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Leo’s World 50th Edition, Part 2

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Good morning, Uni Watchers and a Happy Humpday to one and all.

Yesterday, long-time contributor Leo Strawn, Jr. celebrated the first part of the 50th Edition of “Leo’s World.” If you missed that, you can click here.

Leo returns today to complete the Leo’s 50 piece, and like yesterday’s, I think you’ll enjoy this one a lot.There’s a lot to get to, so I’m just going to turn it over to Leo right now as he brings you…

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Leo’s World 50th Edition, Part 1
by Leo Strawn, Jr,

Welcome back to the 50th edition of Leo’s World!


25: Another 1903 AL uniform, this one from the New York Highlanders. I’ve already noted that I love mono-dark and I love this lettering. To me, there’s something pleasing about the spacing of the lettering with the “N” on one side of the placket and the “Y” on the other.


24: And one more with that same “NY” positioning. This is the 1905 Giants. While I like the lettering on the Highlanders better, McGraw’s squad has those beautiful pillbox caps.


23: I am not a Cowboys fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I love their early uniforms. Clean and simple, and those inverted shoulders/upper sleeves with the “lone star” look great.


22: Not the most creative AFL uniform, but the one closest to my heart: Collingwood. My favorite Magpies look is from the 2010s. The white bars on black are well-spaced. A few small tweaks to the layout over those years did not alter the overall beauty of these kits. Side note: I own one of the 2011 jumpers (upper right) with the gold AFL Premiers logo that was issued by the club to the champion in the photo on the left, Alan Didak.


21: California Golden Seals won’t be the only Charlie O. entry on my list. However, I’ll only include these unis with dark skates.


20: This one, like the Magpies, is more personal than most. The Big Red Machine wore these for two decades for good reason; the look is clean and simple. They even looked good as the Big Green Machine, as far as I’m concerned. My overly-critical assessment is that they would have looked better with one solid stripe around the collar, similar in thickness to the sleeve and waist stripes.


19: Another one that’s a choice due to a purely personal attachment is the 1965-69 Indians. My grandpa bought me one of these caps when I was a kid, in an era when Cleveland was wearing red caps with a wishbone C more than the Reds. Add the Cleveland logo (no, I won’t apologize for liking Tribe history) on a zippered vest and nicely striped stirrups, and voilà, a gorgeous Cleveland classic.


18The eighties/early nineties Nuggets uniforms were amazingly creative. To me, it was one of those innovative designs that I couldn’t do anything but love. Out of all of them, I like the early road unis with the green trim the best.


17: You’ve probably guessed by now that I love stripes. Not just stripes for the sake of having stripes, but aesthetically pleasing ones, as well as stripes with a purpose. The best use of stripes in my opinion is probably the Hamilton Ti-Cats. The jerseys look awesome with long sleeves or short. And those extra-wide white helmet stripes look good to me with a logo, with lettering, with numbers or with nothing at all. I was also a fan of the lower Tiger placement on the sides of the helmets.


16Back to Oz: The Greater Western Sydney (GWS) Giants expansion team debuted these innovative jumpers in 2012. On forums I’ve visited, I’m not sure a lot of Aussie footy fans liked them (certainly not the traditional jumper purists), but the uniqueness of the design made them an instant favorite of mine.


15: I loved these from year one. Blue and green are one of my favorite color combinations, and I loved the logo and the bold striping. For their first two seasons, the Canucks inserted a “V” into the sleeve stripes, but I also liked the more traditional striping they used for the rest of the seventies. Road blues are slightly more appealing to me than the home whites, but I think both are beautiful.


14: When I discovered Australian Rules football on ESPN (who aired matches from the top-tier league then known as the VFL) in the 1980s, the Swans jumper didn’t look like this, but when I rediscovered the sport about 20 years ago thanks to the internet, I was instantly enamored with the creativity of this design. The Swans started in South Melbourne, moving to Sydney during the 1980s. In 1987, the club began to incorporate the Sydney Opera House into their jumper as a negative space at the bottom of a blood red yoke. What more can I say? It’s my favorite jumper.


