Earlier today, I ran a post in which Leo Strawn gave us a series of questions about obscure baseball uniforms and caps, and now we’ve got the answer key. I’m going to run the questions and photos again, in case you didn’t see the original (and to make it easier to see the questions posted just before the answers). In some cases, Leo has added a little extra besides just giving the answers. Hope you enjoyed this feature!
Obscure Baseball Unis and Caps
by Leo Strawn
Years ago, I did some UW content on occasion. Decided to do a few for Phil during Paul’s August hiatus this year while resting my (mildly) injured back, so, without further ado…
I’m Leo…welcome to my world!
This edition will focus on obscure baseball uniforms and caps. Some of these are hard sliders, but some are slow pitch softball tosses, so just give it your best and have fun with it, okay? (And, yes, being a Buckeye, I AM partial to the awesome wishbone C!!)
1. answer
2. This team wore what might be considered (by me, at least) the first (sort of) wishbone C in major league baseball. If these 1903 uniforms were worn as a throwback today, which club would be wearing them?
2. answer
3. Who wore these gorgeous hooped pillbox caps at home in 1919?
3. answer
4. What club wore these wishbone C caps for six seasons, 1965-69 & 1972? (Hint: The answer might come to you all of a “Sudden”.)
4. answer
5. Who wouldn’t love to see these beautiful caps return as a throwback someday? Two teams *might* be able to claim this cap as a throwback (although for one of those, it would be a stretch), but which club wore it with road unis in the 1960s?
5. answer
6. The one-time third Major League this team played in no longer exists, but their home ball park is still in use in MLB. What team is it?
6. answer
7. A quarter of a century prior to the White Sox shorts experiment, this team tried them on for size. They were not in a Major League, but it was a very important league in terms of minor league history. Who wore these unis?
8. What Major League team wore these monochromatic beauties?
8. answer
9. (This one is TOUGH. Photo and video will be available when the answers are posted. Kudos to anyone who knows or correctly guesses the answer.) What team was the last team to play a World Series in caps with no logo or other image identifying their location or nickname?
Extra inning. What else was unusual about that World Series?
9. answer
Extra inning. answer
How did you fare on this baseball edition? Did you hit a walk-off homer or whiff on a curve ball in the dirt?
Until next time (football is just around the corner)…
Thanks, Leo! If you so desire — and to show off your knowledge — let us know how well you did in the comments below.
See you tomorrow!
I got 7 of 9 (or 7 of 10, if you count the extra innings as an additional question). I didn’t know that the Cardinals wore those hooped pillbox caps in 1919, or that the Browns were the last team to not wear a cap insignia in the 1944 World Series. (Consequently, I didn’t know what was unique about that World Series, but once I knew it was 1944, I did know it was an all-St. Louis affair, with both teams sharing Sportsman’s Park as their home field.)
Fun quiz, Leo! Thanks for putting it together!
You did as well or better than I would’ve. I would not have gotten 1, 9 or extra inning, possibly could have guessed #2 & #3, but would not have known those for certain.
Glad you enjoyed it, more coming over the next couple of weeks!
I got 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8. Pretty pleased with myself about it
OK, I got 8.5 out of 10.
I thought the Cardinals were the Reds and I was right about Buffalo but I called them the Bison(s) instead of Blues
Nice. More than I would have gotten on this one. Got pro and college football coming up over the next couple of weeks…
8 of 9, missed #2, thought it was the Reds, even though I suspected it was a bit of a feint.
RE: the extra inning, was the “unusual” thing about the series that it was St. Louis v St. Louis, or same park, or that it was the Browns only pennant? Browns’ pennant (my answer) is even more unusual than an intra-city Series, and same park series (third time per the article). Seems like any could be the answer.
There are multiple aspects that could be true, but being the 3rd WS played in one ballpark was the unusual aspect that I was basing the question on. Good job, I don’t think I would have gotten more than 6 or 7 (of 9) correct!
One wrong. I thought the Cardinals were the Phillies in question three.
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 2 was a toss-up between Chicago, Cincinnati and Cleveland and I guessed wrong. No clue about 9, and I had no idea that a team went unlogoed on the caps as late as they did.
Nailed it.
I have two more that are already done, but in the future, I might have to make these a bit harder somehow for the uni experts who got them all right.
A red and white pill box hat for the Cards, Phillies, Reds or even the Angels would be very nice. I say even the Angels because they did not start during the time these were around so it would be faux back (but it would still look good, especially with the CC version of the halo A). Last ones were in Pittsburgh, right?
Yes. In 1976, for the US Bicentennial, several clubs wore the “pillbox” caps, including the Pirates. In 1977, the team introduced new uniforms, which we refer to as the “Bumblebee” era (mix and match of gold, black and pinstriped uniforms), and these were worn with pillbox caps. They wore those uniforms through 1984 (still with pillbox caps) and then got new uniforms in 1985; but they still kept the pillbox caps for that season and 1986, finally returning to the current style in 1987.
I only missed question 2 (I guessed Cleveland instead of the Chisox) and lost half a point for guessing the Buffalo Bisons instead of Blues. And I was correct on the “extra innings” question.
Only got four – 1, 5, 6, 8
9 out of 10. I had no idea who wore the pillbox-style caps. I thought I’d seen a photo of Walter Johnson wearing one, so I guessed Senators. WRONG.
I wasn’t sure about the 1903 unis with the wishbone-ish C — knew it wasn’t the Cubs and guessed White Sox rather than Naps or Blues or Bronchos or whatever the now-Gardenias were called.