy of a South African real estate magazine (don’t even ask), which featured this splendid hosiery display in the back-cover ad. ”¦ Someone on the Chris Creamer board found this Red Sox typographic guide. ”¦ Speaking of Red Sox typography, check out the title on the new John Fogerty CD (good catch by Brad Dugan). ”¦ Also from the Creamer site: Uniform designer Joe Bosack will be speaking in Boise this Friday. ”¦ Here are UCLA’s new basketball uniforms, with the gold “C” signifying the school’s 100 championships in various sports (with thanks to Erkki Corpuz). ”¦ As Scott Turner notes, “This photo is great for so many reasons.” ”¦ Strictly speaking, the following video isn’t truly uni-related. But it’s worth watching nonetheless:
I think the yellow “C” on UCLA’s jersey fails the “is it good or is it stupid?”-test.
link is the New York Titans jersey the Jets will be wearing.
[quote comment=”154850″]link is the New York Titans jersey the Jets will be wearing.[/quote]
Wow, I like it! Also very interesting to find out that the Red Sox use separate numbers for 6 and 9.
The Detroit News has link about the interns who do the Lions laundry. They are not entrusted with the game unis though, the Assistant Equipment Manager gets that job. Job perk – they bring in their own laundry and throw it in.
That “C” sure is stupid.
Looks OK with the Volleyball (hard to tell if Libero has the C):
John Buccigross link.
link. Pants, helmet, etc.
I had my first chance last night to personally examine a replica Rbk EDGE jersey. What a piece of junk. It just feels too light to be a hockey sweater. And the Bruins secondary logo shoulder patches looked like they were silk-screened! I definitely would not pay $115 for a replica. We’ll wait and see what an authentic has to offer.
It’s a good thing I passed by Champs Sports on my way to Borders to pick up the most important book ever written: “I Am America (And So Can You)” by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D.F.A.
Re.Bobby Hull’s gloves.
The “627” on the gloves were the model
number of the gloves. I believe that those gloves are a Windwell make and the rest of his teammates
wore the same model glove because,the manufacturers usually distributed the gloves to the teams and the players wore whatever was avaliable.
The photo of Dashin’ Danny Lewicki with the Hawks was taken in his only year in Chicago (1958-59). I’m guessing it was early in the year and he was still wearing the skates he wore with the Rangers the year before where he wore #22. Of course, knowing the penny-pinching ways of the Hawks even back then, it could be later in the year and they still refused to buy him new skates…
Bobby Hull’s nameplate isn’t that weird – it actually looks a lot like the link‘s white jerseys.
The map on that 1920’s Canadiens World Champions jersey….wow. Hawaii is enormous, one island, and right off the west coast. Australia has likewise drifted several thousand miles east. But the piece de resistance has to be Greenland spreading all the way across the north pole, to become a direct mirror of the Antarctic continent…if that continent existed, of course, which according to that sweater it doesn’t.
[quote comment=”154855″]link. Pants, helmet, etc.[/quote]
Looks like the were pretty close with the link. The numbers seem to match, the throwbacks have TV numbers on the sleeves and they are now short instead of long. Obviously the stripes are no longer going all the way around, but it’s a pretty good throwback, if you ask me.
That photo from the MNF ad doesn’t even look like Jerry Rice. It might just be the angle of the photo, but the player looks to be about 5’9″ with no neck.
Also, what exactly is the Yankee team policy on facial hair and how long has it been in existence? Obviously, there was no restriction while Don Mattingly was playing up through 1995, but he is now cleanshaven. Coach Ron Guidry, however, still sports a mustache. Is it an ‘unwritten’ policy?
The UCLA C looks like a jersey where the blue part of the C just fell off.
It would have worked better if the blue letters were outlined in gold and the gold C outlined in blue.
The way it looks now it seems like one of those cheesy vinyl ironed on letters peeled off.
[quote comment=”154859″]Re.Bobby Hull’s gloves.
The “627” on the gloves were the model
number of the gloves. I believe that those gloves are a Windwell make and the rest of his teammates
wore the same model glove because,the manufacturers usually distributed the gloves to the teams and the players wore whatever was avaliable.[/quote]
yes, i believe you’re right about it being a model number on those winwell gloves
[quote comment=”154867″]That photo from the MNF ad doesn’t even look like Jerry Rice. It might just be the angle of the photo, but the player looks to be about 5’9″ with no neck.
Also, what exactly is the Yankee team policy on facial hair and how long has it been in existence? Obviously, there was no restriction while Don Mattingly was playing up through 1995, but he is now cleanshaven. Coach Ron Guidry, however, still sports a mustache. Is it an ‘unwritten’ policy?[/quote]
Correct me if im wrong but the yankees policy is that you can have facial hair but it cannot go below your chin.
Buccigross is dead on about the Sharks.
They are hideous.
They look like one of those teams you can make from scratch from a Playstation 2 hockey game.
Also it seems like the Shark crest has some type of different fabric on the tip of his head.
Anyone else notice this?
Watching some of the more garish NHL uni’s is a f^&%ing trainwreck.
The apron strings are terrible. Can the Islanders possibly add anything else to their jersey?
[quote comment=”154870″][quote comment=”154867″]That photo from the MNF ad doesn’t even look like Jerry Rice. It might just be the angle of the photo, but the player looks to be about 5’9″ with no neck.
Also, what exactly is the Yankee team policy on facial hair and how long has it been in existence? Obviously, there was no restriction while Don Mattingly was playing up through 1995, but he is now cleanshaven. Coach Ron Guidry, however, still sports a mustache. Is it an ‘unwritten’ policy?[/quote]
Correct me if im wrong but the yankees policy is that you can have facial hair but it cannot go below your chin.[/quote]
Right. It was the same policy that Willie Randolph had with the Mets in the 2006 season. He ended this policy in 2007.
Maybe it’s time to bring back that restriction.
I like the old Western Athletic Supply nameplates (on the Hull jersey). They did the WHA Oilers along with the Jets circa 1973, and they chain-stitched the link as well as the link for each team. A lost uni art, it seems.
Titans throwbacks are outstanding. Only complaint is that the pants stripes appear to be a bit too wide. Otherwise, deeply cool.
[quote comment=”154866″][quote comment=”154855″]link. Pants, helmet, etc.[/quote]
Looks like the were pretty close with the link. The numbers seem to match, the throwbacks have TV numbers on the sleeves and they are now short instead of long. Obviously the stripes are no longer going all the way around, but it’s a pretty good throwback, if you ask me.[/quote]
I think those are the Titans with TV numbers:
Photo gallery of Jets in Titan units:
I think they are great.
[quote comment=”154877″][quote comment=”154866″][quote comment=”154855″]link. Pants, helmet, etc.[/quote]
Looks like the were pretty close with the link. The numbers seem to match, the throwbacks have TV numbers on the sleeves and they are now short instead of long. Obviously the stripes are no longer going all the way around, but it’s a pretty good throwback, if you ask me.[/quote]
I think those are the Titans with TV numbers:
Much better pic. I teke away my previous statement regarding the TV numbers but the rest stands.
i like the UCLA jerseys…
the fact that it might look to some as if a vinyl letter came off makes it even better :)
[quote]- Time was when front uniform numbers were pretty common. My favorites are here and here, because I love the way the Bruins put the “B” on their sleeves, turning the current number/crest relationship on its head.[/quote]
This got me thinking about the World League of American Football in the mid 90s (pre NFLE days) when some of the teams had link like hockey. I remember that at the time, I thought it was the coolest thing since striped socks! It didn’t seem to help attendance though. Did anyone else think that was cool?
[quote comment=”154854″]John Buccigross link.[/quote]
I found it interesting that Bucci hated the Sharks new threads, but they were one of Paul’s favorites. Personally, I side with Bucci on this one, I think they are bad starting with the teal and ending with the shark logo. Very minor-league-ish.
[quote comment=”154881″]i like the UCLA jerseys…
the fact that it might look to some as if a vinyl letter came off makes it even better :)[/quote]
I also like the golden C. However, it does look better outlined like on the volleyball jerseys. My only question is now, will they make CL golden when they win 150?
From wired.com…
The “science” behind the new NHL uni…
Who are the guys on NFL sidelines wearing refs gear but collared shirts(Maroon or white.) They are not apart of the chain gang or ball-boys. Need some help please.
In reference to the Habs with the globe patch. I’ll have to look when I go home, but when I was 10 or 11 I started collecting an officialy liscensed NHL patche collection that had patches of historic teams through the years. Each patch was maybe 8×8 and came on a larger card with the patch enclosed in a protective plastic sealed sleve on the card. The Habs globe was one of them. I vaguley remember it mentioning the Cup title, but also as a comemoration for WWI. I’ll dig up the binder the patches are in when I get home.