13: Another clean and simple example. Numbers above the name (player, nickname or city) is generally an appealing feature to me and these Sixers uniforms, sans trim, are no different. Sometimes a bold stripe or two is as pleasing as a multitude of stripes can be.


12: Back in the era of two leagues, my favorite NFL teams were the Vikings and the Rams. I loved Los Angeles partly because of the Fearsome Foursome, Roman Gabriel and Jack Snow. Additionally, LA’s all white uniforms with thick, single blue shoulder and pants stripes, along with the blue sock visible above the white, perfectly offset the blue helmets with white horns from the mid-to-late 1960s and were absolutely gorgeous. (They added a blue collar in 1970, but I like the jersey better without.) Jack Snow knew how to complete the look with white shoes featuring blue Adidas stripes.


11: Points for originality go to the Bullets for these wide shoulder jerseys and unique thick stripes. Names on back presented a challenge due to the width of the stripes, but that and the lower case lettering only added to the appeal of Baltimore’s early-1970s uniforms for me.


10: In the days prior to widespread availability of everything from every team in every sport, I made one of these Astros jerseys to wear with tools on hand: Lots of markers and a white t-shirt. Always a favorite.


9: For the record, I have never liked the Browns. But, I loved this look.


8: My two favorite WFL uniforms are very close to one another in my heart. Southern California Sun. An unusual and beautiful color scheme carried out to perfection. Side note: Sadly, I don’t still have it, but at one time I owned a game-worn 1974 helmet (the version with stripes not separated with white).


7: Favorite from the WFL is the Florida Blazers. I love everything about this uniform. Sadly, they didn’t win the World Bowl.


6: This is my favorite Tribe uniform combo. I recall prepping The Good, the Bad and the Oddly series last year looking at Okkonen’s research and wondering if I had imagined the blue jersey/red pants combination when I was younger. It turned out that I had this photo saved in one of my folders, so as soon as I ran across it again, I was thrilled that I had recalled it correctly. Now, if I could find more photos and the date(s) this was worn…


5: Soccer made the list. Tampa Bay Rowdies. Fat stripes. Green and yellow. Contrasting collar. Cool lettering. Instant classic in my book.


4: You’ll recall from a couple of weeks ago that I stated this Nets uniform is one of my all-time favorites. With the red stripe on back of the jersey, please.


3: I liked CFL as much as NFL or AFL in my youth. It was much harder to follow here, though. I never really had a solid favorite 3-down football team, but Les Alouettes de Montréal were always at or near the top. Uniform aesthetics were a big reason. This one is my favorite, though. Home or away. Blank sleeves, numbered or with a logo. Nice wide pant stripes. Logo on front of helmet (not pictured here, will be included next week) or on the sides, it didn’t matter. Simple and bold. Stickum, optional.


2: Charles Finley’s second contribution to my all-time favorite uniforms is the green and yellow Athletics, in vests. Worn in KC and Oakland, the vest allowed for just enough visible green to keep the yellow from overwhelming this uniform, along with green stirrups and a green or white cap.


1: They were no longer Miami, just “The Floridians”. Everything about their 1970-72 uniforms reflected the name change: bold, simple, innovative. I love the white uniforms too, but man, oh man, the black road uniforms with bold orange and magenta stripes have always been absolutely stunning to me. The stripes (as is the case with many of my favorite hoops uniforms) created a beautiful, asymmetrical look. No team name or location on the jersey front, just a number. Number above the name on back. Team name on shorts. No trim. Nice sans serif font. This uniform is the standard by which I judge all other basketball uniforms.

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Feel free to think some of these belong on a “worst” list, but remember, I didn’t say these are the “best”. Good or bad, they are my favorites.

Before I wrap this up, I have a few notes to add.

I started out compiling all of my favorites, not knowing how many that would be. For uniforms, it turned out to be 79! From there, I whittled down to the 50 you saw in this edition.

