By Phil Hecken
Today we’ll be taking a look at the fifth set of uniform submissions for the Lewis & Clark Design-a-Uniform Contest, for the team known as the “Lookouts.” If you’re not familiar with the contest, please give that a read. The contest’s creator, W. Ross Clites will be asking readers to design uniforms for all of the teams in the Lewis & Clark League, and thus far we’ve asked for submissions for a total of seven teams. We’ve looked at the “Captains,” “Diplomats,” “Explorers,” and “Governors,” and today, we’ll see the concepts for the “Lookouts”
Two other teams have been put to readers for concepts, the the Navigators and the Pathfinders. If you’d like to submit your concept for either team, the deadline for submissions for the Navigators is Wednesday, April 2 and the deadline for submissions for the Pathfinders is Wednesday, April 9. Tomorrow, Ross will have a short write-up for the eighth team, so make sure you check back then!
At this point I’ll turn it over to Ross, who will go over the guidelines for voting, and then I’ll be back with some final words before we take a look at the entries from our contestants. Here’s Ross (these guidelines will likely accompany each set of voting):
Alright boys and girls, here is how the voting is going to go for each Lewis & Clark Baseball League team:
1. The hierarchy of importance goes primary logo, then uniform design, and then all rest (i.e. hat design, secondary logos, etc.) Cast a vote for the design with your favorite primary logo, first and foremost. Do not fault someone for going outside the design guidelines. Changing a wordmark or adding a third color is not a disqualifier for good thought process.
2. Your votes will take the field of applicants down to a final two per team.
3. We, the LCBL Executive Board will make the final decision on the winning proposal. However — and this is big — design is never complete and collaboration is paramount to success. We will likely settle on a combination of the final two submissions. We might love the logo of one, but prefer the jersey scheme of the other. In this, you will both be winners with full prizes to ensue. The possibility does exist for a total victory, of sorts. One designer could present the best looking jersey, logo, hat, and all the rest. Do not get offended when your submission gets handed back to you with redlined edits. We hate to hand out homework to the winning look, but tweaks may be requested. It is a studio project and not a math equation; the “right” answer takes some massaging of details.
4. With permission from both finalists, our graphics department will meld the two submissions together (if necessary) and place it in our common platform. This is done as a common denominator showcase for all twelve to look uniform when the contest has reached its end.
5. Someone, not even in the top two, could see an element (such as an awesome secondary logo) appear in the final iteration. We would never select the winner based solely on a minor design element, but we will also not let it go to waste. In this, all submissions could be part of a bigger design team. This contest — and frankly this site — was created to identify the best possible combinations of logos and materials in the sports world. This rarely comes from one person’s mind; we will reward any of those that play a part in making our on-field product the best it can be.
Thanks, Ross. A few words about the submissions below:
Some of the contestants sent one single image, others sent multiple images. Some contestants sent descriptions (in some cases, very lengthy ones), others had little or no description. In an effort to make the voting as fair as possible, I have put those who sent multiple images into one single image, and no descriptions of the uniforms will follow. If you’d like to see all the entries for the Governors and their write-ups/descriptions, I have hosted the entire set on Flickr. Keeping in mind Ross’ rules for voting, you may use these as an additional guide in determining which submission(s) you think are the best.
The submissions will be in alphabetical order and voting will follow. You may vote for any three of the concepts below. You may click on any image to enlarge. OK? OK. Here we go:

Bert Ayers:

Matt Blinco:

Scott de Fasselle:

Timothy Fesmire:

Kevin Gaffney:

Alex Giobbi:

Brady Ivie:

Denver King:

Kevin McLaughlin:

Curtis Peddle:

Byran Phillips:

Peter Scharl:

Will Sinnott:
OK, readers. That’s quite an impressive set of contributions! Now it’s time for you to vote. You’ll be allowed to vote for up to THREE (3) submissions. You may wish to scroll up for one more viewing, and write down your favorites.
And now it’s your turn! Make sure to vote for your favorites and let all of the concepters know what you think of their designs. They all put a great deal of effort into this, so tell them how they did (and lobby for your favorites, if you wish).
Thanks to all the submitters ”” we’ll be back next weekend at which time Ross will reveal the winner(s) and how they will adapt the design for the Lewis & Clark league!

