Reader Bruce Menard has really outdone himself lately, coming up with nearly two dozen spectacular wire photos for our enjoyment. And Bruce doesn’t just find these photos — he cleans them up, sharpens them, and generally makes them look as good as they can be. Please join me in thanking him for the great images that you’re about to see:
• Whoa, check out the 1958 Bucknell football team! I’ve seen old photos of the Lombardi-era packers wearing that kind of gear, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many players wearing it at once. Awesome shot!
• Hmmmm, clear football helmet shell or beauty parlor hair-dryer thingie?
• After scoring a hat trick in a game against the North Stars, Phil Esposito strapped on a Vikings helmet that was on display in the hotel lobby.
• Here are some good early shots of Shea Stadium — one while it was under construction and one from the first game played there.
• Love this shot of the 1961 Reds’ helmet rack. Note that Wally Post’s helmet had his uni number inscribed within the logo, similar to what the Cubs used to do.
• Even Harvey, the Kansas City A’s old ball-delivering mechanized rabbit, went through a uniform change. Back in 2010 I ran this photo of him wearing a pinstriped uni, but now we have (color!) shot of him in a gold uni.
• Who’s that bowling? None other than Teddy Ballgame! Always love to see ballplayers doing a bit of pin-bashing.
• Speaking of cross-sport endeavors, here we have a boxer and a ballplayer on the golf course. That’s Rocky Marciano and Yogi Berra in 1958, when both of were in their primes. Wish we could get a clearer view of the logo on Yogi’s cap.
• Several uni-notable aspects to this 1959 shot of Cardinals first baseman Joe Cunningham. First, you don’t often (ever?) see a flocked Cardinals helmet. Second, the helmet logo looks more like a patch than a decal. Third, what’s with that white sticker on the brim? And boy do I love the textured look of those seams on the jersey.
• Speaking of flocked helmets, check out this 1950s shot of Eddie Mathews. Looks like the “M” logo was painted on by hand. Zippered jersey, too!
• And speaking of Mathews, here he is looking over some 1961 All-Star Game trophies with the Say Hey Kid.
• Here’s a 1930s Spokane Indians player “honoring” Native Americans. In a related item, Mel Ott of Giants was given the honorary title of “Chief Run Around the Bases.” (At least things were a bit more dignified when heavyweight champ Jack Dempsey was named “Chief Strong Heart.”)
• Robby the Robot was an imposing figure in the batter’s box.
• Mickey Mantle, on the other hand, didn’t look so imposing swinging a bat in the shower stall.
• Here’s Bob Feller in his United States Navy baseball uniform, circa 1940s. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If MLB really wants to “honor the troops,” they should have teams wear old military baseball uniforms like this one. That way they’ll be teaching fans about players like Feller, who actually served, instead of just doing the rah-rah jingoism/camo nonsense.
• Speaking of baseball and military, here’s the Iron Horse swapping caps with a Japanese Navy cadet.
• And speaking of Lou Gehrig, this is pretty fascinating: A year after Gehrig passed away in 1941, a “Lou Gehrig Memorial Ambulance,” complete with his uni number on the side, was put into service in New York City. Here it is parked outside of Yankee Stadium with Gehrig’s widow at the wheel! “Wonder whatever happened to it,” says Bruce. “Could it still be around somewhere, or long ago junked?” Hmmmmm.
Awesome stuff — thanks so much, Bruce!
Raffle reminder: The annual Uni Watch year-end reader-appreciation raffle is now under way. Deadline for entering is next Monday.

’Skins Watch: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker went ahead and signed the bill that will make it easier for schools in the state to retain their Native American mascots, but not before explaining his decision in a letter to local tribes. ”¦ Leaving aside the question of whether Native American mascots are on the wrong side of history, are they also bad for business? Here’s an interesting article suggesting that they are (thanks, Phil). … The flag design for Wicomico County in Maryland looks a bit like the ’Skins logo (from Mike Lafferty).

