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Ewww: Maple Leafs Add New Home Helmet Advertiser

The Maple Leafs announced today that they’ve sold space on their home helmet to a Canadian pizza restaurant chain. The advertisement will make its on-ice debut tonight, when the Leafs host the Panthers.

The team’s previous home helmet advertiser was a Chinese video-hosting service. They wore that ad up through the 2023 preseason but then stopped wearing it when the current regular season began. Up until now, the helmets have featured the team’s logo this season. Unfortunately, that situation was too good to last.

Multiple reports indicate that there is no new advertiser yet for the road helmets, so they will continue to carry the team’s logo, at least for now.

(My thanks to Phil for bringing this situation to my attention.)

Comments (13)

    If there isn’t a sponsor, why even put a sticker on the road helmets? Seems odd to see team logos on helmets in the NHL. It’s almost like they’re saying “your ad here” :(

    Whenever I see “pizza pizza” I think of Little Caesar’s and that’s not a good thing.

    I am now in the mood for pizza…

    Funnily enough, Little Caesar’s can’t use, “Pizza, pizza,” in its advertising in Canada because of the Pizza Pizza chain’s trademark.

    So the Leafs’ helmet advertiser competes with their general manager’s father’s chain?

    Not really. Despite the name, Boston Pizza is more of a family restaurant, whereas Pizza Pizza is where you order from for your kid’s birthday party.

    As a journalist (did you ever write for SI…I thought yes for a month but if I am wrong, sorry), may I ask for your reaction to SI (allegedly) using AI?-


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