Some rare good news from the uni-advertising world today, as The Toronto Star is reporting that the Maple Leafs will no longer wear an ad for a video hosting company on their helmets this season. The ad will be replaced by the team’s logo until a new advertiser can be found. Here’s hoping the search is a lengthy one.
The Star report also says that the Leafs, who are hosting this season’s NHL All-Star Game, will have the ASG logo on their jerseys this season. The report did not include a photo of the the logo patch, and the Leafs haven’t yet officially announced anything about this themselves, but here’s the logo:

The Leafs already have an ad on one side of the chest, so the All-Star patch will presumably go on the other side and look something like this:
The Leafs open their season tonight, when they host the Canadiens.
The all star patch looks like the Carl’s Jr. logo.
I don’t like it. Does not look good as a patch or as a hockey logo.
Now all I can think of is Idiocracy
“Welcome to the All Star Game, brought to you by Carl’s Jr.”
“Why do you keep saying that?”
“Because they pay me every time I do!”
Oh wow, great call. Now I can’t un-see it. Basically like another ad without intending to be one!
And the captaincy patch will go….somewhere
Willing to bet it will go on the shoulder
This all star patch is boring. Including a feature that represents the city of Toronto perhaps would have helped like the CN Tower for example.
Agree with the above comments-ASG logo seems like a rushed job. Couldn’t even make the Maple Leaf match the hosting team’s logo?!?
What happened to the cat?
Game on TV right now and the patch is on the shoulder.
Cannot deny it. Montreal Canadiens at Toronto Maple Leafs is classic uniform hockey heaven.