By sport, the top 50 turned out about the way I would have guessed had I done so prior to putting this together: 16 baseball, 14 football, 7 basketball, 6 footy (Aussie Rules), 6 hockey and 1 soccer.

Color schemes, not so much. Red, white and blue (or navy) account for 10 of these (11, if you count George Washington University, though I can only assume those were their colors in 1933), but that was to be expected just because it’s such a prominent combination in the USA. Next is blue (or navy)/white and red/white with 7 each. That surprised me because I like red/white way more than blue/white. I would never have suspected those combos to be above what I consider my favorites, blue/green (4) and green/yellow (3). Also, I really like black with one or two bold colors, but there aren’t as many of those among my favorite uniforms as I would have guessed, either.

In the next edition, I’ll list my 50 favorite pieces of baseball/football headwear. Those 50 were picked from what turned out to be 61 caps and helmets that I considered favorites of mine.

Somewhere down the road, I’ll probably create an honorable mention list with the other 29 uniforms and 11 pieces of headwear that didn’t make the top 50 kit or headgear lists. There’s always a possibility I’ll remember a fave or two that I overlooked between now and then, so let’s say 40 (or so) honorable mentions.

Thinking ahead to Leo’s World #75, who knows? Maybe my 75 favorite logos? Just a thought.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the Leo’s World special 50th edition celebration and extravaganza!

Be honest: When I said last week there would be a celebration in this week’s LW, how many of you thought I meant a celebration of THE National Champs?

Until next time…


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Thanks, Leo! Fantastic list — I have to say that a very good percentage of your Top 50 would also be in my Top 50 (if were ever to prepare such a list). Looking very much forward to LW #75!

Readers? What say you? How many of these would you put on your Top 50 list? What would be your own say, Top 5? Love to hear your thoughts.



Guess the Game from the Scoreboard

Guess The Game…

…From The Scoreboard

Today’s scoreboard comes from Jeremy Wankah.

The premise of the game (GTGFTS) is simple: I’ll post a scoreboard and you guys simply identify the game depicted. In the past, I don’t know if I’ve ever completely stumped you (some are easier than others).

Here’s the Scoreboard. In the comments below, try to identify the game (date and location, as well as final score). If anything noteworthy occurred during the game, please add that in (and if you were AT the game, well bonus points for you!):

Please continue sending these in! You’re welcome to send me any scoreboard photos (with answers please), and I’ll keep running them.



Guess the Game from the Uniform

Based on the suggestion of long-time reader/contributor Jimmy Corcoran, we’ve introduced a new “game” on Uni Watch, which is similar to the popular “Guess the Game from the Scoreboard” (GTGFTS), only this one asked readers to identify the game based on the uniforms worn by teams.

Like GTGFTS, readers will be asked to guess the date, location and final score of the game from the clues provided in the photo. Sometimes the game should be somewhat easy to ascertain, while in other instances, it might be quite difficult. There will usually be a visual clue (something odd or unique to one or both of the uniforms) that will make a positive identification of one and only one game possible. Other times, there may be something significant about the game in question, like the last time a particular uniform was ever worn (one of Jimmy’s original suggestions). It’s up to YOU to figure out the game and date.

Today’s GTGFTU comes from Brayton Durfee.

Good luck and please post your guess/answer in the comments below.



And finally...

…that’s all for the early post. Major plus-plus thanks to Leo for sharing his 50 favorite uniforms for this 50th Article on UW! I’m sure more than a few of these would appear on your own Top 50 lists (should you have one) as well.

I’ll be doing the Ticker again today (and I’m making slow progress in finding new Ticker Assistants, but I’ll probably have some good news on that front very soon!), and there will be a few more articles throughout the morning and afternoon, so be sure to keep checking back!

Everyone have a good Wednesday, and I’ll catch everyone right back here in the morning. Till then…



Comments (0)

    Excellent list, Leo! My favorite all time uniform is that Nets uniform you have at number 4 and I like the Floridians as your top choice. About AFL/VFL, they call these shirts gurnseys, right? Would love to own one but not with all the ads that they sport these days.