[quote comment=”154851″][quote comment=”154850″]link is the New York Titans jersey the Jets will be wearing.[/quote]
Wow, I like it! Also very interesting to find out that the Red Sox use separate numbers for 6 and 9.[/quote]
I literally said ‘Wow’ outloud. Nice color combo.
[quote comment=”154887″]Who are the guys on NFL sidelines wearing refs gear but collared shirts(Maroon or white.) They are not apart of the chain gang or ball-boys. Need some help please.[/quote]
Maroon polo and ref pants is the K ball guy.
Slap me silly, but I like those NY Titans throwbacks. The brighter yellow/gold on the numbers looks sharp, similar to the Rams but more attractive than the dull gold they wear.
And maybe I’m missing a point somewhere, but isn’t that basically the same uni that the Sharks have worn since they came into the league? I know they tweaked the Shark logo, but…
Speaking of mismatched uni numbers, take a look at Bobby Hull’s gloves.
I remember seeing this during the Uniwatch Quiz (is it time for another one?) link wore #3 while playing for the blues and his link had a 3. While playing for the Leafs he wore #18 but his link says either 52 or 62. Same reasoning as for Hull, or different?
[quote comment=”154872″][quote comment=”154870″][quote comment=”154867″]That photo from the MNF ad doesn’t even look like Jerry Rice. It might just be the angle of the photo, but the player looks to be about 5’9″ with no neck.
Also, what exactly is the Yankee team policy on facial hair and how long has it been in existence? Obviously, there was no restriction while Don Mattingly was playing up through 1995, but he is now cleanshaven. Coach Ron Guidry, however, still sports a mustache. Is it an ‘unwritten’ policy?[/quote]
Correct me if im wrong but the yankees policy is that you can have facial hair but it cannot go below your chin.[/quote]
Right. It was the same policy that Willie Randolph had with the Mets in the 2006 season. He ended this policy in 2007.
Maybe it’s time to bring back that restriction.[/quote]
No, I’m pretty sure the restriction is that your facial hair cannot go below the corners of your mouth, ie, you can have a porn ‘stache, but not a Fu Manchu, a Van Dyke, a soul patch, etc.
Also — “Mattingly, link!”
[quote comment=”154892″]And maybe I’m missing a point somewhere, but isn’t that basically the same uni that the Sharks have worn since they came into the league? I know they tweaked the Shark logo, but…[/quote]
I think the link to the palette has turned some people off.
I think the UCLA golden C is neat…. but you better add it to the FAQ now!
– Two other old Habs sweaters – both light-years from their current design – here.
damn. either of these would look great as regular shirts… a lot like those gems that were found in that museum that was in iowa.
– And speaking of Bobby Hull, check out the weirdest nameplates ever.
very similar to the white jerseys worn during the 1980 lake placid games.
Essential reading: This article about the NFL Players Association feuding with the league over uniform fines
does anyone currently host this so we all dont have to give name address and phone numbers for the online trial and the free issues?
Has anyone else seen this Monday Night Football ad? Lots of things here just don’t add up: Black shoes (Nike Speed TDs, at that, which didn’t exist back in Rice’s SanFran days), no whites, no sock stripes. Clearly a Photoshop job, but why? (Good spot by Ryan Armbrust.)
im willing to be that the advert is based on this picture
this is a painting of a famous picture of rice scoring i believe his record breaking td. there was a neat poster made of the same picture, outlined with all of his other nfl records.
Here are UCLA’s new basketball uniforms, with the gold “C” signifying the school’s 100 championships in various sports (with thanks to Erkki Corpuz)
god, at least outline the letter in blue to show some form of exterior letter consistency. how will the blue one look? those letters ARE yellow and outlined in white.
[quote comment=”154846″]I think the yellow “C” on UCLA’s jersey fails the “is it good or is it stupid?”-test.[/quote]
agreed. its ridiculous. in 2000 when m&m’s used their name to signify the year, and base a year long campaign around it, that was genius without going beyond what was needed.
[quote comment=”154853″]That “C” sure is stupid.
Looks OK with the Volleyball (hard to tell if Libero has the C):
this is what i was talking about above… that is the “c” that should be on the mens home unis. it would look better.
[quote comment=”154855″]link. Pants, helmet, etc.[/quote]
wow! now that is a great uniform. near perfection.
[quote comment=”154901″]I think the UCLA golden C is neat…. but you better add it to the FAQ now![/quote]
I agree. It looks a little weird and low-rent, which is pretty unique for todays standards.
Mentioning the Red Sox, with the talk about the use of negative space, a Boston fan once pointed out to me that the
B of the Boston font has a B in the negative space of the “holes”
Not Pride or Fight, but Texas’s nose bumpers say link
You think the guy up above in the background in this photo would make the grade on the Yankees with that mustache?
[quote comment=”154868″]The UCLA C looks like a jersey where the blue part of the C just fell off.
It would have worked better if the blue letters were outlined in gold and the gold C outlined in blue.
If you look at the bottom of this link, it sounds like the players and Ben Howland don’t really like the gold ‘C’ redesign. They’re already looking at redesigning/adding the blue outline some of you have already suggested.
I knew that they would be doing this with many of the jerseys at UCLA, but I was hoping that they wouldn’t touch the Basketball team’s classic look. Hopefully the redesign looks better!!!
[quote comment=”154883″][quote]- Time was when front uniform numbers were pretty common. My favorites are here and here, because I love the way the Bruins put the “B” on their sleeves, turning the current number/crest relationship on its head.[/quote]
This got me thinking about the World League of American Football in the mid 90s (pre NFLE days) when some of the teams had link like hockey. I remember that at the time, I thought it was the coolest thing since striped socks! It didn’t seem to help attendance though. Did anyone else think that was cool?[/quote]
Also a short-lived link experiment. Emphasis on short.
[quote comment=”154862″]Bobby Hull’s nameplate isn’t that weird – it actually looks a lot like the link‘s white jerseys.[/quote]
I think Paul was talking more about the font than the plate itself. I believe a few other WHA used that font as well – like the link
[quote comment=”154853″]That “C” sure is stupid.
Looks OK with the Volleyball (hard to tell if Libero has the C):
It looks like on the Away uniforms (the Libero wears the Away jersey at Home and vise versa) are blue and have gold U, L and A stitched with white and the C is white stitched with gold. The Home jerseys have a thicker outline and then dark blue or black stitching. The same picture quoted above is larger on the main page.
As to my opinion of it, the C looks a little silly, but when you have 100 championships, you can get away with something like that. I also think the volleyball jerseys look better than the basketball jerseys because of the outlining.
In the photo of Gordie Howe link, it looks like the name is longer than just HOWE. It looks like it is running into the armpit of the jersey. Maybe it’s just the angle. Did he ever have anything other than HOWE on the back when he played for the Whalers?
[quote comment=”154857″]I had my first chance last night to personally examine a replica Rbk EDGE jersey. What a piece of junk. It just feels too light to be a hockey sweater. And the Bruins secondary logo shoulder patches looked like they were silk-screened! I definitely would not pay $115 for a replica. We’ll wait and see what an authentic has to offer.[/quote]
With how great the rest of the jersey looks, I think I could deal with a little silkscreen here and there. I almost ordered one when I was at the Bruins ProShop over the summer, but ended up snagging the last Patrice Bergeron 06-07 third sweater.
Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.
Fun Super Bowl video. Kind of reminds me of link. Even if you’re a Red Sox fan, you’ve got to appreciate the time and dedication involved. (Personally, I’m just grooving on Vin Scully’s classic call. That, and the Marty Barrett graphic.)
My alma mater Azusa Pacific is playing UCLA in their first exhibition game November 2. I am going and will try to get some decent photos. My camera sucks but I’ll see what I can do.
I think the yellow C on the jerseys look like some one did a poor job of designing the look. The volleyball jerseys look great. Hopefully there will be a new jersey for the opener.
[quote comment=”154914″]In the photo of Gordie Howe link, it looks like the name is longer than just HOWE. It looks like it is running into the armpit of the jersey. Maybe it’s just the angle. Did he ever have anything other than HOWE on the back when he played for the Whalers?[/quote]
Howe had his full name on there as he was on a line with his two sons Mark and Marty. All three of them had their first and last names on their jerseys.
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Mark Grace
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
link (in honor of link)
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Manny Delcarmen, right? =D
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Gordie link, although link.
During the 49ers Super Bowl years, Roger Craig wore a nose bumper that read “HUSKERS” instead of “49ers.” I just spent a half hour trying to dig up a photo, but failed. Sorry.
Are any NCAA hockey teams adopting the Edge jerseys? I know Wisco has an Adidas/Reebok deal, so they’d be ripe.
Also, re MNF, I’m waiting for a photo along the lines of link to be used in an ad.
