The New York Mets will be unveiling a new alternate jersey this Saturday, when the team hosts its “Amazin Day” event at Citi Field.
As you are all likely aware, MLB uniform protocol is now referred to as “4 + 1” — the “4” is for the number of core (“core four”) uniforms can have, plus a City Connect uniform. The core four is made up of a home and road uniform, plus up to two alternate jerseys/uniforms.
The Mets are currently at their “4 + 1” limit. Here are their current five uniforms:
Home Pinstripes
Road Grays
Royal Blue “Mets” alternate jersey
Black alternate jersey
City Connect Uniform
So, when the Mets unveil their new alternate jersey, one of the “Core Four” will have to go.
Which uniform (or alternate jersey) will get the axe? That remains to be seen, but it’s likely the royal blue alternate, which was worn quite sparingly last season, will be the one to go.
And what jersey will the Mets be introducing? Nothing is confirmed, but rumors have been circulating that the team will be introducing a new royal blue jersey which will carry the script “New York” wordmark which the team wore in 1987, and which lasted only one season.
That jersey seems to be a favorite among fans (whenever I attend a Mets game, I will always see a few of these being worn by fans, even though it was a one-year style and worn almost 40 seasons ago). That jersey was in the pullover style.
It’s quite possible the new jersey will look like this:

Is it definitely the jersey pictured above? Nothing is definite until the Mets unveil, but speculation points to the above jersey as the potential new one.
As a Mets fan, this would be unfortunate on a number of levels: first of all, I never liked the 1987 road script wordmark, but back then it was legible — the potential new alternate creates a stealth “New York” which may make for visibility issues. Stealth wordmarks are almost never a good idea.
Additionally, the jersey pictured above is a new pullover, and a V-neck at that. I know there are some folks who like pullovers and v-necks, but I prefer button-front jerseys for baseball.
With the Mets having redesigned their black jerseys last season, this jersey will likely stay in the rotation (and speaking of popular with fans — many Mets fans still love the BFBS look). The home pinstripes and road grays will also likely stay. So the probable jersey the Mets will have to drop, if the jersey pictured above is what is introduced, will be the alternate royal home jersey.
That makes sense, since the team would be swapping one royal alternate for another. The difference is the possible new jersey is likely to be worn on the road, with the gray pants, rather than at home. That’s another issue I have with the possible new alt: the Mets have a Top 5 road uniform, and for the past several seasons it is the only uniform they have worn on the road. Pairing this new jersey with the gray pants for a road alternate won’t look nearly as good as the current gray uniform.
If the jersey pictured above turns out to be the new road alternate, this would make the Mets the third team to adopt the pullover-style since Nike introduced their new templates in 2024. The other two are the LA Angels and Washington Nationals.

Again, nothing has been confirmed — but a reading of the tea leaves does at least point to the strong possibility the royal stealth “New York” pullover will be what the team unveils on Saturday.
Your thoughts?
Fresh. Clean.
The V-neck style may be terrible, but at least the stealth wordmark sucks.
Looks classy and nice to me. But people have atrocious taste
Perfectly said.
I’m not sure that they are getting rid of the blue alt uniforms. If you go on the Mets team store you’ll see that the only 2 jerseys they are selling for Juan Soto are the home whites and the blue alts. I can’t imagine they would sell a jersey that a player wouldn’t have worn.
Then god willing, this alternate is the new “city connect” and the city connect can be mothballed (I know I know, not happening).
It would actually be smarter to sell a jersey the player won’t wear because then people will want to buy another jersey to get back up to date
I mean, it wouldn’t be unheard of. The Buccaneers sold Brady jerseys in the old “digital clock numbers” before the rebrand and the Jets sold Rogers jerseys in the previous set before their “Sack Exchange” rebrand.
Sack exchange unis started this year. The jets had the old style last year. Rogers alone wore it on field for 4 plays before being hurt
Mets fan here. They better not touch their road grays. I’m fine if this replaces the existing blue jersey.
Pros: I like the 1987 script. I think it’s cool to include on an alternate jersey and it differentiates the blue jersey from the others.
Cons: What is it with the Mets’ dislike for white piping? They removed it from the black hats and jerseys and now did not include it with the blue jersey. They should have the white piping. I would also prefer the end of the sleeves to have orange/blue/orange stripes rather than blue/orange/blue. Same with the neck line.
Overall, the idea behind it is solid, but the lack of white piping to give it pop and better legibility is a problem.
At least it’s not another black alternate…
Just don’t get rid of the standard grays! And yes, the jersey is OK… I guess. But the “stealth” treatment is kind of lame. Make the letters gray or at least orange surrounded by blue or vice versa.
