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Timothy Batzinger Redesigns and Rebrands the NFL (NFC East Edition)

Tim Batzinger is a Uni Watch reader who is also a uniform designer, and he too has redesigned (and rebranded) uniforms for all the NFL teams. Unlike the two recent concepters who made slight tweaks and minor fixes to the current NFL uniforms, Tim has gone in a different direction. These concepts are decidedly more radical than more recent tweaks shown on Uni Watch. Like the other recent concepts, I’ll be running these by Division, and will be posted between now and the Super Bowl.

Here are the previous concepts from Tim’s NFL Redesign/Rebrand:

NFC West

NFC South

NFC North


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NFL Redesigns/Rebranding Project: NFC East
by Timothy Batzinger

The goal for this project is to reimagine each team with all-new (or updated) branding and uniforms. To keep it simple, I’ve created a new primary logo, secondary logos (in some cases perma-memorials), a word mark, and 3 uniform sets – Home, Road, Alternate.

I’ve tried to stay true to each franchise’s history, whether they’re more “traditional” (think Packers) or more “risky” (think Seahawks). For some teams, there are alternate pant and sock combos, but for the sake of keeping this uniform (pun intended) I’ve kept it to what I feel is the best representation of each team’s brand.


Dallas Cowboys

Branding: I’ve added a bevel to the primary star logo in the style of the City of Dallas seal. One of the secondary logos is a cowboy hat in a style similar to the Tom Landry memorial patch worn in the 2000 season.

Uniforms: The primary uniforms feature a slight font update, and a standardization of the silver/gray and blue. The alternates are a combination of uniforms from their history- the white helmets from 1960-63, the royal blue used primarily on their white jerseys since 1974, and the hip numbers from 1981-88.


New York Giants

Branding: The Giants’ primary logo is a badge design that features a bespoke NY monogram and an acknowledgement of their history- the year they were founded and the distinction of being the “football Giants.” The secondary logos include a football silhouette with a bold red underline, referencing their logos since 1961, especially the wordmark in use since 1976.

Uniforms: The home uniform is blue/blue/white/blue, and the road is blue/white/gray/blue. Both uniforms have consistent striping- blue/red/blue flanked by thin gray stripes. The alternate is a nod to their first NFL championship in 1927, with a white helmet and pants, red jersey and socks, with 8 blue stripes- a reference to their NFL championships and Super Bowl victories, with one shoulder stripe representing the “next” championship.


Philadelphia Eagles

Branding: The primary logo is a P in kelly and midnight green, with an eagle’s head in the negative space. The secondary logos include a more detailed eagle head design. I’ve brought back kelly green and a pale silver/gray, as well as keeping midnight green to connect the two eras of the Eagles’ uniform history.

Uniforms: The home uniform is primarily kelly green with white “wings” on the shoulders and silver pants. The road uniform is white with green “wings” and numbers. The alternate uniform is primarily midnight green and white.


Washington Commanders

Branding: The primary logo features a military-style shield patch with the stars and stripes of the Washington, D.C. flag. The angles in the logos- the outline of the W, the edges and points of the shield and stars- are inspired by the layout of DC.

Uniforms: The DC flag shield is prominently featured on the helmet and sleeves, much like a soldier’s uniform. The famous burgundy and gold are the only colors in the uniforms- ditching the black and gray patterns. The numbers continue the angular motif found in the logos.

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Thanks, Tim.

Readers? What say you?

Comments (36)

    Again, your work on the word marks and logos are outstanding. The Philly logo, particularly, is both handsome, clear, and a merchandiser’s dream. The uniforms are probably a case where it went a little far. The Cowboys helmet star, or example, is iconic around the world; changing it seems unnecessary, and that beveled star is used for everything in Texas. Amazing branding work!

    I’ve enjoyed these pieces overall but the Philly logo is a complete rip-off of the University of Noeth Dakota.

    I really, really like the Giants NY monogram. Not sure if it was intentional, but the Y looking like a goalpost is incredible thinking.

    Also, the Eagles main logo is a great logo by itself. Maybe for a fictional team called the “Philadelphia Peregrines” or something like that.

    Fantastic job with those two!

    I’m glad you pointed that out about the Y looking like the goalpost. Another thing is that the NY evokes the feelings of NY teams in other sports while still looking unique and feeling like it is 100% the Giants. very cool stuff

    We have peregrine falcons in the area. They’re even on the Girard Point Bridge immediately south of the stadium.

