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Uni Watch DIY Project: A Different Kind of Pirates Helmet

Today’s post about the Pirates’ City Connect helmets, which look like they were spray-painted, reminded reader Joe Werner about a spray-painted Pirates helmet from his past. I’ll let him tell the story:

Sometime between the fall of 1991 and fall of 1992, my brother and I were bored and decided to have some fun with a can of black spray paint and a hard hat he had from a summer job a year or two prior. We cut out some freehand letters from masking tape, applied them to the yellow shell, painted the whole thing black, and then, after the paint had dried, peeled the tape to reveal the yellow graphics.

We started with just the “P” logo [shown above] but then decided that we should make use of all the flat space on the sides, too. That’s when we came up with “Bucs” for one side and “1990-91 NL East Champs” for the other side.

The Pirates also won the division title in 1992, and we certainly would have included that if it had already happened. That’s how I’m sure we did this after the 1991 season but before the conclusion of the ’92 season.

Finally, we made a hole in the top of the helmet, so we could use it as a lampshade in our game room, I don’t know what happened to the lamp (my guess is that the lamp either got repurposed with a more traditional lampshade or just plain got broken), but the helmet was saved and is still in my parents’ basement!
I love all of this. While the graphics may not be perfect, there’s more love and inspiration in these types of projects than in an entire season’s worth of Nike designs. Thanks for sharing, Joe!
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