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Category: Softball

Uni Watch Middle East Report

From time to time we’ve discussed uni-related issues of trademark infringement and protection. But policing your trademark in lawsuit-happy America is one thing — doing it in a far-off land, …

Frisco Fiasco

I don’t mean to pick on Giants equipment manager Mike Murphy — he’s been with the team for nearly 50 years, and he probably has his hands full finding caps …

Initialize This

Last Tuesday I had a small Ticker item about how the old Cincinnati Stingers of the WHA used to put first intials. in addition to last names, on the back …

Changing on the Fly

Do you ever get jealous of people who somehow score front-row seats right along the first- or third-base line? They get to reach down and scoop up foul grounders like …

Saturday Recap

Like a lot of Americans, I don’t really follow horse racing but still get a kick out of the Kentucky Derby, mainly because it’s a good excuse for a party. …

Less Than the Sum of Its Parts

The WNBA preseason begins today, and the league kicked things off yesterday by unveiling a new set of uniforms for all the teams. The truth: I don’t really give a …

Tough Day for the Ice Cream Vendor

With all these crazy cold-weather games that have been going on, I’ve found myself wondering, “Who the hell would go to a ballgame under these conditions?” I mean, I can …

POTUS Sure Has a Sweet Jersey Collection

By Vince Grzegorek The Colts may have gone to Disney World after winning the Super Bowl, but a much more important trip waits for them around the corner: a trip …

Chinese Hard-Liners Softballers

In case you didn’t know — and let’s face it, you probably didn’t — the International Softball Federation‘s 11th annual Women’s World Championship tournament is currently taking place in Beijing. …

Mr. Ed Says: A Ten-Spot on Bluegrass Cat to Win

With the Belmont Stakes taking place tomorrow, Gretchen Atwood checked in a few days ago and asked if Uni Watch planned any coverage of New York State’s “odd rules for …

And How Come Every Team Has a Fat Chick?

With the Women’s College World Series currently unfolding, Uni Watch is brimming with questions about college softball. For example: How come some of the teams wear pants and others wear …