Baseball News: Excellent history lesson on the Twins’ Minny/Paul logo by Todd Radom. … New uniforms for the Yomiuri Giants. “The road uniforms have gone from gray to blue, which is what the team wore during its V9 (9 straight titles) in the 1960s and ’70s,” says Jeremy Brahm. “Also, the stars on the sleeve patch are for their Japan Series championships.” … Also from Jeremy: “The Saitama Seibu Lions have teamed with Tezuka Productions (the animation company the team has used for its mascot since its move to Saitama in the 1970s) to produce a ‘jungle design’ for the 100th anniversary of the Seibu Railway, although there’s no word on when it will be worn.” Here’s a video of the unveiling. … We’ve been hearing this for a while now, but here’s another item suggesting that reinforced protective caps may soon be available for MLB pitchers (thanks, Phil). … We already knew that the Mets blue home alt would have a Mr. Met sleeve patch in 2014. Now it turns out that the blue road alt will also have the Mr. Met patch. … In a related item, Pete Woychick has brought my attention to a site called Mr. Moody Met, which appears to consist primarily of rather odd Mr. Met depictions, although I haven’t hard a chance to investigate it fully. … Chris Rodriguez notes that the base cut-outs on the Houston Cougars’ new field surface sure look red.

NFL News: Throwbacks on tap this Sunday for the Rams. … A Federal court has ruled that the Ravens can show their original “Flying B” logo in documentary videos (from Duncan Wilson). … Former ’Skins CB Darrell Green says that he and Eagles DE Reggie White once traded helmets at the Pro Bowl (from Brian McQuiston). … “On Thanksgiving I went to my dad’s house and found these little figurines in his garage,” says Erik Morris. “These came out when I was probably around 10-12 years old. Was it common to have those little NFL figurines wearing practice gear? All of mine that I remember had full jerseys.” … Seahawks RB Marshawn Lynch wore a Seahawks-ish “24/7” jersey in a commercial for a local plumbing company (screen shot by David Pealing). … Chris Flinn spotted some Giants and Jets tees featuring a font not normally used by either team. … Chiefs RB Jamaal Charles wore gloves for part of the team’s Week 14 game against Washington, but he was bare-handed at other points in the game, and so was his backfield-mate Knile Davis. Is there some advantage to going bare-handed in the snow? (From Nik Streng.) … I love these ski masks that look like football helmets (from Leon Frager). … Even better: How awesome are these old iron-on patterns? (Tremendous find by my pal Robin Edgerton.) ”¦ If you scroll about a third of the way down on this Q&A page, you’ll find some very interesting info on the origins of the Steelers’ one-side-only helmet logo (from Douglas King).

College Football News: This is pretty awesome: A Michigan football website has tracked and documented all the profanities that have been invoked in the site’s open-thread discussions. Fucking genius! (Big thanks, Kirsten). … Here’s a sensational interactive infographic showing the evolution of NCAA conference alignments since 1965. … Ohio will have a sleeve patch for the Embarrassingly Named Restaurant Chain Bowl, although I’m assuming they’ll also have a chest patch, right? … Meanwhile, here’s Ole Miss’s patch for the Mortgage Broker Bowl, Pitt’s patch for the “Pizza” Bowl, LSU’s patch for the Steakhouse Bowl, CSU’s patch for the Branded Activewear Bowl, Texas A&M’s patch for the Chicken Sandwich Bowl, and the patch both teams will be wearing for the Automotive Lubricants and Fluids Bowl (all of those from Phil). ”¦ Notre Dame and Boston College might play a game at Fenway Park in 2015 (from Warren Junium).

Hockey News: Here’s a very unsatisfying “sneek peak” at the Rangers’ Stadium Series jerseys (thanks, Phil). ”¦ Bauer has come out with a new line of equipment called OD1N (no, that’s not a typo), which is modestly described as “the most revolutionary line of equipment ever introduced to the sport of hockey.” … More ugly Xmas sweater jerseys, this time for the Sheffield Steelers and Toledo Walleye (from Simon Gleadhall and Phil, respectively). … Here’s a better look than we’ve previously had of Notre Dame’s Frozen Fenway uniform, and here’s Merrimack’s Frozen Fenway jersey (both of those from Phil). … This is pretty funny: The WHL’s Spokane Chiefs “volunteered” their division rivals’ jerseys for an ugly sweater contest (good one from Steve Francis).

