Everyone seemed to enjoy the last time I went off-uni, so today let’s look at another inconspicuous piece of underappreciated design: the little plastic thingie that comes in the center of a delivery pizza pie. Often referred to a “pizza table,” and frequently repurposed as a doll house table, it is properly known in the trade as a lid support.
It’s not clear which pizzeria first used the lid support, but the little devices appear to have begun circulating in the mid-1980s. Nobody keeps track of how many are made, but over a billion pizzas are delivered each year in the United States, so that gives us a good starting point. The corrugated cardboard pizza box was supposed to eliminate the need for the lid support, since the more rigid cardboard doesn’t cave in like the flimsier cardstock boxes, but my admittedly unscientific research indicates that pizzerias using corrugated boxes continue to use lid supports — sort of a belt-and-suspenders approach.
What fascinates me about lid supports is the surprising amount of variety in their design. The basic version is the one shown above — plain and round. But there are all sorts of variations on this approach, the simplest of which is to stamp the word “Pizza” into the plastic:

If we turn the plain and “Pizza”-embossed lid supports upside-down, we can see there are other differences besides the embossed word:

As we descend deeper down the rabbit hole of lid support design, it appears that many of the variations are attempts to save plastic. For example, why have a solid round top when you can replace some of the plastic with air:

Hell, why not replace even more of the plastic with air:

If you look at that last photo, you’ll see that the design is basically a triangular surface surrounded by a ring. But who needs the ring? Let’s just have a triangular lid support:

But all that plastic in the center is unnecessary — let’s scrap that. The result is a lid support that’s more skeletal-looking but just as effective:

But wait — can we make our skeleton even more skeletal? Sure we can:

Does that look like it might not be strong enough to do the job? Don’t worry — we can beef up the upper level and toss in a bit of Greek mythology while we’re at it:

Now here’s a surprise: I poked around a bit on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office web site and discovered that a patent for a lid support was granted to one Carmela Vitale of Dix Hills, Long Island, in 1985. I’m not positive that this is the earliest lid support patent, but it’s definitely the earliest one I could find. If we look at the accompanying drawings, we find that Vitale’s original concept was for the skeletal design (click to enlarge):

So whereas I had assumed that the lid support started out round and than became more minimalist, its evolution appears to have gone the other way around. Interesting! Perhaps this explains why you can also go in the anti-minimalist direction and get a lid support that’s tricked out with all sorts of bells and whistles (click to enlarge):

That’s all I have to say about lid supports, at least for now. I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely having pizza for dinner tonight.

DC party reminder: Remember, Uni Watch party in Washington next Wednesday, Feb. 6, 7:30pm, at Hamilton’s. See you there.
Uni Watch News Ticker: Neglected to mention yesterday that the Suns wore 1990s throwbacks on Wednesday. ”¦
Matt Milinoski has been working on a really good project: He’s compiled the history of Red Sox uniform typography from 1933 onward. Good stuff. ”¦ Check it out — Muhammad Ali in a Ravens sweatshirt. ”¦ The Charlotte Knights will wear 1990 throwbacks on Friday nights this season. ”¦ USC and UCLA went color-on-color, with UCLA wearing those tone-on-tone jerseys, on Wednesday night. ”¦ During halftime of that game, UCLA retired Reggie Miller’s number. ”¦ Russell Goutierez has an interesting take on the 49ers’ one-day helmet: “I lived in the SF area when they trotted out that helmet. Aside from the design, a lot of the backlash centered around the (probably correct) perception that the owners were trying to ‘de-Frisco’ the team, for lack of a better term. The Raiders were off in L.A. at the time, so I think they wanted to horn in on the Oakland market, along with San Jose, etc.” … Also from Russell: Paul Kruger of the Ravens looks like he’s wearing a cummerbund or something. … New baseball uniforms for Air Force (from Jay Sullivan). … Here’s an article about a Minnesota company that makes Super Bowl knickknacks (from Mark Medinger). … Google did a nice Jackie Robinson doodle yesterday, but they got his uniform wrong. … Lots of new logos being proposed for Illinois. … One of the immutable laws of Super Bowl week is that there has to be a story about a big counterfeit jersey bust. ”¦ Two years ago I did an ESPN piece about the Wilson football factory in Ada, Ohio. That factory now has its own Tumblr. ”¦ In a related item, here’s a look at the phantom Super Bowl footballs. … Here’s an early peek at the new NFL draft caps (thanks, Brinke). ”¦ This is pretty cool: The most important plays in Super Bowl history on each yard line of the field (from Lou Sherwood). ”¦ Here’s the latest Washington Post column urging the ’Skins to change their name. ”¦ Reprinted from yesterday’s comments: Reader “Vin Eethy” (pretty sure that’s a pseudonym) was