We all know about clothes horses in tennis. But what about table tennis? (Please, don’t call it Ping-Pong.) I’d never much thought about the apparel in that sport until Jeremy Brahm recently alerted me to a Japanese player named Naomi Yotsumoto, who wore an off-the-shoulder dress and a geranium in her cranium during last week’s Japanese National Championship tourney.
Other players in the tournament wore outfits like this and this, and recent female table tennis players at the Olympics (yes, it’s an Olympic sport) have looked like this, this, this, and this. So what’s up with Yotsumoto’s outfits?
Jeremy was kind enough to translate the pertinent bits from this article, which helps explain Yotsumoto’s unusual attire:
Her uniform obsession began after she graduated from college. “I wanted to show myself. So with that, I wanted to change the image of ”˜Table tennis is stupid.’ ”
She has designed the uniforms that she is wearing [in the Japanese National Championships]. She wore a cream number that exposed her left shoulder and also had a “Paris daisy” in her hair. She advanced to the quarterfinals in the mixed doubles, but lost in the fourth round of the women’s singles.
“Without a doubt, I wouldn’t wear gear that would be a hindrance to my play. (As for the loud uniforms), I understand the pros and cons, but I want to continue with it.”
According to this page, “Serious players wear real table tennis clothing.” But real is as real does, and anyone who has a “uniform obsession” is OK by me. Plus I like that Yotsumoto’s trying to counteract one kind of geekiness (playing table tennis) with another (uni obsession). Plus-plus she can’t possibly be as annoying as Serena Williams. So I say let her wear whatever she wants.
Media Blitz: I’ll be talking about the new NHL uniforms today’s All Things Considered show on NPR — I’m told my segment will air at 4:50pm. And then it’s more of the same on Wednesday night at about 10pm, when I’ll be appearing on the Face Off Hockey Show podcast. Imagine how many interviews I’d be doing if the NHL had actually revealed anything substantive yesterday”¦
NHL All-Star Raffle: Speaking of the new NHL unis: As noted in yesterday’s FAQ roundup, the league was kind enough to give me an authentic Eastern Conference All-Star jersey at last week’s little media gathering. Now I’m going to be kind enough to raffle it off, and I’m expecting you folks to be kind enough to turn it into a good fund-raiser. Are we all a bunch of wonderful people or what?
First, here are the details on the jersey itself: It’s a size 54, in perfect condition (except maybe for a couple of stray cat hairs from Uni Watch mascots Tucker and Caitlin). The All-Star Game logo is embroidered on the shoulder. The back is blank, except for the embroidered Reebok logo. All tags are intact (collar, front, sleeve). Includes fight strap.
The raffle will cost $5 per entry. So $5 gets your name in the hat once, $10 gets it in twice, etc. PayPal your entry to me at paul_lukas at earthlink dot net by 10pm Thursday, and I’ll announce the winner on Friday. If you’re not PayPal-ish but still want to enter, put a check in the mail (Paul Lukas, 671 DeGraw St., Brooklyn, NY 11217) and e-mail me to let me know — I’ll put your name in even if the check doesn’t arrive in time for the drawing.
Uni Watch Winter Party Tour: Okay, my February travel plans are finally firmed up, and I’m happy to announce that there will be Uni Watch parties in three separate cities over a six-day period, which will surely set some sort of record for uni-based debauchery. Here’s the scoop:
- February 3rd, Brooklyn: Forget Super Sunday — the real action will be on Saturday, as we gather at 3pm at the 12th Street Bar (corner of 8th Ave. and 12th St.; take the F train to 7th Ave.). The big news is that the bartender will be former Village Voice sports editor Miles Seligman, the man who once said, “A column about uniforms? That’s the stupidest-ass idea I’ve ever heard!” Alright, so that’s not quite what he said. Webmaster Johnny Ek is planning to be on hand too, plus design director Scott M.X. Turner, Mets by the Numbers webmaster Jon Springer, and we’re even flying in Jeremy Brahm for the occasion. Okay, no we’re not. But we would if we could! Anyway, it should be a kickass time.
February 7th, San Francisco: Uni Watch’s first-ever west coast shindig will take place at 7:30pm, at a venue still to be determined (although I’m seriously considering the Latin American Club — your thoughts, San Franciscans?). Further details soon.
February 8th, Dallas: We also need a venue for this get-together, which will commence at 7:30pm. I know exactly zero about Dallas, so help me out, people. Please keep in mind that while I love sports and love bars, I hate sports bars. A simple neighborhood watering hole is more my speed. Little help..?
And if anyone somehow manages to attend all three parties, first round’s on me.
Uni Watch News Ticker: Remember our discussion a few months back about target-esque hockey jersey logos? Ethan Rowley was reminded of that when he saw this old comic strip. ”¦ “Your talk of Oakland University’s mismatched shirts and shorts prompted me to send this picture of the Quebec City Kebewa of the ABA,” writes Doug Brei. “They aren’t exactly mismatched, but they are some of the most interesting uniforms I’ve seen in years. The road uniforms are the ones that are really bizarre. They’re so unique that for some reason I don’t hate them as much as I should.” ”¦ Interesting note from Jeremy Brahm, who writes: “I just learned about something called the Masters [baseball] League in Japan. It’s for retired players to play from November to February, which is the traditional off-season in Japanese baseball. The five teams have some pretty funky uniforms, as seen in these photos of the Sapporo Ambitious (player names are beneath the numbers), Nagoya 80D’sers, Tokyo Dreams, Osaka Romans (names beneath the numbers again, plus look at the blue trim on the sleeves), and Fukuoka Dontakus (can you say Vancouver Canucks V?).”
Looks like link and Ovechkin will be sitting next to each other in Dallas. My question is, why does Ovechkin nave ’32’ written on his stuff? Shoulder pads, shin pads…
looks like this guy has his bat matched to his uni too
Notice the extreme difference between the two venues that the Quebec City Kebewa were playing in?
Away: link
Home: link
Why is it that A.I. can match his arm sleeve to the primary color of the Nuggets, but ‘Melo link?
and weren’t these getting outlawed in the NBA this season?
Those Japanese Masters League pics look like they were taken during a NASCAR pit crew softball game.
I love the idea of a Literally Senior Circuit in baseball. Can we get this in America, just with better uniforms?
Is it only in basketball that some folks get the fantods about “mismatched” uniforms? In soccer, football, and ice hockey where jersey and pants are often a different color, no one seems think them mismatched.
The Quebec City uni is a take on link all star uniforms.
Wild ditching green sweaters
Team will wear red at home all next season
Pioneer Press
DALLAS — The Wild will get rid of their green home jerseys next season as part of the NHL’s transition to Reebok’s new form-fitting uniforms, team President Doug Risebrough said Monday.
The new sweaters will make their debut in Wednesday’s NHL All-Star Game here at American Airlines Center but won’t be used by teams until next season. Reebok, Risebrough said, asked teams using three jerseys to pare down to two because it initially will be too difficult to make three.
Currently teams are allowed to use a third jersey during select games that have been cleared through league offices, and the Wild’s alternative jersey — a red, old-fashioned sweater with a lace-up collar — has been their most popular, Risebrough said.
So the team will wear the red sweaters at home next season and continue wearing white on the road. Ultimately, he added, teams will be able to add a third jersey, but probably not for a couple of seasons.
The jerseys were supposed to debut last season, Risebrough said, but it took Reebok longer than anticipated to develop the high-tech uniforms it calls its “edge uniform system.” The company claims it allows for greater movement and ventilation and resists moisture.
“I think they’re great,” said forward Brian Rolston, the Wild’s only all-star this season. “Playing in the Olympics, we had the Nike jerseys that were tight-fitting, and I loved them. You could definitely feel a difference; they’re much lighter. The technology is there, I think you have to change with the times.
“You know with those original six teams, I hope we can have the same look with the new fabrics. But I think they’re awesome jerseys.”
The uniforms include new pants with extra padding that, Reebok claims, give players extra hip protection.
As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.
[quote comment=”44653″]Notice the extreme difference between the two venues that the Quebec City Kebewa were playing in?
Away: link
Home: link[/quote]
The ABA is an… interesting league. Apparently they’ll give a franchise to anyone who can come up with the franchise fee (which was only $10,000 at one point, although I think they’ve raised it) without doing any sort of background check or even checking to see if you are competent to run a team. The latter CYO caliber gym is far more common than the former NBA-caliber arena. Where is that, anyway? I’m guessing Rochester. I attended a Harlem Strong Dogs game last year (their home venue was Hunter College, nowhere near Harlem) and there were well under 100 people there.
As long as I’m taking about off-topic stuff, what’s the provenance of that subway sign in the picture of Paul’s cats? From the typeface, it looks oldish, like 60s or 70s.
[quote comment=”44662″]I love the idea of a Literally Senior Circuit in baseball. Can we get this in America, just with better uniforms?[/quote]
They tried that in Florida in the early ’90’s.
I think Tom Paciorek (sp?!) was the marquee name.
It didn’t last.
[quote comment=”44657″]Why is it that A.I. can match his arm sleeve to the primary color of the Nuggets, but ‘Melo link?
and weren’t these getting outlawed in the NBA this season?[/quote]
AI wears link, while Melo wears link. Maybe the body armor is not as easily customized…
[quote comment=”44665″]Is it only in basketball that some folks get the fantods about “mismatched” uniforms? In soccer, football, and ice hockey where jersey and pants are often a different color, no one seems think them mismatched.[/quote]
I’ve often had the same question, but can’t really think of a good reason. Is it just what we are “used to”? Anyone have any pet theories???
Ovechkin wore 32 when he played for the Dynamo in Russia but it’s retired by the Capitals for Dale Hunter.
