By Phil Hecken
I’m back again with designer W. Ross Clites, who you will recall had a nifty idea to ‘reshuffle’ the NBA teams, names and divisions last weekend. To refresh your memory, you can check that article out here.
Today, Ross will show you his concepts and take you through his thought-process on how these “new” teams will come to be. Some of the descriptions are a bit text-heavy, so I will post the full write ups as links (which you can click to enlarge) as well as the “moving proposals,” while the “cliff notes” will be inline text.
I think you’ll really enjoy this, so lets get right into it:
The Post-Stern Reshuffled NBA – Part II
By W. Ross Clites
And now, here are your “new” teams:

Charlotte Hornets:
New take on the iconic pinstripes of the Hornets era gone by. Something about the diagonal arrangement spoke to me; all the letters link up well in that classic New York Rangers-style. I never fully got the love affair with the honeycomb iconography that popped up when the team moved to New Orleans. These are not bees; the comb is not the most synonymous thing with the insect. I would argue “nest” is the number one answer, if asked “Family Feud” style. So, if you must display their living arrangements, show the outside of the house and not the inside (my two cents). Either way, give ol’ Hugo six legs — four arms/two legs. Am I the only one that remembers high school biology?
Design Bio/Proposal:

Los Angeles Kings:

I love the early ’70s “Kings” wordmark and the white letters on white uni seem to fit. Very weird putting Kobe Bryant — a “Laker” for life — in this mock-up, but he might as well go out as a king.
Design Bio/Proposal:

Memphis Blues:

I like all my work, but this one could be my personal fave. The “Blues” wordmark is bold, timeless, elegant (but not gaudy), and succinct. It comes directly from a reprinted cover of the famous song’s music sheet; a nice homage and a perfect fit.
Design Bio/Proposal:

Minnesota Lakers:

Kevin Love soon could be wearing a Lakers jersey, one way or the other. I would rather he stay in Minnesota to wear this set. I chose to show restraint on the green in the home uni, while prominently showcasing in the away version. This goes back to my OKC tweak and forging two distinct identities: fan-friendly home, and rough-riding, bad-guys on the road. Not sure that green has that same fierceness, but it does make for a unique look.
Design Bio/Proposal:

New Orleans Jazz:

“Jazz” spelled out in a combination of marine teal and the purple and gold of Mardi Gras… feels so right. This uni would destroy Pelicans gear in terms of team store sales numbers.
Design Bio/Proposal:

Seattle Grizzlies:

The font that the current (and past) Toronto Blue Jays and Memphis Grizzlies use is my favorite to work with. This is especially true with the color palette of Seattle’s green and gold. I refer to the road jersey as the one with the “Twinkie font” — as the numbers and letters look like a section cut through the delicious snack.
Design Bio/Proposal:

Toronto Timberwolves:

Toronto is the fourth largest city in North America and a happening, sophisticated melting pot of many cultures. But to Americans watching the NBA, this team represents all of Canada. Thus, this team has to embody the entire Great White North and not just the cosmopolitan panache of Toronto. That is just my humble opinion, Canada. Creating an identity that is just a representation of the city misses a tremendous opportunity to brand all of the nation’s pro ball. The Huskies have the heritage, but the Wolves have the bright red and white of The Maple Leaf.
Design Bio/Proposal:

Utah Bobcats:

I brought back the mountains! And to really drive home the symbolic responsiveness to Utah’s geographical diversity, the yellow line that adorns the peaks on the front of the jersey carries through to the back, where it figuratively becomes the plains of the Salt Flats region. The players are like a walking relief map of the state.
Design Bio/Proposal:

Well, I hope you enjoyed my work and my long-winded explanations. I have been conditioned to have reasons for every single thing I have ever designed, so (even if it is just for my own personal validation) I must write out why a move like this should happen. “Because it looks cool” should not be good enough for you, either. As a Uni Watch community, question the rationale behind everything you come across on this site. Contrary to Nike’s belief that we are one step behind the design process — and can only idly react to what they force down our throats — I feel we have the power and responsibility to stop unfounded products, such as Oklahoma City’s alternate jersey
Thank you.

Well readers — there you have it. Tremendous effort and execution, Ross! OK, now it’s your turn. What say you?