in a Manhattan café and spotted a cookie based on the Niners’ old one-day helmet! How random is that?! ”¦ Also from yesterday: The Ravens’ end zone was originally being painted purple, but now it’s been repainted black. ”¦ The Tulsa Shock are the latest WNBA team to go with a corporate advertising on their uniforms (from Kevin Brown). … Here’s something I didn’t know: Back in the early ’70s, long before the current mania for game-used memorabilia, the NHL was selling certified “goal pucks” to the public (good find by Jake Elwell). … How much was Nick Johnson injured during his career? This much. … Here’s the info for this year’s Giants bobbleheads (from Eric Stroker). … The Blue Jays’ BP cap has a logo on the back. It’s not yet clear if that’s the case with all of the new BP caps, but it seems like a fairly safe assumption. ”¦ Terry Francona hasn’t even suited up yet as the Indians’ skipper, but he’s already had three uniform numbers. According to a note toward the end of this article, “Francona started with No. 47 because that’s what he wore in Boston. He decided to switch to 33, for reasons unknown. But then [Nick] Swisher signed and asked for 33, so Francona switched to 17. Not that it matters much, because Francona always wears a cage jacket over his jersey, anyway” (from Dan Cichalski). ”¦ Speaking of MLB uni numbers, a note at the bottom of this article suggests that the Yankees will have so many non-roster invitees at spring training that they might have to go to triple digits (from Johnny Bruno). ”¦ Good infographic showing the helmet histories of the nine oldest NFL franchises (from Eli Lourie). ”¦ Remember about a year ago when I wrote about bicycle head badges? Here’s a really nice one — a Brooklyn Dodgers head badge! Unfortunately, the bike itself is in pretty rough shape (from Phillip Garza). ”¦ Providence wore gray last night against UConn (from Erik Sundermann). ”¦ Special shout-out to Parks Wilson: You are hereby named Uni Watch’s official intern-in-waiting.
As a lifelong 49ers fan,, I’m way stoked for Sunday’s game. Nervous, too — losing to a purple-clad team in the big game would be the ultimate indignity. In any case, everyone enjoy the game and I’ll see you back here on Monday.
As a college undergrad in 1985-6, I worked for a mom-and-pop pizzeria. We called those little items ‘barbie tables’. They looked like the one in the first pic.
Here are Michigan’s color-on-color jerseys. I assume they are going to wear them on Saturday vs. Indiana. No word on whether or not IU will go red-on-red to make it color-on-color vs. color-on-color.
Are you sure the Ravens’ end zone isn’t a trick of the light? Because the logo itself should be purple, not black.
I was thinking the same thing. It looks like a very dark shade of purple if it is in fact purple in the first image.
To me, the Ravens end zone looks purple.
(Go Ravens!)
Looks black to me, but I bet you are right. It seems odd to paint it purple and then black. Especially because all that special paint was delivered ahead of time. And also, aren’t the endzone schemes set up before the season in the style guides? It doesn’t seem like something the NFL would allow you to change last minute.
Looks black to me too. Not a speck of purple do I see. Talk about BFBS!
This is being discussed on Chris Creamer’s site link with additional pics. Some say the original purple color became darker as it dried, others that it’s the Superdome lighting.
I think it’s the lighting and the angle of the camera.
The Raven head logo has some black in it. If you look closely, you can see a difference in the shades. We’ll find out on Sunday, that’s for sure.
1. At least for the wild card game, the Ravens end zones in Baltimore had no background color. Would they change that for the Superbowl for the sake of consistency and color balance?
2. For all that are saying that the endzone is still purple, do this: Go paint a patch of your grass (or for that matter, a piece of paper), the same color purple as shown in the picture. Then, get some black paint. See how many coats of black it would take to completely eliminate any purple sheen. Good luck with that.
1. At least for the wild card game, the Ravens end zones in Baltimore had no background color. Would they change that for the Superbowl for the sake of consistency and color balance?
Whether purple or black, I’m pretty sure that what the NFL designs for a team’s Super Bowl end zone has little to do with what the team actually has in their own home end zone. Anyway, I’m sure they wouldn’t go with no background color in a Super Bowl end zone.
Sounds like a project for the athletically aesthetically obsessed … Super Bowl end zones vs. home stadium end zones … when do they match? When do they emulate, and when are they a complete departure?
I don’t think they’ve ever exactly 100% matched. In the old days when they had the conference logo in the helmet, no team had that in their regular season end zone. The Giants end zone at Metlife might be the closest to looking like a Super Bowl end zone, with the team logo to one side & NFL logo to the other.
The Super Bowl endzone designs never match the team’s home endzone. They are a cookie cutter style that always features a team color background, the conference logo and team logo. They’re specially created for the Super Bowl, not meant to emulate the team’s home design.
