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Timothy Batzinger Redesigns and Rebrands the NFL (AFC West Edition)

Tim Batzinger is a Uni Watch reader who is also a uniform designer, and he too has redesigned (and rebranded) uniforms for all the NFL teams. Unlike the two recent concepters who made slight tweaks and minor fixes to the current NFL uniforms, Tim has gone in a different direction. These concepts are decidedly more radical than more recent tweaks shown on Uni Watch. Like the other recent concepts, I’ll be running these by Division, and will be posted between now and the Super Bowl.

Here are the previous concepts from Tim’s NFL Redesign/Rebrand:

NFC West

NFC South

NFC North

NFC East


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NFL Redesigns/Rebranding Project: AFC West
by Timothy Batzinger

The goal for this project is to reimagine each team with all-new (or updated) branding and uniforms. To keep it simple, I’ve created a new primary logo, secondary logos (in some cases perma-memorials), a word mark, and 3 uniform sets – Home, Road, Alternate.

I’ve tried to stay true to each franchise’s history, whether they’re more “traditional” (think Packers) or more “risky” (think Seahawks). For some teams, there are alternate pant and sock combos, but for the sake of keeping this uniform (pun intended) I’ve kept it to what I feel is the best representation of each team’s brand.


Denver Broncos

Branding: I’ve brought back the royal blue to the Broncos color scheme. The primary features a stylized bronco head in a D with a mountain in the corner. The secondary logos feature mountain peaks in a D. One uses different shades of blue and orange to represent the Denver sunset, and is paired with the alternate uniform.

Uniforms: *Disclaimer: I designed these before their recent redesign was unveiled.* The home and road unis are inspired by the uniforms the Broncos wore from 1965-66, and feature mountain peaks on the sleeves. The numbers continue the mountain motif from the primary logo. The alternate features different shades of blue and orange creating a gradient on the pant stripes and sleeves, mimicking the alternate logo.


Kansas City Chiefs

Branding: Due to the controversy surrounding their name, I’ve redesignated the meaning of the Chiefs name to represent fire chiefs. The logos feature a maltese cross with a KC monogram in the center, the team name on top and their founding year below, as well as stripes similar to a firefighter’s jacket. The secondary logo is a simplified version the features a football in the center, and the perma-memorial has a black banner bearing Lamar Hunt’s initials.

Uniforms: The uniforms are largely unchanged, with the new logo on the helmets, new memorial, number font, and inverted striping pattern on the red jerseys and pants. The sock stripes have also been updated to match the jersey stripes. The alternate is a fauxback that removes the stripes from the jersey and makes the pant stripes very thin.


Las Vegas Raiders

Branding: The primary logo features a skull with an eyepatch and a spade symbol for a nose, representing the gambling history of Las Vegas. The skull is placed over a diamond meant to evoke the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign. Vegas gold is brought into the color scheme as both a nod to the team’s home and their early history.

Uniforms: The main alteration to the home uni is a truncated helmet stripe, meant to represent a sword, gold names, and a thin gold stripe running down the middle of the black stripe on the pants. The road jersey moves the numbers to the shoulders and adds the pant striping to the sleeves. The alternate is a throwback to their home uniforms from 1962 – their last year with gold.


Los Angeles Chargers

Branding: The primary logo is inspired by the Chargers’ original logo, which featured a horse head and lightning bolt on a shield. There is also an LA in the horse’s mane representing their new(ish) home. The secondary logos feature the familiar arched lightning bolt, and an LA design with a lightning bolt in the negative space.

Uniforms: The uniforms are relatively unchanged, although I’ve straightened out the numbers and tried to keep the bolt color consistent (gold with blue outline, except on the gold pants because that doesn’t work very well). The alternate is inspired by different uniforms from their history- the navy blue helmet from 1974-2006, the royal blue from various periods, and the numbered helmets they currently wear, which were also worn for their first 12 seasons.

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Thanks, Tim.

Readers? What say you?

Comments (33)

    Those numbers on the Chiefs unis are really wide, I’d be interested in seeing how they look on the field. Nice use of gold with the Raiders.

