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EXCLUSIVE: New York Mets Have New Road Jersey and New Road Pants

A couple weeks ago, the New York Mets unveiled a new alternate road jersey (a “stealth” jersey which could easily be fixed). That jersey, while definitely appealing to some, was mostly panned due to the almost-impossible-to-read script, numbers and even NOB.

But the Mets aren’t done. My source has confirmed they have also redesigned their road jersey, and created a new set of matching pants to pair with both the new road jersey and the new blue stealth alternate. But the good news is the new jersey and pants:

The new jersey has removed the solid blue headspoon (the placket piping) as well as the blue piping by the sleeve hems. In its place is a royal/orange/royal stripe added to the sleeve hems and around the collar. Front numbers are smaller than 2024 (they had always been slightly smaller than the standardized height Nike applied to all teams’ number heights on last year’s template), so that’s more of a return to the old style. It’s difficult to tell on the graphic below, but the NOB has increased in size (a change Nike has made for 2025 for all teams).

To pair with the new jersey the Mets also slightly altered the trim on their gray pants. They have removed the thin royal piping and replaced it with the same royal/orange/royal stripe as was added to the jersey. What was already one of the best road uniforms in baseball may just have gotten even better!

Here are the 2024 and 2025 road uniforms for comparison:

There had also been some chatter on social media that the Mets may have (again) changed their BFBS jersey. You’ll recall last year the Mets made changes to the black top, removing the white outlines that at least had made it legible. The rumors were that the Mets would return the white outlines this year, as a Juan Soto jersey in the old style was spotted in a sporting goods store.

I can officially confirm the black jersey is retaining the same style as the 2024 redesign.

It looks as though the numbers have reverted to the old size and the NOB has been returned to larger lettering.

There are no changes to the home uniform either:

While the new blue alternate is even worse visibility-wise (plus it’s a pullover with a terrible wishbone collar design) than the black alternate, the blue alternate will actually pair well with the new road pants, since the sleeve and collar trim match the trim on the new gray pants. That’s a small consolation, since the new road jersey could have looked so much better if they’d simply filled in the outlines and ditched the stealth motif.

I’ll need to see the new road jerseys and pants in action and on the field to render a full opinion, but I like what I see so far. I don’t mind headspoon design, but it always looks odd when it bisects a letter (or even touches a letter in most cases), so I’m anxious to see this. The little bit of orange between the thin royal stripes should inject just enough color to give the jersey (and pants) a bit of pop. I also like that the stripe now ends at the hem, whereas the blue piping had always been placed just above the sleeve end.

Your thoughts?

Comments (61)

    I thought the blue-orange-blue trim looked familiar! That’s a cute detail borrowed from 1978-1981. I approve!

    And it all fits exactly with what Nike did to everyone else’s uniforms last year, putting the trim at the botttom of the banded sleeve. Though the Mets have used that before.

    Mets fan here. The changes to the gray road uniform seem pretty good. I need to see it on the field before I truly judge, but I don’t think this is a downgrade. It’s either an upgrade or lateral move (lateral move here is NOT a bad thing since the gray jersey is already excellent).

    The black uniforms need to go away. But since that’s not happening, bad move not to go back to the pre-2024 versions. It is illegible without the white trim. I can only hope they wear the black less in 2025.

    I like the idea of the new blue alternate, but the execution is poor. Fix the neck line and get rid of the stealth crap. I hope they don’t wear these constantly…once in a while.

    Didn’t Alonso push to bring back those hideous BFBS tops a couple of years ago? Reason enough not to resign him.

    Yeah who needs a guaranteed 40 homers and 115 rbi from a dude hitting between Soto and Vientos who mashes miss fastballs like it’s easy. Who needs a top 3 run producing slugger in the whole sport over the last 5 years? Afterall the owner doesn’t have the money to buy him out if he doesn’t do what he’s done since he came up. Hes only the best power hitter the team has had in its history and a homegrown player.

    I truly think Mets fans are some of the absolute most insanely pathetic and short memory having fans in all of sports. Even with the short memories you’d think the slow witted fans would remember who got them there last year in the most clutch moment in recent memory. Twice.

    Wow. Between the road uniforms, the ghosted design of the blue tops and the New York cursive script, the 1980s called asking for their Mets road uniforms back. Surprised they didn’t go two-button henley pullover to complete the look.

    Leaving in the traditional “NEW YORK” wordmark and the hideous black uniforms from the late ’90s/2000s, the Mets are all over the place right now.

    All-in-all I’d call this a lateral move, I quite like the new sleeve trim, but lament the loss of the headspoon. The collar striping is okay I guess.

