The Denver Broncos earlier today unveiled their 2023 jersey schedule.
We’d known the Broncos would be wearing their new white helmets (over their mono-orange Color Rush [CR] uniform) since last week. But now the team has unveiled the full jersey lineup for the season.
Here’s how it shakes out:
They will wear their primary orange jerseys (with regular blue shell) six times:

Week 1 (vs. Las Vegas), Week 3 (vs. Miami), Week 7 (vs. Green Bay), Week 8 (vs. Kansas City), Week 12 (vs. Cleveland), and Week 17 (vs. Los Angeles Chargers)
They will wear their white jerseys (with regular blue shell) eight times:

Week 2 (vs. Washington), Week 4 (vs. Chicago), Week 6 (vs. Kansas City), Week 10 (vs. Buffalo), Week 13 (vs. Houston), Week 14 (vs. Los Angeles Chargers), Week 15 (vs. Detroit), and Week 18 (vs. Las Vegas)
They will wear their CR (mono-orange with new white helmet) twice:

Week 5 (vs. New York Jets) and Week 16 (vs. New England)
They will also wear their alternate navy jersey (unfortunately from that image we can’t tell if it will be over white pants, or blue pants) once:

Week 11 (vs. Minnesota)
Left unknown is whether or not they will break out any different color pants with either of their primary (orange & white) jerseys. Last season, the team not once, but twice, broke out the white jersey/blue pants look, which was met with much derision amongst fans and uni watcher-types alike.

While the concept of a navy helmet/white jersey/navy pants works most times, because the Broncos have unique striping, with blue stripes down the white jersey and orange stripes on the blue pants, the jarring mismatch is apparent. The orange and white jerseys are both designed specifically to be worn with the white pants, since all have a blue stripe. The team has never worn the primary orange jersey with blue pants — and that would probably look even worse –but you never know if the players will want to mix things up. We can only hope the white jersey/blue pants was a one-year mistake, and that they’ll never pair those again, or attempt the even worse orange jersey/blue pant look.
Here’s a week-by-week breakdown of the jersey schedule (home games in italic)
Week 1 vs. Raiders (Orange)
Week 2 vs. Commanders (White)
Week 3 at Dolphins (Orange)
Week 4 at Bears (White)
Week 5 vs. Jets (Color Rush)
Week 6 at Kansas City (White)
Week 7 vs. Packers (Orange)
Week 8 vs. Kansas City (Orange)
Week 9 Off Week –
Week 10 at Bills (White)
Week 11 vs. Vikings (Navy)
Week 12 vs. Browns (Orange)
Week 13 at Texans (White)
Week 14 at Chargers (White)
Week 15 at Lions (White)
Week 16 vs. Patriots (Color Rush)
Week 17 vs. Chargers (Orange)
Week 18 at Raiders (White)
So it looks like week 11 they’ll be wearing their orange skirt. Got it.
It’s a promo photo… you would think they would make the players fix their grooming and appearance. Tuck in your shirt!
Wow, next to their color rush jerseys that have traditional sleeve stripes and numbers, those other jerseys really look dated now. They really have a late 90’s look to them, even high schools no longer wear those side panels in their jerseys.
that made my laugh Jimmy, so many high schools had that template. its fun that the broncos still have it
My nephew is still playing now at a small college, in four years of his high school carer I saw some pretty awful looking uniforms, but as his high school career was coming to an end, I saw less and less teams with those side panels the Broncos wear. It’s amazing that high school teams have moved on from that dated 90’s template but an NFL team like the Broncos still wear them?
I should have said next to their color rush jersey, since that is the only one in the photo, sorry.
According to lotsa rumors, Denver is getting a makeover next year….
Long-awaited, but may not be a good look with Nike, y,know….
I wonder how much longer nikes contract is with the nfl. The smart thing would be to wait that out and get new unis then.
through 2028. But look for them to extend it before this one is up.
Cannot wait for the make over next season, this uniform has got to go. The orange one is the best looking, even with the white helmet (should have been matched with white pants) but they need new ones as soon as possible. Like the Falcons, Titans, Jets and Cardinals. Oh, wait, Arizona just got new uniforms…they still need newer ones. Side panels belong to basketball uniforms and should stay there.
I think the Broncos were one of the few teams that did a great job with the side panels. They were simple, unique when they came out, and I actually preferred them to their prior set (I didn’t like the lighter blue). I like their color rush, but I prefer the blue helmet and didn’t think they needed to add another helmet into the mix…that said, I’m interested to see it on the field.
Orange tennis skirts with the blue alternate jerseys.
It’s become clear that Nike is all about the floppy skirt trend. Another reason to hate them.
Why would they pick the Vikings to wear their navy jerseys against? I think orange against purple would look better, and the navy would pair up better against a team with more contrast like the yellow of the Packers or the red of the Chiefs.
If you look closely in the photo at the top of all of the uniforms, you can see a little white Nike logo underneath the Navy Bronco’s orange skirt. That would a white logo on Navy pants, suggesting we’re getting the awful mono-navy for that game
That must be a white logo on Navy pants*
Sadly, the Broncos caved to the “Icey White” trend last weekend against the 49ers. Gone were their unique blue socks with the orange stripe, replaced by all white tights. When is this going to stop? Team socks make such a big difference.
Let me take you back. Sicily. The 1970’s. The Denver Broncos played a football game. They only wore one uniform. No one complained.
The orange “color rush” jersey is their primary home jersey next season it’s got to be. Not with matching orange pants, or the white helmet, but that jersey is the obvious go to for next season. Then just use that template to make white and navy versions. Match all 3 with white pants, match the navy alt with the white helmet, orange primary and white away with a navy helmet, that’s your set. This isn’t complicated, it’s obvious.
There are not many things in my life right now that bother me more than the sloppy underskirt.