E.J. Hradek has a similar sentiment as Paul to the new NHL uniforms in his link…I guess he was in Dallas yesterday for the talk while Paul beat him to the punch with the Wednesday session
[quote comment=”44687″]Ovechkin wore 32 when he played for the Dynamo in Russia but it’s retired by the Capitals for Dale Hunter.[/quote]
Thanks, my limited research didn’t find a numbered roster
[quote comment=”44679″][quote comment=”44662″]I love the idea of a Literally Senior Circuit in baseball. Can we get this in America, just with better uniforms?[/quote]
They tried that in Florida in the early ’90’s.
I think Tom Paciorek (sp?!) was the marquee name.
It didn’t last.[/quote]
Yeah, my dad went to a game and sat next to Earl Weaver who was managing at the time and paying very little attention to the game…
Check it out at link
Got 45,000 yen (about $360) to spare? You too can own a full Japanese Masters League uniform:
You’ll have to talk the guy into shipping overseas, but Yahoo Auctions has no overseas shipping as the default so a lot of people leave it selected without noticing, and don’t mind shipping abroad.
The team names have some history behind them. Sapporo Ambitious comes from a Professor Clark who, dispatched to Sapporo to teach science (I think), exhorted his boys to “be ambitious!”
The Zondags are named for the Dutch word for Sunday; the Dutch had a huge presence in Kyushu during the 16th and 17th centuries when foreigners and Christians were otherwise not allowed into Japan. There was a Sunday festival which inspired the team’s name, the team site says.
The Nagoya 80Dsers is the most complicated of the names. Out that way there’s a slang word “yattokame”, which means “it’s been a while” (as in, a while since we’ve seen these players), and that can be another reading of the characters in “80th day”. Very contrived and I wish they’d come up with a new nickname.
There are many pictures of the Masters League linked here:
Scroll past the player profiles on each team’s page for some action shots.
Dallas suggestion: link. Might be a little over the top for what you’re looking for, but they brew their own beer, and it’s quite good. I’ve only been to NW Highway location, can’t comment about the other locations.
[quote comment=”44703″]Paul,
When you charge an entry fee you are conducting a raffle that is regulated by the laws of all 50 states. It is illegal in some states and all states have specific rules on what you can and cannot do. (Ever wonder why most promotions state, in the small type, “No purchase necessary,” or “To receive a free game piece write to this address”?)
Even free raffles are regulated, but since no one is out any money, no one really cares.
I’m not going to rat you out. But just food for thought.[/quote]
Are you willing to ship to a Canadian if I win, Paul? Just be aware that if the product is made outside the US, it cannot be shipped across the border. We had that problem with Starter jerseys. They were made in El Salvador, and US Customs wouldn’t allow the jerseys to be shipped into the US for some unknown reason.
Oh, and that $5 entry fee will actually cost me $6 CDN. A small price to pay, I suppose, to own a piece of hockey’s “new look”. :o)
Along the lines of the story J.B. quoted above, will Detroit have to change the look of their home jerseys, whose red sleeves are cut along the dimensions of the current jersey? (link) What about other teams, for example the Bruins throwback 3rd jerseys, who might have to alter their jersey design?
Dallas suggestion: link
It’s got a ton of great imports, nice atmosphere, too. I wish I had an excuse to take the trip, but I’m only ever in Dallas for work related reasons, of which I have none at the moment.
[quote comment=”44707″]Are you willing to ship to a Canadian if I win, Paul?[/quote]
Absolutely — won’t be a problem, trust me.
[quote comment=”44708″]Along the lines of the story J.B. quoted above, will Detroit have to change the look of their home jerseys, whose red sleeves are cut along the dimensions of the current jersey? (link) What about other teams, for example the Bruins throwback 3rd jerseys, who might have to alter their jersey design?[/quote]
The Bruins won’t have to worry about their 3rd jersey, because as Paul noted, the NHL is squashing 3rd jerseys for the upcoming season.
What’s the deal with the link on the NHL jersey??? I don’t remember seeing it in the link pic. Paul – Did you ask about that at the conference?
Looks like NFL tagging.
[quote comment=”44711″]
The Bruins won’t have to worry about their 3rd jersey, because as Paul noted, the NHL is squashing 3rd jerseys for the upcoming season.[/quote]
If the assume them as their home jerseys, they will. I have my fingers crossed that they will follow the Wild’s lead.
along the lines of our main topic today, who would pay $71.24 for link jersey for a game of table tennis? and what’s with link?
[quote comment=”44712″]What’s the deal with the link on the NHL jersey??? I don’t remember seeing it in the link pic. Paul – Did you ask about that at the conference?
I noticed that too. That’s the one thing that has kept me from PayPal-ing Paul already.
Paul, is that stitched on around the borders of the tag? If it is, I’m sure the tag can be removed, but I don’t want the stitch marks to remain on the jersey.
[quote comment=”44712″]What’s the deal with the link on the NHL jersey??? I don’t remember seeing it in the link pic. Paul – Did you ask about that at the conference?
Looks like NFL tagging.[/quote]
I didn’t ask about it because I didn’t realize it was there until I got home and looked at the jersey they gave me. My hunch: That tag is only on the retail versions.
[quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
I vote Ginger Man.
[quote comment=”44679″][quote comment=”44662″]I love the idea of a Literally Senior Circuit in baseball. Can we get this in America, just with better uniforms?[/quote]
They tried that in Florida in the early ’90’s.
I think Tom Paciorek (sp?!) was the marquee name.
It didn’t last.[/quote]
That short-lived league was most interesting. A lot of players who had been big stars in the Majors participated. I was sad to see it go.
There are a few in the area, and my friend Michael Scott says it rocks.
[quote comment=”44724″]link
There are a few in the area, and my friend Michael Scott says it rocks.[/quote]
Michael Scott also says that linkrocks.
Won’t be able to make it to San Francisco, but I am a fan of Norton’s Vault in the Financial District.
[quote comment=”44727″][quote comment=”44724″]link
There are a few in the area, and my friend Michael Scott says it rocks.[/quote]
Michael Scott also says that linkrocks.[/quote]
Is there an inside joke in there somewhere? I don’t get it.
[quote comment=”44732″][quote comment=”44727″][quote comment=”44724″]link
There are a few in the area, and my friend Michael Scott says it rocks.[/quote]
Michael Scott also says that linkrocks.[/quote]
Is there an inside joke in there somewhere? I don’t get it.[/quote]
Michael Scott is a character on The Office.
How do the Kebekwa get brought up without mentioning that the owner wanted to call them the Quebec Jumping Frogs? Or that their logo/mascot is in fact, a frog? There was something of an outcry over that to say the least.
[quote comment=”44732″][quote comment=”44727″][quote comment=”44724″]link
There are a few in the area, and my friend Michael Scott says it rocks.[/quote]
Michael Scott also says that linkrocks.[/quote]
Is there an inside joke in there somewhere? I don’t get it.[/quote]
a bit of uni related news…
“geranium in her cranium”
[quote comment=”44716″][quote comment=”44712″]What’s the deal with the link on the NHL jersey??? I don’t remember seeing it in the link pic. Paul – Did you ask about that at the conference?
Looks like NFL tagging.[/quote]
I didn’t ask about it because I didn’t realize it was there until I got home and looked at the jersey they gave me. My hunch: That tag is only on the retail versions.[/quote]
I didn’t even realize until the retail aspect was pointed out.
Why would the NHL think that fans would want that tag on the front of their jersey? The NFL jerseys are too be tucked in on the field so the tag adds “authenticity” when the fan is wearing it.
Not so with the NHL…
… unless that particular jersey is one of the “tuck in” models from before.
Either way… AWFUL!
[quote comment=”44671″]Wild ditching green sweaters
Team will wear red at home all next season
Pioneer Press
DALLAS — The Wild will get rid of their green home jerseys next season as part of the NHL’s transition to Reebok’s new form-fitting uniforms, team President Doug Risebrough said Monday.
The new sweaters will make their debut in Wednesday’s NHL All-Star Game here at American Airlines Center but won’t be used by teams until next season. Reebok, Risebrough said, asked teams using three jerseys to pare down to two because it initially will be too difficult to make three.
Currently teams are allowed to use a third jersey during select games that have been cleared through league offices, and the Wild’s alternative jersey — a red, old-fashioned sweater with a lace-up collar — has been their most popular, Risebrough said.
So the team will wear the red sweaters at home next season and continue wearing white on the road. Ultimately, he added, teams will be able to add a third jersey, but probably not for a couple of seasons.
The jerseys were supposed to debut last season, Risebrough said, but it took Reebok longer than anticipated to develop the high-tech uniforms it calls its “edge uniform system.” The company claims it allows for greater movement and ventilation and resists moisture.
“I think they’re great,” said forward Brian Rolston, the Wild’s only all-star this season. “Playing in the Olympics, we had the Nike jerseys that were tight-fitting, and I loved them. You could definitely feel a difference; they’re much lighter. The technology is there, I think you have to change with the times.
“You know with those original six teams, I hope we can have the same look with the new fabrics. But I think they’re awesome jerseys.”
The uniforms include new pants with extra padding that, Reebok claims, give players extra hip protection.[/quote]
MINNA, WE DID IT!! The power of positive thinking!!
one of the more well known and well documented table tennis uniforms. thats all i have to say about that.
[quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
If the Tipperary Inn is still open that would be a great spot as well…
[quote comment=”44748″]one of the more well known and well documented table tennis uniforms. thats all i have to say about that.
Nicely done, Forrest. :-)
Meant to post this yesterday, interesting link on Daughtry’s scarf singing the National Anthem
Also the guys on the radio yesterday afternoon were discussing who the referee for the Super Bowl was gonna be:
Jeff Triplette for Colts-Chiefs
Bill Leavy for Colts-Ravens
Bill Vinovich for Pets-Jets
Tony Corrente for Chargers-Pats
Bill Carollo for the Colts-Pats
Walt Anderson for Cowyboys-Seahawks
Gerry Austin for Bears-Seahawks
Terry McAuley for the Bears-Saints game
So I hope you get the point of this post, especially you Minna. Could we possibly get a sighting of link link?
