Long-time reader and submitter Greg Seher (who recently had submitted concepts for the NHL and NCAA) has returned, this time with some concepts and tweaks for the NFL. Similar to other concepters who have redesigned entire leagues, I will feature these over the next two weeks or so, featuring one division per day. Here are the concepts previously posted:
Today we’ll look at Greg’s concepts for the AFC West. Enjoy!
by Greg Seher
Some uniform basics that are league wide:
1. I’d get rid of the free for all of alternate uniforms. Go with standard dark home and white away uniforms (aside from hot weather white at home exceptions). I’d give each team a dark and white throwback option, and all teams wear throwbacks once a year on Thanksgiving. For a few teams I’d give them fauxback exceptions instead of true throwbacks when needed.
2. The large college style chest wordmarks don’t look right, but I do like the small wordmarks below the collar, these are being added to all the teams.
3. No logos on the back collar of jerseys, that’s a bad trend, if you want to put a maker’s mark somewhere maybe put it there.
AFC West

Simple here, go back to something very similar to their classic 1980s orange crush design. Differences with the orange numbers on the road jersey, orange belt, new stripe pattern, and also an updated version of the D logo, based on a design from Football as Football. For the alternates I used their whites from 1966 and though by no means good looking, the navy design is a Superbowl champion set.

A classic look, no real changes needed, just moving a modified Lamar Hunt/AFL memorial to the sleeve. A consistent looking team, even their days as the Dallas Texans look pretty much the same. I used the interlocking KC in white for the helmet logo swapping out the Texas logo their original Dallas Texans home and away sets.

Raiders have an absolute classic already, no need to make changes. For the throwback you have to go back to their first years in the early 1960s for something different than the silver and black classic. Sort of a mashup of styles from their first few years. I went with their first silver helmet and white jersey design from 1963, mixed in with a modified version of the white pants and stripped socks they wore that preseason, swapping out the gold trim for silver. Similarly the 1963 preseason black jersey but color swapping gold for silver and white, and paired with the silver helmet.

I’d keep the Chargers where they belong in San Diego, I am sure between SDSU, and a possible soccer team you could have gotten an NFL stadium there if Spanos really wanted to stay. Going with powder blue full time, with the classic color blocked stripe with lightning on the shoulders, and color block for the lighting on the pants too. Keeping the original lighting bolt design rather than the new flatter version. For the throwbacks bringing in the yellow pants, ended up doing the 1967 design the first time they wore navy, and the navy and royal blue mix up that debuted in 1979 for the white throwback.
Thanks, Greg!
Readers? What say you?
These are all good designs on their face, but in context the Chargers’ losing their yellow pants is a downgrade. I have often wondered what the Raiders could do with a silver-black-black alternate…
I know many people love the Chargers in white/blue/yellow, but I’ve never liked it as much as white/blue/white. White/white/yellow option would be lost as well, and that combo looks good, in my opinion, but overall, I would also save the yellow pants for the navy helmet config.
Agree, I know I am in the minority, at least among the uni watch crowd, but for me if a team is wearing white helmets they are best paired with white pants. And this is especially true when wearing a dark jersey, having a white helmet, dark jersey, and a different color dark pants looks out of whack to me.
But knowing others like it, and it is a part of their tradition, I kept it for their throwback option.
These are all yeses for me, other than the KC alts. Not sure why that would be needed.
KC and LV were tricky on the alts because they have been so consistent through the years, but for the purpose of this concept, I wanted every team to have a dark and white throwback/fauxback so we could have a league wide throwback weekend for Thanksgiving, in my ideal uni-world.
I considered doing a fauxback for KC to the defunct KC Cowboys
I get that you think Denver ought to have orange digits on their white jerseys– not only would it be unique, it’s just common sense. But history shows the bright color creates readability issues, and it will ultimately be replaced with blue.
I like that you straightened up the Chargers numbers. They look like NASCAR number now. The only flaw in the uniform set IMO. Maybe they’re charging I guess. Kudos for moving them back to San Diego as well!
All great, though we don’t need the Denver dark alts. Definitely would be the best uni division in nfl
100% not a fan of that Broncos uniform either, but given they won some championships with that set, seemed appropriate to keep around in their closet to bring out on throwback weekend every other season. I tried to keep historical context in mind, in addition to aesthetics, when picking throwback options.
Never been a fan of the Chargers having their lightning bolts inside of a stripe on their pants or jerseys. Let them bolts fly!
I don’t knowb exactly know why, because I’m sure there are other uniforms with this issue, but the black outline on the arrowhead/KC of the Chiefs uniforms REALLY bothers me. It just looks so out of place – everything else is this beautiful combination of red/yellow/white… And there is this LITTLE BIT of black on the helmet. Maybe because there is no yellow on the helmet to balance it out? I don’t know.
Love the orange numbers on the white Broncos set. Great work on these!
The chargers need to go to a normal block number font instead of that slanted one they have now. The royal blue helmet and yellow pants combo from the early 80’s is the best. White helmets are boring.
Broncos – 80’s orange crush/bronco blue is just about best in business! i kinda like their modern white helmets. could look good with your white alt uniform
Chiefs – They looked good at Pittsburgh on Christmas. Think it was the red socks that did it.
Raiders – Raiders aren’t the Raiders without silver pants.
Chargers – Their modern set up is good. They have a lot to choose from for alts. Love the Dan Fouts era white. Hope they bring that back soon as an alt.
Wow – found one with comments not closed!
Tend to read a lot of these in depth on the weekend, would like the opportunity to occasionally comment.