Just like they have a “4+1” rule, there should be a “1 home white, 1 road grey” rule.
I’ve always felt the New York script was more appropriate for the Mets than the old school grey jersey font. The Mets are a team born in the 60s and had some of their biggest successes in the 70s and 80s. The script font just feels more…Mets. [Takes cover]
But yeah, make the font orange.
The Mets have one of the best home and away unis in MLB. The blue alt is fine. The black alt is one of the worst in MLB (the previous black jersey was much better). The one pictured doesn’t look terrible, but could have been much better. Orange script instead of blue would have been a better option.
I disagree about the blue logo but I agree completely about the black jersey.
I always liked the script wordmark, and I still think pullover jerseys make way more sense in a game where people slide on their stomachs, but woof. The blue lettering on blue jerseys is terrible, and that collar is inexplicable. When asked, “Do you want a crew neck or a V-neck shirt?” has anyone ever replied, “Give me a Y-neck”?
It’s sad that in the 4 Major sports leagues, only the NBA has decent collars…and they followed up with a Hold My Beer design where the arm stripes only go 2/3 of the way around the opening. A bad team design is one thing, but a shitty template is far worse. If these are Chassis, they’re Edsels.
Hear, hear!
The team wore road batting practice caps with that wordmark this year. I kinda like it. I don’t love the way the pullover design has that little downward point at the collar. Seems a little distracting to me.
Memo to Mets: DO NOT TOUCH the current road greys. Leave them exactly as they are, and continue to wear them as often as possible, for ever and ever.
Now that I’ve got that off my chest, as to a new road alternate (if they absolutely have to have one) they could do worse than what’s pictured, and I’m fine with resurrecting the one-off script from 1987, but the lettering would look better if it was silver/grey like the 2013-21 road alts and maybe 10% smaller. Better yet, use the 1993-94 “New York” script, which was more compact. Better still, use the 1993-94 script on a gray jersey, without the white outline. Or, use the 1987 script on a gray jersey. Whatever it is, it should be paired with the primary cap; no alternate road cap, thank you very much.
I’m fine with eliminating the blue home alts, although eliminating the BFBS would obviously be preferable, and actually makes more sense with the City Connects in the fold.
there should be some white, besides the little bit on the patch
Sigh. Mets have outstanding primary home and away uniforms. Leave them untouched. Please bury that BFBS garbage forever. As for this needless new top, lose that hideous NBA-style neckline.
Dammit, I just hate a stealth wordmark. Make the wordmark white or orange, and I’m on board. Alternatively, an orange or white version would be pretty good too. (Orange fan jerseys do seem pretty popular at the ballpark, at least from what I see on TV
Agreed, the wordmark would look much better (good, even!) in orange.
That blue Mets is so nice…..how could they keep that black absolute debacle and rid of the blue. Who prefers that black jersey for a team that has no black in their color scheme,
And that new one is extremely nice. People have pathetic taste.
Mets have great homes and roads. And they’ve got 3 other unis I never need to see again. That said, I’ll take the much lesser current bfbs set that pales in comparison to the piazza era bfbs a million times before I want to see a stealth pullover with a wishbone collar. Pullovers can hang around batting practice and spring training if they must but come on. These new Nike pullovers aren’t even halfway decent compared to a classic V neck. But lord knows we can’t just have a regular thing. We have to “disrupt the innovation” or whatever. Congratulations. It’s ugly as shit.
As a Met fan from the early 70s, I would just as soon have the exact home pinstripe and road gray (basically current road gray) from 1973. Those both were essentially worn from 1962-1973. In 1974, they changed the road to a Mets script which made no sense. I never minded adding a blue alt and was thrilled they added a blue road alt in 1982.
I don’t like this new supposed shirt as a jersey, but weirdly actually like it as something I might wear as fan apparel. It will be hard to see the script from afar. The one thing I will say about this script, was though it lasted one year, it was kind of brought back in 1993 in the “swoosh” era, when the Mets lost their minds and added a swoosh to their scripts. In the later version, the N was changed to an N that better matches the home script. It makes more sense than the N from 1987.
“I don’t like this new supposed shirt as a jersey, but weirdly actually like it as something I might wear as fan apparel.”
Exactly — this is a primary example of a merch-driven product (if this is indeed what they will unveil). And that was the entire point of the CC unis too. Move more merch.
Very sad but true. Anyway, I will be tracking all these unis in the Mets Uni Tracker this year. Last year road games were easy…81 in classic gray.