Soccer News: New skyline design for NEC Nijmegen (from Trevor Williams). … Also from Trevor: New kits for Santos Laguna. … These next three are from Yusuke Toyoda: The Pope received a jersey from San Lorenzo, his boyhood idols. … There’s apparently some controversy about whether EPL teams should go with more American-style branding. … I knew about soccer players often swapping jerseys after a big match, but Raja Casablanca and Atletic Mineiro swapped shoes the other day.

NBA News: I don’t much care about jersey sales, but here are the latest sales figures for NBA product. … The Bobcats/Hornets unveiling logo unveiling will be tomorrow. Meanwhile, you can vote on 99designs’ eight Hornets logo finalists here.

College Hoops News: Back in 1981, Pitt had warm-up tops with nickNOBs. “‘Giss’ is Darrell Gissendanner, who passed away recently,” says Jeff Flynn Jr. “‘Easy-E’ is Sammie Ellis. Some of them just had first name on back. ‘Clyde’ (second from left, hard to read) is the great Clyde Vaughan. My personal take is that the nickname on back works better on warm-ups and can be a permanent fixture there, rather than just a one-off promotion like the NBA is about to do.”

Grab Bag: My latest eBay score: this sweater. Contrary to the seller’s claim, it’s not a varsity letter sweater, but it still has a very uni-ish feel, no? … Did you know that the Olympic torch relay has been plagued with mishaps, including the death of a torch carrier? Yikes. … Lots of jurists over the years have accessorized their robes with bow ties, most notably former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. But Judge Richard J. Leon, who ruled on the constitutionality of the NSA’s data-collection program earlier this week, takes an unusually bold approach with his bow tie. … Vintage bowling shirts are nothing new, but here’s something much rarer: an entire vintage bowling uniform! Love the chain-stitching, the shirt label, and the belt buckle. Only downer is the base color, which is kinda drab (great find by Heather McCabe). ”¦ Awsome striped socks! That’s Fred Astaire in the 1937 film Damsel in Distress (from Marc Gilbert). … Kevin Kurz has noticed that the Canadian luge team has “For Sale” printed on its helmets. A bit of Googling reveals that they also did this prior to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and successfully attracted a sponsor. … Here’s a possible first: The Shiner High School football team in Texas has a helmet logo that appears to be based on the label from Shiner Bock beer. Or is it the other way around? (From Mark Rybczyk.) … Players in next month’s All-American Bowl — that’s a high school all-star game — will be wearing these helmet designs, and the helmets will be fitted with Riddell’s InSite impact-sensing technology (which I covered two months ago). ”¦ Here are lots of views of the new Notre Dame lacrosse helmet (from Warren Junium). ”¦ RIP, Al. A tortured soul, a scumbag, and a classic New York character to the end — you’ll be missed.

What Paul did last night (and what he’s doing today): Saw Nebraska, the new Bruce Dern movie, last night and really, really liked it. Not a perfect movie, but much better than I expected. Having spent some time in western Nebraska, I was impressed by how well it captured that world.
I’m spending today with my Mom, so everyone play nice and I’ll see you next week, yes? Yes!
I really wish the Ravens would’ve just paid that guy. The original logo is light years ahead of the stupid cartoon bird they use now.
I hate those “You won, here’s $1 in damages” judgements. Did the plaintiff win or not? Pay the man.
I don’t hate their current logo, other than the dumb “B” they insist on having in there.
Better as the helmet logo that the one they stole and had to discontinue using. That one would be OK as a secondary patch on their sleeves or something.
All he asked for (originally, when he first saw the design) was a signed helmet and some tickets.
