Got this note last night from membership card designer Scott M.X. Turner, who lives in New Orleans:
Each Lundi Gras, the day before Fat Tuesday, the Krewe of Red Beans rolls through various neighborhoods here in New Orleans. The subkrewe I belong to, the Krewe of Dead Beans, honors people and traditions that have left us. This year the theme was sports. Here are some of the suits and costumes krewe members came up with this year.
Scott sent along more than 40 photos, and the costumes — all featuring beans — are so fucking good! Check these out:
That’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Here’s the full set that Scott sent along:
This is all so great. Thanks so much for sharing, Scott!
These are amazing! Seeing these photos totally made my day!
These people are lunatics and I love them.
Is there a connection between Dock Ellis and New Orleans?
No, just two separate krewe members who love Dock.
Always loved how his name could be written “Ellis, D.” (LSD)
Good one! He played on the Yankees and Mets also.
Did not know you live in Nola, Scott! I was there at Dead Beans; would have loved to meet you!
From NO to Mobile, if you can get to a real Mardi Gras parade(next year : – [ ) get there..St Patrick parade next best thing but not the same…
Still wish the Pelicans were The Krewe…