    Saw an actual broncos jersey (retail tailoring) on someone the other day and the mountains look even less like mountains in person. I do like their unis, and I don’t mind the “mountain” on the sleeves at all, but this redesign fixes the issue nicely.

    While perhaps as not as well known as the Washington DC NFL name issue and/or the Chicago NHL logo issue, a quick search yielded the following;


    Unlike the Redskins and Cleveland Indians, the name “Chiefs” appears in contexts outside the Native American realm. To the consternation of some, the Indian theme is what Kansas City chose. If it were up to me, I’d alter the arrowhead to make it something more general, but stick with the name.

    I’ve always felt incorporating the classic Santa Fe Super Chief train would be an easy switch: link. The colors are the same and the train served Kansas City.

    As much as I love the Chargers uniforms, the latest iteration needs some stripes in the socks… I can’t believe I am saying this but when they go white, blue, yellow, blue I feel there is too much blue and some yellow and white stripes on the socks would break it up a bit.

    Only change I would make to the Broncos would be inverting the colors of the wordmark. Denver being white and Broncos being blue would give a snowcapped mountain look.

    I’m a Raiders fan, and while I love our classic unis, it would be great to see the team roll the dice (pun intended) and add a bit of Vegas fun. I’d want to see a little gold or a dice, poker chip or playing card reference, preferably on an alternate uni set so we can retain our excellent silver and blacks. I love what Tim did by making the skull’s nose a spade. Viva Las Raiders!

    I’ve thought the Chiefs should have a Fire Chief motif literally since I knew of their existence! It’s a simple change and you give a great example. Now if they only could get rid of the chop, which annoys us FSU fans to no end….

    You know, I have never thought of Chiefs being associated with Fire Chief. But now I have, I love it! I have a great deal of respect for our fire crews and they absolutely deserve a little love.

    The Raiders’ home uniforms are as sacrosanct as the Yankees’. A light touch is called for.

    Honestly, probably my favorite set in this series so far. I would tweak the KC numbers a little bit, and maybe pull out the gold from the Raiders home set (on the away and alts I love it) but the rest I enjoy very much.

    Quibbles with some of your logos in previous sets aside, I have found this to be a fun series of ideas and there are several I wish would have a chance at making it on the field, unrealistic as it may be.

    Those Broncos whites are bad ass, great idea and work.

    But the D logo, I can’t really see it – it looks like a horse head looking left with an underbite (?).

    But overall, you make cool & unique concepts that I dig!

    Obviously these come from a talented person and were time consuming. However, from my perspective; I will quote Nancy Reagan “just say no”!

    Big thumbs down for all four. Broncos need to stick to the current throwback. The rest are perfect.

    I love the Chiefs concept. I think if the Redskins had to change the Chiefs should have to.

    Ñever, ever mess with the BLACK and SILVER!!! That is just a horrid design. Why do there need to be “redesigns and rebrandings”? Somethings should just be left alone. Just because you have a degree in “graphic design” or “art” (or whatever), does not mean that you need to do a uniform “redesign/rebranding project. In all honesty, this shit drives over the edge of insanity!!! Everybody and their brother feels it necessary to do this every time a new season for football, baseball, basketball, etc. starts. It’s completely ridiculous!!! Just stop for the love of that is holy!!! No more I say!!! Nevermore, Nevermore, Nevermore. (It’s just my opinion, but anytime I’ve seen these “projects”, the designs are horrid and make me want to puke.)

    DEN: I like the basic design of the jerseys and the colors. The helmet logo gets lost on the blue background and the horse looks crammed into the D. And the uniform numbers are a huge no with the stripes at the bottom.
    KC: clever, but the numbers are gaudy (double outline and shadow, bulky serifs) and too wide for a jersey.
    LV: you attempted to redesign one of the most iconic uniforms in sports. A little gold doesn’t hurt but not crazy about the new logo.
    LAC: like the logo, the uniforms are fine, but their current set is a modern classic.

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