Colorize This!
Occasionally, I will be featuring wonderful, high-quality black and white photographs that are just begging to be colorized.
Just three colorizers today, but it’s still an outstanding set. Here we go.
Click on each image to enlarge.
We begin today with George Chilvers, who has not one, not two, but THREE colorizations for us this weekend:

An early starter for next time, Phil.Not football as we know it, but rugby union, and with the British Lions team (a conglomerate of players from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales) currently touring Australia we go back here to the very first Lions team there in 1888. A couple of uni-notable points – although the team now wear red jerseys, white shorts and navy socks with green tops – to encompass the colours of all the constituent teams, – then they stuck to red, white and blue. I have however gone against convention in this picture believing that I know better than the so-called experts. A few years ago a replica jersey was produced and you will see the hoops are from top down blue, red and white. However I believe this is a misreading of the tones (ie a belief that darkest must be blue, mid-tone is red) when we know from past discussions that because of the way film emulsions handled colour red is the darker tone, and blue came quite light. So I have stuck with that. Of note though is that one player seems to have the colours reversed, and in doing this picture I note that the sleeves vary in their patterns.
Many players wear caps, the majority being the cap from the tour — although a few seem to stick with their countries’ cap, and one chap at the back has a definitely lighter cap which I have taken to possibly be Cambridge University light blue. See as well the guy second from the left sitting on the ground who appears to be wearing a tie.
There is another noteworthy point about the picture though, which you may get a hint of by the black armbands and the gap in the centre of the picture. A short time before this picture was taken (a game against Queensland) the captain of the touring team, Bob Seddon, had gone sculling alone up the Hunter River in New South Wales, and was found drowned by a couple of his team mates some time later. The team in the picture left a memorial space for him in the team photograph. The current Lions team visited his grave as they began the tour.

Hi Phil,
Another one for you and the lovely Uni Watch readers, and this is a sport that doesn’t appear here often, or in fact maybe ever.
We are winged back to the days of the British Empire and the Indian Raj, to 1925 and the sport of polo. This is the winning team at the Open Polo Tournament in Bombay (now Mumbai), and HE The Governor’s Staff (Jack Robinson, Hugh Lucas, Claude Pert and Lakpat Singh) who beat the team from Bhopal by five goals to three in the final. I’m not sure if it’s just coincidence, or has some deeper significance, that one of the players’ trophies doesn’t appear to have a plinth. It must be said though that the winning trophy is a magnicent example.
Best wishes to all

Hello once again, Phil – for the third time this week.
Now before people think that colourising is quick and easy and that I am just churning them off the conveyor belt, the reality is that they take quite a while and I often have a few “on the go” at any time, as I start some, get a bit bored, think this one isn’t really going to work, or just can’t get round to finishing off the fiddly bits. So the ones I’ve sent this week are some I’ve finally got round to finishing off.
And number 3 is another sport under-represented at UW – rowing. And we go to the Emerald Isle (wake up at the back there, Connie) to Waterford Boat Club. Now the National Library of Ireland whose magnificent Flickr account is a source of brilliant photos dates this at 1915, but I think that’s too late and I would hazard a guess at about 20 years earlier – certainly Victorian era, I really enjoyed doing this one as there are so many lovely colourising elements: the trophies are magnificent, and I thought I’d make a couple gilt. The backdrops are superb. The rowers’ shoes are ordinary outdoor shoes – no Nike swoosh for them. And I really do hope that the guy two from the left standing wasn’t responsible for steering as with his eyes the boat would take some very odd directions.
I think that’s all for this week – I’ll see what else I have on the go that I can try to finish off.
Next is another colorizer-extraordinaire, Pete Woychick. Pete also had a couple of colorizations, sent to me in one tidy e-mail:

Hi Phil””Both of these originals are from the Vintage Sports Pictures site (here and here). Many of us have no trouble “seeing” those images in color as-is, but I couldn’t resist.
QBs””Someone here recently said how good football jerseys look with sleeves, and this photo may be Exhibit A. The cleats of Brodie and Jurgensen have torn through the white paper backdrop. Wait, Sonny Jurgensen on the Eagles? Who knew? The Browns Milt Plum strikes me as a cross between Jim Parsons (“Dr Sheldon Cooper”) and Jimmy Fallon.
I later stumbled across another photo (this one in color ”¦ D’oh!) obviously from the same Life magazine photo session.
RB””Larry Brown ran for 101 yards and a TD and Sonny Jurgensen threw three TDs as Washington thumped the visiting Lions, 31”“10 (October 11, 1970). This was a mild upset, as Detroit went on to finish 10”“4 on the season, while Washington went just 6”“8.
We close today with Paul Doherty, who colorized one of the reader-submitted Fathers Day photos (which had been sent in by John Adomatis):

Here is a colorization of the great football player.
I guessed wildly at the colors.
Paul M. Doherty
That’s it for today. Thanks as always to George, Pete and Paul. Lets keep those colorizations coming Uni Watchers!