I don’t know if “Move more merch” is necessarily a bad thing. It helps us pay $755 million to Juan Soto.
The CCs brought some different and innovative things. Some will stick around and some will quickly be forgotten.
I’m old enough to remember the reaction to the Astros’ rainbow uniforms and there was a ton of people screaming. Now we love them.
I have such a mixed position on pullover style jerseys because, while I don’t like how they look on the field, as a replica jersey for fans to wear, it’s actually more comfortable. I have a couple of Red Sox pullover BP jerseys from the 70s and 80s and I actually find them more comfortable to wear to games than the button downs.
Okay, so….
The podcast that unveiled this had a cyron on the screen when they were talking about the news that said, “Two new Mets jerseys this season?!”
I fear that we’re getting this script on the grey roads.
I don’t mind this road alt. I would have preferred white lettering with an orange outline and some white on the collar/neckline treatments, but whatever. It’s an alternate. Not a hill I’m willing to die on.
I do worry though that the script becomes the primary road font. Maybe it would look cool? I don’t know. But I wouldn’t be surprised.
In theory it makes sense and matches the script Mets but the existing roadies are excellent and should have never gone away in the 1970s.
Also, shouldn’t the N be less loopy and look more like the M on the Mets script?
The Nats briefly used a loopy N in some promos, not uniforms, crica 2010. They settled on the slanty N for script Nationals and won the World Series wearing it…
Yes, i mentioned the N above. The 1993 swoosh road script has the N you want, but the 1987 script is sharper, N aside.
I forgot about those roadies – the Mets couldn’t stop chasing things for a solid decade after ’86
I think the 1993 script is sharper, and more compact; the 1987 script is too “loopy” for my taste, and obviously the 1993 “N” is better. Maybe the 1993 script without the white outline, and without the “swoosh” underline, would be ideal….
To my eye, and I am no expert in calligraphy, the o and r look more refined in the 1987 script, but I am a crazed perfectionist. I don’t even like the current Mets script compared to say the script of 1962-1985. The 1986 script was not right either…it was a one off by Goodman & Sons, not Rawlings. Very clunky. The script of today is also too big and clunky, the M is too far away and the e is bloated. Nobody but myself has ever noted it as far as I know.
Oh, I’ve definitely noticed; I have often lamented that the “Mets” script on the home pins should be 5-10% smaller.
The only Met jersey that sucks (right now) is the BFBS one, especially after they ditched the 3D effect. I never liked the “New York” script on the likes of Dykstra and Strawberry, and won’t like it today. That collar sucks and is clearly Nike’s “change for the sake of change” approach (which reminds me of the awful collars on many NHL jerseys, including the silly orange “yoke” on the Islanders’ home blues).
“York” feels way more italicized than “New” in the script. That is bugging me for some reason.
I love pullover jerseys. I wish all teams would go back to them. I hate how so many team names get messed up with the buttons.
I would make the collar on all of them normal though. I hate the ones the Angels and Nats have.
I’m not fond of this particular jersey though. Don’t like the slanted team name and the “ghost” script.
Good point. I am laughing at how these would look on a button down.
The 1987 Mets were a major disappointment after the World Series Championship.
Why go back to those uniforms and the Kevin McReynolds era ?
They still won 92 games, with guys like John Mitchell and Terry Leach in the rotation due to injuries (Bob Ojeda, e.g., made only 7 starts). But yea, trading Mitchell for McReynolds was a mistake.
“trading Mitchell for McReynolds was a mistake”
In retrospect, absolutely. But at the time, the powers-that-be were afraid Mitchell was such a bad influence on Doc and Darryl that they felt he needed to be separated from them.
Of course, as we found out later, Doc and Darryl had no problems getting into trouble without Mitch around.
I’ve got no inside information, but people aren’t going to be happy when they replace the road grey with this thing.
I highly doubt either the home pins or road grays are going anywhere. But yeah, I’ll be ready to riot if they ever decide to ditch the gray jersey.
Better get those pitchforks ready lol! A classic team like the Mets shouldn’t get rid of the grey, but it is MLB in 2025. Anything could happen.
I have always loved the script “New York” wordmark.
Gray (assuming this is an alt roadie) with the red outline would make the script and this uni perfect!
*orange outline
There needs to be a white outline of the text, and then I will stand by this Jersey replacing the current Royal Blue, though like many other Mets fans I prefer them to scrap BFBS (see next sentence). Not sure what the Mets have against outlining things in white (ref. BFBS Jersey).
