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Timothy Batzinger Redesigns and Rebrands the NFL (NFC South Edition)

Tim Batzinger is a Uni Watch reader who is also a uniform designer, and he too has redesigned (and rebranded) uniforms for all the NFL teams. Unlike the two recent concepters who made slight tweaks and minor fixes to the current NFL uniforms, Tim has gone in a different direction. These concepts are decidedly more radical than more recent tweaks shown on Uni Watch. Like the other recent concepts, I’ll be running these by Division, and will be posted between now and the Super Bowl.

Here are the previous concepts from Tim’s NFL Redesign/Rebrand:

NFC West


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NFL Redesigns/Rebranding Project: NFC South
by Timothy Batzinger

The goal for this project is to reimagine each team with all-new (or updated) branding and uniforms. To keep it simple, I’ve created a new primary logo, secondary logos (in some cases perma-memorials), a word mark, and 3 uniform sets – Home, Road, Alternate.

I’ve tried to stay true to each franchise’s history, whether they’re more “traditional” (think Packers) or more “risky” (think Seahawks). For some teams, there are alternate pant and sock combos, but for the sake of keeping this uniform (pun intended) I’ve kept it to what I feel is the best representation of each team’s brand.


Atlanta Falcons

Branding: I’ve replaced the full body logo with a falcon head design in the shape of an A, for Atlanta. An updated full body F-shaped design is the secondary logo.

Uniforms: The uniforms harken back to earlier days with striping inspired by their 1970s uniforms, and gray pants return for the first time since 2002.


Carolina Panthers

Branding: An updated panther head design, now facing head on, features a Carolina-state shape for the whiskers, and a crown for the nose- a reference to Charlotte’s nickname, the “Queen City.” The secondary marks include a full body “prowling” panther design, as well as a CP logo with Carolina-shaped claw marks.

Uniforms: The uniforms remain unchanged in essence. The shoulder stripes, particularly on the road and alternate, are inspired by the shape of North Carolina. The numbers include the same “Carolina” claw marks as the CP logo. Carolina blue is the primary focus of the alternate, with white as the only other “color” in the uniform.


New Orleans Saints

Branding: The Saints logo takes the shield used from 1967-84 and updates it with an image of a monk with a halo over his head, and a fleur de lis from the New Orleans flag. The secondary logos include a NO monogram, and an updated fleur de lis.

Uniforms: I’ve brought some uniformity to the gold, added the logo to the left chest, and used a font inspired by the french quarter for the numbers. The uniforms are inspired by the pre-1986 designs, but with updated striping. The alternate is a throwback to the uniforms they wore in the 1969 preseason.


Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Branding: Bringing back a buccaneer head design, this time with a more intense look, featuring a TB “button” on the hat. The secondary logos include the Florida state flag on a sword, replacing the jolly roger design in use since 1997.

Uniforms: I’ve kept the red/pewter look as the primary design for the home unis, but lightened the pewter, and made the helmets black with the TB hat button as the helmet logo, to mimic the primary logo. The striping on the helmet, jersey, and pants all have “stitching” to mimic the stitched clothing often attributed to pirates in popular culture. The alternate is a new version of the wildly popular creamsicle era design worn for their first 20 years.

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Thanks, Tim.

Readers? What say you?

Comments (29)

    Like the Falcons uniforms, but I’d keep the current logo. That one doesn’t do it for me, plus I am not a fan of slanted logos or team names.

    Not a fan of the Panthers pants stripes. Not sure about the alternate. Kinda like it, kinda unsure.

    Love the Saints with matching gold! Really like everything you did with them. Might throw in a Mardi Gras themed uniform like the Pelicans do/did?

    I think I like the Bucs. There’s a lot going on with them, but I like that orange and red is more incorporated in the main uniforms.

    Enjoying your redesigns a lot. Love the new ideas and risks taken with some of these.

    I applaud the effort, but I don’t like any of these. I wouldn’t mess with the Saints or Falcons logos at all. I like the uniform color choices you have for the Falcons, Saints and Panthers, but the Bucs is worse than what they have now, which is already pretty terrible.