Stirrup Fridays…
Because we love the stirrup here at Uni Watch, this section is devoted to those of us who sport the beautiful hose on Fridays — a trend popularized many years ago by Robert P. Marshall, III. For many of us, it’s become a bit of an obsession, but a harmless one — a reflection of our times. Where we once had Friday ties, which has been replaced by Casual Friday — we now have Stirrup Fridays. It’s an endearingly simple concept — no matter where you work (or even if you don’t) — break out a fresh pair of rups to compliment (or clash with) your Friday attire.
Just a small set for today, which might have something to do with the warm weather most of the States is experiencing these days — but the Revolution will not be deterred!

James Poisso:
I really dig these custom colored stirrups Commrad Robert offered a few months back. Problem with cream stripes and not white is that a white sani stands out too much in contrast. Wearing black made for an intetesting look.
James Poisso

Ted Machnik:
Rob & Phil:
In honor of today’s Blackhawks’ victory parade, I’m wearing these socks at work. These colors don’t run..!!!
All the best,

Comrade Marshall:
As I mentioned last week I have been helping a friend with a mural project here in Chicago. This week we formed the United Mural Workers of Chicago because we want two cervezas with our tortas at lunch. I am sure all will be happy to hear the UMWC won it’s fight for more beer on the job. But on Friday the union was faced with real adversity, and I had to call for a general strike because Señor Villa is unfair to stirrups. Strike! Strike!

Eric Travers:
Here’s my son sporting the 59 rups at his Connie Mack game last night.
He looked great pitching with them on.
And that ends today’s look at Stirrup Friday — all of you who participate, send me your pics and a brief (~50 words) description of their relevance, and I’ll run ’em here on Saturday (and sometimes Sunday too!). Be sure to visit Robert’s House of Hose for news on rups.
And now…here’s …

Comrade Marshall’s Rupdate:
I put the Pilots/45s order in before I even offered it up here, but it looks like we didn’t get to finishing by Friday like I had hoped, and they give the factory workers the week of the 4th off, so it looks like they won’t get here until the week after Independence day. I would be frustrated, but how can I be when everyone is getting a nice vacation from the drudgery of knitting. So hopefully everyone that ordered last week is fine with the usual 3 week turnaround. Sorry, I tried.
As far as stirrup Friday goes, I am looking forward to some killer Independence day shots next weekend. Still, I know that a camera, and the right situation does not always come together, but hopefully it does for some, might even have to have multiple winners if need be. As for this weeks winner of the buy one get one free Stirrup Friday shot of the week, yesterday I had mural work, my typical Friday Post Office stirrup visit, fixing the site for the weekend, and of course umping Friday night until 12:30EST. So in order to not make our boy Phil wait for me to pick a winner, I am just going to let him give the who and why of this weeks winner, take it away Phil.
[Phil Here] Thanks Comrade. Seeing how the pickins were slim this week, I’d have to say that our own Comrade Marshall would take this week’s prize — but he’s obviously ineligible. So, since James Poisso, who is as dedicated to the revo as anyone has already been named a winner, I think we’ll split the offer to our two other revolutionaries — being they are from the Windy City ‘n all. I hope Robert isn’t too upset with me for the extension of the BOGO offer to both. –Cheers. And now back to RPM
Happy Independence Day to all next week, and keep up the fight for the right proper aesthetic for the country in the face of adverstiy.
As always…
From each according their stirrvp, to each according his strype.

