As we approach Super Bowl LIX (aka Super Bowl 59), it’s time for a ranking of every SB uniform pairing ever played, going from worst to first. Of course, these rankings are largely subjective, and I’m sure you won’t agree with the order of my selections. After literally hours of finding and grading all 58 games played to date, I’ve come to the conclusion that ranking games ain’t easy — sure, there are some stinkers and some absolute all time glorious-looking games, but the middle-of-the-pack uni matchups can be a bit tricky.
I began on Monday with the first 12 (ranked from #58 through #47), and I explained the setup in some detail. If you missed that, you may with to check it out to see how I rank the games. Those first 12 games represented the “worst” SB matchups. Yesterday, I unveiled the second 12 games (ranked from #46 through #35).
Today we’ll continue with the third 12 best looking games (ranked from #34 though #23), so these matchups are right smack-dab in the middle — good to very good, but not good enough to sniff the Top 20 best lookers.
Remember, it’s all subjective, so feel free to disagree in the comments below.
Let’s get started…
#34: SB 8

I bet you’re surprised to see one of the first 10 SB’s this low on the list, and this time it’s not 100% the fault of the unis — although it would have looked better if the Vikes were in purple tops. It was a cool (50°) overcast day in Houston’s Rice Stadium, and the early-gen Astroturf just added to the antiseptic look. Normally vibrant, Miami’s aqua jerseys looked as blah as the day and the stadium.
#33: SB 19

Now we’re starting to get into some relatively good-looking games, and the 49ers and Dolphins certainly wasn’t a bad-looking game by any means. My only problem with this is the really fat pants stripes on SF, and Miami’s aqua face masks.
#32: SB 22

It’s hard to find fault with either team’s unis (and Denver in royal over orange is glorious), so this one comes down to the burgundy/orange combination, with Washington’s gold and Denver’s royal blue adding just a couple too many colors into the mix. Not a bad looking game, but there are still 31 better.
#31: SB 9

Here’s another Super Bowl where we’ve got a pretty good uni matchup, but it’s taken down a notch by the weather and location. It was another mostly cloudy and cold (46° at kickoff) day, played on the poured concrete and astroturf of Tulane’s stadium. The result was a less-than-vibrant combination of purple, white and gold.
#30: SB 57

As noted above, the games from here on in are all pretty-to-very good, and the 2023 contest between KC and Philly checks the mostly good boxes (and will be repeated this year). While I prefer KC in white jerseys and pants, even I can’t deny their white over red is still a good look. The Eagles’ penchant for wearing solid white socks/tights with white pants (and they’re far from alone in this new fashion statement) keeps this game from ranking any higher.
#29: SB 21

The New York Football Giants made their first Super Bowl appearance following one of the greatest regular seasons in league history, led by Phil Simms and LT, with the game taking place in sunny Pasadena. No real complaints about this game, uni-wise, but the white pants and low-whites worn high with white shoes were less than optimal.
#28: SB 25

While not a carbon-copy of SB 21, this one again featured the G-men facing off against a team whose helmet was a different color from their home jersey. Considered by some to be one of the best Super Bowls ever, the phrase “Wide Right” would forever become part of Buffalo’s legacy.
#27 SB 37

Just imagine how great this game would have looked had Tampa Bay still worn their Bucco Bruce uniforms. Unfortunately, a few years prior the team switched to their pewter and red look, which featured actual pewter back then. And as classic and good as da Raidahs have looked since the mid-1960s, their silver/white/silver isn’t nearly as good as when they wear black jerseys.
#26: SB 11

Super Bowls played in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena always look good, so the Purple People Eaters and Raiders looked about as good as they could. I don’t hate purple like a certain someone, but I prefer purples that are closer to red than blue, so I’ve never loved their look either. Still, this was an attractive matchup, and the fourth of four Super Bowl losses for Minnesota.
#25: SB 24

As opposed to the above game, which looked better due to its being played in the Rose Bowl, this game was played inside the dreary and dank Superdome, which dulled both teams’ vibrant hues. Both teams have a great set of unis. I just wish it weren’t played on a old-school miniature golf course-like surface.
#24 SB 35

I like the Ravens in white over white, and I personally think the G-men in blue over gray is their best look, so this one was quite attractive in my eyes. The stifling defense of the Ravens gave the Giants their only Super Bowl loss, but at least Big Blue were in their Sunday best.
#23: SB 16

There are only a few times when a team introduces a new uniform that is profoundly better than what it replaced, and the Cincinnati Bengals are Exhibit A in this category. The modern classics Who Dey sported in this game nicely complimented SF’s classics, and this game would have ranked even higher were it not for the old Pontiac Silverdome’s less than pleasing aesthetics.
As I mentioned at the outset, feel free to disagree in the comments below.
Completely agree in the domes and weather “ruining” so many of these.
I think Denver/SF in particular would be a top ten lock if it was played in Pasadena or San Diego.
The Dolphins looked so much better in aqua facemaks though – their uniform peak was the early 1980s
Totally agree. I also loved the absurdly fat stripe on the pants.
I think you’re too low on Dolphins-Niners. I don’t love the fat stripes on SF’s pants, but I hardly notice the Dolphins’ facemasks. It was outdoors (which should be a plus) and both teams wore really good looking uniforms. So either you’re not high on either team’s uniforms in general, or you REALLY hate those facemasks and stripes.
Also agree with Will’s post above. Niners-Broncos both have great unis that look really good together.
Now excuse me while I cry in my beer over Miami’s and Dan Marino’s loss from 40 years ago like it was yesterday.
The Super Bowls that have 2 teams with yellow pants always look good. The early 49ers Super Bowls would be better in the current uniforms with the narrow striped gold pants.
Cloudy and cold weather makes the uniforms pop. You don’t get the washed-out look of a sunny game, and you don’t get as many shadows as an artificially-lit indoor or night game. SB8 and SB9 are top ten matchups for me.
And the 49ers had properly sized pants stripes.
If only the Broncos had worn orange pants in SB21…
It would have been a top five matchup instead of the middle of the road yawner that it was.
That game was the second thing we ever taped on the family VCR. One of the reasons I taped over it was Denver’s poor choice of pants.
Chiefs/Eagles should be higher than those above it IMO. Great contrast there, and Chiefs in red pants is a far better look than white/white. I would also say Raiders/Vikes should be higher, if for no other reason that the look is enhanced by the sloppy mud/dirt look.
Uniform gurus all seem to prefer white pants with white jerseys and I have no idea why
A couple confusing statements you have here:
SB 8, you say it “would have looked better if the Vikes were in purple tops.” They didn’t exactly have first choice that year. Maybe if they had worn their purple pants, would that have helped in your aesthetical observation?
SB 25, you say “the G-men facing off against a team whose helmet was a different color from their home jersey.” But yet, on SB 21, you say “Denver in royal over orange is glorious.” So, you’re bagging on the red-capped Bills for the blue jerseys that they weren’t wearing that night, yet you’re not picking on the other teams here with unmatched helmet/home jersey color combos? (Bengals, Niners, Bucs, Raidahs, Ravens, Dolphins) Sorry, just confused by your rationale.
Ravens-Giants is not better than Bills-Giants. Not even close.
Any of the Ravens matchups should be bottom 5 at least