    Thanks, Ingmar!

    Yes, they also call them guernseys at times, but nearly always refer to them as jumpers. When I watched VFL matches in the 1980s on ESPN, all of the clubs I recall seeing had sponsor logos, so it’s just a part of the kit to me and doesn’t really bother me much unless it covers up part of the design, like the sponsor logo that covers the wing tips on the West Coast jumpers now.

    It bothers me with our sports, though, because they’ve always been sans sponsors and it’s irritating to see after decades upon decades of not having any.

    Seriously? You think MY favorites have to include YOURS?

    I stated right off the bat that I’m a Buckeye and this list would help define my origin and history through my favorite uniforms, so I don’t even understand the point of saying that about Pittsburgh. I would have understood if you had asked why not Ohio State or any other of my favorite Ohio teams whose uniforms I didn’t include.

    I’m not sure why it would offend or even surprise anyone that my favorites don’t line up perfectly with theirs.

    50 chances to include any of the Pirates 70s uniforms or any of the Penguins uniforms. Again, seriously? They make wipes for glasses now. Not trying to be rude or mean or whatever but……..c’mon man.

    This isn’t a “best of” list, get it?

    YOU don’t get to decide what MY favorites are, get it?

    What the hell is wrong with you?

    YOU are entitled to YOUR opinion. I get it. If it was 10 or 20 I wouldn’t bat an eye. But when it’s expanded to 50 and there are obvious omissions the thought that crosses my mind is “what the hell is wrong with you?!” If I could post MY top 50 uniforms and some rando was like “you forgot this one” I wouldn’t get super defensive. I’d step back and think about it. That is also an option.

    OK guys, that’s enough!

    Leo has said the uniforms he chose are his favorites. Not the 50 best.

    This conversation is now over.

    GTGFTU: 7 Dec 2017, Week 14. Saints 17 – 20 Falcons. Only appearance of the Falcons CR uniforms.

    Thanks Leo some really interesting uniforms especially the Australian footy ones! I have 2 on your list that imo found a little questionable. The old Vancouver Canucks flying V was definitely unique but I personally would have put for the Quebec Nordiques jersey. A simple and elegant jersey in my opinion.
    Also this is the first list where the old Denver Broncos jersey was seen in a good light. I would have put the 60s Buffalo Bills jersey instead but of course I’m bias.

    Thanks Amer!

    Like I said, these are my favorites, it’s not a best of list!

    Glad you liked seeing the footy kits.


    I’ve never seen that Cleveland uniform before. Even though I am firmly in the camp of white at home and gray on the road, that uniform is so wildly different I kind of like it.
    Certainly not something I would want to see regularly, but certainly way more visually pleasing than most of the CC costumes that have come out lately.

    Btw, the 1963-64 version of the Indians vests featured navy numbers link and navy caps! link And if you look closely, you’ll see the piping on the 63-64 jerseys was reversed: navy/red/navy. Worn with red sleeves though I’ve seen photos of them with blue sleeves.

    GTGFTS: Super Bowl XXXIX, before the PAT on what proved to be the Eagles’ final touchdown (the drive where Donovan McNabb was alleged to be on the verge of puking, a claim McNabb denied). After forcing Philly to use their timeouts on the following drive, New England pinned them back, and an interception on 3rd down with 9 seconds left would seal the Pats’ third Super Bowl victory in four years.

    On number 12, the Rams, I have a Mitchell & Ness version of a version of the jersey replacing the shoulder sleeves with the dark blue horns. I don’t think the Rams ever wore this jersey but would have loved to be them wear it.


    Never got a pic of it. It wasn’t like today when I could’ve just whipped out a phone and taken one. I didn’t own an Instamatic camera then, so I would have had to borrow one, buy film, pay to have it developed. Things are a lot simpler these days!

    I recall the markers weren’t as permanent as they claimed and it bled a little more every time I washed it so it didn’t last as long as I would have liked, which was a huge disappointment because it took me quite a while to get it done.