Uni Watch News Ticker:

Baseball News: “Check out this eBay item!” says Mike Williams. “The plate umpire must have had a really bad day, it looks like he had NONE of his original equipment for this game. Reverse ID says it is Paul Pryor, and Bob Boone is the catcher. He even seems to have rosin bags on the top of his cleats as foul tip protection!!” … Another very cool eBay item comes from Dennis Hasty, who sends along this vintage wool softball jersey for a team sponsored by the “Third Street Barber Shop.” … “Otey” the Arkansas Travelers new mascot, has made his television debut (h/t Justin Shaddock). … The Marshall Thundering Herd will be doing their military appreciation pandering this weekend (thanks to Clint Richardson). … There’s just so much to love about this 1939 shot of Yankee catcher Bill Dickey (World’s Fair patch, stirrups, rubber band for proper pants blousing). Great photo via Matt Dahlgren). … Kansas wore these beach blanket bingo-esque throwbacks yesterday. … Ryan Mallon “was completely floored today to find that they are now selling REPLICA versions of the MLB BP caps!” Added a flustered Ryan, “That’s not the actual BP caps, that’s a fashion version of the BP cap designs? This seems very derivative.” … Brady Phelps thought this was a “cool on-field logo progression” featuring the partially filled-in logos at Petco Park prior to the opening series. … Speaking of the Padres and Opening Series, they’re going to play in camo on Opening Day Night (you can read more here). In their defense, they do the camo thing every Sunday at Petco. But c’mon, it’s OPENING NIGHT and the whole country (sorta) will be watching. One of Uni Watch’s unwritten rules of Baseball Aesthetics is You Don’t Wear An Alt On Opening Day (or night). … The Rochester Red Wings, AAA affiliate of the Twins unveiled their new uniforms (thanks to Harrison Tishler). … Just in time to make us all jealous, Leo Strawn, Jr. just received his tickets to the Wrigley Field 100th anniversary game. Leo says his seats should be roughly here, so he “should get some good shots of Cubbies warming in the ‘pen, and hopefully get a chance to snag some foul balls (batting practice, but maybe game ball, who knows?).” And, of course, “we get free Chicago Federals jerseys.” No mention of the swag he’s receiving to commemorate all the World Series’ victories the Cubs have enjoyed in the Friendly Confines. … The ULM Warhawks baseball team broke out desert camo caps for yesterday’s game against Arkansas-Little Rock (submitted by Michael Cossey). … Check out where LSU pitcher Baylee Corbello wears her belt buckle (from Doug Simpson). … The Bowling Green “Hot Rods” will wear these jerseys on May 30, their “Relay for Life” night (h/t @Pal3327).

College Football News: Did you know UCF once had a vulture mascot? I didn’t either. The vulture’s name was “Vincent.” You can read a bit more about that here, plus info on some of UCF’s other mascots too. … South Carolina joins the litany of schools who’ll be getting the new Speed Flex helmets this fall. Will Lawson says, “Interesting that some have the decals on and others don’t.” … The University of Illinois will be debuting new uniforms on April 16th (good spot Matthew Robins). Yes, it’s for “many of its teams” but the football uni is the one most in need of replacement, right? … Bo Jackson and Cam Newton jerseys and helmets were stolen from the Jordan-Hare Stadium locker room. Also stolen was the 2010 BCS Championship ball.

NBA News: Yesterday, several outlets broke the news that Paul Pierce is the only player who likes the sleeved NBA jerseys. Which isn’t quite true, since it was reported on Thursday that Jodie Meeks of the Lakers likes them too, and wants to wear them more. Take THAT, LeBron! … Mitchell Barbee writes, “The Nuggets have two players who wear a 0, Darrell Arthur wears 00, and Aaron Brooks wears 0. Has this ever happened before?” I think we’ve documented instances where this has happened before, but we can always use a refersher. Readers?

Hockey News: The Buffalo Sabres have announced they will be retiring Dominik Hasek’s jersey next season. Hasek’s #39 will be the seventh player in franchise history to receive the honor of having his jersey retired to the rafters. … The Dallas Stars wore camo sweaters for military appreciation night pregame yesterday.

Soccer News: Stoke City, who play in the Premier League, are getting new kits for 2014-15, and you can read about those and see more pics in this article. … The Portland Timbers are “starting a cool little series about their equipment manager,” writes Brady Troeller. “Thought you might be interested in this.”