That’s going to do it for this last Saturday in June. Big thanks (again) to Ross for his tremendous lede, and of course to the colorizers and stirrupers. I hope to have a full report on today’s Seattle/Chicago (Cubs) game during which both teams are throwing back, with the Cubs wearing one of my favorite uniforms, (and one which one of my first-ever posts on Uni Watch was about), with vertical placket lettering:
Your first look at the early 1900s uniforms for Turn Back the Clock Day on 6/29. Tix: https://t.co/Hx6Es8gxgO pic.twitter.com/20l5VNuEtm
— Seattle Mariners (@Mariners) June 7, 2013
If anyone is AT the game, could you please tweet or e-mail me any photos you may take? Those not at the game but watching it on TV — I’d love to have some screen shots. OK? OK!
I’ll catch you all tomorrow — have a great day.
Follow me on Twitter @PhilHecken

“Arguing that George Custer is being bobbleheaded in recognition of his Civil War service is a little like saying people remember Son of Sam for being a reliable mailman.”
–Cort McMurray
Fourteen starting quarterbacks in one place doing that? Soooo cool.
And after what seems like a lifetime of computer-assembled photo montages which look real, I had to triple-check to believe what I saw.
Seems we’ve lost something with all these newfound abilities.
(Of course, I remember when beer companies had “NFL Preview” pamphlets printed up and distributed in August, poring over them looking for helmet changes. Now I don’t have to wait.)
What an awesome picture! Very cool. Why can’t they make versions of today’s jerseys with sleeves? Enough players wear compression gear underneath that go down their arms, so why can’t they be part of the jersey?
Noe ont left-hander among those 14 quarterbacks!? Were they still slapping left-handed kids with rulers back when those QBs were in grade school?
The Seattle Turks, because Native American nicknames aren’t enough.
Here’s an interesting parallel between the old Seattle Turks and the Native American team name controversy of today:
“While Dugdale’Â’s 1909 club is generally referred to today as the “Turks,” Seattle newspapers of the time steadfastly avoided using the nickname in connection with the team in any of their game accounts.”
Found in link about the Mariners’ “Throwback Day” celebration plans.
Here’s link proposing an orign of the team’s name.
“Young players contributed to the team’s first-[lace finish with a handsome 109-58 mark. Local newspapers praised the team for “playing like Young Turks.” Capable and aggressive young men were known in this era as “Young Turks.” The “Young Turks” were a reformist, nationalist, revolutionary group in Turkey, comprised mostly of young men–some of whom were military school students–who demanded an end to the Ottoman Empire.”
From the book, link, by Richard Worth. (As a side note, this looks like it has the potential to be a fascinating book that would be of real interest to the Uni Watch community. I just stumbled across it myself trying to find more information about the Seattle Turks, and I have to say, my curiosity is piqued!)
This explanation make some sense to me as a history buff. Certainly, the term link has continued to have traction as a descriptive for members of various youth-oriented political and social reformist movements.
I’m having trouble reconciling the two different stories of the Seattle media’s reaction to the team’s name, however. Worth suggests that the name originated with the local press, while the SportsPressNW.com article I mentioned in my post above makes it sound like the media wouldn’t touch the name with a ten-foot pole. The two narratives aren’t necessarily contradictory, but I’d like to know the rest of the facts that would explain how both accounts are true.
Here’s another quick bit of research that muddies the waters about the Seattle Turks’ name and histocial reactions to it. Check out this headline and story from the Spokane Daily Chronicle’s June 30, 1910 edition: link
Granted, Spokane and Seattle are almost 300 miles apart. But why would the Spokane media of the day have no problem using the Turks nickname, whereas the Seattle media purportedly eschewed it? Moreover, according to link and link link, the Seattle team was known as the Giants in 1910. Strange.
Let’s assume that the comment about not seeing “Turks” in the Seattle papers came from someone who looked through them. Note that nothing on the uniforms references any nickname, which was also common with major league uniforms back then.
It may be that a writer started referring to the “Young Turks”, others picked up on it, there were complaints to the Seattle papers, and they stopped using the nickname locally. If the Spokane Chronicle didn’t hear those complaints, they may have stuck with the nickname.
I noticed the lack of nickname on the uniforms as well. It’s my understanding that team names in the first few decaded of professional baseball were fairly informal – fluid, not necessarily exclusive of other, concurrent nicknames, and often bestowed upon the team by local sportswriters. That could easily explain the birth of the “Turks” nickname for the Seattle team.