    Mets roadies were classic and are being downgraded. It’s not as bad as what the Nationals did in getting rid of the script Washington last year, but pretty bad.

    I’m no Mets fan, but prior to this they had s top 3 home/road primaries. Change for the sake of change.

    I would like to see what it would have looked like if they split the difference, and added orange trim outside the blue headspoon (like Atlanta’s trim). I like the addition of orange to the trim, but now the jersey looks too plain to me.

    Big improvement. Good to see the headspoon go away. Would like to see the Giants and Astros drop theirs as well. Wouldn’t mind seeing the 1988-2002 block lettering style return as well.

    The block lettering went away in 1993, replaced by a cursive “New York” (with “swoosh” underline) in 1993-94 before the original Tiffany lettering was brought back in 1995.

    I wish I could believe this was done for style purposes but it smells like a change to better fit the Nile template (thinner headspoon and mandatory elasta-sleevecaps). Still an improvement, but to quote the Untouchables, it smells like a whorehouse at low tide.

    While I don’t love changing a classic, this is a nice tweak and good new design that masks Nikes deficiencies. I’ll have to see it on the field but I’m feeling positive about it.

    As to the BFBS sigh please add white back. For the new road besides filling it in this would have been the perfect spot for the Henley.

    I’m really surprised no MLB teams have tried a Henley. So many college teams are now. It’s actually a nice look if you ask me.

    Love the changes with the Mets new road grays and even the blue road uniforms! I would love if they brought back the 86 Home uniforms! They actually wore them in 16 on Sunday home games ! They were beautiful! Love the Black uniforms too! Either way with the white outline or not! Since the them is blackout Fridays they should make the pants black as well that would be

    I’m very disturbed and upset by this. I don’t hate it, and I’d have to see it on the field, but the 1962-73/1995-97/2012-2024 road uniform was absolute perfection; the single best uniform in MLB. Why they felt the need to mess with perfection is beyond me; if it was to coordinate with the new alternates, that’s even more upsetting. I just can’t see how this is “better” than what they had, although it’s heartening that the likes of Phil and Howie Rose seem to really, really like it.

    I also would have preferred that the BFBS home alts be mothballed rather than the blue home alts, since the City Connects provide the dopamine dose of black that seems to be required, but whatevs. Overall, the Mets’ have downgraded their uniforms, which is a shame.

    Let’s wait and see how it looks on the field until we pass full judgment. I agree their (now former) road uniform was one of the best in baseball, but I’m not sure this is a downgrade. I think we might be pleasantly surprised at how good this looks (or not…).

    But dumping the blue home alternate for the new stealth pullover is a huge downgrade, and the BFBS jerseys, especially with the white outline removed, are also terrible (they were terrible with the white outline, and worse without).

    We’ve lived through some far more drastic changes to Mets uniforms over the years — the worst change (aside from adding black to the uniforms) was the racing stripes on the pinstriped homes (in which they won the 1986 World Series). They finally GotIt™ right (again) in 2012, and once again they appear to be slowly backtracking.

    But lets face it. Nike is going to try to push their 4 + 1 on every team, and that’s how we get stuff like the new blue pullover.

    Hopefully they’ll play the majority of their games in pins at home and grays on the road, with very little mixing in of the BFBS, stealth and CC.

    The new blue pullover would be fine the script is good but in a solid brighter color with white outline and button down. I also think a road gray alternate that has the Mets script matching the home uniform would be nice too. The Dodgers has a gray that has Dodgers and one that has Los Angeles. Time to drop the black. Unfortunately they probable won’t because people buy them.

    No MLB uniform should say “Dodgers” on it. Brooklyn hasn’t been in the league since 1957.

    Stop with the “traditionalists” stuff and just say YOU like the jersey. Moreover, the 2025 jersey is nice but it’s not an improvement over the 2024.

    This! And I prefer the “NEW YORK” wordmark in the slightly larger font. The BFBS is just awful, especially without the white shadows. The new stealth blue thing is terrible. Why can’t we just leave well-enough alone?!?

    That uniform you call “absolute perfection” used the font borrowed from the road jersey worn by the NY Giants from 1933-42. The Giants even used the same button and sleeve piping.

    At least this change represents reusing something that was truly made by and for the actual Mets. I’d be fine if they added the script New York they use on their new blue alternates to the grey road jersey. Again, is was something that was made by and for the Mets and not lifted from a franchise that abandoned NYC nearly 70 years ago.

