My next quarterly installment of “Ask Me Anything” — the series where you can ask me a question about uniforms, about Uni Watch, or just about me — will be coming up next month. Although it will appear on Substack, it will not be paywalled.
If you’d like to submit a question, feel free to email it here. One question per person, please. I look forward to seeing your queries!
Best Question Ever: from The Natural… along with the best answer ever….
Roy Hobbs complaining: “I coulda been better….I coulda broke every record in the book.”
Roy’s Girlfriend: “Then What?” << ("Best Question Ever)"
Roy: "And then…and then when I walked down the street, people would have looked and said there goes
Roy Hobbs, the best there ever was in this game."
It’s funny you mention that. There’s a similar question in another Robert Redford movie, ‘The Candidate,’ which is about a long-shot candidate running for U.S. Senate. After a hard campaign, he unexpectedly wins. The movie ends at his victory party, where he pulls aside his top advisor and says, “What do we do now?”
Ah yes.The most miserable existence.
Being great.
And yet, feeling miserable because you feel like you could have been better.
It would be interesting to know how many athletes ( and who) go in to their final days feeling this way.