Thanks for the lede today Paul, hope everyone enjoys it!
As for this:
“Here’s a 1930s Spokane Indians player “honoring” Native Americans. In a related item”
Wrong picture, it should link to this:
Bruce, what would I do without you? Thanks!
‘Ray Bucknell!
Wish the link wasn’t blocked by my company’s firewall, would love to see the pic. Always love seeing my alma mater on this site.
Nice pic of Williams. He was two days from baseball retirement when that was taken in 1960.
Good thing he wasn’t a movie cop. Being two days short of retirement means you’re going to get shot on the job.
On the cap Feller is wearing it looks like the logo is on a patch – kind of like a nameplate. Don’t think I’ve seen that construction before.
Santos Laguna kits look like a serious downgrade of one of the better uniforms in the western hemisphere.
“If MLB really wants to “honor the troops,” they should have teams wear old military baseball uniforms like this one. That way they’ll be teaching fans about players like Feller, who actually served, instead of just doing the rah-rah jingoism/camo nonsense.”
I’ll second the motion. It’s moved, all in favor? Good. Let’s get it done.
There was a uni- notable moment in the Connecticut high school football state championship last night between my alma mater, Fairfield Prep, and Southington High School, Prep quarterback Colton Smith suffered a massive jersey tear which left the entire back ripped off, as a friend put it. He had to get a New Jersey, but unfortunately they only had a number 10 instead of Smith’s number 2, so Smith played the rest of the game as a 10. If I can find photos, I’ll link them.
Those Reds helmets have no pointy end, but are still a bit wishbone-like (well, they are squashed “C”‘s anyway).
Yup, that’s part of the reason that I sent that pic along. The paint job overall seems a bit handmade/homemade.
The link about the torch relay goes to a photo gallery. link that mentions the death of one of the torch-bearers.
Thanks. Fixed.
And now the bow tie judge link goes to the torch relay gallery.
Thanks. Fixed.
RE: Eddie Mathhews pic…. That “M” looks like it could be glue residue left behind after the “M” fell off!
The A’s Harvey looks to not only have undergone a uni change but a design change as well! The gold-uniformed Harvey is more three-dimensional and mirror-imaged, and looks less like an infringement upon link
I knew about soccer players often swapping jerseys after a big match, but Raja Casablanca and Atletic Mineiro swapped shoes the other day
Well, that particular player happened to be Ronaldinho, consensus greatest player in the world for about three years and link.
Casablanca players practically tried to strip him naked after the match.
I’m guessing the photo of the Rangers jerseys was taken at a retail outlet, since the piles in the front are all Lundqvist jerseys.
No, it was taken at the Garden.
If this is going to be anything like the Winter Classic games, they’ll be issued three jerseys for the game, one per period, which are then auctioned off later.
And since the Rangers are playing two outdoor games, that probably explains the larger piles. Six sweaters issued to each player.
Also looks like the Rangers got that Reebok template that LA and Pittsburgh and the Islanders are using. It’s starting to grow on me, but I hope Chicago isn’t forced into it.
According to the Icethetics blog, it was taken at MSG by a fan passing by one of the arena stores.
I heard a warmup-nicNOB story about Pete Maravich while at LSU. Supposedly Pete had his last name on his and the rest of the team had “and company” on theirs. I did a quick Google search, but never found anything.
there may be something to this….searching
There has been only one franchise onto himself in all of sport and his name was Maravich. His LSU teammates once wore AND COMPANY on their warm-ups. In the NBA there were 21 teams and one Pistol. He knew it, and he bore the burden. “We get beat at Phoenix by 43 and I get blamed,” he once told me.
how frikkity-frakkity sweet are these socks????? link
HEF knew a thing or two about uniforms matching the shoes
dang it, I looked at that same site and I guess I missed it. Thanks.