As for the Ravens’ endzone, it is definitely purple, or at least supposed to be. A combination of lighting and the green of the turf showing through makes it look murky and black-ish. But when you look at the Raven head logo, the purple part inside is the exact same color as the shade of the endzone. You can also make out the black outlines in the logo, and they are clearly a different shade. As other have said, there’s no way the league would let a team re-paint their endzone at the 11th hour, for no good reason. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
Still want to know if the Charlotte Knights will be wearing black pants with their turn-back-the-clock to 1990 jerseys. I doubt a minor league ballclub will go all in on the promotion, but they should.
DamYoo 26-yard line!!
Hurray for the43-yard line!!!
My pizza is delivered. I put it on my table; open the box and begin thinking….
What if on top of each tiny pizza table there was another tiny pizza box with a tiny pizza inside with a tiny pizza table on it that had another tiny pizza box on it with a tiny pizza inside with a tiny pizza table on it that had another tiny pizza box on it with a tiny pizza inside with a tiny pizza table on it that had another tiny pizza box …..
Regarding the 1974 Red Sox caps with the red crowns shown in the link above, they were worn early in the season, along with red undershirts and solid red stirrup socks. The look proved unpopular with the fans as well as team management, and all elements were changed back to the previous year’s style in late May/Early June.
Yaz debuted the pullover uniform at the 1972 all star game. The pull over jersey’s neck line was altered several times before it was discontinued after the 1978 season.
I forgot that this cap was covered in a previous post: link. I have a book with a picture of Carlton Fisk and his son wearing these caps in the first Son and Daughter game in June 1974. And here’s a picture of Bob Montgomery from the same day: link
I’m rather disappointed that “The Combo” never took off. Seems like it’d be rather convenient to have!
Yeah, pizzamen these days often deliver incomplete cuts. “The Combo” would be nice.
That “Combo” seems insubstantial. I’d worry about it breaking and leaving plastic teeth in my food.
“The Combo” appears better suited for Play-Doh pizza kits…have the Marketing folks at Avon Plastics call Hasbro!
First we had the little plastic thingie for bread and now the plastic lid support for pizza. I love it. If Uni ever goes to a subscription, sign me up!
He was right.
I’m counting down the days to the DC party!
I have a pretty good idea of what I’m going to wear, but I’m not set on it 100% yet.
There’s something about those Suns jerseys that I love. I know it’s blasphemous to like something with purple AND bfbs, but they’re strangely nostalgic and cool.
Today’s main topics ties in with the trivia question I heard on the radio this morning…
Super Bowl Sunday is the #1 day for pizza delivery in the U.S. What day is #2?
Total guess here… Thanksgiving?
April 20th?
NCAA Men’s Roundball final?
Oscar night?
I cheated.
The day before Thanksgiving
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day
Sometimes you’re a genius, sometimes you use Google. Yes, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and fun size Snickers are the best side dish for a pizza.
New Year’s Eve?
I can assure you that your trivia is wrong. Super Bowl Sunday is not the biggest pizza delivery day of the year. It is Halloween and it isn’t even close.
Super Bowl Sunday was always the biggest day of the year at pizza places I worked for. Halloween was always the biggest PITA, and the one day we were allowed (even required) to not have the magnetic sign on the top of our vehicle, because even if we were driving 5 MPH through a neighborhood, some parent would always call the store and complain that one of our drivers almost drove over their little rugrat dressed as a ghost who almost stepped out into traffic because he couldn’t see, what with the sheet over his head.
Back when I delivered pizza in my city in Canada, decades ago for many years, the big days were Super Bowl followed by New Year’s Eve. No other day was even close.
Price specials on those two days probably helped somewhat. Part of the reason I think Super Bowl beat New Year’s Eve here was likely because many pizza chains were closed before or at bar closing. Grey Cup was probably the #3 day way back when I started delivering but was in steady decline by the time I stopped delivering pizza.
Halloween, New Year’s Day and before and at Thanksgiving were not even in the running.
True fact: Here in Washington, DC, there are reporters who keep tabs on pizza delivery volume to congressional offices, executive agencies, and especially the Pentagon. Literally no better way to learn that something big is about to go down than seeing a spike in late-night pizza deliveries to government offices. I had dinner at a convention in 2011 with a WaPo reporter who had a pretty good idea about the bin Laden raid in real time thanks to tips from his sources in the pizza business. (That is, a week of lots of pizza deliveries to the Old Executive Office Building and the Pentagon told him something was up, the way the president’s official schedule lined up with other key players’ comings and goings told him it was a a major special-ops mission, and not being a complete idiot told him exactly what 2+2 equaled.)
Re.: 2013 NFL Draft caps.
Is that going to be the Miami Dolphins’ cap or will they have the full swimming dolphin by
Draft day?
“One of the immutable laws of Super Bowl week is that there has to be a story about a big counterfeit jersey bust.”
