Tim Batzinger is a Uni Watch reader who is also a uniform designer, and he too has redesigned (and rebranded) uniforms for all the NFL teams. Unlike the two recent concepters who made slight tweaks and minor fixes to the current NFL uniforms, Tim has gone in a different direction. These concepts are decidedly more radical than more recent tweaks shown on Uni Watch. Like the other recent concepts, I’ll be running these by Division, and will be posted between now and the Super Bowl.
Here are the previous concepts from Tim’s NFL Redesign/Rebrand:
NFL Redesigns/Rebranding Project: NFC North
by Timothy Batzinger
The goal for this project is to reimagine each team with all-new (or updated) branding and uniforms. To keep it simple, I’ve created a new primary logo, secondary logos (in some cases perma-memorials), a word mark, and 3 uniform sets – Home, Road, Alternate.
I’ve tried to stay true to each franchise’s history, whether they’re more “traditional” (think Packers) or more “risky” (think Seahawks). For some teams, there are alternate pant and sock combos, but for the sake of keeping this uniform (pun intended) I’ve kept it to what I feel is the best representation of each team’s brand.
Chicago Bears

Branding: The primary logo is a cleaned up version of their bear head logo with the “Chicago Y” referenced in the tongue. The secondary logo is an updated version of their wishbone C, shaped more like a football, and featuring the stars from the Chicago flag in the middle. I’ve also created a perma-memorial mark for George Halas that features the initials GSH on a walking bear.

Uniforms: The Bears have one of the most timeless looks in the NFL, so I didn’t want to change much. I’ve changed the helmet logo to my new wishbone C, changed the jersey striping to mimic the Chicago flag, and added the Halas perma-memorial to the left chest.
Detroit Lions

Branding: I’ve focused on the auto industry for the Lions branding – modeling the primary logo after automobile hood ornaments, creating a new lion head mark with a nod to the team’s logo history, adding racing stripes at the bottom, much like the stripes used in the ’60s and most recently on their short-lived blue alternate helmet. The secondary logo features the silhouette of a lion over a D with stripes meant to convey speed and motion. I’ve also created a perma-memorial for William Clay Ford, featuring the initials WCF stacked next to a lion, contained within the letter D.

Uniforms: I wanted to keep things simple and traditional for the uniforms. The striping continues the racing stripes motif from the primary logo, the numbers feature a beveled look, and the perma-memorial is on the left chest. I went in an unusual direction for the alternate, choosing to go with a throwback design from 1953 – their third NFL Championship, and the first won in a season that featured a uniform other than the traditional grey and blue jersey.
Green Bay Packers

Branding: The primary logo features a bold G within a gold triangle, a reference to the cheeseheads, pointing at Green Bay’s location on a map of Wisconsin. The secondary logo is inspired by their alternate logos from 1962-79.

Uniforms: The Packers are another very traditional team, a theme in the NFC North, so the main alterations I made were to the striping. The alternate is a fauxback design inspired by Packers’ connections to Notre Dame through Curly Lambeau and other early players, as well as the “ACME Packers” uniforms (the team’s first).
Minnesota Vikings

Branding: The Vikings’ primary logo is a modified version of the design they’ve had basically since their inception. The secondary logo is an M and a V inspired by nordic design elements, with a contrasting triangle in the M pointing “north.”