and that was taken from SI.COM which used to be reliable
no pictures to confirm yet but look at his #s below. I bet Dick Vitale would love watching these games:
While Maravich would tell friends later in life he always desired to play basketball for West Virginia University and was all set to be a Mountaineer, his father was the varsity coach at LSU and his father offered the “Pistol” a spot at LSU. In his first game on the LSU freshman team Maravich put up 50 points, 14 rebounds and 11 assists against Southeastern Louisiana College.[7]
In only three years playing for his father at LSU, Maravich scored 3,667 points – 1,138 of those in 1968, 1,148 in 1969 and 1,381 in 1970 while averaging 43.8, 44.2 and 44.5 points per game. In his collegiate career, the 6′ 5″ (1.96 m) guard averaged an incredible 44.2 points per game in 83 contests and led the NCAA in scoring in each of his three seasons.[8]
Maravich’s longstanding collegiate scoring record is particularly impressive when two other factors are taken into account:
First, NCAA rules at the time of Maravich’s collegiate career prohibited freshmen from taking part in varsity competition, preventing Maravich from adding to his career record for a full quarter of his time at LSU. During this first year, Maravich scored 741 points in freshman competition.
Second, Maravich played before the advent of the three-point line. His long-distance shooting skill thus produced far fewer points than would have been the case in a later era. Years later, former LSU head basketball coach Dale Brown charted every college game Maravich played, taking into consideration all shots he took. Brown calculated that at the NCAA rule of a three-point line at 19 feet 9 inches (6.02 m) from the rim, Maravich would have averaged thirteen 3-point scores per game, lifting the player’s career average to 57 points per game.[
HOLY SMOKES!!! before marcus hall flipped off ann arbor, pistol pete was writing the book on doing it the right way
From Dennis Rodman’s latest adventure in North Korea, link.
As you might know, Kim Jong-Un was a huge fan of the late-’90s Bulls teams that featured, among others, Rodman and Jud Buechler and Randy Brown.
How are the Rams going throwback with the single helmet rule? Are they peeling of the gold horns and replacing them with yellow horns? Even then, the helmet is a darker blue than the vintage version, no?
As long as it’s the same shell, the decal can be changed. It can even be repainted if need be.
Are they peeling of the gold horns and replacing them with yellow horns?
That’s got to be one of the worst jobs in the NFL:
“Rams’ horns decal switcher and switch back guy”
The Rams have been just swapping decals ever since they brought back that throwback. I don’t know if the current navy helmet is darker than the original, but it isn’t off by that much. The Rams (and Giants) helmets were always blatantly darker than their jerseys prior to 2000.
It seems that for many teams accuracy is a minor consideration, if it’s a consideration at all.
Even if the blue is darker it’s close enough; fans will probably fixate more on the yellow (or is it athletic gold?) elements anyway.
Personally, I’d like to see throwback programs scaled back.
The Ohio bowl sleeve patch looks like those are the coaches’ shirts, not the players jerseys…
It’s this. The DFO or Equipment manager, I forget which, was the one who tweeted out that the coaches would be ready.
Through a tenuous connection to Merrimack Hockey in 1980, I was asked to submit a cover proposal for their media guide. It wound up not being used but for my trouble I was awarded a Warriors’ team t-shirt. It is a Uni Watch column, all by itself, with a gold-flocked applique of their very offensive Indian mascot.
By the way, that Dan Marino action figure looks like Ronald Reagan.
I really want to see that Nebraska movie. Loved the soundtrack — can’t believe it took over 30 years to turn it into a film!
That was pretty CORNy, Boss.
The OD1N skates have a rather large opening in the blades. If a pass ends up at your skates, won’t the puck go right through when you try to kick it up to your stick?
Yeah, I thought the same thing…and even if the opening isn’t quite large enough for the puck, it will at the very least affect the control of a skate to tape kick. Seems like the puck could bounce out at any angle, especially if its on edge.
pucks have occasionally gotten stuck in the gap under skates, this just seems to make it even more likely
Just a week or so ago…….
Nothing makes my day more than reading “There’s No Service Like Wire Service” to start a Uni Watch entry. Thanks Bruce for all your contributions!