What makes less sense to me is why local sportswriters would refuse to call the team “the Turks.” Seattle’s minor league teams had variously been referred to (before and after the “Turks” moniker) by such names as “Chinooks,” “Indians,” and “Siwashes” (a regional term for Native Americans). What, then, would make “Turks” so unpalatable to the local populace that they would compplain to the papers? Or to the area sportswriters that they would, of their own accord, refuse to print the term? Surely it wasn’t offended sensibilities or concerns about ethnic insensitivity.
Great job Phil and Ross.
It’s such a logicial transition – someone in the NBA office must by saying – yeah that makes a whole lot more sense than the illogical mess we have on our hands today.
As someone who lives in the Toronto area, while Toronto sports team (Blue Jays and Raptors in particular) try to brand themselves as Canada’s team, it does face a push back from the rest of Canada, who tend to resent Toronto self important view. Note – the Raptors adopting a dominantly red/black colour scheme was viewed very much in that vein, as red/black our the colour of most of Canada’s national teams.
Great concepts Ross, however I have issues with what you’ve done with Utah.
You noted that your scheme, utilizes the “leftover” name Bobcats. Did you consider using the name you discarded in the grand design, the Raptors?
Just as the National Park Service has National Historical Park for Jazz in New Orleans, it also manages Dinosaur National Monument which spans the Utah/Colorado border.
Yes, the name is a bit silly, but is isn’t boring like Bobcats. The current logo is horrible, but the name does present some interesting possibilities for re-imaging.
Yeah, I was on the fence about the Utahraptor? It is such an off-putting name, albeit historically based. The raptor logo would really have to up its game to win me over.
You can certainly make the argument that the bland “Bobcats” (and not the “Raptors”) should have been the one exiting the closed system I constructed.
Utah Salt-Lakers, then find something else for Minnesota. :)
I really fell in love with the idea of the Utah Lakers or some facsimile thereof, but I couldn’t do that to Minneapolis. The whole concept of this project was the “right the wrongs.” I had to put the Lakers back there, even though I was tempted.
I was watching old episodes of Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego the other day on YouTube.
I really enjoy the swapping of the identities between the teams out west. It makes sense. The NBA will never do it.
I really liked the nba concepts Ross. However I always really like the sonics name and think it might be a better fit that grizzlies.
That’s why the Sonics logo is in the Compromise Western Conference to finish the whole article.
What’s a tuna, a saltwater fish, doing in the Minnesota Lakers’ concept?
Tuna hotdish is one of Minnesota’s state casseroles.
(I may be kidding; I don’t even know anymore.)
Chinook Salmon, maybe? A tuna to symbolically show the jump from the Pacific Ocean back to Minnesota? My bad. Hope that is the extent of the oops.
I think a little tweak to make the fish look more like a link, Minnesota’s state fish, and then the design would be close to perfect.
Amazing job, Ross. I especially love the Memphis blues concept. Those shorts would immediately be the best in the league to me, even better than Chiago’s!
*Chicago’s. Damn C button is taking the weekend off apparently.
Chiago does sound quite exotic though, Coleman.
it would be cool if you could fit a vertical trumpet into the side of the shorts or under the armpits
I like the concept of moving some of the names around so they make sense. I never liked the Grizzlies in Memphis for example, and love the idea of the “Blues”. I do have some concerns though. With New Orleans, I think you are being a little harsh on the Pelicans nickname. You mention that it is placeless and doesn’t hold any local significance like the Orioles in Baltimore. Just as an FYI e nickname for the state of Louisiana is the Pelican because the Pelican is the state bird, which is why it is featured on their state flag. So there is at least some local significance, more than Hornets at least. However, no one is going to argue that it has more significance than Jazz would, and obviously anhing New Orleans Jazz would outsell the Pelicans. No question. The post mentioned something about the Jazz logo bei in Mardi Gras colors on your design. Mardi Gras colors are Green, purple, and gold, gold being the only one of these on your design. I think if they take back the Jazz name, they need to do it right and take back the colors too. As a Utah basketball fan, please no Bobcats. I think the only way the fan base would be over the move would be to bring back the Stars name. This has some sporting significance to the area, and with retro being all the craze lately, it would give the fans something to hang on to, since they would be losing the Jazz name and everything that goes with it. Another cool idea might be Pioneers, but that might have too much religious connotation. No bobcats though, and please no mountains on the jerseys. I know they went to the finals in the mountain jerseys, but it was the ’90s and a lot of uniform designs from the 90s need to stay there.