On that same note, I live neat Flint, MI, and at the mall there is a sports store that sells counterfeit jerseys. I can tell, but I guess nobody else could, because they were selling them for $250 a piece.
Two months ago I was walking through, and noticed all the jerseys were gone. None on the walls, none on the displays or sales racks. No jerseys for sale. So I walked in and asked the guy behind the desk why all the jerseys had mysteriously disappeared, and he just shrugged. He said he didn’t know if it was the owner’s choice, or if someone made them stop.
Yesterday I passed the same store with Going Out of Business signs on the windows. I guess it’s hard to succeed when your items aren’t marked up for 1,250% profit.
It always irritates me when someone with their internet/”store” bought counterfeit jersey(s) claims that nobody can tell the difference. I almost always can and usually from a distance. When someone tells me that directly, I enjoy enumerating all the flaws on their jersey just to see the smug look on their face disappear. If you bought a fake, so be it, but don’t act like there’s no difference at all.
I’m in Milwaukee and I seem the counterfeits walking around Miller Park all the time. They stick out like a sore thumb to me: The wrong serifs on the fonts, the poor NOB alignment, the awful color matching, etc. So one time, I’m walking outside the ballpark and a guy sitting on a cooler says, “Hey, want to buy an authentic jersey?” He opens up the cooler and I see some of the counterfeit ones. So I say, “Those aren’t authentic. There’s a bunch of stuff wrong with them.” He says they are. Well, I carry a media guide with me in my bag for games. I pull it out and start looking for a photo of one of the players to point out all the little differences. He says, “Aw, forget about it,” and gives me a subtle shove on my way. My biggest regret? Not calling someone with the team to get security on his you-know-what.
If the Yankees do go to triple digits for spring training only, why not have the big wide-backed guys like CC, youk and joba wear a “1##” jersey. They could even be sponsored by the skate apparel chain The Hundreds.
When some of the Japanese teams started giving out triple digits to staffers in the late 1990s, they gave out 110 to 119 first, because the number 1 is thinner and they could fit it easier.
Some teams even made extra-thin fonts so that they could fit. I wouldn’t mind seeing the Yankees do this.
And I have a hazy memory of the Dodgers also running out of numbers in spring training around 2005 or so, and assigning 03 and 04 to two non-roster guys.
Really the Yankees should unretire all their numbers and encourage all the other teams to do the same. Even if you’re not running out of numbers, seeing a roster that’s “top-heavy” with lots of players numbered over 50 and very few under 10 just looks weird.
I think a lot of NFL teams should unretire receiver/tight end numbers. Since many teams dont have many #8- numbers to spare, its caused a run on several of the teens by wide receivers, which then forces a lot of quarterbacks to take on single-digit “kicker” numbers like #3. The Bears will have the linebacker version of this problem once Urlacher retires (no 50, no 54, and no 56).
Am I the only one that can’t really recall ever seeing one of these lid supports in their pizza box? Now given, it might be because the “best” delivery I’ve ever gotten is Domino’s, but I don’t think they use them. At least not around here.
Of course, this is coming from a guy who isn’t much of a pizza fun to start with and rarely even eats it. Seriously, I can count on my hands the number of times I’ve ever ordered a pizza. All that grease does bad things to me, man…
You need to eat real pizza. Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, Little Caesar’s doesn’t count & isn’t real pizza. They’re just mass-produced formulated concepts on pizza. For frozen: if it’s less than $7 for a single pizza, it’s not worth getting.
If you don’t want greasy, avoid sausage & pepperoni & go with plain cheese, or mushrooms, green peppers, onions, etc.
I also suggest making your own, and if you don’t want to bother with a dough, get a pre-made crust at the store or use pitas or flour tortillas. And never, ever buy pre-shredded cheese – they’re coated with an anti-caking agent that dries out the cheese & hinders melting. I like my pizzas seasoned on top with a lot of oregano & Italian spices.
Good suggestions, and I certainly realize that I’ve never had anywhere close to “real” pizza. Chalk it up to a weak stomach and the fact that GOOD mom-and-pop pizza restaurants are few and far between in the South.
I do love to cook. Perhaps I’ll take a shot at making my own someday.
For the sauce, you can spaghetti sauce – that’s what they basically use on the Chicago-style Deep Dish Pizza with the cheese & meat on the bottom & the sauce on TOP (so the dough doesn’t get soggy).
For my personal-size ones, I use salsa for the sauce. One of my favorite novelty pizzas is a white pizza with Alfredo sauce, fresh garlic, marinated mushrooms in balsamic vinegar & spinach. Tho I’ve seen some pizzas on cooking shows where they used a link. Tex Mex-style pizza with refried beans as the sauce & traditional taco toppings is always great too.
Best ever…in Berkeley. Too bad, I gave up pizza 2+ years ago due to a bad reaction..an ER visit level bad reaction..and haven’t wanted to risk it.