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Jari Kurri, Wendel Clark.
[quote comment=”154906″]You think the guy up above in the background in this photo would make the grade on the Yankees with that mustache?
I’m pretty sure that ‘guy’ is artist Leroy Neiman. Probably best known for his paintings of sporting events – link
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Doug Williams (Redskins)
Not off the top of my head, but Wikipedia tells us about the number 17:
At the Cesana Pariol bobsleigh, luge, and skeleton track in Cesana, Italy, the turn is named “Senzo Nome” (“Without Name” in (Italian).
The most famous Ford number in the V8 Supercar championship, Driven by Dick Johnson to bring 7 Australian Touring Car Championships to his name. Now driven by son Steven Johnson.
NASCAR driver Matt Kenseth’s car number.
The retired jersey number of former baseball pitching great Dizzy Dean.
The number of ice hockey star Chris Chaney
The number of ice hockey star Rod Brind’Amour
The number of Hall of Fame basketball player John Havlicek
The Number of New York Giants’ Wide Receiver Plaxico Burress
The Number of Toronto Blue Jay’s Third Baseman Kelly Gruber
Ruud van Nistelrooy shirt number
The number of Cristiano Ronaldo on the Portuguese National Team
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
John Havlicek
Chris Mullin
Don Merideth
Todd Helton
Dizzy Dean
Lance Berkman
Harold Carmichael
Matt Kenseth
Denny McLain
Jim Hart
These are from the “Best By Number” book from the Sporting News
Tom Rathman also wore Huskers on his Niner helmet. Marion (Iowa) Indians have “TRIBE” on their nose bumpers. Not P-C, but cool, nonetheless.
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
As a Browns fan I immediately go to Brian Sipe. Not that famous in the grand scheme…but he WAS MVP one year. So there’s that.
[quote comment=”154923″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
link (in honor of link)[/quote]
link and link
[quote comment=”154935]Ruud van Nistelrooy[/quote]
So odd not seeing him in #10 anymore.
The NHL Store has finally opened in NYC. Much smaller than the NBA store. They only have EDGE uniforms, no throwbacks.
I did notice, however, RBK caps including the Rangers Lady Liberty logo, so I guess it may lead to a 3rd jersey next year…
[quote comment=”154925″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
This link was blocked, here at work as “Adult/Sexually Explicit”. What is this website?
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Gordie Howe started his career as #17. He switched when #9 became available because the lower number got the lower bunks on the trains.
[quote comment=”154922″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Mark Grace[/quote]
Keith Hernandez
Todd Helton
Billy Kilmer
John Havlicek
Don Meredith
Brett Hull wore 17..with Detroit?
The greatest no. 17 of all-time: Oscar Gamble.
Wow, a uniform with a map on it! As a cartographer, that’s got to be my ‘dream uni’. Nice.
As for the UCLA issue, as much as I hate all of their sports (go Ducks), I like what they’re doing. Something difference, unique, etc. The C on the basketball jerseys could look better, but it may also look funky having one letter with an outline while the rest are not. Either way, I don’t think it’s that bad at all.
I just noticed the boards in the back of the picture of link. Hockey must have been pretty boring back then.
[quote comment=”154855″]link. Pants, helmet, etc.[/quote]
Would it kill them to make stripes that go ALL the way around?!
[quote comment=”154943″][quote comment=”154925″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
This link was blocked, here at work as “Adult/Sexually Explicit”. What is this website?[/quote]
Don’t know why it’s blocked. It’s the blog of somebody called Pacificdave. Shows fine on my laptop.
[quote comment=”154946″][quote comment=”154922″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Mark Grace[/quote]
Keith Hernandez
Todd Helton
Billy Kilmer
John Havlicek
Don Meredith[/quote]
Derrik Sanderson of the Bruins..
would anyone be able to direct me to a downloadable version of the most recent phillies font, as well as their font used prior (the schmidt, carlton years).
i need them for a project im working on.
[quote comment=”154859″]Re.Bobby Hull’s gloves.
The “627” on the gloves were the model
number of the gloves. I believe that those gloves are a Windwell make and the rest of his teammates
wore the same model glove because,the manufacturers usually distributed the gloves to the teams and the players wore whatever was avaliable.[/quote]
Correct. I have a pair of WinnWells and Nike’s departure makes me wonder if Canstar’s old brands will show up again: Cooper, WinnWell, Micron/Mega, Christian, etc.
I agree that the “SEATTLE” sweater is great (or is it “ELTTAES” ?)
[quote comment=”154928″]Are any NCAA hockey teams adopting the Edge jerseys? I know Wisco has an Adidas/Reebok deal, so they’d be ripe.[/quote]
Wisconsin hockey does have the Adidas logo on their jerseys, but I believe they also have some form of equipment deal with NikeBauer. In previous years (haven’t seen any pics from this year yet), Wisco has worn the Bauer helmets and Bauer gloves to go with their Adidas jerseys.
I know BC uses Reebok jerseys now, so they’d possibly be a team to look for. It’s not like their uniforms could get much uglier anyway.
Power to the Purple!
[quote comment=”154919″][quote comment=”154914″]In the photo of Gordie Howe link, it looks like the name is longer than just HOWE. It looks like it is running into the armpit of the jersey. Maybe it’s just the angle. Did he ever have anything other than HOWE on the back when he played for the Whalers?[/quote]
Howe had his full name on there as he was on a line with his two sons Mark and Marty. All three of them had their first and last names on their jerseys.[/quote]
link was a defenseman — and a very good, underrated one at that (career plus-349, three Norris Trophy nominations). A few years earlier, the three of them played on a line together with the WHA link, more or less as a stunt.
Stupid ViewImages links… here’s a functional link of link. Note the black-backed white ‘A’ patch — I didn’t recall the Flyers ever wearing those.
I’m pretty sure I didn’t see an american flag logo on L.T.’s helmet, only the NFL shield.
I can’t see the difference between the “6” and the upside-down “9” in the Red Sox font. Can someone with a more keen eye for this stuff enlighten me please?
[quote comment=”154971″]I can’t see the difference between the “6” and the upside-down “9” in the Red Sox font. Can someone with a more keen eye for this stuff enlighten me please?[/quote]
Try to mentally superimpose them — the horizontal line in the middle is ever-so-slightly lower in the upside-down numerals.
In other words, the bottom rings of the ‘6’ and ‘9’ (the closed ring of the ‘6’ and the open ring of the ‘9’) are supposed to be link.
[quote comment=”154962″][quote comment=”154859″]Re.Bobby Hull’s gloves.
The “627” on the gloves were the model
number of the gloves. I believe that those gloves are a Windwell make and the rest of his teammates
wore the same model glove because,the manufacturers usually distributed the gloves to the teams and the players wore whatever was avaliable.[/quote]
Correct. I have a pair of WinnWells and Nike’s departure makes me wonder if Canstar’s old brands will show up again: Cooper, WinnWell, Micron/Mega, Christian, etc.[/quote]
Christian hockey is still around. I was just looking at their site. They were never part of Bauer. They closed theri doors in Warrod MN a few years back because they couldn’t compete with the new composite sticks, but Harrow Sports bough them and reopened the old plant. I was looking for a new goalie stick and always loved the old lincoln log sticks they offered link
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
I’m late to this party, but does Steve DeBerg count?
[quote comment=”154946″][quote comment=”154922″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Mark Grace[/quote]
Keith Hernandez
Todd Helton
Billy Kilmer
John Havlicek
Don Meredith[/quote]
Joe Murphy: link
Maybe that’s just me because he was always my third leading scorer after Jeremy Roenick and Tony Amonte when I played with the Blackhawks on NHL ’95…
[quote comment=”154971″]I can’t see the difference between the “6” and the upside-down “9” in the Red Sox font. Can someone with a more keen eye for this stuff enlighten me please?[/quote]
The difference is similar to the difference between the 8’s.
[quote comment=”154971″]I can’t see the difference between the “6” and the upside-down “9” in the Red Sox font. Can someone with a more keen eye for this stuff enlighten me please?[/quote]
The hole is slightly larger on the 6. The font has consistency between the hole size on the top versus the bottom of a number (the bottom being larger). This is obviously most apparent on the 8 where there is a hole on top and on bottom, but it still applies to numbers with only 1 hole (6 & 9). This also forces the “crossbar” (I don’t know what else to call it) to line up when the numbers are next to each other.
[quote comment=”154894″][quote comment=”154872″][quote comment=”154870″][quote comment=”154867″]That photo from the MNF ad doesn’t even look like Jerry Rice. It might just be the angle of the photo, but the player looks to be about 5’9″ with no neck.
