Yesterday afternoon, images of the Utah Hockey Club’s proposed new name and logos began circulating on social media. The leaks have now been confirmed as legit — fans attending UHC home games have been asked to vote for their favorite which will determine the future name of Utah’s NHL team.
If you’ve been following the developments surrounding the team’s future name and logo, the UHC recently announced that the team was dropping “Yeti” as an option, due to various trademarks held by Yeti Coolers. The team then presented three options to fans for what may be the “final” vote: “Mammoth,” “Wasatch” and “Utah Hockey Club.”
Feedback was immediately opposed to using “Wasatch,” so the team quickly pivoted to “Outlaws” as a new option, eliminating “Wasatch.”
Utah fans have been voting on their preferred name and logo at UHC home games, with the final round of in-arena voting concluding tonight when the team faces the Philadelphia Flyers.
Here are the leaked images of what is being presented to fans for their vote:

Each of the three possible names have a proposed logo to go with each name. For “Mammoth” (why is this not plural?), the image of a woolly mammoth is one option; “Outlaws” offers a logo of a man in a fairly generic looking “cowboy” hat with a neckerchief covering the majority of the face (not an easy feat with the variety of bandit logos already in existence). The final name option — which was originally just supposed to be a placeholder for the 2024-25 season, is to make “Utah Hockey Club” the team’s permanent nickname. The logo associated with that name features a mountain range with a profile view of what looks to be a Yeti (the name the team preferred, but can’t use due to Yeti Coolers’ trademark).

Once those logos were leaked on social media, Daily Faceoff’s Frank Seravalli later confirmed them as those being presented to fans.
Following the UHC game tonight against the Flyers, the team will take the fan feedback into account and may use that to decide upon the final name/logo.
As I’ve said before, I’m fine with the team keeping “Utah Hockey Club” as its official name, and honestly, neither “Mammoth” nor “Outlaws” is as good. Not that the team is stacking the deck, but with their preference for “Yeti” no longer an option, keeping “UHC” and creating a logo that basically features an image of a Yeti may end up putting the proverbial finger on the scale.
The team has not said when it will announce a new name and logo, but it has indicated it will be in place before the 2025-26 NHL season begins. Regardless of what name is chosen, the club will continue using the light blue and black color scheme, and it’s possible that if a new name is chosen, the new logo will likely replace the diagonal “UTAH” wordmark the team currently uses, expecially if the mockups of the new jersey are any indication.
Having seen the logo/name options, which one do you like best?
I’m sorry but those names and logos all stink out loud. And I SWEAR that Outlaws logo was poached from somewhere. It looks SO familiar, it may have even been used in concept art for something that was posted right here on Uni-Watch. If it wasn’t, then it just goes to show how generic and creatively bankrupt this whole endeavor has been for Utah.
The USFL 1.0 Oklahoma Outlaws insignia was a black-hatted cowboy wearing a black bandanna. It was one of football’s better logos.
EASHL or Franchise create-a-team logos from EA Sport’s video game is what came to my mind.
Hey everyone… YETI is the best name… So keep the UHC moniker, with the Yeti logo and keep working on Yeti Company to allow a name change.
I know names/logos/mascots are not made for adults, but to be honest these are all cringe. I’d much prefer they keep current name/colors/”logo”.
Call me a kid then I guess. Not really into mascots, though….
Below is my comment from the last article so I’m all in on UHC
I really like Utah Hockey Club. Like soccer clubs, they don’t need an official nickname and can still use the yeti in their logos. They could probably still unofficially go by the “Yeti”
As soon as I saw it was a Yeti logo attached to Utah Hockey Club, I knew that would be the winner. UHC was probably going to win anyway.
This ‘club’ needs to go back to the drawing board. I don’t think their naming could be handled/fumbled more poorly.
I think they wanted Yeti and that is why the hockey club logo is the best. The UHC name is subpar to me. Mammoths is ok. Outlaws as a name is OK. They could have brought some more Utah specific stuff to the design room.
It’s “Mammoth”. Not “Mammoth’s”. Singular is better here.