Good pizza is flat and isn’t baked in a pan or eaten with a knife and fork.
Just remember that.
Said the New Yawker (coughcoughwhodon’tknowshitaboutpizzacoughcough).
About the only thing New York-style pizza is good for is filling potholes or throwing at the Knicks in MSG.
Yes, Mark. New Yorkers don’t know shit about pizza. OK
What you’re describing is fine, it’s just not pizza. It’s casserole.
I find it interesting that one of the pictures showed a lid support for Little Caesar’s. I’ve never seen one with the pizzas I’ve gotten from there. Perhaps a franchisee decision or perhaps they discontinued it a while back?
Typo: “cummerbund,” not “cummerbun.”
Just not “contraband”:)
Thanks. Now fixed.
Paul Kruger has always worn his uniform “high and tight”. He got fined in Week 14 for allowing his back flap to show– even though it had been occurring all season. In Week 13/14 though, it was showing through all 4 quarters, not just in the last quarter.
I suspect the “cummerbund” style is just how he’s secured his uni now to keep it high & tight– and within NFL policy.
They’ll never stop counterfeit jerseys. But if they want to at least curb them I have a wild idea. Something completely outside of the box. LOWER JERSEY PRICES!
Too much demand for the real thing, that’s the problem.
There is no reason why jerseys need to cost $250. There just isn’t. Using player names from the union adds about $20 to $40 per jersey, patches about $15 to $20, I don’t know how much the licensed team branding adds but it’s probably at least $20. Factor in the actual cost of the jersey probably ranges from $15 to $50 & labor, it’s still nowhere near $250.
That said, there is no way a NNOB MLB replica jersey costs $80. I bet they’re making at least 50% profit on it. They mass produce them so it’s probably closer of 60% to 70%.
I can get a blank fitted wool baseball cap for $10 & MLB charges $35-$38 for theirs.
The excuse is that MLB and the company making the jersey, and all the no-brains shipping it and selling it have to get a decent cut of the pie too. I wonder how much that $80 is split. I mean, you got MLB, the team whose jersey it is, Majestic, the shipping it to the store (if you buy it in a store), and the cut of profit going to the store.
THEN you add players names and numbers.
As someone who has worked in retail as a career, take it from me when I say that just about any apparel that is mass produced will be sold at retail for margins in the 60-80% range.
It’s kind of crazy.
Didn’t Nike start doing that with Italian soccer jerseys a couple years ago in an effort to undercut the counterfeits?
Note the front of Reggie Miller’s retired #31 jersey says “BRUINS” instead of “UCLA”. The team did that for a couple of seasons in the mid 1980s before switching back.
Not sure I like the dual-logo on the back of the MLB BP caps. That might be a deal breaker, just too busy.
God forbid they get rid of the stupid MLB logo! There’s another one right at the top of the player’s collar (which should also be removed); what do they need to have two of them in such close proximity for? I guess they want to make sure that when ordinary people are wearing hats but not jerseys, or jerseys but not hats, that that pesky little squib is still visible.
I’m alright with the MLB logo being there. It is one of the best logos out there, IMO. I have no problem with the one on the jersey as well, it’s not like it is all that intrusive…plus, there is no logo besides it when players are batting. I would rather have it there than on the front of the jersey or on a sleeve.
I don’t like that they might have two team logos on the hat like that.
Too much crap on those caps. I liked MLB caps much better before they added the MLB logo on the back in 1992.
I still have my 1991 Cubs cap and hope that it never gets damaged!
The lid support patent is actually used as a case study example in a book put out by the federal judicial center called “Anatomy of a Patent Case.” I used the book when I first started working in patent law and it is surprisingly well written and easy to understand. The discussion of the patent starts on page 17. link
i am proud of Paul, he successfully avoided a big box pizza chain rant in this whole thing… way to go Paul!
Great lede today! Very interesting. And yes, I’m having pizza for dinner tonight. However, I’m having link. And as we all know, they don’t give you a box at Vincent’s, they just throw the pie on a piece of cardboard and link.
just a heads up, i’m following you home (or wherever) this evening…
Vincent’s is the best pizza I’ve ever had. Too bad it’s in Pittsburgh and I am in North Carolina.
That’s awesome!
When did they re-open, and who owns it now?
The Forest Hills location has yet to reopen, but it’s my understanding that Vinny’s daughter is once again in charge. I’m hitting the Irwin location for the first time tonight, when I go out to visit friends in Irwin.
I should clarify – it’s also my understanding that the FH location is currently being renovated and is slated to reopen.
Thanks. The family tried franchising, and the mess in Forest Hills was one result.
I’m a Mineo’s guy myself.
Regardless, enjoy.
That USC vs. UCLA game… what a travesty.
