A new video game patch appears to walk back an earlier video game leak.
Category: Video Games
MLB Apparently Reviving Postseason Jersey Patches (but not on sleeve)
If so, it would be the first appearance for these patches since 2019.
Madden NFL 24 Rollout Plagued by Slew of Uni Glitches
For the box cover photo to the hype trailer, yesterday’s release was a major fail from a uni standpoint.
Video Game Shows New Unis for Jackie Robinson Day
Good morning! April 15 — just 11 days from now — is Jackie Robinson Day. It’s also the 75th anniversary of Jackie breaking the big league color barrier and the …
Designing Your Own Soccer Club in FIFA’s ‘Ultimate Team’
Click to enlarge [Editor’s Note: Today we have an entry from our own Jamie Rathjen, who’s going to enlighten us on two topics I know nothing about: soccer and video …
Uni Watch Craft Project: Tecmo Super Bowl Cross-Stitch!
Click to enlarge — it’s worth it! When the Chargers announced their new primary jersey and new facemask color last week, most fans were happy. But Charles Wagner, a longtime …
Never a Dull Moment in Topsy-Turvy NBA Uni Scene
Click to enlarge Lots of NBA news yesterday, kids. One thing at a time: 1. In a move that had been widely expected, the Hornets became the second team to …
A Madden-ing Situation
As most of you probably know by now, I’m not a video gamer. I have nothing against gaming, mind you, but it’s never been my thing. Even back when video …