Uniforms: The uniforms are inspired by one of their original uniform design concepts that never came to be. The pants feature the MV secondary logo separating three nordic knot designs down the legs. The alternate is kind of an anti-icy color rush design, featuring different shades of purple and gold, and omitting white altogether.
Thanks, Tim.
Readers? What say you?
Comment of the year right here. Three letters that perfectly encapsulate my thoughts.
I like the idea of the Vikings’ dark purple alternate.
Otherwise, the trend I’m seeing here is that the logos don’t feel realistic for top-tier professional sports teams. For example, the Vikings one is far too detailed with all of the shading.
As was his Saints wordmark. When you design for a sports team, you have to consider how your designs work in multiple formats — print, web, silkscreen, embroidery. Some of his designs would never be able to be embroidered.
These look cool! I love to see other readers’ concepts. But I’ve got to be honest—I don’t like any of these more than the current uniforms that these teams wear. Sure, the Vikings “sail” font is bad, but the rest of the uniform is pretty good. And the Lions’ mono uniforms are atrocious, but if they just paired their jerseys with the correct pants they would look phenomenal. The Bears and Packers should never change. So all in all, I think this is the one division in football that if all teams made changes it could only be a downgrade.
I appreciate the thoughtful comment and totally agree with what you’re saying about the Bears and Packers, and I am with you 100% on the Vikings and Lions current uniforms. However, the point of this project isn’t necessarily to “upgrade” teams that don’t need upgrading. It started that way with teams that do need upgrades, but morphed into an exercise/thought experiment as to what changes might look like for teams like the Packers and Bears, the challenge of executing those changes, and to have fun with it.
Don’t take it too personally when people make comments like “these don’t work for a professional team” or “these aren’t better than what they have now”. I’ve long been in the process of doing an MLB full redesign and of course not every team needs one, but that’s part of the challenge of doing a full league. The Yankees leave almost zero opportunity to do a meaningful redesign using their historical design language as a base, so how does a designer approach it? That’s part of the fun. And of course very few people will ever say that a Yankees redesign is better (removing the outline on the road word mark is not a meaningful redesign). So first of all, from one full league redesigned to another, big congrats on getting it done. I’ve lagged so long that teams have done redesigns or alts that use ideas I had and then I feel compelled to start those concepts over. Second, I think you’ve done a lot of great stuff, even for teams that aren’t wanting for a refresh. The bears for example have a simple classic look that most wild say don’t mess with, but by subbing in the flag stars, I think you’ve improved the jersey without changing their look. Also really like your logos for the packers, and the MV logo for the Vikings. I’m not sure the NFL would take the the MV logo, it’s not as aggressive, simple, and bold as the NFL usually goes for, but a soccer team would look fantastic with that on the chest of their uni, and even a baseball team would do well with that on their sleeve or their hat.
Great work, overall. Lots of stuff to like here.
I used to think of these article sharing concepts the same way, but have learned it’s a chance for someone to share their hard work and ideas. I wish I had the time to play around, for I have some ideas for some adjustments I’d love to throw into photoshop and try to see how it works.
Problem here is that there are two teams in this division whose uniforms should never, ever be changed.
Assuming one of your untouchables is the Bears, that serifed ‘1’ needs to be tied to a rock and drowned in Lake Michigan.
Tim, it’s nice that you have the confidence to take on the NFL’s many sacred cows. But changing the Bears, Packers, and Browns is throwing out the baby with the bathwater. I am dreading what you have in store for the Chiefs and Raiders!
Can we just stop all of the uni redesigns? Every once in a while someone comes up with some great concepts however, for the most part, it’s comical. Some teams need a rebranding but, please leave the classic uni’s alone. There’s no need to redesign the Bears, Packers, and Lions. If most teams returned to their classic looks, everything would be better. Stop the leotard look. Socks and pants should be different colors, period! I’m not a fan of reinventing the wheel.
Disagree on the Lions. Their stripeless pants are awful.
Hey, anything to get us through the off-season.
In all likelihood, these aren’t going to become actual mandated changes to the teams’ uniforms. This is just a creative and talented person sharing their ideas. So I think everything is going to be ok.
You had me at putting stripes on the Lions’ pants (and removing the white ones)
I say ignore all the whiny naysayers in the comments — I love seeing these redesign concepts and it’s really solid work overall. You know what you’re doing with logo design. I’m a designer myself but I could never pull off the intricate work you did in the Vikings logo concept.
I wouldn’t say all of these are necessarily *my taste*, but I think these uniforms are quite clearly much more thoughtful, original, and in-keeping with good design principles than most of the NFL uniforms that Nike has put out in the past decade.
I’m glad to see original, boundary-pushing, speculative work being posted here. Otherwise, this whole site would exist just for everyone to share the same takes about how all uniforms should look like the classics.
To the UW editors and Tim: keep it up!
I’m guessing most Packers fans would say “don’t touch the G.”
I know it Green Bay – G and B. I get it’s a reimagining. But, no.
Really like the incorporation of the Chicago stars with the Bears. Especially on the jerseys.
It’s not worth adding the Chicago Stars if you lose the three-stripe design that the Bears have had for such a long time. Not to mention the ill-advised ditching of the distinct number font. I was really dreading the Bears concept, and my dread was well-founded.
I like the Chicago and Minnesota sets. They are pretty interesting to me for the most part.
The GB set I had to look at for a while, as logically they seem fine, but they just don’t feel right to me. I think I just don’t like the striping on the pants and helmet. My brain is saying I want the green on the outside and white in the middle.