Also, what exactly is the Yankee team policy on facial hair and how long has it been in existence? Obviously, there was no restriction while Don Mattingly was playing up through 1995, but he is now cleanshaven. Coach Ron Guidry, however, still sports a mustache. Is it an ‘unwritten’ policy?[/quote]
Correct me if im wrong but the yankees policy is that you can have facial hair but it cannot go below your chin.[/quote]
Right. It was the same policy that Willie Randolph had with the Mets in the 2006 season. He ended this policy in 2007.
Maybe it’s time to bring back that restriction.[/quote]
No, I’m pretty sure the restriction is that your facial hair cannot go below the corners of your mouth, ie, you can have a porn ‘stache, but not a Fu Manchu, a Van Dyke, a soul patch, etc.
Also — “Mattingly, link!”[/quote]
Definitely a ‘no’ on the fu manchu as evidenced by Sal Fasano.
Fasano with the Phillies: link
Fasano with the Yankees: link
[quote comment=”154893″]Speaking of mismatched uni numbers, take a look at Bobby Hull’s gloves.
I remember seeing this during the Uniwatch Quiz (is it time for another one?) link wore #3 while playing for the blues and his link had a 3. While playing for the Leafs he wore #18 but his link says either 52 or 62. Same reasoning as for Hull, or different?[/quote]
That has to be a model # as well. Up until the 80s, hockey jerseys were issued 1-30 much like soccer jerseys are. 1, 29, 30 were reserved for goalies, 1-8 for defensemen, and 9-28 for forwards (though rarely did they get above 23ish).
While looking for pictures of Sal Fasano as a Yankee, I found this: link
Kinda entertaining. Jeter looks like his name should be Ron and he sells pool supplies…
[quote comment=”154966″]Power to the Purple!
‘”Purple people” also are an interesting lot, she says. “People drawn to it tend to be creative and intelligent.”‘
I knew it.
[quote comment=”154959″][quote comment=”154946″][quote comment=”154922″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Mark Grace[/quote]
Keith Hernandez
Todd Helton
Billy Kilmer
John Havlicek
Don Meredith[/quote]
Derrik Sanderson of the Bruins..[/quote]
Kevin Bass
Glenn Hubbard
Harold Carmichael
Braylon Edwards
Andy Messersmith
Butch Hobson
[quote comment=”154980″][quote comment=”154894″][quote comment=”154872″][quote comment=”154870″][quote comment=”154867″]That photo from the MNF ad doesn’t even look like Jerry Rice. It might just be the angle of the photo, but the player looks to be about 5’9″ with no neck.
Also, what exactly is the Yankee team policy on facial hair and how long has it been in existence? Obviously, there was no restriction while Don Mattingly was playing up through 1995, but he is now cleanshaven. Coach Ron Guidry, however, still sports a mustache. Is it an ‘unwritten’ policy?[/quote]
Correct me if im wrong but the yankees policy is that you can have facial hair but it cannot go below your chin.[/quote]
Right. It was the same policy that Willie Randolph had with the Mets in the 2006 season. He ended this policy in 2007.
Maybe it’s time to bring back that restriction.[/quote]
No, I’m pretty sure the restriction is that your facial hair cannot go below the corners of your mouth, ie, you can have a porn ‘stache, but not a Fu Manchu, a Van Dyke, a soul patch, etc.
Also — “Mattingly, link!”[/quote]
Definitely a ‘no’ on the fu manchu as evidenced by Sal Fasano.
Fasano with the Phillies: link
Fasano with the Yankees: link
But as evidenced by link, they haven’t always had or strictly enforced the policy.
[quote comment=”154975″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
I’m late to this party, but does Steve DeBerg count?[/quote]
Wow. Two Steve DeBerg mentions in the past two days. Must have broke some sort of record.
[quote comment=”154983″]While looking for pictures of Sal Fasano as a Yankee, I found this: link
Kinda entertaining. Jeter looks like his name should be Ron and he sells pool supplies…[/quote]
Damn, does that reinforce tho fact that I HATE mustaches. Only pedophiles and sailors wear mustaches! (I don’t know why sailors, but I worked for the Navy and they are a furry bunch!)
Any information about the Phillies new alternate unforms for 2008?
Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.
Chris Sabo
[quote comment=”154986″][quote comment=”154980″][quote comment=”154894″][quote comment=”154872″][quote comment=”154870″][quote comment=”154867″]That photo from the MNF ad doesn’t even look like Jerry Rice. It might just be the angle of the photo, but the player looks to be about 5’9″ with no neck.
Also, what exactly is the Yankee team policy on facial hair and how long has it been in existence? Obviously, there was no restriction while Don Mattingly was playing up through 1995, but he is now cleanshaven. Coach Ron Guidry, however, still sports a mustache. Is it an ‘unwritten’ policy?[/quote]
Correct me if im wrong but the yankees policy is that you can have facial hair but it cannot go below your chin.[/quote]
Right. It was the same policy that Willie Randolph had with the Mets in the 2006 season. He ended this policy in 2007.
Maybe it’s time to bring back that restriction.[/quote]
No, I’m pretty sure the restriction is that your facial hair cannot go below the corners of your mouth, ie, you can have a porn ‘stache, but not a Fu Manchu, a Van Dyke, a soul patch, etc.
Also — “Mattingly, link!”[/quote]
Definitely a ‘no’ on the fu manchu as evidenced by Sal Fasano.
Fasano with the Phillies: link
Fasano with the Yankees: link
But as evidenced by link, they haven’t always had or strictly enforced the policy.[/quote]
I think Goose got away with it because he’s the only person on the planet that Steinbrenner is afraid of…
i still cant believe that from yesterdays conversation of obscure quarterbacks, no one has named babe laufenberg
[quote comment=”154962″][quote comment=”154859″]Re.Bobby Hull’s gloves.
The “627” on the gloves were the model
number of the gloves. I believe that those gloves are a Windwell make and the rest of his teammates
wore the same model glove because,the manufacturers usually distributed the gloves to the teams and the players wore whatever was avaliable.[/quote]
Correct. I have a pair of WinnWells and Nike’s departure makes me wonder if Canstar’s old brands will show up again: Cooper, WinnWell, Micron/Mega, Christian, etc.[/quote]
Doubt it if Cooper will ever come back – the Cooper name was already being phased out by Canstar to Bauer before it was bought up by Nike. And I think the Winnwell name is owned by Irwin Toy – they had some sort of deal with Don Cherry a few years back to promote their equipment (but then again, what doesn’t Cherry promote when he’s shown money.)
Bauer has so much brand recognition in hockey that the name can more than stand alone by itself. Meanwhile Reebok bought out a lot of well known brands like Jofa, Titan, Koho, Heaton, Canadien and we pretty much see only Reebok or CCM now from them.
[quote comment=”154992″][quote comment=”154983″]While looking for pictures of Sal Fasano as a Yankee, I found this: link
Kinda entertaining. Jeter looks like his name should be Ron and he sells pool supplies…[/quote]
Damn, does that reinforce tho fact that I HATE mustaches. Only pedophiles and sailors wear mustaches! (I don’t know why sailors, but I worked for the Navy and they are a furry bunch!)[/quote]
Don’t forget fireman and policemen.
[quote comment=”154914″]In the photo of Gordie Howe link, it looks like the name is longer than just HOWE. It looks like it is running into the armpit of the jersey. Maybe it’s just the angle. Did he ever have anything other than HOWE on the back when he played for the Whalers?[/quote]
Don’t know if anyone answered you yet, but at one time, both of his sons played on the Whalers with him – and they all had their full names on the backs “GORDIE HOWE, MARK HOWE, MARTY HOWE”
[quote comment=”154998″][quote comment=”154962″][quote comment=”154859″]Re.Bobby Hull’s gloves.
The “627” on the gloves were the model
number of the gloves. I believe that those gloves are a Windwell make and the rest of his teammates
wore the same model glove because,the manufacturers usually distributed the gloves to the teams and the players wore whatever was avaliable.[/quote]
Correct. I have a pair of WinnWells and Nike’s departure makes me wonder if Canstar’s old brands will show up again: Cooper, WinnWell, Micron/Mega, Christian, etc.[/quote]
Doubt it if Cooper will ever come back – the Cooper name was already being phased out by Canstar to Bauer before it was bought up by Nike. And I think the Winnwell name is owned by Irwin Toy – they had some sort of deal with Don Cherry a few years back to promote their equipment (but then again, what doesn’t Cherry promote when he’s shown money.)
Bauer has so much brand recognition in hockey that the name can more than stand alone by itself. Meanwhile Reebok bought out a lot of well known brands like Jofa, Titan, Koho, Heaton, Canadien and we pretty much see only Reebok or CCM now from them.[/quote]
Heaton was part of Koho/Lefevre
[quote comment=”154997″]i still cant believe that from yesterdays conversation of obscure quarterbacks, no one has named babe laufenberg[/quote]
To be fair, I think yesterday’s discussion was more on QB’s with bad names. I think link would qualify anyway.