[quote comment=”44718″][quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
I vote Ginger Man.[/quote]
All the bars I can think of are the hip, yuppie type, like Ginger Man, Idle Rich, Blackfinn, Across the Street Bar, etc. I live in Fort Worth so those are the places I tend to visit. Now if you want to trek west, the ultimate hole-in-the-wall bar is, of course, the University Pub. But I’m clueless about anything below the radar in Dallas.
[quote comment=”44761″][quote comment=”44718″][quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
I vote Ginger Man.[/quote]
All the bars I can think of are the hip, yuppie type, like Ginger Man, Idle Rich, Blackfinn, Across the Street Bar, etc. I live in Fort Worth so those are the places I tend to visit. Now if you want to trek west, the ultimate hole-in-the-wall bar is, of course, the University Pub. But I’m clueless about anything below the radar in Dallas.[/quote]
When I go to Fort Worth I like to stop at link
I’m ready willing and able to donate funds to a charitable raffle. What kind of fund-raiser is this going to be, Paul?
[quote comment=”44718″][quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
I vote Ginger Man.[/quote]
What about Louie’s? It is the prototype “neighborhood bar” with pizza that rivals Campisi’s for the best in Dallas. Seems like a Uni Watch kind of place.
[quote comment=”44776″]I’m ready willing and able to donate funds to a charitable raffle. What kind of fund-raiser is this going to be, Paul?[/quote]
I believe it goes to the That Guy Fund, not to be confused with link.
I have to say that Club Latin America is a great spot in my ‘hood. I would be totally pumped to meet you (and other “uniwatchers”) there on the 7th!
Other suggestions: Kennedy’s (which has the sublime combination of South Indian food and Irish pub atmosphere, plus a half dozen games on), Zeitgeist (if the weather holds, and we can hang out in the monster beer garden), and Mad Dog in the Fog (where you are sure to find some rowdy English footballers cheering for whatever game was TIVO’ed from the night before).
Can’t wait.
[quote comment=”44778″][quote comment=”44718″][quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
I vote Ginger Man.[/quote]
What about Louie’s? It is the prototype “neighborhood bar” with pizza that rivals Campisi’s for the best in Dallas. Seems like a Uni Watch kind of place.[/quote]
Yeah! Louie’s is tremendous. Now there’s a place with some character. I love taking out-of-town visitors there. You can tell they’re apprehensive from the outside (it’s an old converted service station with no windows in an odd, mostly Mexican neighborhood) but they all totally love the place from the instant we go through the door.
The Tipperary is open again, under new management, still across the street from my local watering hole of choice, the Lakewood Landing, aka “An Upscale Dive.”
(The Old Monk, Louie’s, and the Tipperary are all 5 minutes apart.)
Paul, just say the word and we can convert this to an e-mail list instead of contaminating your message board.
I just saw some images from the NHL All-Star game practices. It seems all the players(except goalies obviously) got matching gloves to wear for the game. From the little research I did I think this is the first year they’ve done that.
[quote comment=”44747″][quote comment=”44671″]Wild ditching green sweaters
Team will wear red at home all next season
Pioneer Press
MINNA, WE DID IT!! The power of positive thinking!![/quote]
Banker B., I cannot believe the good news! For once, the right uni was chosen. Now, if we can JUST get the Vikes to go back to the old unis….
[quote comment=”44796″][quote comment=”44747″][quote comment=”44671″]Wild ditching green sweaters
Team will wear red at home all next season
Pioneer Press
MINNA, WE DID IT!! The power of positive thinking!![/quote]
Banker B., I cannot believe the good news! For once, the right uni was chosen. Now, if we can JUST get the Vikes to go back to the old unis….[/quote]
Let’s say something nice about the Vikes – of course, not reall uni-related – but kudos to them for Mike Tomlin – the new Pittsburgh Steelers Head Coach.
You’re right – maybe we can convince the Vikes that Rbk is streamlining the unis and they have to go with their old style… it would be easier to take them on a boat, get them liquored up and have some prostitutes there…oh wait – they already DID that!
[quote comment=”44674″][quote comment=”44653″]Notice the extreme difference between the two venues that the Quebec City Kebewa were playing in?
Away: link
Home: link[/quote]
The ABA is an… interesting league. Apparently they’ll give a franchise to anyone who can come up with the franchise fee (which was only $10,000 at one point, although I think they’ve raised it) without doing any sort of background check or even checking to see if you are competent to run a team. The latter CYO caliber gym is far more common than the former NBA-caliber arena. Where is that, anyway? I’m guessing Rochester. I attended a Harlem Strong Dogs game last year (their home venue was Hunter College, nowhere near Harlem) and there were well under 100 people there.
The “NBA-caliber” arena is indeed Blue Cross Arena in Rochester. Hell, it housed an NBA team for two years (the Royals back in the 50’s). It seats ~11,000 for hockey, so it’s not quite there, but it’s a great little minor-league arena (the AHL’s Amerks play there).
I don’t know if anyone mentioned this already or not but what are teams gonna do with link whos name goes under his armpits. With less jersey space shoulder to shoulder on the new slimmer jerseys, a lot of teams might have a problem with the longer named players. Maybe they have to go to vertically arched lettering to make it fit.
[quote comment=”44757″]Meant to post this yesterday, interesting link on Daughtry’s scarf singing the National Anthem
Also the guys on the radio yesterday afternoon were discussing who the referee for the Super Bowl was gonna be:
Jeff Triplette for Colts-Chiefs
Bill Leavy for Colts-Ravens
Bill Vinovich for Pets-Jets
Tony Corrente for Chargers-Pats
Bill Carollo for the Colts-Pats
Walt Anderson for Cowyboys-Seahawks
Gerry Austin for Bears-Seahawks
Terry McAuley for the Bears-Saints game
So I hope you get the point of this post, especially you Minna. Could we possibly get a sighting of link link?[/quote]
Kenny, my friend. I am right there with you. As this weekend came to a close, I realized that there was only one ref left good enough (and good-looking enough) to ref the Super Bowl.
Then I thought of my second favorite ref (also good-looking) who has yet to ref: Mike Carey. Now that would be pretty cool. The first two African American head coaches in the Super Bowl and an African Americn head referee.
I would be fine with either referee. Plus, it’s in Miami which means no cold-weather pants for the refs. That’s definitely a good thing.
ESPN has link on the Yankees’ Clemens / Cano conundrum.
The interesting part is the headline they use on the front page link for the story:
“Uni watch: Yanks, Cano ready if Rocket returns”
I know they host the column, but doesn’t Paul own the name?
[quote comment=”44799″][quote comment=”44796″][quote comment=”44747″][quote comment=”44671″]Wild ditching green sweaters
Team will wear red at home all next season
Pioneer Press
MINNA, WE DID IT!! The power of positive thinking!![/quote]
Banker B., I cannot believe the good news! For once, the right uni was chosen. Now, if we can JUST get the Vikes to go back to the old unis….[/quote]
Let’s say something nice about the Vikes – of course, not reall uni-related – but kudos to them for Mike Tomlin – the new Pittsburgh Steelers Head Coach.
You’re right – maybe we can convince the Vikes that Rbk is streamlining the unis and they have to go with their old style… it would be easier to take them on a boat, get them liquored up and have some prostitutes there…oh wait – they already DID that![/quote]
Man, you crack me up. Mike Tomlin will look good in the black and yellow and good luck to him, but he looked awfully good in the purple as well. Can’t wait (yes I can) to see who the Vikes replace him with.
Now, if the Timberwolves would get rid of the blue aways and use the black alternates as the aways instead, I would be one happy Minnesota woman.
This may be a bit early, but is there any buzz about potential NFL team uniform changes? Last year we had the Cards and Vikes…any news about this year?
[quote comment=”44806″]ESPN has link on the Yankees’ Clemens / Cano conundrum.
The interesting part is the headline they use on the front page link for the story:
“Uni watch: Yanks, Cano ready if Rocket returns”
I know they host the column, but doesn’t Paul own the name?[/quote]
Nobody “owns” it — I’ve never trademarked it or anything like that. Not sure what I think of them using it as part of a headline, but it seems sort of like a pun, esp. since they didn’t capitalize “Watch.” Seems like an odd choice, since it’s potentially misleading to the readers, but it doesn’t bother me.
[quote comment=”44757″]Also the guys on the radio yesterday afternoon were discussing who the referee for the Super Bowl was gonna be:
Jeff Triplette for Colts-Chiefs
Bill Leavy for Colts-Ravens
Bill Vinovich for Pets-Jets
Tony Corrente for Chargers-Pats
Bill Carollo for the Colts-Pats
Walt Anderson for Cowyboys-Seahawks
Gerry Austin for Bears-Seahawks
Terry McAuley for the Bears-Saints game
So I hope you get the point of this post, especially you Minna. Could we possibly get a sighting of link link?[/quote]
I don’t think Hochuli will be working the SuperBowl. From what I understand, the Super Bowl crew will come from the playoff crews. The best officials get the post season assignments, and the Super Bowl crew comes from the playoff crew.
That’s not to say that Hochuli isn’t an excellent official…maybe they don’t give the game to the same official 2 years in a row.
an interesting location to hold ones chinstrap as demonstrated by former 3rd down back extraordinaire link
[quote comment=”44803″][quote comment=”44757″]Meant to post this yesterday, interesting link on Daughtry’s scarf singing the National Anthem
Also the guys on the radio yesterday afternoon were discussing who the referee for the Super Bowl was gonna be:
Jeff Triplette for Colts-Chiefs
Bill Leavy for Colts-Ravens
Bill Vinovich for Pets-Jets
Tony Corrente for Chargers-Pats
Bill Carollo for the Colts-Pats
Walt Anderson for Cowyboys-Seahawks
Gerry Austin for Bears-Seahawks
Terry McAuley for the Bears-Saints game
So I hope you get the point of this post, especially you Minna. Could we possibly get a sighting of link link?[/quote]
Kenny, my friend. I am right there with you. As this weekend came to a close, I realized that there was only one ref left good enough (and good-looking enough) to ref the Super Bowl.
