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Greg Seher’s NFL Uniform Concepts and Tweaks (NFC South Edition)

Long-time reader and submitter Greg Seher (who recently had submitted concepts for the NHL and NCAA) has returned, this time with some concepts and tweaks for the NFL. Similar to other concepters who have redesigned entire leagues, I will feature these over the next two weeks or so, featuring one division per day. Here are the concepts previously posted:

AFC East

AFC North

AFC South

NFC East

NFC North

Today we’ll look at Greg’s concepts for the NFC South. Enjoy!

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NFL Concepts and Tweaks (NFC South Edition)
by Greg Seher

Some uniform basics that are league wide:

1. I’d get rid of the free for all of alternate uniforms. Go with standard dark home and white away uniforms (aside from hot weather white at home exceptions). I’d give each team a dark and white throwback option, and all teams wear throwbacks once a year on Thanksgiving. For a few teams I’d give them fauxback exceptions instead of true throwbacks when needed.

2. The large college style chest wordmarks don’t look right, but I do like the small wordmarks below the collar, these are being added to all the teams.

3. No logos on the back collar of jerseys, that’s a bad trend, if you want to put a maker’s mark somewhere maybe put it there.


NFC South


I was a big fan of their original red helmet / black jersey style, so I switched back to that look from the late 1960s, but kept the current logo. Tried to match up the helmet and pants stripes in one design, and the sleeve and sock stripes in another. Going with red helmets full time makes the 1990s era black on black good throwback alternates.



For Carolina that custom blue just looks great, so I made that the primary color, and ditched the silver completely. The jersey drops the logos and instead changes up their existing shoulder stripes to a traditional UCLA stripe design. The throwback is obvious, going with the original logo and design for both dark and white alternates.



Go back to the old gold color and use that on the helmet and pants, swapping out the sleeve logo for some stripes, and making the pants stripes match the helmet, as well as gold numbers on the white jersey. They’ve had a fairly consistent design, so the white pants look from the 1975 season is the best choice for something different. The white alternate using a black helmet from the preseason of 1969 and both throwbacks add the Louisiana alternate logo as a chest patch.



It was good that the Bucs pretty much returned to their Superbowl winning pewter design, but still not the best option. There is something about the old orange look they had that I just think is better for a warm weather Florida team. Really the 90s era design with the orange and white would work, but this logo from Torch Creative is simply a perfect blend of both Bucs eras. So I used a slightly modified version of that as the primary. While the original creamsicles with Bucco Bruce are a nice throwback, they are very similar to the main design, so going with the original pewter look from their Superbowl XXXVII championship season.

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Thanks, Greg!

Readers? What say you?

Comments (26)

    Everything looks great, vast improvements for 3 of the 4 teams which should be implemented ASAP….except the Bucs. Yes I’m highly biased and yes they still need an improvement, and yes the reasons pro and con (mostly pro from most) of going back to Orange have been discussed on this site many times, but my wife’s family was literally there from the Bucs’ beginning and they only associate Orange with losing. Their record in Orange Throwbacks only backs that up. On the other hand, Bucco Bruce does not need to change! Less skulls! Again I’m highly biased.

    Thanks. And yeah, I am not a Bucs fan so I am just going off of what I think 1) looks better, 2) is very unique, and 3) feels like a Florida team. But the current and original pewter Bucs uniforms are good sets, and winning sets, so I can see why Bucs fans are quite content keeping those.

    As a Tampa lifer, I cant tell you the JOY that was felt around town the day we ditched the orange. Yes nostalgia is fun, but the losing stigma and trauma lingers with long time Bucs fans. Hell look what happened when we went “modern”, loss after loss, no playoffs. Back to classic, second SB. Dont mess with what works in Tampa!

    Thanks. Falcons feel like a no brainer, everyone loves their red helmet throwbacks, it is easy to make some tweaks to that for a great new uniform for them.

    Thanks, as noted I didn’t make that, just did a color edit. It was a professional firm Torch Creative that came up with this back when the Bucs returned to their normal pewter uniforms a few years ago. They did a great job, this is the kind of stuff the NFL should be using instead of whoever is working on the branding with Nike.

    I think I don’t love the Process Blue hats for Carolina with the blue or white jerseys, but I definitely do love them with the black jerseys.

    The only bummer about Bucco Bruce being a skull is that I can’t tell if he’s winking or not.

    Beyond that, I love these. The NFC South looks like a proper division.

    I have never cared for the Falcons but like these uniforms. I really like the silver/gray pants.

    I am in the minority, but I like the Saints current uniforms even the black stripe less pants with black socks. I don’t care for the old gold as used in these uniforms.

    The Buccaneers are okay.

    My favorite team is the Panthers. What has been created is actually good. I like the emphasis on the blue. However, I only like the silver helmet with all sets and only like white pants with white jerseys. The black or blue jersey should only be paired with silver pants and occasionally blue.

    The comments have been messed up tuis weekend. Yesterday it kept saying there were 0 comments on each post, but there were comments beneath that.
    For the past week the site freezes on me a few times per article.

    I don’t love the Creamsicles as much as everybody else seems to. But I would lighten the pewter on the current pants.

    I like the Falcons tweaks, but don’t feel that any mono-black alts should be on the table for them. It’s proved too big a temptation, and one that the team will wrongheadedly embrace if available at all.

    I think the Panthers should be primarily black and white, with the Carolina Blue used as an accent which would help it pop more. Panthers are black after all so I think this makes the most sense and looks best in my opinion. Home would be black tops, white pants. Away white tops, black pants. Black helmets for both, maybe with a white facemask depending upon how that looks, if not good then stick with black. I’m trying to think of a way to incorporate a claw scratch in place of the shoulder stripes in a way that doesn’t look too collegiate. Maybe white slashes trimmed thinly in blue on the black jersey, black trimmed in blue on the white. Blue cuffs and collar for the black jersey, not sure for the white, maybe black cuffs and collar. Carolina has the most potential to be gained with a uniform update in my opinion.

    Big fan of all four of these. I definitely think Carolina should ditch the silver.

    The only thing is that I think TB’s current set is top-3 in the league. Having to choose between that and the orange throwback is a real dilemma.

    I’m disappointed you didn’t take some big swings with the dark alternates for the Panthers and the Bucs. I was hoping you’d take on the task of figuring out red jerseys for the Bucs with creamsicle orange accents. I like the Panthers primary, but I would like to see the pants have the short pointed stripe.

    Four out of four! I’m just more attached to Errol Flynn in the role of Bucco Bruce, but I can see that fans don’t want to go there, again.

    You did a fabulous job on the Falcons uniforms and I hope you sent them a copy. The current XFL uni’s they wear now are a joke. These are perfect on both ends.

    I love what you did with the Carolina uniforms without the silver. Looks great. I’d still like to see what white helmets would look like with those two sets of uniforms with no silver.

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