No kidding. That BFBS Trojan jersey is one of the worst unis I’ve ever seen, especially when it’s paired with yellow socks and shoes.
I gotta say, those Air Force baseball unis really piss me off. I get that teams do this sell more merchandise and pretend their supporting the military by dressing up like soldiers, but if a military branch is going to do this they’d better do it right. For one, these guys put on actual military uniforms on a regular basis, they don’t need to do it on the diamond. Second, and worst of all, they have their own camouflage pattern! I was enlisted in the AF during the transition from BDU’s to ABU’s (Airman Battle Uniform), a time when each branch was streamlining their own pattern. The Air Force has a unique pattern at their disposal and chose to go with this gaudy blue black and white design. It’s embarrassing.
Any team that dresses its players in camouflage should get a steady diet of pitches in the ribs. After all, how is the pitcher supposed to see anybody?!?
Really really ugly.
Not to mention they’re hideous.
I worked in two pizza places in the mid to late ’90s. We never fooled with the little plastic doo-hickeys. One place used the old floppy boxes and the other had the more rigid boxes. At first it didn’t seem right not using a floppy box, but I know from experience delivering them that the rigid boxes are much easier to handle.
I noticed Little Caesar’s in the blog. Does that really count a pizza? It’s the worst.
Navin Johnson’s favorite pizza shop/home design center also had no use for lid supports:
If you think Little Caesar’s is the worst, then I’m guessing you’ve never had Pizza Pan.
I know alot of people who think the lid supports are for keeping the cheese from sliding off the pizza or to keep the slices together. When I tell them it is so the lid doesn’t sag onto the top off the pizza and stick to the cheese, they usually feel more foolish then they should. I love this little invention. I don’t enjoy carboard as a topping.
Couldn’t they just make the pizza box an inch or so taller or a slightly stronger box?
Tho I’m guessing these lid supporters are cheaper than doing that.
Still get problems from bumpy roads, clutzes carrying the box less than perfectly level, etc. The barbie table is highly functional. If one objects to the use of petrochemicals in the product, perhaps a wood version could be cost-effective.
That’s part of the reason why I don’t get delivery – I’m cheap & don’t want to spend more money in the form of a tip.
Loved the NFL helmet infographic. Thing that sticks out to me is how many teams had some sort of winged helmet at one point or the other. Now days most people treat Michigan’s helmet as their special, unique property and design, but back in the day a lot of others used it.
you’re right. i only looked at the modern helmets. good observation.
the bears should wear some throwbacks with the Orange and Blue winged helmet (1931-1932). that would look sharp
I liked it too, overall. However, why not little info “write-up” of the Eagles and Steelers? Would seem only fair after giving the Packers, Bears, Lions, Cardinals, Rams, Giants and Redskins their due.
Also, the Packers did lose a Super Bowl, but it wasn’t to the Patriots after the 1996 season. They lost Super Bowl XXXII to the Broncos after the 1997 season.
Id have guessed nfl draft day or oscar night.
Ugh, those UCLA basketball shorts look like the shorts I wear as pajamas. link
According to the patent database, Carmela Vitale is from Dix Hills, New York. A project for the Permanent Record?
The patent seems to cover the triangular design. The other ones (such as the photo in the lede) were probably designed to avoid paying a royaty on the original design.
Also patented: the combination pizza cutter and support shown above, a combination support and lifter, and a support convertible to a child’s toy.
Was watching The Drive on YouTube today and saw a guy on the 49ers’ sideline wearing this sweatshirt:
I have the DISTINCT memory of seeing a sign with this logo on it when I was a child and the image burned itself into my brain. For some reason, I remember it as being the logo for the real estate company, Sherman & Hemstreet. I remember assuming Sherman was a short fat guy (the house) and Hemstreet was a tall skinny guy (the trees).
Google Image Search turned up no clues, nor did searching for S&H’s old logo. Can anyone help? And whey in tarnation was this guy wearing that shirt on the sideline of the Super Bowl?
It’s an old Better Homes & Gardens logo
Ahhhhhhh. Dang, good call!
Looks like BH&G was a real estate company (which I didn’t know), so that explains my memory of seeing them on a real estate lawn sign.
Wonder if they dropped some dough to get that fella to rep their logo on the big stage.
That person is John Paye who was the 3rd QB for the Niners in ’87 and ’88.
Paulie. The Raves wont be wearing purple
Purple trim.
“Looks like we’re running low on the Lid Supports.”
“Hmm. Better order some more.”
“How ’bout some of those “Hercules” supports. I guess you get 100 free with each order.”
“Yeah, okay. Give ’em a call.”
(Minutes later….)
“Huh. That’s weird. I called but got some guy offering free auto insurance quotes….”
Come on, Paul. The Ravens will be clad in white and black on Sunday which is a great look – the only purple is the uni #’s!