If they keep the current name they need a better acronym than UHC, that’s not exactly three letters people have positive feelings for.
Honestly Mammoth is the best of these options.
The outlaw logo in particular looks like something straight out of a video game’s create-a-team feature.
all three logos look have a very minor league style to them. the shading, the cartoonishness, none of them scream “nhl logo.” listen, I won’t be a Utah fan (at least, I assume I won’t be), but if these were presented for my hometown team, it would not generate any excitement out of me.
That Outlaws logo is awful. It is a near carbon copy of the old Arena Football League Dallas Desperados logo from the early 2000s. It just feels like the turned on the Xbox and went to the “create a team” feature in the NHL game and pulled the most generic logos they could find. I don’t mind any of the names but the logos are rough. Here is the Desperados logo for reference- link
The most Utahan thing in the world is the rock arch. Put *that* on the front of the sweater.
To be honest, I’m enjoying watching the process of a professional sports organization trying to (re)brand so quickly and so (rather) publicly.
The Washington football situation seemed to have happened very much behind closed doors, whereas here we have a club that’s actively listening to real time feedback and making decisions based on it. Kind of refreshing.
Also, kind of hilarious to think that with an infinity of identities out there, they still are struggling to find something meaningful.
Salt Lake City Lakers
Utah Salties?
Utah Stormin Mormons
Utah Fighting Mormons
Utah Red Rockies/Rocks/Rox (play on Sox)
Utah Red Alert
Utah is the least “outlaw” of any of the Western U.S. states, they are famous for how many FBI agents originate from there. Plus as several have pointed out, its a very generic logo that has been used by many sub-level sports organizations over the years (if not currently).
Personally I like “Utah Hockey Club” and the freedom it allows for however the fanbase and branding can morph over the years to come.
You must not be familiar with Butch Cassidy.
I have no artistic talent at all, but I can google images and recolor them to come up with something as good or better than these. I really hope these logos are placeholders.
That being said, while I’m really not a fan of any of them (Salt Lake Stingers was my ideal choice – pending legal checks, of course), my choice would be Mammoths (yes, PLEASE add an S to the end of the name).
I don’t know why Mammoths isn’t plural. It sounds better to me. The UTAH HC has the best logo with the worst name.
Even though the logo is a literal Mammoth, I believe the name refers to strength and power…
Its an adjective for the team as well as a nickname…IMO
I would also like to see a sky blue alternate jersey.
I like the name Utah Hockey Club the least, but like that logo with the mountains and Yeti the best. Maybe that’s the best option. I think fans would refer to them as the Yetis anyway if you chose that one, regardless of the issue with the cooler company.
The fact that they couldn’t use Yeti because of cooler trademarks is everything that’s wrong with everything.
The problem isn’t even really the name (Yeti). There’s very little chance the cooler company would be confused with a hockey team of the same name. The tricky part is that Yeti Coolers, as part of their trademark, have the right to put “Yeti” on clothing, which means that if UHC attempted to do the same, they’re setting themselves up for a losing court battle.
My prediction has been they’ll keep UHC (my personal choice anyway) but create a logo — like the one presented to fans — that incorporates a Yeti but yet never uses “YETI” anywhere. And maybe, as others have suggested, the team will informally be known as Yeti (Utah Yeti does have an alliterative property) but not officially.
It’s not an ideal situation, to be sure, but it kinda achieves their desired ends.
Solve everything, use UHC and link up with Yeti coolers to be their jersey/helmet ad. I Hate all the ads, we can’t stop them now.
And I agree with the earlier statement about a light blue jersey, great hockey color.
Keep UHC and the same logo.
Ah, I revise my position: the fact that a cooler company has a clothing trademark is everything that’s wrong with everything.
But seriously, I think you’re right: using UHC with a Yeti face logo is probably the best solution. People can exercise their first amendment right to call the team “Yeti” all they want. In fact it has a nice old-timey feel to it, like back when team nicknames were actually nicknames and not licensed trademarks.
Has anyone ever heard of Yeti cycles? Like many bicycle manufacturers they’ve also dabbled in lifestyle merch and clothing. (I used to own a hoodie with their brand and logo on it).