College Hoops News: Reader Jimmy Knodel was at the Sweet 16 in Anaheim Thursday night and saw a couple of interesting things: The cupholders at the Honda Center have ads on the inside for a casino,and there was a piece of blue painter’s tape covering the ad. “On every single cupholder. In front of all 15,000 plus seats. The NCAA had some poor sole [sic], or hopefully a couple of them, put tape on all of them as if we wouldn’t see.” Jimmy also noticed that the concessions workers were pouring water and Gatorade into plastic cups with lids and straws. “At first I thought people were asking for it, then I realized it was probably a dealing with Coca Cola. So they created even more waste to keep competing labels out of the arena.” (Actually, that’s part of the “ONLY NCAA CUPS ALLOWED BEYOND THIS POINT” marketing bullshit). … Jonas Nordman asks if Kentucky player James Young has a “trademarked Nike t-shirt”? … Last weekend I mistakenly labeled this matchup as Tennessee/Michigan. Well, they did play last night, and photo submitter William Hughes noted, “I bet Katherine [sic] loved this one!”

Grab Bag: Did you know there are “lost” Nike commercials? Well, they’ve been found and you can now watch them (thanks, Brinke). … Stop whatever you’re doing for the next two-ish minutes and take a look at this: “Never thought I would live to see a ‘Generic Brand Video’,” writes David Firestone. “But here we are.” Freakin’ genius. … Syracuse is getting new lacrosse unis. … And there is more on that, including this insight from Casey Vock (editor of Inside Lacrosse) who notes, “Sleeveless uniforms for lacrosse, for an actual college game, is a new thing and likely to stir up a lot of discussion. I used to have a saying at grad school in Syracuse: ‘gettin’ loose in the ”˜Cuse.’ This gives that a whole new meaning for lacrosse players.” … Jeremy Brahm asks, “Is this the worst serif for a ‘6’?” This is from the French National Volleyball League and the team in question is Tours. … DC Comics has unveiled a 75th Anniversary Logo for Batman (thanks, Brinke). … Pretty cool idea from a student on how to save money by using the “garamond” font, which uses less ink than other fonts (h/t to Clint Richardson). … And finally, there’s nothing that upsets a UWer more than socks with an apostrophe catastrophe (great find by Ryan Pastrovich).

