Long-time reader and submitter Greg Seher (who recently had submitted concepts for the NHL and NCAA) has returned, this time with some concepts and tweaks for the NFL. Similar to other concepters who have redesigned entire leagues, I will feature these over the next two weeks or so, featuring one division per day. Here are the concepts previously posted:
Today we’ll look at Greg’s concepts for the NFC North. Enjoy!
by Greg Seher
Some uniform basics that are league wide:
1. I’d get rid of the free for all of alternate uniforms. Go with standard dark home and white away uniforms (aside from hot weather white at home exceptions). I’d give each team a dark and white throwback option, and all teams wear throwbacks once a year on Thanksgiving. For a few teams I’d give them fauxback exceptions instead of true throwbacks when needed.
2. The large college style chest wordmarks don’t look right, but I do like the small wordmarks below the collar, these are being added to all the teams.
3. No logos on the back collar of jerseys, that’s a bad trend, if you want to put a maker’s mark somewhere maybe put it there.
NFC North

One of the few classics left in the league not needing any changes. Using their 1936 and 1941 designs as the alternates.

The recent update with the racing stripes is nice, mostly just adding in pants stripes and a custom number font. The plain blue and silver Thanksgiving throwback is a nice look, along with a blue helmet with a white jersey design they wore in the preseason in 1954.

One of the few classics left. For the throwbacks the championship seasons of 1936 and 1944 work great.

Their new uniforms in 2013 are a big upgrade over previous designs. I’d ditch the odd looking number fonts though, and make a few slight changes to the striping, but it still works. Throw in some yellow outlines for the numbers. Also make sure the purple in the helmets match the purple in the rest of the uniform. For the alternates going with the throwback dark and white uniforms from the purple people eater days of the 1970s.
Thanks, Greg!
Readers? What say you?
Some of this is like the Wal-Mart logo redesign:)
Finally! Someone who agrees with me that the Packers should have a 1936 throwback!
Yep. I’ve been saying that for a long time. But if they do that, they should make it accurate with yellow pants (link). And update the 1944 as well. (link)
As a Vikings fan, I like the tweaks made to their uniforms – simple but effective. I’ve always hated the weird pointed numbers & the shoulder striping that tapers. I would make one additional change to your design – get rid of the yellow around the numbers. I can’t necessarily say why, but I hate that look. I much prefer the 1970s solid color numbers (white on the home jersey, purple on the away) without the slight purple outline.
I know it’s tradition for the Vikings, but I’ve always thought the UCLA stripe design they use for the white jersey would look equally great with the purple jerseys. Rather than NW stripes with the purples, UCLA stripes with the whites.
LSU agrees.
LOL. LSU’s set was exactly what I was envisioning.
These are ideal tweaks! Subtle, but if this was the wardrobe that each of these teams wore they would all be perfect!
Those all look great but that block number font looks odd
Please forgive us for running Greg Seher’s and Timothy Batzinger’s projects together.
I am glad Greg addressed the mismatched stripes of Minnesota’s white uniform, and I think he nailed the Vikings’ best look right on the bullseye.
No slight intended to George Noriega.
In other news: Utah Hockey has apparently submitted the name Utah Yeti along with logos to the patent office but were rejected. They are now holding a fan vote between Hockey Club, Mammoth, and Wasatch.
That was in the ticker last week:
It will remain Hockey Club. It is a sign of the times: colorful nicknames and cartoony images are potentially controversial, cheesy, upbeat and out, impersonal functionalism and cold minimalism in names, colors and logos are in fashion.
Good tweaks, nice alternates. I like that Bears dark alternate a lot.