Either way I’ve always wondered if the cooler company has ever conflicted with Yeti Cycles’ trade mark. Seems like there’s even more overlap between the trades of bikes and coolers than Hockey and coolers.
I still favor UHC, but of the logos, Mammoth looks best both as a mark and as a sweater graphic. Too much black-on-black for all three options, but the Mammoth head achieves what the Preds logo attempts but fails to achieve in terms of illustrating extinct prehistoric animals. Given that Utah and SLC have basically no actual paleontological connection with mammoths, the actual ancient megafauna found across northern North America and Eurasia, and given that SLC remains home to a team incongruously named the Jazz, I expect Mammoth to be the choice.
Though the UHC/yeti logo on a blue sweater might be a stronger mark, but alas the team seems devoted to black home sweaters.
Mammoths remains have been found in Utah.
I like Hockey Club (old throw back to early NHL teams) or Mammoth.
Sure HC is kinda boring but I don’t mind it cause if the fans want they can still call them the Yeti and I really like the logo. I like that the state shape is in the logo.
Scratch all of those and start over! UTAH FIGHTING BEES
It feels like the wheels are starting to come off this process. From these choices, the only acceptable logo to me is the mammoth, but why on earth is the accompanying nickname “mammoth” instead of “mammoths”? I also have to take the opportunity to show love to the Quad City River Bandits, who put all other bandit/outlaw logos to shame.
Singular is much better here. Not everything needs to be plural. Jazz is fine. Lightning is fine. Kraken is fine. Mammoth is fine.
Gotta disagree. I feel singular team names are for intangible things (Jazz, Heat, Magic) or things that are referred to singularly in everyday speech (Lightning, Mercury). The edge case is Kraken, but I feel Kraken fits as singular because there is only one Kraken. To me, “mammoth” would be like calling them the Detroit Tiger or the Philadelphia Eagle.
Bro keeps replying singular is better, but doesn’t give any reasoning.
The word “Mammoth” is often used as an adjective to describe other things that are large and/or powerful.
“Mammoth storm coming…”
Plural is fine, too but gets cluttered when spoken aloud.
But that’s 21st Century men’s sports. The safest option usually wins—hi, Nationals, Texans, Commanders, etc. Not you, Pelicans, you’re cool.
As a Texan who roots for the Texans, I take exception to this. I think it speaks to our state’s outsize bravado that the fans voted for that name over the other choices (Toros, Apollos, Bobcats, and Stallions, ordered from best to worst IMO).
I think Utah Mammoth is a great name, though I agree with the folks who would’ve preferred Bees or Stingers.
Just kind of AHL level all around. Pretty disappointed with the colors, uniforms and branding at this point.
Utah Frontier, Utah Pioneers, Utah Arches, Utah Trappers, anything off the top of my head is better than trying to force Yeti, failing and then limp-dicking the brand because you didn’t get your way.
Utah Hockey Club is find but that logo is ass. Mammoth is the best option of the other two, and the logo is the better of the bunch but it’s an underwhelming nickname, and dinosaur fossils are pretty common in Utah, so something like Allosaurs or something dinosaur themed would have been better.
It really should have been Utah Pioneers. Pioneer Day is a big deal in Utah, on par with Independence Day.
If Philadelphia can be the 76ers and San Francisco the 49ers why can’t Utah be the 25ers
..And still use the yeti logo.
47’s is far more in line with this thinking – 1847 is when the pioneers came.
There is a mountain range near Salt Lake/Park city they could be named after. Then use the Yet logo. Perfect.
That mountain range is the Wasatch, the name that was on the list but got replaced for Outlaws after one day. It was my favorite choice, but I’m clearly in the minority.
This all is so far inferior to the Peyote Coyote.
