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EXCLUSIVE: Athletics Will Have Four Jerseys in 2025

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Good Thursday morning, Uni Watchers. I hope everyone had a pleasant Wednesday.

As you are all likely aware, the Oakland Athletics completed their final season in Oakland this past fall and will begin playing in West Sacramento at the start of the 2025 MLB season. The team will begin play in Sutter Health Park, which has a capacity of 14,000. They will continue to play in Sacramento until their permanent home in Las Vegas is ready to welcome fans, which is projected for Opening Day 2028.

Sutter Health Park is currently home to the Sacramento River Cats, who intend to play their games on days when the Athletics are not playing there.

We’ve known that the A’s will not be known as the “Sacramento A’s” (or Sacramento Athletics) but will instead go simply by “Athletics” until their move to Las Vegas is complete. But the team will still acknowledge Sacramento with a jersey patch.

We knew the A’s would be keeping their home white “Athletics” uniform, and that was confirmed by the team earlier (and as seen above).

We’ve also known the team will continue to wear their kelly green alternate jerseys this upcoming season, only they would strip “Oakland” from the jerseys, to be replaced with a script “Athletics.”

Here’s how those kelly green jerseys looked last season:

What we didn’t know is whether the A’s would have any additional jerseys for the 2025 season. They will, in fact, not only have the white and kelly green jerseys, they’ll be keeping their gray road jerseys, replacing “Oakland” with “Athletics” on those. In addition, the A’s will reintroduce the fan favorite gold jersey, which the team had not worn since the 2018 season. It will be slightly different from the previous version (which is due to MLB’s new jersey template):

Here are the four uniforms the A’s will wear in 2025:





You’ll note the MLB style guide also shows three different cap options (solid green with white A’s, solid green with white A’s outlined in gold, and green crown/gold brim with A’s in white).

I first noticed the A’s might be bringing back the gold jersey when the team unveiled their 2025 promotional schedule, which may have inadvertently leaked the new jersey:

The promo sked reveals three bobbleheads showing players in different uniforms:

We knew the A’s would be adopting the two jerseys shown on the bobbleheads above. But the gold jersey was a surprise:

While we had hints the A’s would retain the gray road uniform, swapping “Oakland” for “Athletics,” there had been no indications the A’s would also add the gold jersey.

When I saw the promos, I contacted our source, who confirmed the four uniforms for me. As Paul had done last season, I expect to have several exclusives for MLB uniform changes and updates in the coming weeks and months. Neither Paul nor I have access to the Style Guide, but our source will be providing me with new uniform information, and I had specifically asked the source about the A’s uniforms for Sacramento.

Like Paul, I love green and gold color schemes, so the return of the gold A’s jersey is most welcome news! Since 2022, the Athletics have only had three jersey options: white, gray and kelly green. The team had a hunter green alternate, but that was dropped from the rotation after the 2021 season. As noted above, the A’s haven’t had the gold jersey in their uniform stable since 2018.

As far as a “City Connect” uniform, as you are aware, the A’s and Yankees are the only two teams without one. The Yankees flat out refused to be part of that program, and the A’s — even though they’ll be taking up temporary residence in Sacramento — will also not have one. If the program still exists when the team finally moves to Las Vegas, the team may get one at that time. But for the next three or four seasons, they’ll remain CC-less (which is probably a good thing).

I’m very pleased the A’s are trying to keep up appearances, and the return of the gold jersey speaks favorably. It’s not a great situation that ownership has placed the club in, but it also seems they are trying to make the best of a difficult situation in their temporary home. While it’s unfortunate that the team is, at least temporarily, removing the elephant patch, the addition of the Sacramento patch should somewhat endear the club to its new home. And bringing back the awesome gold jersey is another bonus!

What say you, dear readers?



Guess the Game from the Scoreboard

Guess The Game…

…From The Scoreboard

Today’s scoreboard comes from Remy Leder.

The premise of the game (GTGFTS) is simple: I’ll post a scoreboard and you guys simply identify the game depicted. In the past, I don’t know if I’ve ever completely stumped you (some are easier than others).

Here’s the Scoreboard. In the comments below, try to identify the game (date and location, as well as final score). If anything noteworthy occurred during the game, please add that in (and if you were AT the game, well bonus points for you!):

Please continue sending these in! You’re welcome to send me any scoreboard photos (with answers please), and I’ll keep running them.