And the helmet stripes. And the helmet logo. And the swooshes on both shoulders. And a lot of the players’ shoes and gloves.
That’s more than enough purple for me.
Entries like these are why I love UniWatch. My bias towards this particular subject aside (I’ll get to that), I enjoy a writer (writers, because Phil is awesome, too!) who can find interest in the little things in life. I respect that you don’t force out entries about things that you don’t actually give a shit about every day, and that you actually enjoy what you do. Good for you, Paul.
When I was a kid (mid 90’s to early 00’s), professional wrestling was one of the most popular sports out (or, at least, that’s what I thought at the time), and my brothers and I were huge fans. We owned a slew of action figures, and would re-enact the events on the days when the show wasn’t on. Unfortunately, the accessories were a huge rip off, so we never ended up buying any. Luckily for us, we were resourceful and imaginative kids, and we went the makeshift route.
Back then, guys used to get thrown through tables almost every week, and for some reason, we loved it. So whenever our parents would bring home a pizza, we’d pray it was the kind that had lid support in it (for the record, in Portland, almost all of them look like the one in the first photo). Why? Because we used those as the tables in our wrestling matches! They were a bit small, and they broke easily, but they were free, and relatively easy to obtain. And there was no greater joy than having Spider-Man toss Hulk Hogan off of the top turnbuckle and smash a table! We didn’t have pizza enough to supply our needs, but after a while, word got around to our neighbors and relatives within the city, and people started bringing their lid supports over in plastic bags. The joys of childhood, man!
Haha, great story!
The town I live in is home to the Astros Rookie League team. They recently held a gathering to unveil their new logo and uniforms.
looks familiar
In a preview clip from the upcoming ESPN story on Doug Williams they showed a clip of him talking to the media in a white jersey and white pants. I didn’t think this was a look the Skins ever went with white on white until Gibbs came back in the 2000’s
Just saw this on Some Ecards and it made me think of Paul and Uni-Watch. Just another reason for Paul to cheer for the Niners – so all that purple championship merch gets sent overseas.
PL, I would almost swear you did a story on pizza supports before? Ah well, the memory isn’t what it used to be.
However, I do remember there is a game on Sunday, and I am nervous as well. In honor of Jim H, I am wearing a black turtleneck and black T-shirt pants (‘Simply For Sports,’ no longer sold at JCP, best I ever found.)
For the 49ers to win, #7 can’t get rattled. He is gotten a lot of ink, deservedly so for his W-L record this season, and various achievements along the way (ask Mike McCarthy.) But this is his TENTH START so I am not drinking the Kap Kool-Aid. I mean, there’s a Nike Kapernicking shirt. Whatever.
The Niners have SO many ways to beat you on offense. The Ravens outside LBs and DEs HAVE to stay home to keep #7 contained. If Kap turns the corner, it’s likely a big gain. (Ask Mike McCarthy.) Kap is, tho- I will give him this one- already the best play-action QB I’ve seen since the greatest faker ever, Boomer Esiason. Davis and Crabtree are explosive receivers. And then there’s that Gore guy- the best RB you’ve never heard of outside the Bay Area.
On defense, we got those two Smith guys (30+ sacks?), plus Bowman and Pat Willis for LBs. Pro Bowl punter.
We won’t discuss the kicker.
Most of all, the thing we have going for us is what I call The Harbaugh Effect. The 49er players, to a man, believe in this guy. Outsiders may call him arrogant, but another way to call it is Sheer Force Of Personality.
Prediction, and I have been known to be wrong- fairly close game 17-14 til a Flacco pick in the 3rd Q, then 27-17 Niners.
Alternate prediction: A guy named Harbaugh will get to hold the trophy.
I thought I was the only one who thought those look like tables.
I got link hanging up in my room. After reading that helmet history thing, I’m a little peeved that they didn’t show the 1969-1973 white helm or that in 1974 the green went darker.
Also, I’m glad I got to read about those pizza tables. I’ve been wondering about those for a while. I am partial to the “Hercules” lid support; less plastic to waste.
Thought that since you are off uniforms today, (but on a related Uni-Watch topic):
regarding “indians” terms:
Censorship has reached across mediums and the pond:
Throwbacks for the Pacers tonight! I might be biased, but I think they look sharp. link
What’s actually more intriguing about that Suns throwback pick is that I don’t recall ever seeing a player wear full length leggings under their shorts. Is that something Beasley usually does?
Not only are the Suns doing their ’90s throwbacks, but the Bucks are gearing up for an entire MONTH of 1990’s unis.
Boy, I’m glad I don’t care about the NBA. If I did, I’d have to watch this ugliness for the next 28 days.
The Bucks should have chosen these for their throwbacks: link
Brutal. Absolutely brutal.
