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Category: Merchandising

Our Jerseys %#!*& Suck

An insider look at why some fans hate uniform providers, a guest post by @KcSmurthwaite

More Stories From Jimmy C., And Old Catalog Finds

Good morning, everyone. Can you see our friend Jimmy Corcoran‘s dad King Corcoran in the above photo? Look carefully, because he’s not on the field. “That is the King on …

Come At Me, Brand Police: Athletics and Academia

Guest author KC Smurthwaite shares some stories where design and branding and the protectors of the brand.

How Do You Feel About Buying Merchandise For Teams Other Than “Your” Own?

Would you ever buy a cap or jersey of a team for whom you don’t root?

Let’s Look at These Weird Mid-1990s NFL Mascot Characters

Thirty years ago, the NFL launched a line of goofy-looking cartoon mascot characters, but they never caught on.

Essential Listening: An Interview With Mitchell & Ness’s Peter Capolino

If you care about uniforms, you’re definitely need to listen to this podcast interview. Uni Watch’s highest recommendation!

Oxford Pennant Celebrates NHL License With Big Uni Watch Raffle!

Just in time for the holiday gift-giving season, we have a big prize for a lucky Uni Watch reader.

Meet the Guy Who’s Renting Jerseys to Fans at the Wild’s Arena

An in-depth interview about the ins and outs of the jersey-rental biz.

Packers Acquire Cheesehead Manufacturer Foamation

An item synonymous with the team will now be manufactured by the team.

Suiting Up: A Look at a Custom NFL Suit Lining Catalog

A menswear catalog shows all the different ways you can give your suit the custom NFL treatment.

Should I Make Some Uni Watch Belt Buckles?

I need your feedback on a possible merchandise project.

How ’Bout Them Celtics: Bizarre Cap Mixes Boston and Dallas

Hey, at least the team names both start with “C.”

Falling In Love With Baseball All Over Again

Most of the changes to MLB over the past several years have been bad, but these three new changes are really, really good.

Gashouse’s Sports Catalog Collection, Vol 5: NFL 1978

Click to enlarge Good morning, and happy summer solstice! It’s been a while since we took a look at a vintage sports merch catalog from Kevin “Gashouse” Cearfoss’s collection. We’ve …

Bucco Bruce to Make Long-Awaited Return … Eventually

When the NFL announced last June that the one-shell rule was being scrapped after 2021 and that teams would once again be able to have multiple helmet shell colors beginning …