    The NFC South is an example of a division where every team had it correct at the outset. If I were to suggest a change, I would recommend any Falcons’ uniform worn by Steve Bartkowski.

    Uniform-wise, I love your take on the Saints. I would pass on the monk logo “irl” but like it in the universe of your more out-there rebrands, and the Saints wordmark with the halo is great. One note on the Bucs: without the state seal, the flag logo looks like the Alabama flag. You’ll want to slap that on and then play with the fluttering effect so that the seal pokes out enough to distinguish.

    I was thinking the same thing about the Alabama State flag as secondary on the Tampa Bay redesign.

    That said most of the jersey designs are fine, the logo designs are all downgrades. Saints are almost passable but I could barely see the Falcons logo on their helmet.

    That interlocking NO for the saints is good looking, Panthers with the white helmet and baby blue is clean look too, digging your effort on this my man, keep up the good work! Glad to see new and original ideas instead of just throwbacks!

    If so, it’s a failure. The Panthers definitely brand themselves as a team for both Carolinas.

    Frankly, none of these redesigns are appealing.

    “CP” monogram is probably a no-go, given the most common meaning for that acronym.

    Appreciate the originality of these, though, and good logo work.

    I must be too old. What does that mean? Also, can someone point out the shape of Carolina in the whiskers? I’m just not seeing it.

    Really creative, but maybe too much so for some of these. A Tampa Bay black helmet at home early in the season under the Florida sun isn’t practical. If you’re going to keep the pewter look, stick with it for the helmet and get the pants to match. I’d prefer going back to the creamsicle look, with some tweaks like an updated helmet logo.

    Not a fan—getting a Brandiose vibe from these.

    While I appreciate the effort that went into these, I’d hate if my Saints made major changes to the Fleur. And after 58 seasons with varsity-block style numbers, no reason to change for change’s sake. The smirking monk just doesn’t work—looks like a frat brother at an initiation ceremony and not particularly representative of the city. Let San Diego keep its monopoly on monastic orders
    in major American pro sports.
    That said, I do like the matching (more old) Golds and the pants striping. And Carolina should adopt something like the full-body Panther as a secondary logo.

    Can’t say I like any of these but NFC south has some pretty good looking logos and teams so its tough to compare

    Not my style of graphics, I associate these logos with security firms, investment banks or insurance companies. Not with sports teams. I applaud the effort and the willingness to take it out there, but the results are not what I look for. Had the same thoughts with the NFC West efforts.

    Not all bad here.
    ALL TEAMS: player name is WAY too small.
    ATL: yes to the gray pants; the numbers are better than what they use now; no gradients; not much else here I would keep.
    CAR: it’s clever, I like the prowling panther, and the queen’s crown is nice; but the silver doesn’t look silver, it looks bluish; I don’t see either North or South Carolina in the whiskers; that color isn’t Carolina Blue, the team wears Process Blue and the Panthers chose not to adopt UNC’s trademark color from the start.
    NO: the face doesn’t look saintly on the logo; like the wordmark; my favorite of the set, uniforms are solid.
    TB: love the colors but the black helmet is too much, and would be hot as hell in Tampa; love the little visible stitches; solid number font; buccaneer looks more possessed than pirate-like.

    I actually quite like all of these.

    TB’s pewter looks too close to NO’s gold, though. I would make it gray-er. The helmet logo looks like a doubloon, which is pretty cool.

    This may be a hot take, but I think the Panthers would be better off with no silver. Just be blue, black, and white.

    The number font you used for your Buccaneers unis is really cool. I’m afraid the NFL uni cops would nix the orange home numbers, just not enough contrast with the deep red. They would look great on a fan-style jersey though, and going with the orange numbers on the road sets is sharp.
    I like the idea of the Panthers’ numbers having the claw marks, but at first glance the 6 looked like a 5 or S – could be that my glasses are due a rescript. Maybe the claw marks through the middle (top to bottom) of the digits?
    Very creative stuff! Enjoying the series.

    Would love to see the Buccaneers come out in an alternate of Pewter Jersey, Pewter helmets, White Pants, Black/Red socks.
    It would be dark enough to be worn as a dark jersey uniform, it would be a unique look to the entire league, it would be their own. Why not try it?

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