[quote comment=”155000″][quote comment=”154992″][quote comment=”154983″]While looking for pictures of Sal Fasano as a Yankee, I found this: link
Kinda entertaining. Jeter looks like his name should be Ron and he sells pool supplies…[/quote]
Damn, does that reinforce tho fact that I HATE mustaches. Only pedophiles and sailors wear mustaches! (I don’t know why sailors, but I worked for the Navy and they are a furry bunch!)[/quote]
Don’t forget fireman and policemen.[/quote]
The gold standard of policemen ‘staches:
[quote comment=”155003″][quote comment=”154997″]i still cant believe that from yesterdays conversation of obscure quarterbacks, no one has named babe laufenberg[/quote]
To be fair, I think yesterday’s discussion was more on QB’s with bad names. I think link would qualify anyway.[/quote]
Whoa, is that Troy Aikman or famed 80s star Billy Zabka? Nice shirt, Jimmy.
[quote comment=”155006″][quote comment=”155003″][quote comment=”154997″]i still cant believe that from yesterdays conversation of obscure quarterbacks, no one has named babe laufenberg[/quote]
To be fair, I think yesterday’s discussion was more on QB’s with bad names. I think link would qualify anyway.[/quote]
Whoa, is that Troy Aikman or famed 80s star Billy Zabka? Nice shirt, Jimmy.[/quote]
I think he has a mustache!
Why do the Carolina Panthers get UCLA hoops (that’s what stripes going around the shoulder are called) that go all the way around while teams that traditionally had them like the Colts and LSU have to make do with cutoffs? Do the Panthers pay extra for those? Are their jerseys made by a different supplier?
The original Titans looked pretty good, but it might have been better with gold numbers on the side of the helmets. In 1960, 5 of the 8 AFL franchises wore helmet side numbers as well as sleeve numbers. Interestingly, if an NFL team wore helmet side numbers then, it didn’t wear sleeve numbers (the Browns & Steelers). If you saw the Steeler throwbacks recently, the story is that in ’62 they replacked the helmet numbers with the US Steel logo for the playoffs, so ended up without numbers on sleeve or helmet.
Best helmet numbers: 1960 Chargers, 1960 Patriots, 1960s UT Longhorns.
[quote comment=”154906″]You think the guy up above in the background in this photo would make the grade on the Yankees with that mustache?
The guy above to the far left feels the same way about the Jets throwbacks as I do. St. Louis Rams anyone?
[quote comment=”154969″]Stupid ViewImages links… here’s a functional link of link. Note the black-backed white ‘A’ patch — I didn’t recall the Flyers ever wearing those.[/quote]
It was a very brief change, I think only one season. Here’s a link with the “C”. I’ve always liked Philly’s link “A”, it’s one of those unique team touches that hopefully won’t get lost among all the changes lately.
[quote comment=”154994″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.
Chris Sabo[/quote]
The link thank you
The weird thing about the Redskins and Cowboys photo is that neither is looking at the ball! Watch the ball to your hands.
[quote comment=”155010″][quote comment=”154906″]You think the guy up above in the background in this photo would make the grade on the Yankees with that mustache?
The guy above to the far left feels the same way about the Jets throwbacks as I do. St. Louis Rams anyone?[/quote]
I love em, but then again I love the Rams blue and gold look too (favorite NFL unis), so n ot a surprise I guess.
[quote comment=”154990″][quote comment=”154975″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
I’m late to this party, but does Steve DeBerg count?[/quote]
Wow. Two Steve DeBerg mentions in the past two days. Must have broke some sort of record.[/quote]
Two Doug Williams mentions as well. And I only made one of them!
[quote comment=”155004″]
The gold standard of policemen ‘staches:
great song. great video.
in the early 90’s donal logue did a series of mtv commercials as his character, “jimmy the cab driver” it was utter genius (a few are on youtube).
his commercial for “sabotage” was my favorite. he kept confusing the video for a tv drama. “starring nathan wind as COCHESE”
[quote comment=”155000″][quote comment=”154992″][quote comment=”154983″]While looking for pictures of Sal Fasano as a Yankee, I found this: link
Kinda entertaining. Jeter looks like his name should be Ron and he sells pool supplies…[/quote]
Damn, does that reinforce tho fact that I HATE mustaches. Only pedophiles and sailors wear mustaches! (I don’t know why sailors, but I worked for the Navy and they are a furry bunch!)[/quote]
Don’t forget fireman and policemen.[/quote]
Would you grow a mustache already! I’m trying – I haven’t shaved in like 3 weeks
In the nameplate photo the guy next to Hull wearing #5 is Hornung. Another Hornung No. 5? Maybe we need a column about same last names and numbers.
[quote comment=”154985″][quote comment=”154959″][quote comment=”154946″][quote comment=”154922″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
Mark Grace[/quote]
Keith Hernandez
Todd Helton
Billy Kilmer
John Havlicek
Don Meredith[/quote]
Derrik Sanderson of the Bruins..[/quote]
Kevin Bass
Glenn Hubbard
Harold Carmichael
Braylon Edwards
Andy Messersmith
Butch Hobson[/quote]
I think it’s apparent that sports players wear the number 17. But the question was for famous players. Butch Hobson?
I mentioned the Detroit Lions laundry article, but here is the link.
[quote comment=”154981″][quote comment=”154893″]Speaking of mismatched uni numbers, take a look at Bobby Hull’s gloves.
I remember seeing this during the Uniwatch Quiz (is it time for another one?) link wore #3 while playing for the blues and his link had a 3. While playing for the Leafs he wore #18 but his link says either 52 or 62. Same reasoning as for Hull, or different?[/quote]
That has to be a model # as well. Up until the 80s, hockey jerseys were issued 1-30 much like soccer jerseys are. 1, 29, 30 were reserved for goalies, 1-8 for defensemen, and 9-28 for forwards (though rarely did they get above 23ish).[/quote]
There’s a famous Al Ruelle photo of Bobby Orr in his first training camp wearing a gold #27 sweater (as well as a crew cut) with “37” stenciled on his gloves. It’s definitely a rack number or something, as they didn’t issue numbers that high back then. There are pictures in training camp where multiple goalies are wearing 1 or 30, occasionally 29, there’s even one of Jack Norris wearing 17. Nothing higher than 30, though.
[quote comment=”155021″][quote comment=”155000″][quote comment=”154992″][quote comment=”154983″]While looking for pictures of Sal Fasano as a Yankee, I found this: link
Kinda entertaining. Jeter looks like his name should be Ron and he sells pool supplies…[/quote]
Damn, does that reinforce tho fact that I HATE mustaches. Only pedophiles and sailors wear mustaches! (I don’t know why sailors, but I worked for the Navy and they are a furry bunch!)[/quote]
Don’t forget fireman and policemen.[/quote]
Would you grow a mustache already! I’m trying – I haven’t shaved in like 3 weeks[/quote]
Super Troopers
[quote comment=”155023″]
I think it’s apparent that sports players wear the number 17. But the question was for famous players. Butch Hobson?[/quote]
you might know him better by his real name,
clell lavern hobson, jr.
dont most in red sox nation know him that moniker?
[quote comment=”154983″]While looking for pictures of Sal Fasano as a Yankee, I found this: link
Kinda entertaining. Jeter looks like his name should be Ron and he sells pool supplies…[/quote]
Since when is Bobby Abreu, Pablo Escobar?
In Butch Hobson’s defense he was the single-season RBI leader for Red Sox third basemen (112) until Mike Lowell this season. Also, he managed the Nashua Pride to the 2007 Can-Am League (Independent) chanmpionship. Plus the problems he had at a hotel in pawtucket made him notorious at the very least.
[quote comment=”154984″][quote comment=”154966″]Power to the Purple!
‘”Purple people” also are an interesting lot, she says. “People drawn to it tend to be creative and intelligent.”‘
I knew it.
But what about purple people eaters?
The Detroit News Lions galleries have some link with Cleveland wearing their helmet numbers. The gallery, which says it is the 1957 Lions, seems to show guys who played on that team throughout their career. In link Bobby Layne has numbers on his helmet. But I have no idea when it would have been from (or what the shoulder patch is).
[quote comment=”155030″]In Butch Hobson’s defense he was the single-season RBI leader for Red Sox third basemen (112) until Mike Lowell this season. Also, he managed the Nashua Pride to the 2007 Can-Am League (Independent) chanmpionship. Plus the problems he had at a hotel in pawtucket made him notorious at the very least.[/quote]
ahh, yes i forgot about his tryst with the white lady…
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
link of Portugal.
Maybe some more famous 17’s right here?