Then I thought of my second favorite ref (also good-looking) who has yet to ref: Mike Carey. Now that would be pretty cool. The first two African American head coaches in the Super Bowl and an African Americn head referee.
I would be fine with either referee. Plus, it’s in Miami which means no cold-weather pants for the refs. That’s definitely a good thing.[/quote]
I believe Mike Carey was the referee for the Saints-Eagles game. For what it’s worth, I rate him as the number one official with Hochuli second.
Hey All- On the front pade on ESPN.com there is an article about the senior bowl with a picture of troy smith. My question is what helmet is he wearing or more specifically, what decals are on it. It looks like his OSU helmet but it most definatly is not the OSU decals.
Anyone help me out with this?
also wanted to throw my hat into the ring regarding a discussion over the weekend about grey colored college basketball jerseys. My Providence College Friars came out against Rugers wearing their link. Initially when them debuted them last year I was not a huge fan. but ive come to better appreciate them as it matches very well with our color scheme of black and white with grey accents. so the grey is not some marketing ploy as is the case with West Virginia.
[quote comment=”44789″][quote comment=”44778″][quote comment=”44718″][quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
I vote Ginger Man.[/quote]
What about Louie’s? It is the prototype “neighborhood bar” with pizza that rivals Campisi’s for the best in Dallas. Seems like a Uni Watch kind of place.[/quote]
Yeah! Louie’s is tremendous. Now there’s a place with some character. I love taking out-of-town visitors there. You can tell they’re apprehensive from the outside (it’s an old converted service station with no windows in an odd, mostly Mexican neighborhood) but they all totally love the place from the instant we go through the door.
The Tipperary is open again, under new management, still across the street from my local watering hole of choice, the Lakewood Landing, aka “An Upscale Dive.”
(The Old Monk, Louie’s, and the Tipperary are all 5 minutes apart.)
Paul, just say the word and we can convert this to an e-mail list instead of contaminating your message board.[/quote]
Ian I’ve never considered Gingerman a yuppie place (and definitely not Across the Street Bar, that place is a dump and should’ve been torn down years ago, the only reason it stays afloat is due to it’s proximity to SMU and that its really really cheap). All of those places are great, but in the end, Gingerman is a two story house with an outdoor beer garden (February in North Texas can be pretty nice), and 100+ beers on tap and even more available in bottles. That’s pretty hard to beat.
Here’s a link to SF sports bars.
I recommend the Conneticut Yankee or Doubleplay Bar and Grill. The Conneticut Yankee used to have a very nice French Dip.
Check out O’doul’s in Union Square. Once owned by Lefty, himself.
Or … if you wanna get all fancy with it …
link (not sports oriented, but the best view on earth.)
However, if you wan to Howl like Ginsberg and company, any dive in North Beach will do.
Sir Jock Strap
Here’s a link pictures of the new NHL All-Star uniforms in action. Notice that Crosby (RBK spokes-kid) is using tape on his shinpads/socks, and has a special monogrammed set of gloves that read “Crosby All-Star 2007”
Also, link at some link link, everyone seems to have new/matching equipment (gloves/helmets), with the exception of link,
Mike Carey called the Eagles/Saints game, Pete Morelli the Giants/Eagles game. Why did they leave out the two games the Eagles played in?
In addition to the three rookie referees (let’s eliminate them from the debate), that leaves Walt Coleman and Larry Nemmers in addition to link.
I don’t think they’d let Ol’ link do two Super Bowls in a row, so I’m gonna guess it’ll be Coleman.
More crazy stripes.
I noticed Baldwin-Wallace’s mens basketball team had some interesting two-toned vertically striped unis. The stripes were on both the jersey and the shorts. I saw these on an 11 p.m. sportscast over the weekend for their game at Otterbein. In that game the stripe colors appeared to be a light gray and then a darker gray. I found some photos from a game earlier this season at Ohio Northern, but the jerseys feature light and dark brown stripes. They can be seen in four different photos on this link.
If anyone was wondering (like me) what a “fight strap” on the NHL uni is, there’s a link a couple of months ago about it.
There isn’t an entry on Wikipedia about a fight strap, so if anyone with the knowledge & some time on their hands, there’s a project for ya.
[quote comment=”44831″]Hey All- On the front pade on ESPN.com there is an article about the senior bowl with a picture of troy smith. My question is what helmet is he wearing or more specifically, what decals are on it. It looks like his OSU helmet but it most definatly is not the OSU decals.
Anyone help me out with this?[/quote]
i was watching practice yesterday on NFL Network, and Troy Smith had the Northern Illinois decal on his helmet. What caught my eye though was that he and teammates Quinn Pittcock and Doug Datish had plain silver helemts on, not the traditional Ohio State lid with the stripes down the middle.
Can anyone tell me about the Titans red face mask?
Also, what about the red on the jersey?
[quote comment=”44817″]I don’t think Hochuli will be working the SuperBowl. From what I understand, the Super Bowl crew will come from the playoff crews. The best officials get the post season assignments, and the Super Bowl crew comes from the playoff crew.
That’s not to say that Hochuli isn’t an excellent official…maybe they don’t give the game to the same official 2 years in a row.[/quote]
My previous post was under the assumption that Hochuli called last year’s Super Bowl, but Hochuli would never have botched a game that badly. Bill Leavy called that game. I think Hochuli called the previous one.
So maybe we will get to see Ol’ Guns call another Super Bowl after all… Unless Original Jim is right and it’ll be someone who’s already worked a playoff game.
[quote comment=”44801″]I don’t know if anyone mentioned this already or not but what are teams gonna do with link whos name goes under his armpits. With less jersey space shoulder to shoulder on the new slimmer jerseys, a lot of teams might have a problem with the longer named players. Maybe they have to go to vertically arched lettering to make it fit.[/quote]
If I had such a long name and had to wear a jersey that looked that ridiculous, I’d be pushing for extra-thin lettering. The New York Mets did this in the years before they added shadows to their jerseys, for names longer than 8 letters, such as Strawberry and Valentine. In Japan there are often three different widths, including an extra-wide one for players with three- and four-letter surnames. (It was seen on this year’s World Cup uniforms too. I personally despise it.)
I seem to recall John Vanbiesbrouck having special small lettering when he played for the Florida Panthers. If a guy who’s in the goal and whose back is thus rarely seen can get an exception made, a skater should be able to also!
Very subtle logo creep in the Serena Williams picture in Paul’s article. Only 7 swooshes that I can see, plus the Wilson racquet logo. Good thing she wasn’t scratching any higher.
/sarcasm off
Ed Hochuli is the man. That is why my fantasy football teams has been called “Hochuli’s Guns” the last two years. I really enjoy how forceful he is when signaling the first down after a penalty. It just gives him a chance to show off his pythons. Wow, I sound gay. (Not that there’s anything wrong with it)
Players do that during all the after season games, trading helmet stickers. They bring extras and alot of them decorate their helmet with them.
I noticed the plain OSU helmets too. One guess could be it’s the only helmet they have, and they didn’t want to mess it up, or they decided to trade their helmet stickers.
That Titans jersey looks photoshopped. They never wore that during the season
[quote comment=”44837″]
Ian I’ve never considered Gingerman a yuppie place (and definitely not Across the Street Bar, that place is a dump and should’ve been torn down years ago, the only reason it stays afloat is due to it’s proximity to SMU and that its really really cheap). All of those places are great, but in the end, Gingerman is a two story house with an outdoor beer garden (February in North Texas can be pretty nice), and 100+ beers on tap and even more available in bottles. That’s pretty hard to beat.[/quote]
Maybe it was the yuppie SMU crowd at Across the Street that I remember. I still haven’t hit up Gingerman in Ft Worth but it sounds like the same concept as the Flying Saucer, so I don’t know what I’m waiting on. I think I’ll have to leave the deciding up to you and Philly Bill. Whatever the verdict, I’m there on the 8th, but still considering if I should wear TCU purple.
That Titans uniform looks awful so obviously someone is playing the “at home version” of design your own NFL uniform and make it suck as much as possible.
[quote comment=”44862″]Players do that during all the after season games, trading helmet stickers. They bring extras and alot of them decorate their helmet with them.
I noticed the plain OSU helmets too. One guess could be it’s the only helmet they have, and they didn’t want to mess it up, or they decided to trade their helmet stickers.[/quote]
I know I originally Started this line of the blog but I do know, Being from Cleveland, OSU players get two helmets, one for practice and one for games. They never put any decals on the practice helmets so the blank ones could be those. But I also thought that the players traded helmet stickers during the other post season games but for some reason that it was frowned upon at the prestigious senior bowl. Looking at the pictures from last year, all the players are wearing their own correct helmets.
Paul, any thoughts on this?
[quote comment=”44844″]If anyone was wondering (like me) what a “fight strap” on the NHL uni is, there’s a link a couple of months ago about it.
There isn’t an entry on Wikipedia about a fight strap, so if anyone with the knowledge & some time on their hands, there’s a project for ya.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that the fight strap is there so when players get in a fight, they can’t pull their opponent’s jersey over their head and have a seriously unfair advantage. I’m not too sure where it attaches to, but I would think it’s somewhere on the hip pads.
Looks like a Photoshop job to me, #76. The middle helmet stripe should be white, not navy blue.
hmm. ESPN’s front page has a headline:
Uni watch: Yanks, Cano ready if Rocket returns . .
the inside headline is:
Cano agrees to switch to No. 24 from No. 22
but it’s not one of Paul’s articles…
A women’s table tennis discussion without mentioning link?