Where both the GB set and Lions set fall down to me the most are the logos (GB slightly less that Detroit). Face on animal heads, as a general rule, just feel like something you would find at a high school or (even worse) as a generic logo in Madden. The Lion over a D (with stripes) I love (though it does feel 80s and is too busy for a helmet really) but the Lion face is generic and Green Bays helmet “G” is just kinda bland (and i don’t like the font, but differing tastes etc. etc…).
Also, as the Lions are my local team, I am sick of racing stripes and motor city inspired elements in general on uniforms. To me its been played out, so that’s the other area the Lions set just doesn’t do it for me, though I do like the Silver/White/Blue combo. The Lions haven’t matched white tops with blue bottoms enough for my tastes.
Oh, and the Lions throwbacks are horrendously ugly, and I love it! It looks like a mismatched practice set and for some reason I am absolutely down for it.
You should work for Nike, these are awful! lol
My main question is the use of the California State Flag Bear in the Chicago package. A walking bear is fine, but just mirroring the exact CA bear feels distracting, since it is almost ubiquitous as a design element in California marketing.
Great work on the branding of these (and previous) concepts. That seems to be your wheelhouse, so stay with that. The uniform changes are, in many cases, thoughtful, but disregard the fan base and how it would look on the field.
Arguably, as Paul used to say, you should be able to turn on a game and immediately identify the teams playing. With some of your concepts, especially the alternates, that wouldn’t work. The Lions in Red? Vikings in black and gold? I appreciate the history you’re trying to evoke, but it jangles the nerves.
And also think of legibility. Those Vikings NOB are pretty difficult to read, for instance. Having said all of that, you have far more talent than I ever will, and I appreciate the exploration of concepts (ignore the curmudgeons griping about exploring concepts), even if some don’t really work. Thank you for the effort you put in to share these with us!
No to all of them. I really dislike the bears but they do have classic uniforms. I love the Packers, and their current uniform is classic and timeless. Sometimes, less is more. The Vikings horn makes it difficult to see the detail. Talented guy, but sometimes, less is more. The Lions change is fine, but leave the helmet logo be. Always nice to see “new” things, but only when they really make sense. Keep up the good work!
I agree that the Bears and Packers unis should never be changed, but for the sake of rebranding, I like what you did. As a Packers fan, I still prefer the current set, but I can’t say I would never forgive them for changing to this set.
I suppose the only thing I dislike is the Lions alternate. Red is not a Lions color to me.
please discontinue this guy’s entries…these are just terrible
Don’t be that person. WTH?
I like these a lot more than I thought, especially the bears and packers! While I wouldn’t want these over any of their actual uniforms (and i’m not a fan of the lions or vikings alts and logos), they are for the most part quite nice.
Don’t touch the packers or bears. The others are negative changes
All these logos look like the generic stock logos offered in Madden video game create a team
Packers uniforms need Braisher stripes. The change in striping thickness is the thing that I can’t get past. I’d be open to some sort of interlocking GB somewhere though, possibly even on the helmet.
Tim, your concepts are fun and daring, especially with the tradition-laden NFC North. Each day, seeing which division is being presented has sparked at least one thought of excitement for seeing what you did for a specific team. Example: The traditional Vikings logo doesn’t necessarily need an upgrade, but what you did with it (along with adding the mirrored MV design) is really cool to see.
Who knows, one of the teams (or a college or high school) might see your work and be inspired to consider your suggestions in a rebrand and/or uniform design.
I am enjoying the series, and seeing you even tackle a team’s traditional imagery is an inspiration for all of us who would draw and redesign logos and uniforms in our school days. Keep the fun in your work!
I agree with Terry. I greatly appreciate Tim’s creativity and willingness to share it. The UW community should welcome new ideas. It’s one of the things I find fun about being a member. Thank you, Tim! For the record, I kind of like the proposed Lions’ logo design.
You took a swing at some iconic looks. Nothing is so sacred as to be untouchable but one of my criteria for a uniform design is if it improves what it is replacing. For the Bears, Packers and Lions, they don’t. But I respect the willingness to try.
CHI: the number font is a downgrade, stolen from a German highway sign; the other changes are not dealbreakers but this isn’t a Bears uniform.
DET: the beveled numbers are a downgrade and the helmet looks wrong without the rampant lion; the other stuff is fine.
GB: it’s OK but it isn’t what the Packers should look like.
MIN: my favorite of this set; I like the Nordic embroidery on the pants, the callback to the original Vikings concept and the number font is way better than the nonsense they have now.
Why does this dude keep trying to “fix” helmets that don’t need fixing?
Wouldn’t mind Green Bay doing a North Dakota State once a year, green helmets, gold tops, green pants…
Courageous and daring but not appealing. Still the team logos look too much like corporate branding for an insurance company, a bank or an AI solution and the uniforms have a high school look, I am sorry to say. And that Vikings secondary logo? The Vancouver Whitecaps would like to have it returned to them.
I like what you did with a lot of these concepts Tim, especially the nordic knot on the pants for the Vikings.
I really enjoy these concepts, not everyone of them is a homerun, but I like that you aren’t just doing the tired throwbacks to appease all of the old heads on this site, keep doing your thing man and I hope you are enjoying creating these – because that is what it is all about!
I like the uniforms, no major issues there. Helmets: the Bears are good. Vikings the horn logo is too dark on the bottom and needs some yellow, maybe like it is lit by a fire from below. Packers is alright but feels like it needs some white. Lions, hard no, animal heads work better when facing the front of the helmet. If I were to change the Lions logo, I would probably use a sprinting lion that mimics the for mustang logo.
Fascinating ideas…I haven’t tuned in to the earlier posts. The main problem I have with the Vikings MV logo is the fact that there is a very literal arrow pointing SOUTH.