The sports world features all sorts of merchandise, most of which is just boring, mass-produced slop. Here at Uni Watch, we’re not opposed to merchandise, but we like to think that ours is more interesting, creative, and fun than most of what’s out there. Here’s what we’re currently offering (for most of the photos on this page, you can click to enlarge):
The Uni Watch 25th-Anniversary Patch

Uni Watch is celebrating its 25th anniversary (orĀ universary, as we like to say around here) in 2024, and we’re marking the occasion with this handsome embroidered patch. We also have the anniversary logo available on T-shirts, hoodies, pint glasses, and stickers. Full details here.
The Uni Watch Pint Glass

Bottoms up! Enjoy beverages in style with our first piece of Uni Watch glassware. Features our circular logo on one side and the winged stirrup on the other. You can order it here (plus we have other pint glass designs here, here, and here).
Uni Watch T-Shirts

Our Uni Watch Online Shop has a wide range of T-shirts (including several more than the ones shown above). Almost all of them are available in multiple color options, and most of them are also available in long-sleeved, sweatshirt, and hoodie models, so click around and explore our full product line. Plus our T-shirt shop also features coffee mugs (again, all of which are available in multiple color options). Check it out here.
The Uni Watch Tequila Sunrise Deluxe Shirt

More than a mere T-shirt, our Tequila Sunrise Deluxe shirt has fully sublimated wraparound stripes in eye-popping colors. A spectacular way of showing that you Get It™! Order it here.
Update: We now have a hoodie version of this design — again, with full wraparound stripes, plus “For People Who Get It™” is printed on the inner pocket:

The hoodie is available here.
Naming Wrongs Shirts

Are you annoyed, or even embarrassed, by stadium and arena names like Guaranteed Rate Field and the KFC Yum! Center? If so, then you’ll love Naming Wrongs, a Uni Watch side project that lets you reclaim your favorite sports venue’s dignity. We have shirts (and sweatshirts, and hoodies) for dozens of MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA, and CFL facilities, and almost all of them come in multiple color options. Browse the full collection here.
Uni Watch Trading Cards

I was going to be featured on my own official Topps trading card, but then MLB put the kibosh on that, so I decided to make my own card instead. Art and design by the amazing Rob Ullman. Each card comes with a piece of the shirt I wore for my Topps photo session, so each card is a relic card. There are also 11 autographed cards — 10 signed in green ink and one in purple — randomly distributed throughout the set, so you could end up with one of those! Additional info and ordering instrux are available here.
Uni Watch Coasters
These sturdy cardboard coasters are made in the USA. They’re available here...