When the Seahawks changed uniforms in 2002 they proposed wearing different helmets at home and on the road, but the NFL nixed the idea, saying it was against league rules. According to the helmet history infographic, the Eagles did just that in 1969, with green at home and white on the road. Not surprising that the NFL has grown more conservative as it ages.
I’m astonished that the NFL has stuck with the “only one helmet” rule. Seems inevitable that we’ll be seeing alternate helmets soon.
Less motivation for that, since helmets aren’t a big merchandise item.
Not saying they aren’t sold, but do they bring in the revenue that jerseys/hats/shirts/jackets do?
you think jerseys/hats/shirts/jackets bring in the same amount of revenue?
i’m just saying, helmets aren’t a sleeper anymore
Yes, I think licensed clothing items that people can wear in their everyday lives bring in more revenue than replica helmets.
We already see alternate throwback helmets. What’s the difference?
I think the NFL stays away from alt helmets because they consider the helmet a brand for each team. Probably more important in their eyes than the wordmarks.
Just go to link
The top banner for the game has Ravens vs Niners with their names in the same typeface. The images there are their helmets.
Click on a game here
I have been saying this for years. A huge additional revenue stream. And when the “O Factor” (Oregon) and all the new helmet graphics tech coming out, I’d say this is a no doubter.
Yes, those alternate home/road Eagles helmets were really nice back in ’69. I certainly see where the NFL is coming from on banning multiple helmet designs, given the branding issues. But the NFL’s distinctions between alternate uniforms and throwback uniforms seems to make the helmet ban silly. If a team wants to wear a throwback uniform on a limited basis, then it’s OK to wear a different helmet design. But if they simply want to wear an alternate uniform, then the helmet has to be the regular one. Seems like a simple solution is to allow an alternate helmet with the alternate jersey for a limited number of games.
Thanks for writing on the “Pizza Tables”! I have always judged the quality of a pizza on the inclusion of the table in the box.
i wouldn’t go by that at all…
two of the best pies in pittsburgh, vinnie’s and mineo’s, don’t even use those things
Canucks wearing new third jersey patch to honour 1915 Stanley Cup Champs Vancouver Millionaires.
But check out the full replica the Canucks have done up (beige pants et al) – maybe something for a Heritage Classic game down the road?
Great look. Go Plutocrats!
Being sports obsessed as a kid, I had a different thought when I saw the pizza tables on the rare occasions we got pizza from the mom-and-pop joint rather than Little Caesar’s. I never thought table. I saw three legs arranged in a triangular pattern and thought: “Oooh! A free kicking tee!” And, given that there was no better use for the thing, I usually got to have it and use it accordingly, if I could find it again once summer rolled around.
Canucks dressing like Millionaires tonight
That reads to me like they’re wearing a patch on their third jerseys (the stick-in-rink logo) to honour the Millionaires, not wearing Millionaires jerseys.
But speaking of actually dressing like Millionaires…
Quirky jersey find on eBay:
It’s a #70 Boston Red Sox road alternate, and it doesn’t have a name on the back despite Boston using NOBs for this style.
In spring training, teams that normally have NOBs will make NNOB jerseys for last-minute additions to the day’s roster, typically with numbers as exotic as the 70 in this auction. But I don’t think the Red Sox wear this alternate in spring training. I wonder if it’s a “blood” jersey or some other kind of emergency jersey.
My family has always referred to pizza box lid supports as Playschool People Tables. If I had saved all those that had come into our house, I’d have a very large Playschool picnic area.
Make mine with anchovies.
Houston Dynamo loses its shirt sponsor:
Heat and Pacers both wearing the 1990s NBA Hardwood Classics tonight right now on ESPN, just like the Suns the other night.
The Pacers should have never gotten rid of those, although I’m not too fond of pinstripes on basketball uniforms.
I like the pinstriped Pacers unis, but I’m surprised they didn’t go with the 1990-97 design. That’s the uniform I’ll always associate the most with Reggie Miller, going lights-out with 8 points in a row in the final seconds against the Knicks, taunting Spike Lee, and such.
The pinstripe uniforms are nice, like I said, but unfortunately, the defining moment for me for those uniforms is the “Malice at the Palace” brawl.
The pinstripes remind me of the 2000 NBA Finals vs. the Lakers.
Love the Bucks look tonight in the Garden. Although I like the look, I really don’t like the “purple era”.
Where’s Vin Baker?
Is that Glenn Robinson I see on the bench?
When I was a single guy in my 20s (early 2000s), my buddy and I used to tell girls in bars that we were the heirs to the fortune of the family that invented these things. We called it “The Benedetto Bridge”. It was so wacked-out that it was totally believable. The story was that I took a table from my sister’s doll house and put it on a pizza, which inspired my dad to start the whole business.
How is the NFL going to allow Ray Lewis to wear these cleats on Sunday?
You fine a guy for wearing his socks too low, or a different color chinstrap, but this you allow?