So for me to support this supposed Jersey, the orange outline needs to be surrounded by white outline, or, put the white outline IN BETWEEN the orange outline and the royal blue text.
Also, with no pinstripes here, give me an addition:
the racing stripes down the shoulders and to the sleeves, please. All Mets pullover Jerseys, much like the one I wear to all Mets home games, must have the racing stripes…
I unapologetically like it. I love pullover jerseys, which seems to grate on the baseball “traditionalists”. However I grew up in the 70s when they were the standard. I don’t mind the stealth wordmark either. I think it’s pretty neat, similar to the way the pirates do it with their black “Pittsburgh” script alts.
Plain and simple, we won’t know what it looks like until it’s revealed. The author of this article, Phil Hecken, doesn’t know either. A whole article based on speculation and in my view, wanting to be right ahead of the release.
As a Mets fan since the Miracle ’69 Mets, I’ve always hated the black jerseys. I think they’re drab and dreary, out of place in that the black dominates and has nothing to do with orange and blue. I think they’re ugly and out of place. I do however love the blue alternates and think they should be worn more.
The road grays are nice, but my preference is for a different font across the chest. Modernize. I would stay away from script.
Furthermore, I would love to see the Mets do what many team have but Mets have never worn – sleeveless jerseys with short sleeve shirt beneath. I think the look is very cool and radiates blue collar athleticism.
I didn’t like the City Connect uniforms at first in light of color scheme that isn’t orange and blue but it’s grown on me and looks good.
It’s a weird hill for Mets fans to choose for the “road grays” to remain as they are, as they are “perfect.” But not an atypical response for the fans of this team.
In typical Mets fashion, the script of the current road grays is “of the Mets” but not made “for the Mets.” Like most of the bastardization of the original Mets that occurred at their founding, the current (and original) font on the Mets road jerseys was “borrowed” from the 1933 New York Giants. Just like their cap logo is the literal lifting of the last cap logo the New York Giants wore.
I have absolutely no issue with the use of the colors blue and orange (even if they were lifted outright from the departed Dodgers and Giants) as they are NYC’s colors, as depicted on the city flag as a reminder of the city’s Dutch founding.
But the Mets are not the Giants, nor the Dodgers, no matter how much Mrs. Payson and M. Donald wanted us to believe they were.
The Mets are the Mets. They have played 63 seasons in NYC. The Dodgers played 68 in Brooklyn. We should stop pining for a long gone era. For teams that abandoned NYC.
Like this jersey and remember it as the 1987 road uniform. Only time I recall it being used. One more cool thing about it, Tom Seaver wore this jersey pitching against the Tidewater Tides during his comeback attempt in 1987.
I think the script on the jersey shown looks good it was also used in 1993 and 1994 with an underline. The V neck makes no sense. This would make a great alternate road uni and would also would make a great replacement for the city connect. I also like the 1988-1992 road block lettering. It looks better than the current with the headstripe.
What will the names and numbers look like on these “leaked” jerseys are they also going to be in stealth mode? I think it would look horrible if the front number was orange outlined in white and the New York (font that I always wanted them to use as a gen Z Mets fan) was in stealth mode
Pullover jerseys should only be in white, grey or powder blue. So this one is off to the garbage bin. Should it replace the seldomly used royal blue jersey, than at least make the wordmark orange with a white outline. Which hat will go with this one, should it become reality?
The more I look at it the less i do not like it, curiously enough. More like something to wear to the beach. But which hat would go with it?
Still, in game pullovers should always be white, grey or powder blue.
Phil, any word on the jersey template for this upcoming season? I know there was speculation Nike was going to return to the old template because of all the issues with players/colors/NOB’s.
All I know for sure is the NOB will be returned to the larger size. Whether they revert back to the pre-2024 template for 2025 still isn’t known.
Back when the Guardians unveiled their uniform updates (link), the NOBs appeared larger, but the placket was still narrow. Don’t know if this is the “final” template or if there will still be some changes.
Still think Cleveland blew it by choosing Guardians instead of Spiders. Just think about merch sales. I’ll bet Cleveland can’t give away Guardians merch, but Spiders merch sales would have been through the roof.
I have always been a fan of the scripted New York jersey, so I am happy they are bringing it back. The gray jersey became so unproportional after last year’s changes (the New York is too small, the numbers are too large) that I was hoping they would re-design it altogether. Not feeling great about the leaked jersey though; no front number feels un-Mets and it just lacks a little white. Let’s hope for the best (@Phil, when are you guys opening a BlueSky account?)
I’d guess there would likely be a front number still, that’s often left out on mockups, especially if this came from retail