    “there’s something pleasing about the spacing of the lettering with the “N” on one side of the placket and the “Y” on the other.”

    Indeed. Much respect for the placket there!

    “For the record, I have never liked the Browns. But, I loved this look.”

    Ditto, Leo.
    Also loved those Alouettes, Ti-Cats, Blazers and Rams unis… although I preferred the seldom-worn blue/blue/white combo.

    Those Sixers and Nuggets looked great as well. The pick-axe jersey is my favorite for Denver, but I enjoyed these almost as much.

    Fun list!

    For Hamilton Tiger-Cats. The bottom right corner photo was the last game with the yellow helmets with wide striping as their primary look. 1985 Grey Cup vs. BC Lions in Montreal. The Ticats switched to the black helmets in 1986.

    Thanks Jimmer! Love your feedback.

    Favorite 50 headgear may not be quite as fun (just one uni aspect) but hope you will enjoy those, too.


    Spot-on critique of the Nuggets’ rainbow uniforms. The more-neutral colors put the spectrum in the foreground whereas the bright yellow and blue tended to fight with it.

    Wow, I love this series. The Bullets unis need to be brought back full time with the wide stripes, not the thinner stripes used on the recent throwbacks. The Nets uni is sooo awesome, as is the Hawks green and blues with the funky stripe. Pro basketball put together some classic looks back then! The A’s are the GOAT franchise when it comes to uniforms – almost every look is a grand slam!

    Hi, Leo! This wonderful two-part series has been an absolute feast for the eyes! A few were new to me, many were not. I can’t say every one of these would make MY top 50, but what I loved about all of them is that they represent a design ethic not driven by marketing, retail sales. The driving force on all of them seems to have been “how can we make a creative uniform that stands out?” I wish that was still the driving force…

    “…what I loved about all of them is that they represent a design ethic not driven by marketing, retail sales.”

    Spot on. I wouldn’t have even known how to go about getting that Astros jersey at the time.

    You mimicked how I feel exactly when you said “I wish that was still the driving force…”

    Re: The Rams blue & white uniforms. Last weekend I caught a 1968 film titled “The Split” starring Jim Brown. The story was that Jim Brown’s character, McClain, was to rob the LA Coliseum of the ticket sales monies during a game. They actually had footage from 2 separate games from the 1967 NFL season, Dec 3 vs the Falcons and Dec 9 vs the Packers. It was great to see all those classic unis and the movie had a good cast to boot: Diahann Carroll, Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, Donald Sutherland, etc.

    Never even heard of that movie before. Will look for it, thanks!

    Odd that you mention Gene Hackman: I just watched Bonnie & Clyde again last night. Absolute classic, probably the 10th time over the course of my life I’ve seen it.

    Great list…high marks for including the TB Rowdies and the original Canucks unis.
    Also, I spefically remember that picture of Eckersley wearing the blue over red Indians uni. We must have been buying the same magazines in the mid 70’s!

    Rowdie Soccer… a kick in the grass!
    Seals, A’s- yep
    A buddy of mine and I have matching Floridian jackets.
    That is a very nice list, some good memories and even Aussie Rules, although I was an Essendon Bomber fan.
    This and the ABA look were fabulous pieces of work.

    Leo, another absolutely fun list! Some of those uniforms (like the Nets and Bullets) are a pure part of Americana! Others are a pure part of Canadiana, and even more are a pure part of (I hope this is a proper term) Australiana. Hmm, shouldn’t we have a similar, world-encompassing term for things that make us great: worldana, globeana, earthana – perhaps not? Wait, it’s coming to me, yes: the Uni-verse! (Just a tad of help from a guy named Lukas on that one, thanks Paul!)
    Or, Leo’s World!
    Puns aside, in regard to your comment in #19 – I won’t apologize for liking Tribe history – I certainly hope that we never need, or have, to apologize for liking a team’s history, especially when its uni-verse influences who we were and became, hopefully for the best.
    Can’t wait to see your headgear list!

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