[quote comment=”44870″][quote comment=”44844″]If anyone was wondering (like me) what a “fight strap” on the NHL uni is, there’s a link a couple of months ago about it.
There isn’t an entry on Wikipedia about a fight strap, so if anyone with the knowledge & some time on their hands, there’s a project for ya.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that the fight strap is there so when players get in a fight, they can’t pull their opponent’s jersey over their head and have a seriously unfair advantage. I’m not too sure where it attaches to, but I would think it’s somewhere on the hip pads.
woops, didn’t read that the way it was meant
all this referee talk takes me back. whenever i see an official i always expect him to look like link
My favorite Hochuli call is the rarely seen “link” (row 2, column 4). Gunnage at its best! Can’t find a photo though:(
Re the San Francisco party…How many are you expecting? I reco Kells Irish Pub in North Beach, 530 Jackson at Columbus (just below Broadway). Their phone is (415)955-1916. I hope I can make it-I’m in Sacramento. Are you bringing some Uniwatch BB shirts or coffee mugs?
[quote comment=”44874″]A women’s table tennis discussion without mentioning link?[/quote]
how come she’s never been on the mike and mike show?
[quote comment=”44865″][quote comment=”44837″]
Ian I’ve never considered Gingerman a yuppie place (and definitely not Across the Street Bar, that place is a dump and should’ve been torn down years ago, the only reason it stays afloat is due to it’s proximity to SMU and that its really really cheap). All of those places are great, but in the end, Gingerman is a two story house with an outdoor beer garden (February in North Texas can be pretty nice), and 100+ beers on tap and even more available in bottles. That’s pretty hard to beat.[/quote]
Maybe it was the yuppie SMU crowd at Across the Street that I remember. I still haven’t hit up Gingerman in Ft Worth but it sounds like the same concept as the Flying Saucer, so I don’t know what I’m waiting on. I think I’ll have to leave the deciding up to you and Philly Bill. Whatever the verdict, I’m there on the 8th, but still considering if I should wear TCU purple.[/quote]
It is a little like Flying Saucer, but to me Flying Saucer always seemed like it was closer to a sports bar than a pub, whereas Gingerman is pub through and through. People go there to talk, smoke, read the paper or a book, and drink good beer. I wouldn’t really consider it a gameday location for any sport (though they did bring in a big screen during the World Cup last year). It does attract a little of an SMU crowd and I’ll admit there’s plenty of yuppies that go to SMU, but I think the greatness of the bar overshadows all.
Ian, if I’m able to be the gathering on the 8th (wherever it is), and if you wear TCU purple, I just might find myself mentioning the score 21-10. Just giving you fair warning.
[quote comment=”44825″][quote comment=”44803″][quote comment=”44757″]Meant to post this yesterday, interesting link on Daughtry’s scarf singing the National Anthem
Also the guys on the radio yesterday afternoon were discussing who the referee for the Super Bowl was gonna be:
Jeff Triplette for Colts-Chiefs
Bill Leavy for Colts-Ravens
Bill Vinovich for Pets-Jets
Tony Corrente for Chargers-Pats
Bill Carollo for the Colts-Pats
Walt Anderson for Cowyboys-Seahawks
Gerry Austin for Bears-Seahawks
Terry McAuley for the Bears-Saints game
So I hope you get the point of this post, especially you Minna. Could we possibly get a sighting of link link?[/quote]
Kenny, my friend. I am right there with you. As this weekend came to a close, I realized that there was only one ref left good enough (and good-looking enough) to ref the Super Bowl.
Then I thought of my second favorite ref (also good-looking) who has yet to ref: Mike Carey. Now that would be pretty cool. The first two African American head coaches in the Super Bowl and an African Americn head referee.
I would be fine with either referee. Plus, it’s in Miami which means no cold-weather pants for the refs. That’s definitely a good thing.[/quote]
I believe Mike Carey was the referee for the Saints-Eagles game. For what it’s worth, I rate him as the number one official with Hochuli second.[/quote]
You are correct…Mike Carey did do the Saints-Eagles game and Peter Morelli did the Eagles-Giants game…forgot to add those 2
[quote comment=”44761″][quote comment=”44718″][quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
I vote Ginger Man.[/quote]
All the bars I can think of are the hip, yuppie type, like Ginger Man, Idle Rich, Blackfinn, Across the Street Bar, etc. I live in Fort Worth so those are the places I tend to visit. Now if you want to trek west, the ultimate hole-in-the-wall bar is, of course, the University Pub. But I’m clueless about anything below the radar in Dallas.[/quote]
I am not a yuppie and I am definitely not hip, but I have been going to the Ginger Man for many years. There is some of that undesirable element present, but not an excessive number.
[quote comment=”44879″]all this referee talk takes me back. whenever i see an official i always expect him to look like link[/quote]
Oof. C’mon Todd, you couldn’t find a photo of Markbreit without those horrid old Pats jerseys in it? Bring back Pat Patriot!
(Can’t turn the italics off. Sorry…)
[quote comment=”44778″][quote comment=”44718″][quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
I vote Ginger Man.[/quote]
What about Louie’s? It is the prototype “neighborhood bar” with pizza that rivals Campisi’s for the best in Dallas. Seems like a Uni Watch kind of place.[/quote]
Awesome suggestion. That hole-in-the-wall is more like a real bar than anyplace else in the area. It would fit right in in New York, Chicago or other cities that have plenty of cool hangouts, as opposed to hipster doofus bars.
if you get the uni watch u.s. tour to catty, i can get the back room at the top cat… you cant get much more “towny bar” than that…
My bad on Mike Carey; I should have remembered I’d seen him already. I guess we will have to wait and see who will be reffing the big game.
The 500 Club for SF. Nice little dive in the Mission. Or you could go swankish with Tosca’s in North Beach—right across from The City Lights.
It was ping-pong when I played it, but I guess now that it’s a serious sport, it needs a serious name. I am not crazy about Yotsumoto’s outfit, and definitely not about the flower. I don’t mind a bit of pizzazz, but her outfit is too girly for me.
Hey, can someone with skills turn off the italics?
I was one of the few to actually see the Senior Professional League in action. The St. Pete Pelicans (with a decent garnet and gold color scheme) were the locals with Bobby Tolan as the manager.
The teams were allowed, I believe, to have catchers as young as 35.
closing italics (I hope)
[quote comment=”44870″][quote comment=”44844″]If anyone was wondering (like me) what a “fight strap” on the NHL uni is, there’s a link a couple of months ago about it.
There isn’t an entry on Wikipedia about a fight strap, so if anyone with the knowledge & some time on their hands, there’s a project for ya.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that the fight strap is there so when players get in a fight, they can’t pull their opponent’s jersey over their head and have a seriously unfair advantage. I’m not too sure where it attaches to, but I would think it’s somewhere on the hip pads.
I thought the fight strap was so you couldn’t pull off your own jersey to free your arms.
BTW sometimes I’ve attached the fight strap to my belt. Totally pointless, but makes it seem so much more authentic. Well, as authentic as wearing slacks with a hockey jersey can get.
[quote comment=”44727″][quote comment=”44724″]link
There are a few in the area, and my friend Michael Scott says it rocks.[/quote]
Michael Scott also says that linkrocks.[/quote]
Do you think they may still have “Nog-a-sake” on the menu
[quote comment=”44909″][quote comment=”44870″][quote comment=”44844″]If anyone was wondering (like me) what a “fight strap” on the NHL uni is, there’s a link a couple of months ago about it.
There isn’t an entry on Wikipedia about a fight strap, so if anyone with the knowledge & some time on their hands, there’s a project for ya.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that the fight strap is there so when players get in a fight, they can’t pull their opponent’s jersey over their head and have a seriously unfair advantage. I’m not too sure where it attaches to, but I would think it’s somewhere on the hip pads.
I thought the fight strap was so you couldn’t pull off your own jersey to free your arms.
BTW sometimes I’ve attached the fight strap to my belt. Totally pointless, but makes it seem so much more authentic. Well, as authentic as wearing slacks with a hockey jersey can get.[/quote]
The fight strap/tie down came in after some guys would allow them to be pulled off in a fight to gain an advantage (ie. the other guy wouldn’t have anything to grab onto.) That’s what had to be done after the tearaway jerseys were outlawed.
On another note, I always thought that referees in the Divisional Round were the only ones eligible to be calling the Super Bowl. The #2 and #3 referees for the year would call the Conference Finals.
Important News:
Bettman is still a cockbag for his fuckin’ AWFUL attempt to launch the new uni’s.
Hey Bettman: do you like pissing on the fans? Cause that is all your cunt ass ever seems to do. You are worst piece of shit in professional sports. Here’s to you, Gary “I love it up the ass” Bettman, taking a fucking puck to the forhead during the hardest shot competition, ya hoerag twat motherfucker.
Troy Smith looks to be wearing a decal from an NIU helmet on his Silver helmet, the catch is, he has a decal made for the left side of the helmet on the right side, so the back of the husky is what we see in the pic on ESPN.
I read Paul’s article yesterday on espn and he talked about possibly 6 teams changing their uniforms in the nhl next year. Any thoughts on which teams might be changing? I’m just hoping the Preditors do something about the worst uniforms in pro sports…
did you guys hear something?
[quote comment=”44940″]I read Paul’s article yesterday on espn and he talked about possibly 6 teams changing their uniforms in the nhl next year. Any thoughts on which teams might be changing? I’m just hoping the Preditors do something about the worst uniforms in pro sports…[/quote]
I think the speculation is that the Stars and Canucks are definite, the Caps are a likely third.
Not sure if the Wild and Blue Jackets choosing to go exclusively with their alternate counts. The Maple Leafs rumors are apparently just that.