That’s it for today folks. Make sure you vote for your favorite design in this week’s Lewis & Clark entry. And if you’re looking for the UWFFL, it’s taking a hiatus from Uni Watch, but you can still follow the developments on the uwfantasyfootballleague.com.
Everyone have a great Saturday and I’ll be back with more tomorrow.
Follow me on Twitter @PhilHecken.
“I think it’s a very fair assumption to make that Dan Snyder has done more for Native’s than the people who have come out of the woodwork the past year to smear him and his team without providing a detailed excel spreadsheet about it.”
pressure’s on to get a foul ball, now… ;)
Or at least a nifty scorecard. Enjoy.
I know Wikipedia is not exactly reliable, but it states that numbers 0 and 00 are banned on the same team in the NBA, presumably with the penalty of a technical foul similar to the NCAA rule.
It does provide two examples: “In 2000, Utah Jazz center Greg Ostertag changed from 00 to 39 so Olden Polynice could wear 0 and in 2003, Washington Wizards center Brendan Haywood switched from 00 to 33 so Gilbert Arenas could wear 0.”
I believe it is legal for the sole reason that no team has been penalized for it. Also, officiating.com hasn’t given a response yet either, and the claim on Wikipedia is {{citationneeded}} as of now.
Section VI–Uniforms (Players Jerseys)
a. Each player shall be numbered on the front and back of his jersey with a number of solid color contrasting with the color of the shirt.
b. Each number must be not less than 3/4″ in width and not less than 6″ in height on both the front and back. Each player shall have his surname affixed to the back of his game jersey in letters at least 2″ in height.
c. The home team shall wear light color jerseys, and the visitors dark jerseys unless otherwise approved. For neutral court games and doubleheaders, the second team named in the official schedule shall be regarded as the home team and shall wear the light colored jerseys.
Emphasis mine. This is from the official NBA rulebook. I saw no mention of 0 and 00 on the same team being banned.
The ’88 Nets also had Johnny Moore (#0) and Orlando Woolridge (#00), although they only played 20 games between them and never saw action at the same time.
Re: 0 and 00 on the same team, this also happened a season or 2 back with the 76ers. They employed a zero(Jeremy Pargo) and a double zero (Spencer Hawes) simultaneously.
The ’87-88 Nets had a 0 and a 00…
…but I don’t think they played together.
If the photograph is correct, I believe Leo Strawn’s seats are down the right field line which is the visitors’ side of Wrigley Field so he’ll probably not get the chance to see the Cubbies’ pitchers warming up. One consolation though, given the Cubs’ chances this year, his vision will not be disturbed – sadly – by the visitors’ relief pitchers warming up.
Syracuse lacrosse jerseys sleeveless “for better shoulder movement.” Take note, Adam Silver.
Well Done!
Interesting game Nike chose to break them out for. Notre Dame is a representative of both of Nike’s main competition, Adidas right now, and Under Armour in the near future.
I only hope that these uniforms can help Cuse win at least ONE DAMN FACEOFF!!!
Note to Leo Strawn, Jr.:
Your seats are in front of the visitors bullpen, not the Cubs’.
Oh, forgot they are on 3rd base side in Wrigley. Oh well.
Only MLB park I’ve ever been to was Riverfront (haven’t been to a ballgame at all since strike season in mid-90s.
By default I assumed the first base side was home side because of all those Reds games I went to.
Reds will presumably wear white jerseys for their home opening day game, even though every other home day game they wear the red tops. So it’s not like the Padres couldn’t have an exception to their jersey “rule” on opening day.
The only rule the Padres should have is “wear brown and yellow.”
Dislike Padres’ camo, but at least its brown(-ish)…
Re: Zero and Double Zero… the Toronto Blue Jays did this in the 80s. Al Oliver and Cliff Johnson platooned at DH, Oliver wearing his customary O and Johnson wearing 00.
Wow…it was tough to vote today. Lots of great designs, but I finally narrowed it down to Blinco, King and Sinnott.
Love the color scheme, especially when red is the secondary color.
The “S” on those Syracuse lacrosse helmets looks like a “5”.
Football teams not putting decals on helmets during spring is pretty common at all levels. Usually it’s some type of way to distinguish veteran players from newcomers as they have to “earn” the stickers.
I am personally glad that ‘the 47 FRANCHISE BRAND hats will feature the 2014 BP logos. The unstructured cotton hats are much more comfortable and stylish than the 5950 or 3950 hats (though I do hate that they have added the ’47 on the side panel). Outside of IDEAL & EBBETS, these hats are my favorite to collect, wear and show off.
I agree, and was heading here to post that very sentiment. I’ll never take Batting Practice, so any cap I wear is a “fashion item”. I own about 10 of the ’47 Franchise hats (including the latest made from recycled water bottles with the ’47 logo on the side) and they are my favorite hats by a mile.
The reason those BP hats are “replicas” are because they’re not made by New Era, but by ’47 Brand.
Lukas formal wear.
There are a couple of “lost” (as far as me finding them online) commercials that I’d love to see again. The Molson Canadian one mocking the FoxTrax puck:
The other one I can’t find is the Proline (Ontario, Canada – sports lottery) ‘throwback everything’ commercial:
“Not just throwback jerseys, Jimmy! Throwback everything!” The whole team has to wear vintage equipment and loses big time.
Regarding that volleyball jersey with the weird “6”, I count at least nine things on that uniform that look a lot uglier than the serif on the 6.
None of the above. No, not one. Some of you “designers” should spend time perusing the Dressed To The Nines website and copy ANYTHING from the 1950s or early 1960s. Even the worst baseball uni of that era is light years better than these prototypes.
Yeah, ’cause baseball was invented in the 50s and early 60s.
(rolls eyes)
Sure, that era produced some good looks, but it doesn’t mean *every* team has to look like that…especially a new team and a new league.
Did you even look at the entries? Scott de Fasselle’s is downright old-school. Oh wait…he didn’t change the colors to red and blue like practically every team in the 50 and 60s.
Expand your mind. And be nice.
Expand your mind. And be nice.
Six words that, if taken to heart by all, could make the entire world a much, much better place.
Sorry, I can’t expand my mind to appreciate the steaming, fragrant piles of “design” featured on this website.
Is it just me, or does the “5” on Steve Rogers’ jersey look like it’s in a completely different font?
It is indeed completely wrong. The diagonal “pole” should be vertical.
It’s not you. The “5” is not in the number font that the Expos used in that period.
I wonder if Rogers even realizes this.
1996 (preseason only) – Randy Brown wore #0 and Robert Parish wore #00 for the Bulls. Brown changed to #1 when the regular season started.
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