(credit goes to Wikipedia, as I am not so inclined to come up with this list on my own)
Matt Kenseth’s car number
Dizzy Dean
Chris Chaney
Rod Brind’Amour
Ruud van Nistelrooy
Cristiano Ronaldo
“Something very odd is going on in link Aside from the defender’s underwear being partially exposed, is that his jersey tag coming loose and falling against his left thigh?”
I think it’s probably the tag on the inside of his pants. On every pair of football pants i’ve ever worn since grade school, there’s been a flap on the inside that goes behind the laces on the fly. It’s usually only sewn on one side and it looks in that picture like it’s only sewn in on the bottom corner. If you don’t tie the pants up and buckle the belt, that flap can, uh, flap around.
..oops… beat me to Ronaldo by a whole two minutes! curses! :)
[quote comment=”154997″]i still cant believe that from yesterdays conversation of obscure quarterbacks, no one has named babe laufenberg[/quote]
I did. Look again.
Actually on second look… I’m not so sure. Might be the jersey tag or his pants. I’m stumped.
whoops…. i was just late to the party in general as it turns out…. my apologies to dm00n. :)
How awesome are these jackets?
Are teams still issued link? I used to love those things, but I could imagine Reebok turning them into some sort of pimpcape.
Finally, now link is a throwback.
From todays Tennessean
Local players (Preds, Vandy, Titans etc) who wear #10
Payne Denman of DeKalb County
try this link for the high school kid with cool socks
Babe Laufenberg was mentioned yesterday. Vito “Babe” Parilli, on the other hand, was not.
[quote comment=”154962″][quote comment=”154859″]Re.Bobby Hull’s gloves.
The “627” on the gloves were the model
number of the gloves. I believe that those gloves are a Windwell make and the rest of his teammates
wore the same model glove because,the manufacturers usually distributed the gloves to the teams and the players wore whatever was avaliable.[/quote]
Correct. I have a pair of WinnWells and Nike’s departure makes me wonder if Canstar’s old brands will show up again: Cooper, WinnWell, Micron/Mega, Christian, etc.[/quote]
WinnWell is still around in a small capacity, i just bought a pair of new 1970’s style shoulder pads since my noncheck league requires from nonsensical reason.
An addendum to the World’s Champion jerseys of hockey lore: the 1975-76 Flyers “Stanley Cup Champion” jerseys, worn only for a pre-season photo-shoot and then stripped of the patch, because the players felt it made them targets for retribution.
[quote comment=”155054″]An addendum to the World’s Champion jerseys of hockey lore: the 1975-76 Flyers “Stanley Cup Champion” jerseys, worn only for a pre-season photo-shoot and then stripped of the patch, because the players felt it made them targets for retribution.
id say thats the birth of the nba finals, superbowl, world series and stanley cup jersey patches.
[quote comment=”154883″][quote]- Time was when front uniform numbers were pretty common. My favorites are here and here, because I love the way the Bruins put the “B” on their sleeves, turning the current number/crest relationship on its head.[/quote]
This got me thinking about the World League of American Football in the mid 90s (pre NFLE days) when some of the teams had link like hockey. I remember that at the time, I thought it was the coolest thing since striped socks! It didn’t seem to help attendance though. Did anyone else think that was cool?[/quote]
I loved those — I grabbed a #95 Frankfurt Galaxy shirt at half price ($29.95 then, probably less now if you can find one) and still wear it on occasion. Paul wouldn’t like the color, but I think it looks fantastic. #95 (the year) in the corner and a massive spiral galaxy on the front.
Also, what exactly is the Yankee team policy on facial hair and how long has it been in existence? Obviously, there was no restriction while Don Mattingly was playing up through 1995, but he is now cleanshaven. Coach Ron Guidry, however, still sports a mustache. Is it an ‘unwritten’ policy?
Correct me if im wrong but the yankees policy is that you can have facial hair but it cannot go below your chin.
Right. It was the same policy that Willie Randolph had with the Mets in the 2006 season. He ended this policy in 2007.
Maybe it’s time to bring back that restriction.
No, I’m pretty sure the restriction is that your facial hair cannot go below the corners of your mouth, ie, you can have a porn ’stache, but not a Fu Manchu, a Van Dyke, a soul patch, etc.
Also – “Mattingly, shave those sideburns!”
Definitely a ‘no’ on the fu manchu as evidenced by Sal Fasano.
Fasano with the Phillies: link…
Fasano with the Yankees: link…
But as evidenced by Goose Gossage, they haven’t always had or strictly enforced the policy.
Yanks facial hair policy was never as Draconian as the Reds of the ’70s and ’80s. John Franco’s thoughts about the Reds policy, “It’s a wonder they let you keep your eyebrows.”
[quote comment=”155043″]Actually on second look… I’m not so sure. Might be the jersey tag or his pants. I’m stumped.[/quote]
It’s the patch on the pants. You were right on about the flap. His jersey wouldn’t have the patch b/c it has been cut.
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
John Havlicek
[quote comment=”155028″][quote comment=”155023″]
I think it’s apparent that sports players wear the number 17. But the question was for famous players. Butch Hobson?[/quote]
you might know him better by his real name,
clell lavern hobson, jr.
dont most in red sox nation know him that moniker?[/quote]
Upon further review, I was thinking of another obscure baseball player named Butch- Butch Huskey. But good job, Hobson with the cocaine, that story was new to me.
pistons are using a 50th ann. logo on center court this year. it can be seen in picture 4 inthe slideshow link
[quote comment=”155064″][quote comment=”155028″][quote comment=”155023″]
I think it’s apparent that sports players wear the number 17. But the question was for famous players. Butch Hobson?[/quote]
you might know him better by his real name,
clell lavern hobson, jr.
dont most in red sox nation know him that moniker?[/quote]
Upon further review, I was thinking of another obscure baseball player named Butch- Butch Huskey. But good job, Hobson with the cocaine, that story was new to me.[/quote]
Butch Huskey wore 42
Unfortunately, we’re still stuck with Reebok, which is apparently determined to blaze a new trail in hockey uniform design.
The Chicago Cubs of uniform design, Reebok.
Can they make the Pistons primary logo any smaller?
It looks like a friggin TM symbol…bad work.
Re: the Adidas logo during GBA. I was at the game so I can’t tell you if it’s the camera angle in question, but one of the shots they often go to is of a couple guys in the bleachers holding an American flag (they do this every game, not just the playoffs). On the back wall of this section there a several Adidas logos, so I would assume they often make their way into the picture.
Just had a fearless prediction. At some point, in the future, athletes will wear eye black stickers in the shape of logos (Nike Swooshes, Reebok logos, etc.)
[quote comment=”155063″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
John Havlicek[/quote]
The conversation about link link link and link with link.
[quote comment=”155070″]Re: the Adidas logo during GBA. I was at the game so I can’t tell you if it’s the camera angle in question, but one of the shots they often go to is of a couple guys in the bleachers holding an American flag (they do this every game, not just the playoffs). On the back wall of this section there a several Adidas logos, so I would assume they often make their way into the picture.[/quote]
It was actually a shot of the center field flag and the angle that they shot at got the Addidas flag that was flying next to it.
[quote comment=”154993″]Any information about the Phillies new alternate unforms for 2008?[/quote]
Word on the net is the link.
Sweet, sweet pick.
Word is spreading on uni’s importance. link
Re.Bobby Hull’s gloves.
The “627″ on the gloves were the model number of the gloves. I believe that those gloves are a WinnWell make and the rest of his teammates wore the same model glove because,the manufacturers usually distributed the gloves to the teams and the players wore whatever was avalaible.
As witnessed by the 627 on a pair of WinnWell the Big M’s maple Leafs gloves…
Shit, it that a beautiful uni or what?
Butch Hobson wore link as a player with the Red Sox and wore number 17 as their manager. Number 4 was retired in 1984 in honor of Joe Cronin.
Thanks Paul for featuring my stuff!
Question for Paul and group?
Who was the hockey team to wear colors leather gloves (not natural leather color) in the NHL?
Here’s a picture of the Big M from 1961. The blue gloves are very colorful but when you view shots of the NHL through the ’50’s and even early ’60’s you mostly see the natural leather tone gloves???
Any ideas?
[quote comment=”155071″]Just had a fearless prediction. At some point, in the future, athletes will wear eye black stickers in the shape of logos (Nike Swooshes, Reebok logos, etc.)[/quote]
I posted this two weeks ago:
It talks about eye blacks in the future potentially having Nike and Under Armour logos.
Loser: LeBron James. C’mon, man! No one’s asking you to put an Indians hat on, but do you really need to wear a Yankees cap in Jacobs Field? Really? James told Craig Sager that his favorite teams growing up were the Yankees and the Cowboys. LeBron grew up in the ’90s, when Dallas won three Super Bowls and the Yankees won four World Series. Folks, LeBron’s a front-runner! No wonder he almost went to Duke.