You’re welcome Daren L, glad you enjoyed them!
Yes, one of my favorites, too. Thanks, Bruce.
Thanks Jim!
I’ll go to my grave regretting having never done a cover for SCREW. RIP Al, indeed!
I know with football gloves, I heard a receiver did complain (I think it was Santonio Holmes on the Jets, but I don’t remember at this point) about wearing gloves in the rain; apparently, the water removes the “tackiness” on the gloves, making them slippery. I guess it depends on the player preference.
Not only is the uniform different for Harvey, its a completely different Harvey!
I wonder how many of those Japanese naval cadets shown with Gehrig had something to do with Pearl Harbor five years later.
Interesting perspective!
I wonder how many of them made it through the war . . . alive.
Yeah, Gehrig could have averted catastrophe if he had just killed all of them right there. Why did Lou Gehrig hate America?
I dont know about Charles, but Knile Davis almost always went bare handed in college.
Nice write up on the Twins, Todd Radom.
I was always perplexed and slightly annoyed by the odd treatment on Paul’s bat in the first image that is shown in the post. But, then again, it’s weird stuff like that that I love.
Thanks! So much to like about Minnie and Paul, the very friendly visual persona of a very friendly region’s ballclub. Love the fact they are utilized as they are at Target Field, which is an exceptionally beautiful ballpark.
I didn’t know these were fixed up too, thank you Bruce! Wire Service days are some of my favorite regular features on UniWatch!
Cleaning up all the photos is half the fun!
Thanx MEMAL!
I never realized Ted Williams threw “right handed.” I think every photo or movie image I’ve seen of him was just at bat hitting left handed.
The helmet in the pic Darrell Green tweeted out isn’t his rookie helmet – That style facemask wasn’t available until the 90s and his rookie year was 1984. His rookie card: link
Reggie White, incidentally, was still in the USFL in 1984.
Twitter pic helmet was referred to as the Triple half.
Rookie Card pic was referred to as the Double Half.
The facemask WAS available…Mike Rozier wore it, Kevin Mack wore it just to name a few.
Mike Rozier:
Kehttp://www.clevelandskyline.com/Cleveland_Browns_Kevin_Mack_c488_large_JB-LOB.jpgvin Mack:
Kevin Mack didn’t wear that until later on in his career. Don’t know about Rozier…
Green used at least five different models of mask, so I suppose anything could happen, but my mind doesn’t recall seeing that style of mask around until the latter portion of the 80’s.
He did say “helmet” (meaning shell??). If he used the same shell for several years it *could* be his rookie HELMET.
The UND lacrosse helmets are a version of the new Cascade R.
They are part of their Shamrock series, which was worn for Fall ball when they played out at Air Force.
Cascade is a company out of Liverpool, NY and owned by Bauer. They released the new R before the start of the 2013 NCAA Tournament, wherein all of the Cascade tournament teams had special mockups made:
Tourney helmets:
My personal favorite is the Lehigh version:
Official release from Nike on the new Oregon unis. Aside from the BFBS, I think these are the best they have come up with yet.
“The Steelers will be wearing their special Christmas Shirt for Saturdays game at the Arena against Cardiff Devils.
There will be 20 shirts on offer and that menas 20 prizes for the raffle – 20 prizes to be won.
Tickets will be priced at just £1 and available from the moment you arrive at the Arena on Saturday evening for the game.”
How much does it cost NOT to win one? I’d pay any price!
It’s odd that the photo of “Robbie The Robot” says “if” the Dodgers move to L.A. That photo is from August of 1957 so you would have thought that everybody knew it was a foregone conclusion.
“Robbie” looks like a prototype for the robot on Lost in Space (“danger Will Robinson!”).
Robby and B9 actually met up once on an episode of LiS:
B9 was a righty?:
Whoa, good stuff!
Compleeeeeetlely different, dude. C’mon ,Man!!
It’s interesting in these old photos that “Yankee Stadium” was referred to as “The Yankee Stadium.”