While the occaisonal [expletive deleted] can add necessary emaphasis and tone to the written or spoken word (not to mention has become part of the day-to-day vernacualr for many of us), there is still no excuse for straight forward vulgarity. It comes across as immature and unsophisticated at best.
[quote comment=”44712″]What’s the deal with the link on the NHL jersey??? I don’t remember seeing it in the link pic. Paul – Did you ask about that at the conference?
Looks like NFL tagging.[/quote]
Why is Crosby in a Caps uni?
[quote comment=”44957″][quote comment=”44712″]What’s the deal with the link on the NHL jersey??? I don’t remember seeing it in the link pic. Paul – Did you ask about that at the conference?
Looks like NFL tagging.[/quote]
Why is Crosby in a Caps uni?[/quote]
it was someone’s mock-up of what the new unis would look like for different teams and if the Caps used their old logo and uniforms. i think it was from Thursday or Friday
[quote comment=”44957″][quote comment=”44712″]What’s the deal with the link on the NHL jersey??? I don’t remember seeing it in the link pic. Paul – Did you ask about that at the conference?
Looks like NFL tagging.[/quote]
Why is Crosby in a Caps uni?[/quote]
That’s someone’s photoshop job. See Friday’s comments. The funny thing is that Sid’s 87 is distorted enough to look like a 37 which is Kolzig’s number.
[quote comment=”44954″]While the occaisonal [expletive deleted] can add necessary emaphasis and tone to the written or spoken word (not to mention has become part of the day-to-day vernacualr for many of us), there is still no excuse for straight forward vulgarity. It comes across as immature and unsophisticated at best.[/quote]
Don’t bother trying to make sense — the guy is just daring Paul to ban him.
That, or he’s angling for a job in Nike’s IT department.
One drawback to Louie’s as the Dallas Uni Watch venue: No draft beer. (Yes, there are actually bars in Dallas that do not have draft beer. I’d never seen such a thing ’til I moved here.)
[quote comment=”44953″][quote comment=”44940″]I read Paul’s article yesterday on espn and he talked about possibly 6 teams changing their uniforms in the nhl next year. Any thoughts on which teams might be changing? I’m just hoping the Preditors do something about the worst uniforms in pro sports…[/quote]
I think the speculation is that the Stars and Canucks are definite, the Caps are a likely third.
Not sure if the Wild and Blue Jackets choosing to go exclusively with their alternate counts. The Maple Leafs rumors are apparently just that.[/quote]
Stars and Blue Jackets are confirmed. Vancouver and Washington are possibilities. Two others are unnamed as of right now.
Toronto’s changing logo was killed off by the NHLPA due to its “timeless” and “classic” elements. If anything, they may add a drop-shadow, but the actual logo itself will not change.
[quote comment=”44957″][quote comment=”44712″]What’s the deal with the link on the NHL jersey??? I don’t remember seeing it in the link pic. Paul – Did you ask about that at the conference?
Looks like NFL tagging.[/quote]
Why is Crosby in a Caps uni?[/quote]
Wishful thinking having Crosby and Ovechkin on the same team. Too bad that will never happen during the regular season.
Great photoshop job too. Gotta love the old school Cap unis!
[quote comment=”44944″]did you guys hear something?[/quote]
Sounded like a very angry wind playing tricks with our ears.
[quote comment=”44934″]Important News:
Bettman is still a [expletive deleted] for his [expletive deleted] AWFUL attempt to launch the new uni’s.
Hey Bettman: do you like pissing on the fans? Cause that is all your [expletive deleted] ever seems to do. You are worst piece of [expletive deleted] in professional sports. Here’s to you, Gary “I love it up the [expletive deleted]” Bettman, taking a [expletive deleted] puck to the forhead during the hardest shot competition, ya [expletive deleted].[/quote]
[quote comment=”44954″]While the occaisonal [expletive deleted] can add necessary emaphasis and tone to the written or spoken word (not to mention has become part of the day-to-day vernacualr for many of us), there is still no excuse for straight forward vulgarity. It comes across as immature and unsophisticated at best.[/quote]
I agree with WVU Tom on this and would appreciate it if you would stop, Joe. Whatever your point in all this (that Bettman is an idiot and I agree) you are showing what little brains you have. That is not to say that you aren’t intelligent but that you are lacking the capabilities to use that intelligence. Swearing doesn’t prove a point, show how bad you are, or credit you on some level, in fact it does the opposite. It belittles you as a person and show your ignorance, which to me isn’t exactly the best way to prove something is right.
[quote comment=”44965″][quote comment=”44953″][quote comment=”44940″]I read Paul’s article yesterday on espn and he talked about possibly 6 teams changing their uniforms in the nhl next year. Any thoughts on which teams might be changing? I’m just hoping the Preditors do something about the worst uniforms in pro sports…[/quote]
I think the speculation is that the Stars and Canucks are definite, the Caps are a likely third.
Not sure if the Wild and Blue Jackets choosing to go exclusively with their alternate counts. The Maple Leafs rumors are apparently just that.[/quote]
Stars and Blue Jackets are confirmed.[/quote]
Blue Jackets are NOT one of the six teams getting a makeover. Yes, they’re redesignating their alt logo as their primary logo, but that’s not considered a “makeover” by the league. There are six OTHER teams.
[quote comment=”44973″][quote comment=”44944″]did you guys hear something?[/quote]
Sounded like a very angry wind playing tricks with our ears.[/quote]
The wind cries Mary?
Why link? It looks like they only have numbers on the back. No East, West, or All-Star logo? Also link on Crosby’s visor. It completes the whole whiteout look.
[quote comment=”44975″][quote comment=”44965″][quote comment=”44953″][quote comment=”44940″]I read Paul’s article yesterday on espn and he talked about possibly 6 teams changing their uniforms in the nhl next year. Any thoughts on which teams might be changing? I’m just hoping the Preditors do something about the worst uniforms in pro sports…[/quote]
I think the speculation is that the Stars and Canucks are definite, the Caps are a likely third.
Not sure if the Wild and Blue Jackets choosing to go exclusively with their alternate counts. The Maple Leafs rumors are apparently just that.[/quote]
Stars and Blue Jackets are confirmed.[/quote]
Blue Jackets are NOT one of the six teams getting a makeover. Yes, they’re redesignating their alt logo as their primary logo, but that’s not considered a “makeover” by the league. There are six OTHER teams.[/quote]
paul, i know you’re staying hush hush about this but i would guess the six are nashville, washington, tampa, san jose, vancouver, and florida
[quote comment=”44977″]Why link? It looks like they only have numbers on the back. No East, West, or All-Star logo? Also link on Crosby’s visor. It completes the whole whiteout look.[/quote]
That reminds me. Ovechkin is supposed to unveil his new bluish mirrored visor at the All-Star game. Anyone know if he’s been seen in it yet?
[quote comment=”44940″]I read Paul’s article yesterday on espn and he talked about possibly 6 teams changing their uniforms in the nhl next year. Any thoughts on which teams might be changing? I’m just hoping the Preditors do something about the worst uniforms in pro sports…[/quote]
According to the article, there will be no alternate sweaters next year, so we will not have to worry about the PREDATORS’ mustard jerseys for a few years.
[quote comment=”44840″]Here’s a link pictures of the new NHL All-Star uniforms in action. Notice that Crosby (RBK spokes-kid) is using tape on his shinpads/socks, and has a special monogrammed set of gloves that read “Crosby All-Star 2007”
Also, link at some link link, everyone seems to have new/matching equipment (gloves/helmets), with the exception of link,[/quote]
With all the recent NHL All Star games, players will get matching gloves and helmets. Goalies will never get a matching helmet and pads/gloves because with goalie equipment, there’s a long break-in period.
Here’s a link of the best goalie in the NHL looking pretty sharp in the new uniform.
well I’d love to make it to the SF UniWatch party but I dont think I can make the trek across the bay on a wednesday night when I have work the next day.
Move it over here and I can suggest some great places in Berkeley!
Quick note on the grey collars on the new jersey’s, it looks like the players are wearing necklaces with an NHL medallion hanging from it.
[quote comment=”44975″]Blue Jackets are NOT one of the six teams getting a makeover. Yes, they’re redesignating their alt logo as their primary logo, but that’s not considered a “makeover” by the league. There are six OTHER teams.[/quote]
I know the Stars are one, and let’s assume the link and link revert to their old logos. Who are the other three? More importantly, who do you WANT the other three to be? (And let’s forget the Sabres, ’cause we know that ain’t happening.)
1. Without question, the link need an overhaul.
2. The Kings need to cut bait on this link. The typeface is too big, the huge “Los Angeles” at the bottom is link, and the silver is too sparkly. (I do appreciate the judicious use of purple, though.)
3. The link and link could freshen up their templates a bit, but with the same logos. The Blue Note is a classic. (Anyone else think the Devils need to change the font of their link?)
[quote comment=”44975″][quote comment=”44965″][quote comment=”44953″][quote comment=”44940″]I read Paul’s article yesterday on espn and he talked about possibly 6 teams changing their uniforms in the nhl next year. Any thoughts on which teams might be changing? I’m just hoping the Preditors do something about the worst uniforms in pro sports…[/quote]
I think the speculation is that the Stars and Canucks are definite, the Caps are a likely third.
Not sure if the Wild and Blue Jackets choosing to go exclusively with their alternate counts. The Maple Leafs rumors are apparently just that.[/quote]
Stars and Blue Jackets are confirmed.[/quote]
Blue Jackets are NOT one of the six teams getting a makeover. Yes, they’re redesignating their alt logo as their primary logo, but that’s not considered a “makeover” by the league. There are six OTHER teams.[/quote]
[quote comment=”44979″][quote comment=”44975″][quote comment=”44965″][quote comment=”44953″][quote comment=”44940″]I read Paul’s article yesterday on espn and he talked about possibly 6 teams changing their uniforms in the nhl next year. Any thoughts on which teams might be changing? I’m just hoping the Preditors do something about the worst uniforms in pro sports…[/quote]
I think the speculation is that the Stars and Canucks are definite, the Caps are a likely third.