    And Phil’s comment on the “racing stripe” from 1986 being awful: again, it was a feature truly made by and for the Mets. Phil is just some guy with opinion. The more I read his work, the less I want to come back here. It’s just a broken record.

    Somehow lifting things from the teams that left New York is OK but not the color black for some reason. The Giants wore black at multiple points in their time in NYC. So the Mets can lift fonts, logos (the cap logo is a direct lifting from the Giants as well), colors, and pinstripes from the other 3 NYC MLB teams, but not black for some reason.

    Not thrilled. Both Mets’ home and away jerseys are a near-exact through line to 1962.

    My fervent hope for the new roadie is that they restore the size of the ‘NEW YORK’ – it shrunk last season.

    And stop splitting the ‘e’ on the home shirt!

    Add grey to that blue jersey and you are cooking. Add white to the Black jersey and it’s perfect, even without the old-style piping.

    This may be the way to go in the Nike era, with the narrower placket and imitation piping on the sleeve ends. Now you have nice matching trim on the sleeves and collar.

    The only thing I’m concerned about is the little tail of collar stripe on the viewer’s left-hand side of the placket. Compare that to the Pirates, for example, whose collar stripe forms a nice circle.

    Do you have any idea on which jersey they will wear on spring training? Thanks! (please Phil/staff, join BlueSky!)

    Are we headed back to a 1970’s vibe across MLB? Nat’s new red jersey also dropped the headspoon and they tried a pullover last year.

    I like it. I believe that everyone likes a new spin on an old favorite. Hard as it may be to believe, headspoons were an endangered species at the height of the pullover era, but now MLB is lousy with them. I agree that San Francisco never needed them.

    Seems like another way to increase profit for Nike, by lowering the cost to make the jerseys. Headspoons cannot be done as fake piping like the sleeves could. Why do you think the Yankees road jersey lost its white trim after 50 years? Cheaper to make.

    They should’ve just gotten rid of the gray uniforms completely and made the blue tops the default road jersey.

    As many have said, the shouldn’t have messed with the official road. Nike messed with the pipping in the sleeve last year, small NEW YORK etc. Other teams with pipping in the sleeves got the same treatment as the Mets by bein in another material and looking like a t-shirt in the sleeve. Are we going “cookie cutter” with all MLB uniforms??? Mets are going or are recommended to go retro. The new road blue alt with a script from 87 and now going 79 to 81 and 93 and 94 pants…Bad teams…..Then pullovers from “yester years” and collars from the NBA that other teams….Not too good..We’ll see where this is going…

    I feel like pins at home, headspoon on the road is just such a signature look for the Mets. But the current Nike template uglifies any and all headspoons, so I’m cool with the Mets ditching that element, especially if it lets them bring in such a beautiful blue-orange-blue trim treatment.

    I also believe they got rid of the head spoon because of the stupid looking narrow placket. But it looks to me like last years wordmark was smaller than previous to fit that placket (compare photos from 2024 to previous years) and they have not reverted to the old size. Or at least the NEW and YORK were spaced closer together in 2024. I have to see it on the field, but my initial reaction is that they should have made the wordmark bigger again, or at least taller letters. Atlanta’s 2024 road sets also had a ridiculously smaller wordmark to fit the narrow placket.

    I agree the word mark looked too small last year. Restoring it would cost Nike a few more cents per jersey, so I would not expect it.

    The Mets gray road uniform is my favorite. I’m surprised I’m ok with the changes, but I am. I wish the lettering were a little larger.

    I dislike the new road alternate–the ’87 Mets were disappointing, Doc was in drug rehab, why an homage to that year?

    Probably not a popular opinion, but I liked it when they wore the non-pin-striped white unis at home most of the time and the cream colored pinstripes sometimes as a throwback (e.g. on Sundays).

    Three seems like enough to me.

    I don’t really like those City Connect uniforms or the black jerseys either, but I guess one of them once in a while to sell more jerseys?

    This is a cash grab to get fans to buy new jerseys, nothing more.
    Evoking 1978-81, the lowest of low days for the Mets, is really not a good thing in my humble opinion.
    I am a Mets fans, but the Mets could use a little of the Yankees if it aint broke don’t fix it approach.

    If you don’t like that alternate jersey with the gray pants and triple stripe I feel bad for your taste. You’re probably into the black uniforms that have no place on a baseball field. That alternate uniform will be extremely sharp. You just have awful taste. And I’m thrilled they don’t listen to every fan when making these decisions. We’d have some videos uniforms.

    Big time Mets fan here

    I LOVE adding orange to the sleeve and leg striping

    I HATE removing the headspoon and replacing it with collar piping

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