Something interesting is brewing in Seattle, where the Seahawks announced yesterday that they’ll be wearing navy over grey for this Sunday’s game against the Commies.
This will be the fourth consecutive home game that Seattle has not worn its default mono-navy combo. Here are the previous three games in that streak:
Seattle went three consecutive home games without going mono-navy during a late-season stretch last year. But when’s the last time they did it for four straight home games? Not only that, but the Gridiron Uniform Database indicates that Seattle’s next home game after this Sunday — Week 12 against the 49ers — will find them wearing their neon-green alternates. If so, that would make five straight home games without the mono-navy combo. Has that ever happened?
Personally, I dislike the mono-navy look, so I’m pleased that the Seahawks are mixing things up this season. Here’s hoping this means the navy unitards are on the way out.
ITEM: Faaaascinating New Substack Interview
Have you ever wondered how teams go about finding the advertisers who buy space on their uniforms? For this week’s Uni Watch Premium article over on Substack, I have an exclusive and pretty lengthy interview with someone who works at one of the agencies that teams hire to execute these deals. I learned a lot in the course of this interview, and I’m pretty sure you’ll learn a lot from reading the transcript. It’s full of fascinating behind-the-scenes info!
You can read the first part of the article here. In order to read the entire thing, you’ll need to become a paid subscriber to my Substack (which will also give you full access to my Substack archives).
My thanks, as always, for your consideration.
Your Daily(ish) Dose of Kitten
It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye. (Or, in this case, a plant.)
Sigh. But I know it comes with the territory.
Can of the Day
I was never into Hi-C. But that might have turned out differently if I’d been aware of this package design.
GUD says the Seahawks will wear white pants with their neon alternates. Isn’t that going to look awful?
Actually, GUD says the pants are “TBA”: link
I didn’t hate this iteration of the Seahawks mono navy look as compared to how their previous template just seemed a little off, but I love the gray pants and am enjoying how they’re mixing it up.
Would be great to see the Seahawks wear the grey pants with the white jerseys more regularly.
Would be greater to have the gray jerseys return and replace the white ones.
Would be interesting if the Seahawks paired the silver helmet (but with the updated logos) with the Navy over Gray combo.
Hi-C was my Mom’s go to thing, when I would get sick as a child. And at that time, it was still in the BIG cans. Guess Hi-C was the “cure all” back then LOL
The Seahawks set are actually my favorite Nike redesign aside from the green jerseys. Don’t hate the mono look but ok with them phasing it out. Grey over blue is my favorite look for them.
I much prefer the mono navy look I hate those grey pants.
Grey pants are an upgrade to the blue. Goes well with the numbers and accents on the helmet. They need to wear white pants and grey pants a lot more than they do now. Keep the blue pants to pair with lime green jersey. That’s the best combo.
I’d like to see the lime pants paired with the blue jersey!
I mean the jersey design is still a mess, but going with gray pants full time, for both navy and white jerseys is a tremendous upgrade for them.
Amazing seeing Hi-C for breakfast. Wouldn’t think it would have ever be an acceptable substitute for juice for breakfast. That, Kool-Aide, and Country time were more “a bunch of friends are over for kill the carrier and they’re thirsty” drink.
You forgot about the Purple Stuff.
News: Seahawks Don’t Look Like Crap, Again. Seattle can be such a good looking team, as long as they just avoid mono-anything.
The Seahawks uni was cool for the time when it came out. Beyond dated at this point. Need to move back to the throwback template permanently.
I think if they updated the throwback to the modern colors and logo identity it would be a great design. So the throwback with:
modern logos (but with a green bottom stripe instead of gray)
navy helmet / gray facemask
navy jersey
gray pants
navy socks
Yea I like that. It really feels like at this point if a team wants to go back to another template Nike takes it as an insult and the innovation stops there. I am more partial to the throwback blue as too many teams have switched to Navy as their primary Blue
Agreed. Teams switching from a royal blue to a navy blue is a sign of the 2000’s. Just like teal and purple was a sign of the 1990’s. It’s nice to see some “throwbacks” in royal blue. The Brewers are just such a team that needs to ditch the navy and go back to royal blue.
RE: Kitten mess- Nice humble brag with the sneakers! You clearly have a uniform, Paul!
Surprised how bad the current uniforms of the Seahawks have stood the test of time. I find all elements (helmet, jersey, pants) outdated in color and styling. The new logo has been an upgrade, however. The throwback is nice every once in a while but this team needs a new uniform set. Not as right now as the Titans, Jets and the Broncos but fast enough.
Hawks should go Lime over blue pants when they visit SF later in the year.
“It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye. (Or, in this case, a plant.)”
Wonder if Paul has re-potted that plant in something more durable…like a can!
SEA moving away from mono-navy is a positive.
Keeping the wolf pants was a great decision…but it’s time add a touch of Action Green (and maybe trademark that color?) to those and scuttle the blue and white britches.
Now please take that decal off of the front of the helmet.
The Seahawks’ colors are fine, maybe they should apply them to the old pattern. A dark blue jersey is an excellent starting point.
Keeping with the Seahawks and Hi-C theme today my favorite “flavor” from wayback was Citrus Cooler. It was a neon green color that got rebranded as Ecto Cooler circa 1989 to tie in with the animated Ghostbusters TV show. Here’s an interesting link about that:
Anyway, since Seattle finally wore white at home this year, I’d like to see them go mono-white at home too.
Ecto was awesome, my fave as well.
I think the current Seahawks uniforms look ugly. I hope they will soon rebrand it to look like the throwback uniforms.
God, that royal blue and silver is so good
Glad to see the Unitard look start to ebb away. Grey Pants, Blue jerseys a really good look.
As to the Neon/Lime Greens, it would look 1000% better with the older Silver helmets.
3-4 years ago the NFL Super Bowl pregame show featured a segment on a Playground team wearing that combination, and it looked incredible better than Blue helmet over Neon/Lime Green jersey and pants currently worn.
Now if only my beloved Saints would ditch the Black leotards, develop a striped set of socks, and darken the Gold a bit to contrast Gold pants with White jerseys, and we’d be well on our way.
Lions could also go back to Grey/Silver pants and ditch the Blue pants or their Academy Sports surplus plain White pants look.