Those logos look like they were taken from Shutterstock or VectorStock.. i get youtube gamer vibes
The mammoth logo feels like atlanta thrashers
I know it’s too late, but a tuff idea is embracing being the Beehive State. I know they already have a minor league baseball team called the bees but their uniforms aren’t amazing so you wouldn’t be in fear of any imaging clashes. Call the team the Utah Stingers and get a badass bee/yellowjacket logo to splash on the front of the sweater. Black and gold never really miss as colors, maybe even a subtle and faint honeycomb pattern in the numbers, you can call the stadium or a section of it “The Hive”, . Maybe not the most perfect idea but man is it better than what they have right now.
keeping “Utah Hockey Club” would be BY FAR the worst option they could go with. that’s just terrible
Outlaws gets my vote but I don’t love that logo
Utah Ice Bees. Freezy Bees. Utah is the beehive state.
Utah Dogs With Bees in Their Mouth
..and when they bark, they shoot bees at you!
Awful and more awful and even more awful Botched from day one with the naming of the team and uniforms . Totally minor league so far and so generic Lol Utah Hockey club what kind odd name to call your team.
Not one of the choices, but I think since they can’t use YETI how about
Not from the area, but I think they could have gone with something more creative and specific to that region such as…
Utah Hoodoos
Utah Canyons
Utah Arches
Utah Pioneers
They all look like they’re from the generic selection for a creation-a-team in an EA Sports title. Go with Hockey Club, which is the only somewhat decent design of the three, and you break the league’s naming scheme. I already miss the Coyotes—just not the ownership.
How has no one mentioned the Colorado Mammoth or Denver Outlaws? Yes, both are lacrosse teams, but still. The fact that the yeti foot originated on the Av’s uniforms has been brought up, too.
Find an identity of your own, Utah, stop stealing from your neighbor ;)
I called this before, but with the other two nicknames splitting votes, the Utah Hovkey Club will win. Now it’s assured, with the Abominable Snowman Yeti as the mascot. And Outlaws is lame.
All these logos are absolute turds. The mammoth (logo) is probably the best executed but still feels both weak and too cartoonish/whimsical without that retro collegiate feel that a good cartoon logo should have. The outlaw logo couldn’t really be any more generic, as many have said. The HC logo is too crowded with stuff and doesn’t scream yeti to me (despite it literally being a screaming yeti?). I truly don’t want to see any of these on an NHL sweater.
Bored with the whole thing and the fans will be too. Jersey and logo don’t matter if the team doesn’t win games.
Wow, these are all terrible. We should also focus in on what Phil quoted in the article: “Following the UHC game tonight against the Flyers, the team will take the fan feedback into account and may use that to decide upon the final name/logo.” The keywords here are “may use”. So the fans are all up in arms over these supposed three choices and then 5 months down the road the ownership will spring a name, never before mentioned or used, on the unsuspecting hockey populace. Ingenious!
Mammoth rocks and fits the color scheme. It has the momentum and will win.
Thing is, they aren’t a Hockey Club. They’re just a team. I object to their use of ‘club’ here. Honestly, Seattle picked Kraken so these three terrible options aren’t too surprising. Thing is, the owners know what they want, and I fully expect the fan ‘vote’ will turn out that way. Lame process if you ask me.
I have had the pleasure of spending quite a bit of time over the years working in Utah. I cannot believe that no one has considered The Utah Hive or The Utah Swarm as the team name. Players could be known as the Bees. Merchandising would be amazing. Seems kinda obvious. But regardless of what you decide upon. please NOT the Outlaws. Definitely NOT what Utah is about, in any way shape or form.
Relocate them to Quebec and use “Nordiques”!
Franchise won’t win and its all just dressing for merch and gamblers.
Utah Woolies. Some type of Mammoth logo. Original, rolls off the tongue. Fear the Woolie. Spell it as you see fit…
Think the fix is in for UHC. Mammoth should be plural. Outlaws is a generic joke with zero ties to Utah. Clearly, ownership wanted Yetis and UHC with a Sasquatch logo is the next best thing. Cute that they let fans vote and think they have a say in the process.
If Mammoth (meaning something large, intimidating and powerful) wins this thing,
I hope Wolfgang Van Halen doesn’t sue them…
Because, just like all of us, I can’t tell the difference from a Hockey team, an overpriced beverage cooler and a Rock band unless a government official points it out to me….