Not sure if the Wild and Blue Jackets choosing to go exclusively with their alternate counts. The Maple Leafs rumors are apparently just that.[/quote]
Stars and Blue Jackets are confirmed.[/quote]
Blue Jackets are NOT one of the six teams getting a makeover. Yes, they’re redesignating their alt logo as their primary logo, but that’s not considered a “makeover” by the league. There are six OTHER teams.[/quote]
paul, i know you’re staying hush hush about this but i would guess the six are nashville, washington, tampa, san jose, vancouver, and florida[/quote]
[quote comment=”44697″]Got 45,000 yen (about $360) to spare? You too can own a full Japanese Masters League uniform:
You’ll have to talk the guy into shipping overseas, but Yahoo Auctions has no overseas shipping as the default so a lot of people leave it selected without noticing, and don’t mind shipping abroad.
The team names have some history behind them. Sapporo Ambitious comes from a Professor Clark who, dispatched to Sapporo to teach science (I think), exhorted his boys to “be ambitious!”
The Zondags are named for the Dutch word for Sunday; the Dutch had a huge presence in Kyushu during the 16th and 17th centuries when foreigners and Christians were otherwise not allowed into Japan. There was a Sunday festival which inspired the team’s name, the team site says.
The Nagoya 80Dsers is the most complicated of the names. Out that way there’s a slang word “yattokame”, which means “it’s been a while” (as in, a while since we’ve seen these players), and that can be another reading of the characters in “80th day”. Very contrived and I wish they’d come up with a new nickname.
There are many pictures of the Masters League linked here:
Scroll past the player profiles on each team’s page for some action shots.[/quote]
[quote comment=”44985″][quote comment=”44940″]I read Paul’s article yesterday on espn and he talked about possibly 6 teams changing their uniforms in the nhl next year. Any thoughts on which teams might be changing? I’m just hoping the Preditors do something about the worst uniforms in pro sports…[/quote]
According to the article, there will be no alternate sweaters next year, so we will not have to worry about the PREDATORS’ mustard jerseys for a few years.[/quote]
[quote comment=”44980″][quote comment=”44977″]Why link? It looks like they only have numbers on the back. No East, West, or All-Star logo? Also link on Crosby’s visor. It completes the whole whiteout look.[/quote]
That reminds me. Ovechkin is supposed to unveil his new bluish mirrored visor at the All-Star game. Anyone know if he’s been seen in it yet?[/quote]
[quote comment=”44986″][quote comment=”44840″]Here’s a link pictures of the new NHL All-Star uniforms in action. Notice that Crosby (RBK spokes-kid) is using tape on his shinpads/socks, and has a special monogrammed set of gloves that read “Crosby All-Star 2007”
Also, link at some link link, everyone seems to have new/matching equipment (gloves/helmets), with the exception of link,[/quote]
With all the recent NHL All Star games, players will get matching gloves and helmets. Goalies will never get a matching helmet and pads/gloves because with goalie equipment, there’s a long break-in period.
Here’s a link of the best goalie in the NHL looking pretty sharp in the new uniform.[/quote]
Fellow Philadelphian Bill,
I’d like to see our Flyers . . . ditch the black.
(Well, not completely. But you know what I mean.)
I just noticed this. Don’t the pants look longer than usual on link. Same with the other players too. They usually hit above the knee but these cover it. They’re kind of like basketball shorts now.
I was just told that my interview on ‘All Things Considered,’ which was taped earlier this afternoon, will air at 4:50pm eastern. It’ll be archived on the NPR web site after 7pm.
[quote comment=”44976″][quote comment=”44973″][quote comment=”44944″]did you guys hear something?[/quote]
Sounded like a very angry wind playing tricks with our ears.[/quote]
The wind cries Mary?[/quote]
In this case, more like the wind cries Moron.
[quote comment=”44986″][quote comment=”44840″]Here’s a link pictures of the new NHL All-Star uniforms in action. Notice that Crosby (RBK spokes-kid) is using tape on his shinpads/socks, and has a special monogrammed set of gloves that read “Crosby All-Star 2007”
Also, link at some link link, everyone seems to have new/matching equipment (gloves/helmets), with the exception of link,[/quote]
With all the recent NHL All Star games, players will get matching gloves and helmets. Goalies will never get a matching helmet and pads/gloves because with goalie equipment, there’s a long break-in period.
Here’s a link of the best goalie in the NHL looking pretty sharp in the new uniform.[/quote]
Funny how you point out Luongo. The man who broke out a whole new set of pads with a retro look to compliment the Canucks retro uniforms…..sadly they also complimented to opposing shooters.
They’ve been much better after being broken in, though.
[quote comment=”44998″]Fellow Philadelphian Bill,
I’d like to see our Flyers . . . ditch the black.
(Well, not completely. But you know what I mean.)
Yeah, me too. I still wear my old orange one like link is sporting in this photo, though mine doesn’t have that patch (what’s that for, anyway?). I haven’t worn it much this season; it serves as a reminder of how bewilderingly terrible the Flyers are.
I have a slight attachment to the black jersey because they were wearing it for the link on May 4, 2000.
Anyone know if they are going to be wearing the new jersyes tonite for the Skills comp and/or Futures game. I generally don’t watch the futures game, but if memory serves correct, they usually have the players just wear their normal jerseys for the skills competition. Of course, its been two years since there has been an All-Star game, so who knows.
[quote comment=”44999″]I just noticed this. Don’t the pants look longer than usual on link. Same with the other players too. They usually hit above the knee but these cover it. They’re kind of like basketball shorts now.[/quote]
Oh to be a fly on the wall for THAT conversation.
JB – How’s your stomach feeling? Sorry about the spearing thing…
SC – That’s OK Jason – with my FABULOUS new RBK EDGE uniform, I’m more protected than ever before, so now when career 3rd liners take their jealousies out on me, because I’m 19 and have more talent in one pinky than they do in their entire body, I’m much safer!
[quote comment=”44975″]
Stars and Blue Jackets are confirmed.[/quote]
Blue Jackets are NOT one of the six teams getting a makeover. Yes, they’re redesignating their alt logo as their primary logo, but that’s not considered a “makeover” by the league. There are six OTHER teams.[/quote]
From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Columbus will go one step further next season with the sweater change and also change its logo.
A “State of Ohio” flag will cover the front of the Blue Jackets’ sweaters. The logo isn’t actually new; the team currently wears it on its third jersey. But beginning next season, it will replace the “CBJ” logo for home and road games.
“We’ve done a lot of research that suggests this is the way to go,” Blue Jackets president and general manager Doug MacLean said. “It’s become a real popular look for us, with our fans and from people I talk to around the country and in Canada. We’re still working on finalizing how it’s going to look, but from what I’ve seen, it’s going to be real sharp.”
If they haven’t finalised it, I’d say they’re changing it.
Talk about Logo Creep-y…Check the “It’s Gotta Be The Shoes section of linkarticle about the Senior Bowl…
[quote comment=”45023″][quote comment=”44998″]Fellow Philadelphian Bill,
I’d like to see our Flyers . . . ditch the black.
(Well, not completely. But you know what I mean.)
Yeah, me too. I still wear my old orange one like link is sporting in this photo, though mine doesn’t have that patch (what’s that for, anyway?). I haven’t worn it much this season; it serves as a reminder of how bewilderingly terrible the Flyers are.
I have a slight attachment to the black jersey because they were wearing it for the link on May 4, 2000.[/quote]
the patch is to commemmorate 100 years of the stanley cup, 1893-1993. i actually have that same patch right now on my wendel clark maple leafs jersey.
[quote comment=”45034″][quote comment=”44975″]
Stars and Blue Jackets are confirmed.[/quote]
Blue Jackets are NOT one of the six teams getting a makeover. Yes, they’re redesignating their alt logo as their primary logo, but that’s not considered a “makeover” by the league. There are six OTHER teams.[/quote]
From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Columbus will go one step further next season with the sweater change and also change its logo.
A “State of Ohio” flag will cover the front of the Blue Jackets’ sweaters. The logo isn’t actually new; the team currently wears it on its third jersey. But beginning next season, it will replace the “CBJ” logo for home and road games.
“We’ve done a lot of research that suggests this is the way to go,” Blue Jackets president and general manager Doug MacLean said. “It’s become a real popular look for us, with our fans and from people I talk to around the country and in Canada. We’re still working on finalizing how it’s going to look, but from what I’ve seen, it’s going to be real sharp.”
If they haven’t finalised it, I’d say they’re changing it.[/quote]
Well, whatever the Blue Jackets are doing — radical, incremental, or otherwise — there are six OTHER teams getting makeovers. I asked very specifically about that, and that’s what I was told.
[quote comment=”44745″]”geranium in her cranium”
Am I wrong (or am I the only one) to think that Naomi Yotsumoto is SMOKIN’!?!
Check out this link. Enter her name in the search field.
I have a small picture run by the Associated Press today of Overchkin’s new visor. It’s on my link, and can be seen link without all my extra commentary.
[quote comment=”45052″]
Well, whatever the Blue Jackets are doing — radical, incremental, or otherwise — there are six OTHER teams getting makeovers. I asked very specifically about that, and that’s what I was told.[/quote]
That’s entirely different then. Sorry, Paul!
[quote comment=”45056″]I have a small picture run by the Associated Press today of Ovechkin‘s new visor. It’s on my link, and can be seen link without all my extra commentary.[/quote]
Correct spelling of Ovechkin shown above.