Hope not to see LeBron showing at an Indians ALCS Game in an Indians hat now that they’ve put a can of whip ass on the Yankees (pulling the ol’ switcheroo ala Hillary Clinton with Cubs and Yankees hats) to appease his home city fans…
wow look at this high school picture: link
[quote comment=”155075″][quote comment=”155070″]Re: the Adidas logo during GBA. I was at the game so I can’t tell you if it’s the camera angle in question, but one of the shots they often go to is of a couple guys in the bleachers holding an American flag (they do this every game, not just the playoffs). On the back wall of this section there a several Adidas logos, so I would assume they often make their way into the picture.[/quote]
It was actually a shot of the center field flag and the angle that they shot at got the Addidas flag that was flying next to it.[/quote]
Gotcha. That had to be some camera angle because the Adidas flag isn’t next to the American flag at all. Unless they moved it and I didn’t see it. link.
Whoa. I came across my copy of The Great Book of Hockey last night and was thinking of scanning some stuff and sending it in. CJ read my mind and beat me to it!
I believe the Rangers were the first to have colored leather gloves. There’s an article about it in one of the NHL’s coffee table books on the “Original 6”.
[quote comment=”155095″]Whoa. I came across my copy of The Great Book of Hockey last night and was thinking of scanning some stuff and sending it in. CJ read my mind and beat me to it![/quote]
Dude, when I looked at that again with my Uni Watch eye, it’s like I’d never read the book (looked at the pictures) ever before.
[quote comment=”154942″]The NHL Store has finally opened in NYC. Much smaller than the NBA store. They only have EDGE uniforms, no throwbacks.
I did notice, however, RBK caps including the Rangers Lady Liberty logo, so I guess it may lead to a 3rd jersey next year…[/quote]
It sucks. Unless you root for the Rangers, Red Wings, Bruins or Avs they don’t have crap!!
[quote comment=”155074″][quote comment=”155063″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
John Havlicek[/quote]
The conversation about link link link and link with link.[/quote]
agreed. 100%
and when it comes to mike wallace, the story ends with link putting him in the wall.
about famous 17s…. how about Darrell Waltrip and Matt Kenseth?
[quote comment=”155099″][quote comment=”154942″]The NHL Store has finally opened in NYC. Much smaller than the NBA store. They only have EDGE uniforms, no throwbacks.
I did notice, however, RBK caps including the Rangers Lady Liberty logo, so I guess it may lead to a 3rd jersey next year…[/quote]
It sucks. Unless you root for the Rangers, Red Wings, Bruins or Avs they don’t have crap!![/quote]
They have any AHL affiliate merchandise?
[quote comment=”155104″][quote comment=”155099″][quote comment=”154942″]The NHL Store has finally opened in NYC. Much smaller than the NBA store. They only have EDGE uniforms, no throwbacks.
I did notice, however, RBK caps including the Rangers Lady Liberty logo, so I guess it may lead to a 3rd jersey next year…[/quote]
It sucks. Unless you root for the Rangers, Red Wings, Bruins or Avs they don’t have crap!![/quote]
They have any AHL affiliate merchandise?[/quote]
Nope. They hardly have any Northwest or Pacific division teams merchandise. A lot of Rangers and Red Wings, Some Avs, Some Bruins, a tiny bit of Blackhawks and Habs and Leafs, but not much.
Well this is surely a worthy additional to the site’s Links of Interest. Wow!!!
[quote comment=”154974″][quote comment=”154962″][quote comment=”154859″]Re.Bobby Hull’s gloves.
The “627” on the gloves were the model
number of the gloves. I believe that those gloves are a Windwell make and the rest of his teammates
wore the same model glove because,the manufacturers usually distributed the gloves to the teams and the players wore whatever was avaliable.[/quote]
Correct. I have a pair of WinnWells and Nike’s departure makes me wonder if Canstar’s old brands will show up again: Cooper, WinnWell, Micron/Mega, Christian, etc.[/quote]
Christian hockey is still around. I was just looking at their site. They were never part of Bauer. They closed theri doors in Warrod MN a few years back because they couldn’t compete with the new composite sticks, but Harrow Sports bough them and reopened the old plant. I was looking for a new goalie stick and always loved the old lincoln log sticks they offered link
I love my christian composite stick and more importantly the blades rocked.
Here’s an NFL quiz to try: link Sorry about this not being linked (I tried, I really did), but I’m sometimes computer challenged! Just cut and paste the link into the address bar. It’s fun.
[quote comment=”155100″][quote comment=”155074″][quote comment=”155063″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
John Havlicek[/quote]
The conversation about link link link and link with link.[/quote]
agreed. 100%
and when it comes to mike wallace, the story ends with link putting him in the wall.[/quote]
Eric Hipple
Rick Fox (Lakers version)
John Marzano
[quote comment=”155113″]Here’s an NFL quiz to try: link Sorry about this not being linked (I tried, I really did), but I’m sometimes computer challenged! Just cut and paste the link into the address bar. It’s fun.[/quote]
I had to go look at a coworkers Panthers pennant to get their’s (and I live in Charlotte). Of course it was the SB pennant so the Pats were on it too. Other than that, I didn’t cheat and got them all.
In celebration of their 125th anniversary, Marquette University has a bunch of phots from their olden days up in the library.
link from 1925.
link Note the down and to the left drop shadow.
link around 1900.
link, which was the year the team played in the first Cotton Bowl.
Too bad MU doesn’t have a football team anymore… they look better than many teams of today.
[quote comment=”155113″]Here’s an NFL quiz to try: link Sorry about this not being linked (I tried, I really did), but I’m sometimes computer challenged! Just cut and paste the link into the address bar. It’s fun.[/quote]
I never noticed how pissed off the dolphin looks until I saw this. Also the quiz is messed up it had me getting an 11/12 which is impossible. Also the one it said I got wrong is an obvious one. Any uni-watcher should have no problems with that quiz.
Hey, the link worked and I didn’t even know it!
In regards to the comments posted about the World League jerseys, here’s a terrific London Monarchs replica jersey on ebay with the oversized logo on the front.
Beautiful…just beautiful
[quote comment=”155115″][quote comment=”155100″][quote comment=”155074″][quote comment=”155063″][quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
John Havlicek[/quote]
The conversation about link link link and link with link.[/quote]
agreed. 100%
and when it comes to mike wallace, the story ends with link putting him in the wall.[/quote]
Eric Hipple
Rick Fox (Lakers version)
John Marzano[/quote]
If you call a QB who is out for the season “famous” then I guess you can add Jake Delhomme to the list… he did get the Panthers to a Super Bowl, after all.
Hockey warm up jacket?
[quote comment=”155036″]
The Detroit News Lions galleries have some link with Cleveland wearing their helmet numbers. The gallery, which says it is the 1957 Lions, seems to show guys who played on that team throughout their career. In link Bobby Layne has numbers on his helmet. But I have no idea when it would have been from (or what the shoulder patch is).[/quote]
The last photo with Bobby Layne is from his days with the link.
Hey. I’m looking to find the website that was linked to on here a long time ago. It was a gallery of jersey and logo redesigns a guy had done for several major sports teams as well as some made up teams. If you know what I’m talking about and how i can find the site again that would be great.
[quote comment=”155061″]Also, what exactly is the Yankee team policy on facial hair and how long has it been in existence? Obviously, there was no restriction while Don Mattingly was playing up through 1995, but he is now cleanshaven. Coach Ron Guidry, however, still sports a mustache. Is it an ‘unwritten’ policy?
Correct me if im wrong but the yankees policy is that you can have facial hair but it cannot go below your chin.
Right. It was the same policy that Willie Randolph had with the Mets in the 2006 season. He ended this policy in 2007.
Maybe it’s time to bring back that restriction.
No, I’m pretty sure the restriction is that your facial hair cannot go below the corners of your mouth, ie, you can have a porn ’stache, but not a Fu Manchu, a Van Dyke, a soul patch, etc.
Also – “Mattingly, shave those sideburns!”
Definitely a ‘no’ on the fu manchu as evidenced by Sal Fasano.
Fasano with the Phillies: link…
Fasano with the Yankees: link…
But as evidenced by Goose Gossage, they haven’t always had or strictly enforced the policy.
Yanks facial hair policy was never as Draconian as the Reds of the ’70s and ’80s. John Franco’s thoughts about the Reds policy, “It’s a wonder they let you keep your eyebrows.”[/quote]
That’s a great quote. The Reds’ policy lasted until Greg Vaughn joined the team in 1999. I don’t think that it is a coincidence that the Reds have not sniffed the post-season since losing to the Mets in a one-game playoff that year. The gods of cleanshavenness are punishing the Reds for selling their souls to contend that one last time.
