Last month there was a leaked photo that showed a bunch of new NBA City Edition designs, including a partial view of the Heat’s new “Heat Culture” jersey. As you can see above, we now have a view of the full jersey. (The term “Heat Culture” is a catchphrase associated with the team.)
Here’s the rear view:
The trim appears to say, “Nastiest, Hardest Working, Best Conditioned, Most Professional,” and something else I can’t make out (maybe “Unselfish”?):
I’m not sure what the marks inside the “Culture” lettering are supposed to represent. Smoke? Roots? Here’s a closer look:
(My thanks to Justin Adler for letting me know about this one.)
NBA team are already scraping the bottom of the barrel to get a new jersey idea each year. I’m not sure why the NBA doesn’t get this dilutes each teams identity.
I’m $ure Nike’$ an$wer would be $omething along the line$ of “we don’t $ee it!”
the fact that its hung in front of some kind of chicago bulls banner says a lot about the design
I think this has more to do with the leaker than the NBA or the Heat. I remember seeing that in another one of these city edition leaks this past week or maybe last.
Yeah, seems like whoever leaked all this piled a bunch of stuff on a Bulls rug and just snapped pics. Odd that they didn’t all come out on the same day, so clearly this is a coordinated effort and a sloppy one at that.
Congratulations, gold Kings uniform. You are no longer the worst look in NBA history.
The Dallas Mavericks trash bag uniforms would beg to differ.
The culture looks like some sorta iron or marble motif representing “blue collar work ethic” or some such nonsense, I’m sure.
The words on the side? A Pat Riley quote.
“The mission statement, from Day 1 of the Riley era in Miami in the mid-1990s, has been the same: That the Heat will be the “hardest-working, best conditioned, most professional, unselfish, toughest, meanest, nastiest team in the NBA.”
Agreed it’s a stone look but I don’t get a blue collar connection. I think it reads clearly as being related to “culture as a strong foundation” or “rock solid” which seems more obvious and connected to the phrase.
The irony to me is it looks more like cracks in a foundation because the pattern isn’t super overt.
You know, I think I’d rather teams have big ads on their jerseys than this nonsense.
Yeah, a big ad answers the question “why?” much better than this does.
Can’t keep up with all the NBA uniform drops…and I’m extremely thankful for that.
Uh, ok.
Might be a marbling effect on the “culture” lettering? Yeah, not sure.
This is a real stretch either way. This uniform program has been in place for, what, 6-7 years? And as has been made evident by a lot of these designs, they’ve already run out of ideas.
This design should be a T-shirt that they give to new hires at an orientation picnic. And they are reaching if they think the heat have enough ownership of the concept of a team “culture” that THEY should put it on their jersey.
Also they spelled Damian Lillard’s name wrong on the back of that jersey. Oh, wait…
Getting more ridiculous by the day, these new NBA uniforms that look like cheap knockoffs. The marble thing in the word culture is trash chic. If this is supposed to be culture it is the culture of tackiness and gaudy attire. I can see moronic Heat fans screaming culture at each other across the street.
Heat will speed up the growth of a bacteria culture.
Wow they are out of ideas…..