I’ve partnered with the T-shirt site Teespring on a new project, which I’m pretty excited about: the Uni Watch T-Shirt Club, which is going to feature 12 limited-edition designs, one for each month of the year. I’ve always wanted to have a project that allowed me to say, “Collect ’em all!,” and now I do.
Each of the 12 designs will be based on a jersey that a team could have in its wardrobe, and we’re kicking things off in January with the design that should be the starting point for any uniform program — the home jersey (click to enlarge):

1. You can purchase the shirt on this page. As you’ll see, you’ll have a choice of Hanes ($22) or American Apparel ($24). Their sizes are slightly different, so use the “View Sizing Chart” link to be sure you get the shirt that’s best for you. Domestic shipping is $3.85 for the first shirt, $1 for each additional shirt; international shipping is $9.50 to Canada, $12.50 elsewhere. Don’t worry about the “Help us reach our goal” notice — that’s a Teespring thing for groups that are doing fundraising. (And no, you can’t customize the NOB or number. The NOB on each shirt will pertain to its design — like “Home” for the home design — and we’ll use 15 as our number for the entire year, because this is 2015.)
2. This shirt will only be available through the end of next Monday, Jan. 12. All shirts ordered by then should be delivered by Jan. 26.
3. There will be 11 more designs — one for each remaining month of the year. Three of those designs are shown here, but those three will not necessarily be the designs that we roll out for February, March, and April. In fact, they almost certainly won’t be. You’ll see the rest of the designs as they become available for sale. You can probably guess what some of them will be, although I think a few of them may surprise you. In each case, we’ll update the “sleeve patch” to reflect the appropriate month.
4. We got a late start with the January shirt. For the remaining 11 designs, each shirt will be made available on the third Tuesday of each month. So the February design will go on sale on Jan. 20 (yes, that’s two weeks from today); the March design will go on sale on Feb. 17; and so on. I’ll reveal each new design at some point during the week before it goes on sale.
5. Each shirt, including the January design that’s now available, will be available for purchase for only one week (that’s how Teespring works — each shirt is a limited edition), from the Tuesday when it goes on sale through the following Monday. Once a shirt’s one-week window closes, it will no longer be available for purchase.
6. Except for the January shirt, which as I mentioned will deliver to customers by Jan. 26, each month’s shirt should deliver within the first 10 days of that month.
7. People who purchase all 12 shirts (collect ’em all!) will be eligible for a bonus prize at the end of the year. I haven’t yet decided what this prize will be, although I have some ideas. It may depend somewhat on how many people stay on board for all 12 shirts, and we won’t have a sense of how many people that might be until the summer, so I’ll likely wait a while before settling on the prize. But I assure you it’ll be something good.
8. I have lots of additional design ideas. So if the response is strong, it’s definitely possible that this project could be extended into 2016.
I think that’s it. Again, the shirt can be purchased here. If you have any questions, give a holler. Thanks for listening.