Guess the Game from the Uniform

Based on the suggestion of long-time reader/contributor Jimmy Corcoran, we’ve introduced a new “game” on Uni Watch, which is similar to the popular “Guess the Game from the Scoreboard” (GTGFTS), only this one asked readers to identify the game based on the uniforms worn by teams.

Like GTGFTS, readers will be asked to guess the date, location and final score of the game from the clues provided in the photo. Sometimes the game should be somewhat easy to ascertain, while in other instances, it might be quite difficult. There will usually be a visual clue (something odd or unique to one or both of the uniforms) that will make a positive identification of one and only one game possible. Other times, there may be something significant about the game in question, like the last time a particular uniform was ever worn (one of Jimmy’s original suggestions). It’s up to YOU to figure out the game and date.

Today’s GTGFTU comes from Jacob Kubuske.

Good luck and please post your guess/answer in the comments below.



And finally...

…that’s it for the early lede. I will have several additional articles today, including the all new Collector’s Corner, so be sure to keep checking back. There’s going to be some good stuff coming, I promise!

Everyone have a good Thursday, and I’ll catch you back here tomorrow morning.



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    I’ve never really liked the hat the Athletics currently wear with their road jerseys. The white A’s logo outlined in gold doesn’t complement any part of the grey uniform, with its script, NOB, and number all being green outlined in gold.

    The previous away cap, the gold A’s logo on a green cap, was much better in my opinion.

    Absolutely second that. I have that cap in my collection, is one of my favorites. The all
    gold A’s really pops out on that.

    Agree fully. That said, thanks for pointing out something else I’ve never noticed that will now bug me forever. LOL.

    100%. That green with the gold A’s was one of my favorite MLB caps. It throws me that the A’s is white, but there’s no white on the uniform.

    2014: A’s update their dark green softball top from the version with Athletics across the chest to the version with headspoon piping & A’s logo on the left. They update their road cap to match.

    2022: A’s ditch the dark green softball top, but don’t revert to the pre-2014 road cap that matched their grey jersey.

    Personally, I blame John Fisher. Because, obviously.

    Hear hear! That cap has always looked comparatively bad and the loss of the gold logo cap is tragic.

    GTGFTU: August 8, 1965
    Buffalo Bills vs. Boston Patriots
    Alumni Stadium, Chestnut Hill, MA

    The uniforms shown (plain navy blue jerseys and plain white helmets) were worn by the Bills in preseason only, in 1964 and ’65.

    They did go with the darker navy in 1964 and ’65 seasons. And the socks had the stripes.

    Absolutely great catch. I never saw the Bills Penn State uniforms before this day. There it was in Unofficial Gridiron Data Base.
    I’ve even been to the Bills, Buffalo Historical Society massive display of artifacts and never seen the Bills Penn State uni’s ever before. I guess the next question would be does one exist.

    I hope they keep this look after they move to Las Vegas. I assume they’ll put Las Vegas on at least their road jerseys which is fine but I hope they keep the general look, the colors and the font. The A’s really have some sharp looking uniforms.

    Happy they’re bringing the gold jersey back. The whole situation sucks, obviously, but at least there’s this.

    3 Dec 2005
    Big XII Championship
    Final score as pictured as the Longhorns get ready to play USC in the Rose Bowl.

    Living in the Sacramento area, I wish that the Athletics would embrace the Sacramento name more. Just on the merchandise side, the team would make lots of money if there was Sacramento A’s merchandise out there, even if they move it temporary

    The gold jersey I saw earlier in a photo with a prospect signing still had the elephant on the sleeve, Are we sure that it will be totally omitted from the away/kelly green/gold jerseys? Also: the 2025 BP hat shown yesterday also featured the elephant.

    Forgive my elephant obsession, I am not even a real A’s fan, but it happens to be my favorite animal.

    Lol I don’t think the kelly green jerseys with no Nike mark and Matt Chapman sporting them is what they looked like last season…

    The A’s gold jersey has always been one of my favorite alternate jerseys in all of MLB. Glad to see it come back. Not real fond of the Sacramento sleeve patch. I think the only reason they did this was to rub it in Oakland’s face. Really unnecessary in my opinion.

    Unpopular opinion but I prefer the hunter green jersey to the kelly green one as far as the A’s are concerned.

    Since they are a nomad team with no official home location in the their name, and given their uniform history, to create some consistency I’d like them to go A’s on the home jerseys, and Athletics on the road sets.

    Honestly if they were leaving Oakland I was hoping for a return to the big “A’s” on the chest for all the jerseys not just the Golds. I find the wordmark a little tired and dated. That said like most I wish they stayed in Oakland.