[quote comment=”154916″]Odd Request:
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.[/quote]
C’mon people. Starting pitcher for the D’Backs tomorrow night- Brandon Webb.
anyone else have reviews on the Reebok replica NHL jerseys? I have only heard negative opinions so far. I have a bunch of CCM/Koho replicas and they are all very good quality.
[quote comment=”155087″][quote comment=”155071″]Just had a fearless prediction. At some point, in the future, athletes will wear eye black stickers in the shape of logos (Nike Swooshes, Reebok logos, etc.)[/quote]
I posted this two weeks ago:
It talks about eye blacks in the future potentially having Nike and Under Armour logos.[/quote]
I’m saying that the actual shape of the whole “patch” will be the logo, not just the logo on the sticker. A black swoosh, for example. Just a prediction.
You can see DeSean Jackson’s 2 jerseys here and his bottom one is a small
Whats the JC & KB stickers on the back of the USF Helmets mean?
Great example of logo creep under “Luongo’s New Mask Unveiled!” here.
Look in the middle of the forehead.
[quote comment=”155140″]Whats the JC & KB stickers on the back of the USF Helmets mean?
It’s link for Javon Camon & Keeley Dorsey.
Off the top of your head, how many famous #17s can you think of.
I can’t believe no one’s mentioned link!
Darryl Strawberry wore #17 for his two week stint with the Giants in ’94.
I believe it was John Vanbiesbrouck during the Islander-Ranger game tonight–at about 5:00 into the third–who said that Jagr used to use CCM sticks, but is now using a Reebok stick. Since the Reebok sticks are thinner than the CCM ones are, the trainer for the Rangers had to add extra padding to Jagr’s gloves to off-set the new feel. I find it hard to believe that a Hall of Fame scorer like Jagr would consent to using a different stick for marketing reasons… but that’s what I get out of it. Uni and logo-creep implications abound.
[quote comment=”155139″]You can see DeSean Jackson’s 2 jerseys here and his bottom one is a small
I still don’t think hes wearing two jerseys. It looks like its one jersey that folds over itself…for instance: where is the tag to the “top” jersey?
[quote comment=”155153″]I believe it was John Vanbiesbrouck during the Islander-Ranger game tonight–at about 5:00 into the third–who said that Jagr used to use CCM sticks, but is now using a Reebok stick. Since the Reebok sticks are thinner than the CCM ones are, the trainer for the Rangers had to add extra padding to Jagr’s gloves to off-set the new feel. I find it hard to believe that a Hall of Fame scorer like Jagr would consent to using a different stick for marketing reasons… but that’s what I get out of it. Uni and logo-creep implications abound.[/quote]
Not Beezer. Eddie Olczyk.
Another game on ESPN that looks like a spring scrimmage. Here’s hoping Senator Holtz can tell the difference…
[quote comment=”155130″]Hey. I’m looking to find the website that was linked to on here a long time ago. It was a gallery of jersey and logo redesigns a guy had done for several major sports teams as well as some made up teams. If you know what I’m talking about and how i can find the site again that would be great.[/quote]
link this what you’re looking for?
[quote comment=”154866″][quote comment=”154855″]link. Pants, helmet, etc.[/quote]
Looks like the were pretty close with the link. The numbers seem to match, the throwbacks have TV numbers on the sleeves and they are now short instead of long. Obviously the stripes are no longer going all the way around, but it’s a pretty good throwback, if you ask me.[/quote]
Now those are great. But I don’t see the helmet logo anywhere?..
Interesting to see the disparity in what people consider “famous”…..
The most famous #17 (if only for a quirky trivia question): Carlos “My Jersey Is My Birthday” May.
I doubt its a warmup jacket, its probably more of a road trip jacket. Like today’s minor leaguers wear windsuits on the bus during road trips.
Here’s a little something for Paul and you linklovers.
No way. A guy for Pitt has his area code on his eyeblack. How original.
When UCLA gets to 150 championships, are they going to make the “CL” gold?
[quote comment=”154857″]It’s a good thing I passed by Champs Sports on my way to Borders to pick up the most important book ever written: “I Am America (And So Can You)” by Dr. Stephen T. Colbert, D.F.A.[/quote]
Colbert describes his audience as “It-Getters”. Hmmm….
[quote comment=”155159″][quote comment=”155130″]Hey. I’m looking to find the website that was linked to on here a long time ago. It was a gallery of jersey and logo redesigns a guy had done for several major sports teams as well as some made up teams. If you know what I’m talking about and how i can find the site again that would be great.[/quote]
link this what you’re looking for?[/quote]
yes thats exactly it thank you
[quote comment=”154879″]Photo gallery of Jets in Titan units:
I think they are great.[/quote]
I would’nt want these for every game, but these are a great change of pace. wpould’nt it be cool to have these “titans” play the Broncos wearing their Gold Jerseys and Brown Pants with the vertical striped socks …..
an anybody argue that the Bills Throwbacks worn Monday Night are not 1000 PERCENT BETTER than the crazy current unis with 11hades of blue?
I would love for someone to explain to me the merits of the current Bills unis, starting with the way too busy red helmet (and don’t give me that red helmet helps the QB foolishness – dozens of teams wear white helmets and prosper at every level)
Then there’s the NAVY BLUE blase’ “quality” of the jerseys, and the monochrome idiocy of the pants. On it goes to strive for even mediocrity.
I live in New Orleans and I’d still pay to se the Bills go back to their classy throwbacks on a full-time basis.
When I first read the headline I thought, “Paul will love this!” Boy was I wrong……or was I?
Two goalies made their NHL debut last night and neither had their masks painted in time. Montreal’s link went all-white while Ottawa’s link wore his University of Wisconsin mask.
[quote comment=”155195″]Two goalies made their NHL debut last night and neither had their masks painted in time. Montreal’s link went all-white while Ottawa’s link wore his University of Wisconsin mask.[/quote]
More(?) importantly, they both got the win.
[quote comment=”155194″]When I first read the headline I thought, “Paul will love this!” Boy was I wrong……or was I?
If its not too late, link for today. Never has the phrase “lesser of two evils” rang so true.
OK — you motivated me. It was a balmy 54 degrees when I drove my son to school this morning, and I had a break in the action, so I ventured up to the attic. I’ll be sneezing for a week now, with little to show for it. Alas, I couldn’t find the old Twins yearbooks. This bums me to no end. I have no idea where they may be. I found some other things I saved as a child. For some reason, I guess I determined the 1972 SI with Willie Mays on the cover in a Mets uniform (The Amaysing Mets) to be archive-worthy. I also found the 9.8.67 LIFE Mag with Yaz on the cover, and a good pictorial inside on the 1967 AL pennant race, complete with Killebrew swinging the bat, and Al Kaline hurling his helmet in disgust after being thrown out stealing. A good shot of Gary Peters (W Sox) from the umpire’s perspective; of Ken Berry in a home plate collision with R Sox catcher…Elston Howard; and a good tight shot of Eddie Stanky. You’d think the W Sox had won the pennant with all of the pics in this piece…
Sorry about the Earl Battey pic. As I recall, there was also a great shot of him crashing the side of his head against a metal folding chair while going after a foul ball included in this same yearbook. He as always getting hurt. No surprise that he pioneered the ear flap. He would have worn a hockey mask if he had thought of it. Sadly, these pics will have to be archived in the recesses of my memory. Sigh.
[quote comment=”155039″]Maybe some more famous 17’s right here?
(credit goes to Wikipedia, as I am not so inclined to come up with this list on my own)
Matt Kenseth’s car number
Dizzy Dean
Chris Chaney
Rod Brind’Amour
Ruud van Nistelrooy
Cristiano Ronaldo[/quote]
Darrell Waltrip (although he started his career as 11)
[quote comment=”155036″]
The Detroit News Lions galleries have some link with Cleveland wearing their helmet numbers. The gallery, which says it is the 1957 Lions, seems to show guys who played on that team throughout their career. In link Bobby Layne has numbers on his helmet. But I have no idea when it would have been from (or what the shoulder patch is).[/quote]
it’s the 1959 steelers. the steelers wore rounded numerals on their black jerseys for 1959. the patch is for the pittsburgh bicentennial, celebrated in 1959. if anyone can get a zoom on what exactly the patch says, it would be awesome. as a bit of trivia, the pirates were awarded the 1959 all-star game (game 1) for the pgh bicentennial.
Thanks so much for linking my “Stop-Action Football” video. I’m a huge fan of this site, it’s a real honor. Thanks!
Oops, here is that link again to seeing more football videos with electric football men. Thanks so much!
Oops, link again to seeing more football videos with electric football men. Thanks so much!