Appreciate the thorough feedback, Jake. I will agree that I am being harsh on the Pelicans, with reason. It is my opinion that it is an awful nickname for a team — state bird or not. If it were not a closed-system exercise, I would love to make it the “Stars.” I failed myself by inserting the “Blues” out of thin air, so I suppose since the seal was broken, I could have brought the ABA team back to Utah. I do mention them as the preferred option in the Bobcats Design Explanation section.
I would have gone with the New Orleans Breakers, and adapted the cool helmet design from the USFL helmet to a basketball uniform.
Why is the “Pelicans” nickname a bad nickname, whereas the “Blues” nickname is a good one?
If the “jazz” and the “blues” are both in the NBA, I think it would be hard for each to have their own distinct identities.
“… And we go to the Emerald Isle (wake up at the back there, Connie) to Waterford Boat Club….”
zzzzzz…. wha? Yes, Sister, yes, I’m paying attention. Yes, Sister. New Jersey is called the Garden State because of the widespread practice there of what is called Truck Farming. Yes, Sister, the only one of the Thirteen Original Colonies founded by a Catholic was Maryland, and Charles Carroll was the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence. For God and Country, yes, Sister.
… Oh, sorry, it’s you, George… You’re certainly right about rowing as great illo material. I’m particularly fond of those photographs of crews posing with their oars pointing heavenward. What’s nice is that the colors of the shirt are also found at the blades of the oars, and it’s a fine little design complement. I attended a university where crew was the only sport in which our lads stood a chance of being the best in the country (and often at Henley), so I came to appreciate the look and the lore.
But of the three glories you submitted this week, I must say I’m particular fond of the polo portrait. Great bold unis, and the whole Raj flavor is over-the-top fun. The Indians, like the Irish, just couldn’t help loving the regalia thing that the English do so surpassingly well.
I always look forward to Colorizaton Corner.
FYI, the Kings did not move to Seattle.
The move was rejected by the league, and the franchise was sold to new owners keeping them in Sacramento.
Given the amount of work required to do what he did, I think it safe to say that Ross started this project sometime after the sale to the Hansen group was announced, but before the Ranadive group secured the team.
Given that this was announced nearly a month ago, you’d think there would be enough time to throw a Kings logo in there. I know a lot og work went into the whole redesign project, but the conference posters are a basic cut ans paste job.
Ross, I really enjoy your reorganization of NBA team identities. You’ve given voice to thoughts I’ve had since my youth, when I always thought the Lakers and Jazz should switch nicknames. Your reasoning is sound and your design concepts work well.
One thought about the Seattle Grizzlies concept: Is there a way to provide a logical and aesthetic division in the logo so it doesn’t look like the Seattle skyline is growing out of the bear’s head?
Keith Hernandez and Gary Cohen just had a short stirrup conversation during the Mets-Nats game, with Keith explaining his personal style for a moment before using a term I’d never heard: “ankle-chokers.”
He actually used the term in describing the way Kirk Nieuwenhuis is wearing his stirrups today, and explained that it was not his preferred look. Also re-explained the process of extending the stirrup by cutting in additional elastic.
Great work Ross. I fell in love with the name Utah Raptors though. Logo could be something like link
And I know you tried to make a selfcontained system. But I fell in love with Stars for the Lakers. It’d make sense in LA.
Minnesota Wolves, Utah Raptors, New Orleans Jazz, Los Angeles Stars. perfect!
For years I have been saying that the Jazz should switch names with either the Grizzlies or the Hornets. The Grizzlies name makes a lot more sense in the Rocky Mountains than it does in Memphis. Also, the Hornets name would have worked too because Utah is the “beehive state” and already has a minor league baseball team called the Salt Lake Bees (which is owned by the Miller family who also own the Jazz). However, with Charlotte taking back the name, this is now impossible.
That being said, as a huge Utah Jazz fan I have mixed feeling about changing the name. If it were to happen, it would have to be something that I could excited about. How about the Utes, like the college team?
I have always thought that Utah and New Orleans should have swapped names since Utah is the “Bee Hive” state.
Can anyone explain to me why the hornets are blue and purple, not black and yellow? Also I think something needs to be done about the warriors name. the Grizzles or nuggets would be great names for that team.
Really appreciate the concept of repatriating NBA team names and adjusting them to make more sense, but why in the hell would Seattle be the Grizzlies and not the SuperSonics? The nearest wild grizzly to Seattle is a few hundred miles away in another country, and the Sonics existed for more than three times longer than the MPLS Lakers, for example. Do a cool Sonics one.
Ugh… *(…more than three times as long)