    I’m with you on the word mark. It absolutely smacks of “hand drawn precision” which, when it comes to script fonts, really annoys me. Either use a font that requires precision, or make it a more casual looking script. The underline literally underlines this point. It’s so arrow straight between the initial curve and the flair at the end. It screams, “I write along the edge of a ruler!” The A’s have been a script team my whole life, so that’s how I picture their word mark, but they could certainly stand to alter it to be more visually appealing and less OCD looking (I realize the irony/hypocrisy in that statement). I assume the script was an attempt at consistency, starting with their excellent A logo (which is sort of an old English style more than a script, anyway) and wanting to match the rest of the letters but use a script style, which is pointless because even the s in A’s is a different, simpler font. So the A’s have 3 different fonts all at the same time.

    I love the tradition of the location name on road grey baseball jerseys. I wouldn’t at all be upset if they went with “Sacramento” until they moved and then switched to “Las Vegas”. The Sacramento jerseys might even sell well due to the uniqueness.

    Totally agree. The A’s are sleeping at West Sacramento’s place six nights a week but telling people they’re “not dating.”

    Glad to see the gold jersey back. The patch is awkward looking and to square. Glad there’s no CC as they are usually a mess.

    For me personally, I prefer the 1970’s look for the A’s. Yes, they are a little gaudy much like the Pirates did in those days but to me, it’s the A’s signature look. Much like the original New York Jets unis, the kelly green really stands out compared to the darker hunter green. Also, I’ve never been a fan of the Oakland or Athletics script on the jerseys although it doesn’t look bad on the kelly green jerseys. I’d be fine if all of their jerseys simply said “A’s” on them.

    The gold A’s jersey is my favorite look of theirs, the Kelly green the least (road gray exempted because nobody looks good in those). They used to wear a forest green jersey with the Athletics wordmark in gold outlined in white (and for a stretch I think they had one that said Oakland across the front as well), which they should bring back.

    That written, I won’t be spending any money on anything involved with John Fisher. Maybe after he sells (or otherwise leaves ownership), I’ll reconsider.

    Phil, how many different batting helmets will they have? Are batting helmets listed in the MLB style guide?

    I don’t know (and no, they’re not pictured in the guide). But since all their helmets say “A’s,” I imagine they’ll just bring those over.

    When the A’s updated their road cap to the current version in 2014, they began wearing their home batting helmet (dark green crown, gold bill, white logo) for all 162 games.

    When the A’s introduced the kelly softball tops in 2018, they added a version of their home batting helmet with a kelly crown.

    So, if I had to guess, two batting helmets…

    DARK GREEN CROWN, GOLD BILL, WHITE LOGO: white jersey, grey jersey, gold jersey


    How odd that the style guide doesn’t show belts anymore. I guess since so many players are now wearing the customized Show Belts, that is no longer part of the uniform standard.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the A’s have a CC jersey ready to go for if (when) Vegas falls through.

    These style guide pages make me happy. Player/manager awards, hot stove, UW exclusives, pitchers and catchers…

    “…the team will continue to wear their kelly green alternate jerseys this upcoming season, only they would strip “Oakland” from the jerseys, …” Considering how much of a skinflint Fisher is, he probably did sit with a seam ripper and recycled last year’s jerseys. He’s probably also trying to figure out how he can replace one spot on the roster with one of those bobbleheads. I hear they work cheap.

    (Unless I missed it) Article does not mention the recently released (or leaked) batting practice hats have the “Sunglasses Elephant with crossed bats” logo on them for the A’s.

    Those are 2024’s BP caps. It appears MLB may be running every team’s back for a second season in 2025.

    They should do a City Connect jersey with a map of the U.S. across the chest. The map would have pushpins in Philadelphia, Kansas City, Oakland, and Sacramento, with lines “connecting” all the “city” locations. For bonus points, they could have a 5th pushpin in Las Vegas connected by a dotted line.

    “The Yankees flat out refused to be part of that program”–lol 2 seconds of research dude. that’s not how this works. nike makes the decisions here.

    The Yankees absolutely declined the CC program. And they’ll *never* have a CC uniform unless Nike forces them to. Which they haven’t. Because the Yanks don’t have a CC uniform.

    It’s similar to how the Yanks refused to have a brand logo on their uniforms until the Nike contract began in 2020–they simply told Russell/Majestic, “We’re not doing that.” And that didn’t change until Nike forced it on them.

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