    Except… you use a different font in the logo than you do for your Giants wordmark. It should transfer across all your logos.

    I think all four of these uni sets are improvements on the real uniforms.

    Your Giants logo is reminiscent of the Mets and NYCFC. Maybe too similar to existing logos? But I guess there’s only so much you can do with the same pair of letters.

    This might be the best division yet.

    Every time I see a user submitted WFT design, it just makes me angrier at how terrible and boring the real design is.

    Great work and creativity.

    For a second there, that Eagle’s head gave me flashbacks to the old Charlotte Bobcats logo.

    Any change in Washington’s current imagery might be considered an upgrade.

    However, the Giants’ “ny” and Cowboys current “star” are very iconic logos. I just don’t think that any changes to them aside from the New York’s throwback “GIANTS” logo and the Cowboys’ blue throwback “star” would go over well.

    I love the yellow alternate for Washington. The colour of the Eagles’ alternate needs a lot more blue in it if it’s going to be called “Midnight Green”.

    I really, really like the idea of the NY goalpost logo, but for some reason when I see it on the helmet it stands out as NU and I’m not sure why.

    I thought exactly this as well. I liked it as a standalone concept but not on the helmet.
    DAL: I get what you were going for but the westernized font is a little gimmicky, and the beveled star is unnecessary.
    NYG: see above, the wordmark is just kinda there; love the road whites and the alternate, not as crazy about the home blues but can’t figure out why.
    PHI: love the logo but it is derivative of UND, down to the colors (silver instead of black maybe?); the wings on the jersey are collegiate, leave that to Oregon.
    WSH: solid, better than what they have; love the athletic gold pants, not big on those jerseys.

    The Eagles are not bad at all, except for the alternate. The shoulders remind me of Oregon but they’re acceptable The Cowboys and Giants are also nice, but I don’t care for either alternate. I prefer both Giants sets to have gray/silver pants rather than white with the blue jersey. Also, I don’t care for either helmet. Perhaps it is because the current set is so bad, but I think you have hit a homerun with Washington. However, I wouldn’t want to see the burgundy jersey and pants more than once.

    He married North Dakota with Oregon. Kelly green looks great, but I’m so exhausted by the insistence that midnight looks bad. Our team has a great look, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.

    They were kelly green long before they were midnight green. Seems like if there was a reinvention of the wheel, it was switching to midnight green in the first place.

    Epic no for the Eagles. The goofy shoulder design needs to stay in Oregon along with the remainder of the trash they use for uniforms.

    These are solid. Some improvements have been made on all 4 vs current.
    Not a fan of the Cowboys alternate, too close to colts. Maybe they need a silver jersey?
    The Eagles are nice but not sure about the Oregon style shoulder wings
    Washington & NY are improvements for sure

    Love what you did with these, especially WSH. I kind of like the Cowboys’ current greenish-silver pants. Normally something like that would bug the hell out of me, but I guess I’ve just kind of accepted that it’s their thing. I’m a big fan of “unique” colors on football uniforms. I think the Texas Longhorns have one of the best unis in all of football (and that is coming from a life-long Texas A&M fan / alumni / former walk-on football p̶l̶a̶y̶e̶r̶ … well, I practiced football there anyway). When you see that burnt orange, you know immediately who you’re watching without question. I would be interested in seeing the Cowboys pants color on the helmet as well, as opposed to the other way around. Awesome stuff man.

    I’m not wild about the shield on the helmet or the number font, but otherwise the Washington design is really sharp. Getting rid of BFBS is an automatic upgrade, as is putting stripes on the pants. The gold jersey is an interesting twist. Nice work.

    And major kudos on the whole for sticking to 3 uniform sets. There really is no need for any team to have more than that.

    The Giants, Eagles and Cowboys are all downgrades. The Commanders design is an absolute upgrade! I like the stripes and military style shield patch. It looks cool as hell!

    Great work! Love seeing concepts on UniWatch! Not sure how you matched the Dallas Cowboys colors on a uniform. Hey Dallas, it’s not a cute littlesi quirk.

    Great work! Love seeing concepts on UniWatch! Not sure how you matched the Dallas Cowboys colors on a uniform. Hey Dallas, it’s not a cute little quirk.

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