[quote comment=”45055″][quote comment=”44745″]”geranium in her cranium”
Am I wrong (or am I the only one) to think that Naomi Yotsumoto is SMOKIN’!?!
Check out this link. Enter her name in the search field.[/quote]
Man, that chick is link
If anyone is stuck at work, link. The players are currently being interviewed on the red carpet.
Last Saturday I went to the auto show in Detroit. At the show, I saw a man wearing an excellent sweatshirt. Finally, after seeing him three or four times, I asked him if I could get a picture of it.
His sweatshirt featured the name and logo of his hockey team. Nothing high-level; just a local league. But I loved the link they created.
Oh, before everyone else mentions it, I should note that yes, they did not spell “feisty” correctly. But I like the name nonetheless.
Yes link
Why can’t Venus or Serena cultivate link image? Or link one? Or link one?
I am really starting to love link.
[quote comment=”44990″]well I’d love to make it to the SF UniWatch party but I dont think I can make the trek across the bay on a wednesday night when I have work the next day.
Move it over here and I can suggest some great places in Berkeley![/quote]
Sounds good, since we’d be coming from Sacramento on a weeknight!! Getting over the bridge is the time-consuming part. How about Spenger’s on University right off the freeway? Classic seafood hangout. Great bar.
As uniwatch’s youngest reader (presubebly), i am 14 and without paypal, a personal checkbook, or a swiss bank account. you’re gonna take my cash, right?
Here’s how the league’s tallest man look in the new NHL jerseys.
Check out that fight strap
[quote comment=”44932″][quote comment=”44909″][quote comment=”44870″][quote comment=”44844″]If anyone was wondering (like me) what a “fight strap” on the NHL uni is, there’s a link a couple of months ago about it.
There isn’t an entry on Wikipedia about a fight strap, so if anyone with the knowledge & some time on their hands, there’s a project for ya.[/quote]
I’m pretty sure that the fight strap is there so when players get in a fight, they can’t pull their opponent’s jersey over their head and have a seriously unfair advantage. I’m not too sure where it attaches to, but I would think it’s somewhere on the hip pads.
I thought the fight strap was so you couldn’t pull off your own jersey to free your arms.
BTW sometimes I’ve attached the fight strap to my belt. Totally pointless, but makes it seem so much more authentic. Well, as authentic as wearing slacks with a hockey jersey can get.[/quote]
The fight strap/tie down came in after some guys would allow them to be pulled off in a fight to gain an advantage (ie. the other guy wouldn’t have anything to grab onto.) That’s what had to be done after the tearaway jerseys were outlawed.
On another note, I always thought that referees in the Divisional Round were the only ones eligible to be calling the Super Bowl. The #2 and #3 referees for the year would call the Conference Finals.[/quote]
It’s pretty much been covered, but yes, the fight strap’s purpose is to prevent the jersey from being pulled over one’s head during a fight. It is also to prevent a fighter from removing his jersey and equipment during a fight to gain an unfair advantage over his opponent. also called, the Rob Ray Rule.
Inside the back of the pants is a strap similar to what you would see on the bottom of suspenders. The fight strap loops through this and latches back onto itself with velcro or snaps. This is another reason that jerseys should be untucked outside the pants.
[quote comment=”44986″]Here’s a link of the best goalie in the NHL looking pretty sharp in the new uniform.[/quote]
When did Marty Brodeur move to the Western Conference? ;-)
So it was just a rumour…the NHL returning to whites at home. (sigh) What a disappointment. What a shame.
Anyone know why the refs have white stripes on their arms, instead on the traditional orange? I just tuned in, so maybe I missed an explaination… not likely though.
Not real “uni” related… but last night Tennessee Men’s basketball coach Bruce Pearl painted his chest orange with a blue “V” and supported the Lady Vols in last nights game. I can’t remember the last time a coach did this. That is great school spirit, and more coahces should do the same. (Maybe not go as far as painting their chests or anything) Kudos to you Bruce. Way to show some school spirit and interact with the kids.
Please scroll down after clicking the link to see Bruce in all his orange glory.
Bruce Pearl
What bothers me is NHL.com already has the final score for the Young Stars game, yet CBC is in the middle of the 2nd period. Is this game being televised on tape delay? What the hell?!?
The NHL All-Stars are wearing their team sweaters for the Skills, uh, thingy tonight. Yanic Perreault has the “Decade in the Desert” patch on his Coyotes sweater; Ed Jovanovski does not.
The coverage on Versus tonight was terrible. Emrick & Clement could not keep up with the action. And when Messier showed up in the booth, just forget about the on-ice action all together. Terrible.
[quote comment=”45126″]“Anyone know why the refs have white stripes on their arms, instead on the traditional orange? I just tuned in, so maybe I missed an explaination… not likely though.”[/quote]
Actually, they were silver from what I saw. I guess the NHL is trying to get as far away from the orange they had pre-nuclear winter of 2004-05.
[quote comment=”45093″]As uniwatch’s youngest reader (presubebly), i am 14 and without paypal, a personal checkbook, or a swiss bank account. you’re gonna take my cash, right?[/quote]
You might not be the youngest reader, I’m 14 too.
I’ve got a question about a link jersey. It’s my dad’s that he got in high school. From looking at Dressed to the Nines, it looks like the Dodgers wore these jerseys from 77-79. Does anybody know what differnt kinds of jerseys were made then? I don’t think that they made replicas and authentics like they do today.
OK, I just lost another big post because of an invalid security code… I checked it twice, so either I’m retarded, or there is a glitch. This isn’t the first time its happened, so I hope its a glitch
The short version of my post… This years skills competition flat out sucked. And IMO this event is usually the best part of the All-Star festivities, if not the entire regular season. I didn’t turn it off because I kept thinking ‘It has to get better’, but it just got worse throughout.
When driving home from work today I was listening to the local sports radio show and they had the GM for the Detroit Red Wings on. Needless to say, he said that the Wings will NOT be changing the look of their jerseys and they will look pretty much exactly the same as they currently do. Same goes with the Chicago Blackhawks.
[quote comment=”45224″]OK, I just lost another big post because of an invalid security code… I checked it twice, so either I’m retarded, or there is a glitch. This isn’t the first time its happened, so I hope its a glitch
The short version of my post… This years skills competition flat out sucked. And IMO this event is usually the best part of the All-Star festivities, if not the entire regular season. I didn’t turn it off because I kept thinking ‘It has to get better’, but it just got worse throughout.[/quote]
All you need to do is select all of your post (ctrl a) and copy it (ctrl c) then if your post gets rejected, just hit the back button and paste (ctrl p) the post back in the window.
Also, the coverage was TERRIBLE I agree. The world wide leader did it much better. I can’t believe how long it’s been since we’ve seen an NHL all star game and skills challenge.
Calgary Flames goalie link debuted a link today during the All Star warm-up/skills competition.
SF party – I already e-mailed Paul, but I always loved Tommy’s Joynt. Great food, cheap beer, and the place has been around for 60 years! Old school and a fun place to be.
All you need to do is select all of your post (ctrl a) and copy it (ctrl c) then if your post gets rejected, just hit the back button and paste (ctrl p) the post back in the window.
Also, the coverage was TERRIBLE I agree. The world wide leader did it much better. I can’t believe how long it’s been since we’ve seen an NHL all star game and skills challenge.
If I have a long post I usually do copy it, but once in a while I forget. Those are usually the times something goes wrong.
I was watching the game on CBC, and their coverage was ok, but I don’t think they had a lot to work with. I think the event was just poorly run. It felt like something that was thrown together last minute. From the sounds of it, the crowd wasn’t really into it. The speed races were a disaster from top to bottom.
i’m not 14 years old but that table tennis player appears to be. i’ll pass.
as far as the new hockey unis go, from all the wailing and gnashing of teeth i was hearing regarding the slimmer fit, i was expecting something along the lines of link i kinda like the new fit of the uniforms but i’m withhold final judgement until i see the blues version.
As far as SF spots, why don’t we hit up the Gordon Biersch on Embarcadero? Near the water, public transport, the Giants’ ballpark… Seems like a good idea to me.
Oh, and I should mention, too, it’s very big and should the weather work out, there’s an outdoor section for those who’d like to eat.
[quote comment=”45276″]i’m not 14 years old but that table tennis player appears to be. i’ll pass.
Eric, it brings me great pleasure to tell you that Naomi Yotsumoto is twenty-eight. Feel free to resume gazing at the photos!
[quote comment=”45023″][quote comment=”44998″]Fellow Philadelphian Bill,
I’d like to see our Flyers . . . ditch the black.
(Well, not completely. But you know what I mean.)
Yeah, me too. I still wear my old orange one like link is sporting in this photo, though mine doesn’t have that patch (what’s that for, anyway?). I haven’t worn it much this season; it serves as a reminder of how bewilderingly terrible the Flyers are.
I have a slight attachment to the black jersey because they were wearing it for the link on May 4, 2000.[/quote]
there’s nothing more I’d like to see than the Skating Pumpkins tearing up Broad Street and Pattison again.
They’re so bad, that my friends and I made link and wear them to all the games we go to.
[quote comment=”45402″][quote comment=”45276″]i’m not 14 years old but that table tennis player appears to be. i’ll pass.
Eric, it brings me great pleasure to tell you that Naomi Yotsumoto is twenty-eight. Feel free to resume gazing at the photos![/quote]
Our first double-knit unis in Little League (early 70s) were from “Spanjan” – so they stuck with the idea, and I believe they were around until the mid 80’s.
For SF – Latin American Club is great, but the Connecticut Yankee may be a better choice — has great bar menu.
[quote comment=”44673″]As far as a Dallas gathering spot two places were discussed when this was first brought up. link and link.[/quote]
Ditto. Huge beer selection at the Gingerman, great atmosphere at the Old Monk. These were the joints where my Irish friends liked to hang out when they were in town.
I like linkthese 2 unis.