Does anybody know when they stopped calling it “The Yankee Stadium” and just “Yankee Stadium.”
Has there been an owner who wears the team’s jersey that has become more of a joke/pariah than Cardiff’s Vincent Tan?
Changes team kit color
Wears kit over dress shirt
Tucks kit into his pants
All is forgiven, link. You’re not so awful after all.
Anyone know if the NFL will allow throwback helmets next year or if theyll cont to have to wear their current yr helmet
Nothing looks weirder than the GB throwbacks with the current helmet. Wish NFL would figure something out
NFL is committing to player safety and their safety committee came to the conclusion that multiple helmets are not good for player health. You can, and many (including myself) do dispute this conclusion, but the NFL is highly unlikely to establish a new rule regarding safety (in relation to the biggest injury concern for the league; Concussions), and then abandon it after less than a year. Only multiple studies disproving the NFL’s assertion will lead to them throwing out the rule.
It’s not just about if they are wrong or right, it’s also about perception. They want to be perceived as a league that is actively trying to prevent concussions, so if they get word that something is preventable on their end (like not allowing multiple helmets aside from malfunctioning equipment) they are going to take steps to prevent it. They don’t want to get caught being skeptical about findings only to have those findings be proven factual later on down the line. It’s a better safe than sorry stance.
It sucks but it doesn’t seem like we’ll be seeing throwback helmets for a long time.
Saw this on a site that is usually pretty good about not putting crap up. Any chance it is a new Oregon uni?
Yes, Nike released more photo’s too… (From above in the comments and Johnny O…)
Personally they look awesome, and I would rather see a Kelly green and lightning yellow, instead of BFBS, but I know the traditionalist are going to go crazy when they see these! Maybe Nike released on a Friday knowing Paul doesn’t post on weekends!
I love the Kelly Green color. But I will say the way the feathers fall, my instant thought was that it looks like a superhero cape, which with how Paul view’s it, it fits the superhero theme the uni’s are going towards.
Perhaps I’m alone in thinking this, but I can’t even differentiate “new” Oregon unis from “old” ones, anymore. They all have merged together in my head to be one basic image, as strange as that may sound.
Well that must be the reason Bucknell only won one game in 1958! How did they run in those getups?
so i’ll totally give you pizza bowl after seeing that patch. it is just horrible, it doesn’t even pretend. so screw calling it the i’m calling it cherry bowl angle. you win that one . but again i see music city, not whatever the sponsor it was that i forgot by the time i scrolled down here. if it is blah-blah bowl name, i just see bowl name.
i honestly couldn’t tell you who sponsors the holiday bowl but i know ASU-TT play in it, and it should be a fun game as it is every year. sponsors, fuck them, but i know more of them now then in any other year because of your stupid horse shit. reading…blah blah… why did he…oh right , coca-cola…fuck, now coke is in my head, that sucks. it becomes mission accomplished coca-cola branding, not ironic screw corporatisation of sport. at least for me, thanks for propping the corpo-camo. you are absolutely killing me with this sponsor crap, i hate it it hate it hate it.
by the way the rose was a marketing scheme devised by the rose parade ass-clowns, so call that spade a spade too please. refer to it as the parade bowl for corn’s sake.
hugs and kisses paul, you know i loves you
by the way the rose was a marketing scheme devised by the rose parade ass-clowns, so call that spade a spade too please. refer to it as the parade bowl for corn’s sake.
Not a bad idea! Consider it done.
It was never the Cherry Bowl. The Cherry Bowl died after two years.
The current one used to be the Motor City Bowl, and that actually made sense, but with the Big Three hit by the financial crisis (well, not so much Ford as the other two who had to get bailed out), the Greek Man stepped in.
I still don’t like using “Pizza”, even in quotes, as it doesn’t go far enough. I mean, it kinda, sorta gives a little bit of an “alleged” vibe, but really, it’s all about the Greek Man getting influence on as much of downtown Detroit as he can. So, maybe, the Greek Man’s Bowl?
