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I’m proud to offer these DIY Uni Watch gumball helmets, which are made from vintage helmet shells and custom-designed stickers. (If you’re curious, here’s how I made them.)
If you’re interested in ordering, here’s what you need to know:
1. Supplies are very limited. Here’s how many I currently have on hand:
• Green shell: 1 left
• White shell: SOLD OUT
Each helmet comes with its own plastic capsule. Update: I am now out of plastic capsules. So the last few helmets will be sold by themselves, without the plastic case — sorry about that.
2. If you bought gumball helmets from a vending machine back in the day, they came with the mask unattached and the stickers not yet applied, so you got to “build” the helmet yourself. With that in mind, I’ve left most of the shells blank for now. If you like, I can enclose the mask and pre-cut stickers separately, so you can apply them yourself. If you’d prefer to have me do it, that’s fine too. (Worth noting: Because the stickers aren’t die-cut, it can be a bit frustrating to remove the backing paper.)
3. The price is $9.99 per helmet, Update: The price is now reduced to $4.99, plus $5 for shipping.
4. If you’re ready to purchase, please send me the proper amount via Venmo (use @Paul-Lukas-2 as the payee), Zelle (plukas64@gmail.com), or Google Pay (plukas64@gmail.com). If you’d rather use Apple Pay or a paper check, contact me and I’ll give you the info you need. Sorry, no PayPal.
Important: After sending payment, email me with the following info:
• Whether you want the facemask and stickers already applied, or loose within the capsule so you can apply them yourself
• Your shipping address
5. Sorry about this, but for now I’m not going to take non-USA orders, because dealing with the customs forms would be a major pain in the ass (especially for such a small shipping box — I’m not sure where the form would even fit on the package). If you’re a non-USA reader and reallyreallyreally want to get in on these, contact me and we’ll discuss. Maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement.
Uni Watch Gumball Helmets are now sold out!