“But Judge Richard J. Leon, who ruled on the constitutionality of the NSA’s data-collection program earlier this week, takes an unusually bold approach with his bow tie. ”
What are we looking at in the photo? Is it an unusually stripey bow tie for someone in judicial robes, or is there something else going on?
Stevens was also very stripey as well so I’m not sure what’s unusual
Absolutely LOVE the podium jackets for the American athletes at Sochi. Aside from the black shoes of course.
Paul – I saw “Nebraska” myself last weekend. Being from Omaha, I can also vouch for the film’s accuracy. It’s a truly moody and melancholy road trip flick that creeps into your brain like a strange dream. Watching the movie, I had fun counting the number of times “Harry Husker” or the University of Nebraska football schedule posters appeared on screen. Those are standard fixtures in those small town taverns, stores, etc.
“The Shiner High School football team in Texas has a helmet logo that appears to be based on the label from Shiner Bock beer.”
Another geography-lesson helmet, courtesy of the Shiner Comanches?
Notre Dame AD Jack Swarbrick had a press conference today about upcoming football schedules. He was also asked about the upcoming shoe/apparel deal (he stated a decision hasn’t been made, and that all three companies — Adidas, Nike, and Under Armour — are still in the running)
Rangers’ Stadium Series unveiled in an (um…) link…
Gotta love Joe at the end.
Good video. Nice jersey.
The new Rangers look a lot like the Hartford Wolf Pack…just with chrome NEW YORK instead..
Not sure how crazy I am about the Mr. Met patch on the Mets’ alts. It’s OK, I guess, but I kind of like the primary logo there. I’m fine with it if they don’t wear the blues too often……
Can we have a contest for jokey uniform patches? I’m thinking the Jets should wear one with Joe Namath and Suzy Kolber, since today is the 10th anniversary of the “Kiss Me” moment.
Anybody else see a martini glass where the flywire collar used to be on the Ducks new uniforms? I really hope that construction doesn’t get applied to every new uniform Nike rolls out.
The Blackhawks’ Outdoor Series jerseys have been posted. Uggh, does that faux-chrome crest look like horse shite. And that template… wish the league would’ve just let them wear the regular black alternate.
Now the Devils are the only team that hasn’t released their Stadium Series jerseys yet. I’ll bet you can probably guess what they look like. We know the Rangers, who are playing in 2 Stadium Series games (against the Islanders and Devils), will be wearing white. The Islanders, who have already released theirs are wearing blue. Since the Rangers are wearing white, the Devils will obviously be wearing red. I’m guessing red body with green shoulders, with white and green partial stripes.
What’s the story behind the crown element in most of the new Hornets’ logo designs? Also, why are there never six-legged hornets in these designs?
Charlotte is nicknamed the “Queen City”
Just saw the Blackhawks and Rangers new Stadium Series jerseys. Really disappointed. I just came to the realization that the NHL is using this as a showcase for Reebok. Every team (that has released their jerseys – the Devils are the only team not to) playing in a Stadium Series game is wearing the same generic Reebok template. I’m not a Stadium Series fan, but they really could’ve done something cool with this and completely missed the mark.
I wonder how Fenway is set for locker room space to host two full football teams?
I doubt it’s worse than it was when the Patriots called it home.
Yeah, but the players… and their egos… are much bigger now.
In response to todays post:
– After scoring a hat trick in a game against the North Stars, Phil Espositostrapped on a Vikings helmet that was on display in the hotel lobby.
I’m digging the flash jewelry that Espo is sporting. A pinky ring, possible Stanley Cup Ring, big ol’ watch on his left hand….and is it possible he’s sporting two watches? That on his left wrist sure looks like a watch band to me. Gotta love those swingin’ 70’s styles.
Great Pic!!!!
Not sure if someone already pointed this out but ULM’s throwbacks are NORTHeast Louisiana not southeast… the NLU on the shorts might have been a red flag but we all understand that they aren’t important… Geaux Tigers