Long-time reader and submitter Greg Seher (who recently had submitted concepts for the NHL and NCAA) has returned, this time with some concepts and tweaks for the NFL. Similar to other concepters who have redesigned entire leagues, I will feature these over the next two weeks or so, featuring one division per day. Here are the concepts previously posted:
Today we’ll look at Greg’s concepts for the NFC East. Enjoy!
by Greg Seher
Some uniform basics that are league wide:
1. I’d get rid of the free for all of alternate uniforms. Go with standard dark home and white away uniforms (aside from hot weather white at home exceptions). I’d give each team a dark and white throwback option, and all teams wear throwbacks once a year on Thanksgiving. For a few teams I’d give them fauxback exceptions instead of true throwbacks when needed.
2. The large college style chest wordmarks don’t look right, but I do like the small wordmarks below the collar, these are being added to all the teams.
3. No logos on the back collar of jerseys, that’s a bad trend, if you want to put a maker’s mark somewhere maybe put it there.
NFC East

They should start wearing their navy jerseys at home. Dropped the stars on the sleeves so their navy jersey matches the white, only difference being a small silver outline on the stripes. As far the their mismatched colors, dropping royal blue and standard silver, and instead using navy and the bluish silver throughout, including the helmets. The white helmet designs from their first season are great for the throwback uniforms.

Pretty good look, but a few changes. For a team who is called big blue, and clearly has blue as their primary color, why is their white/road jersey using solid red numbers and stripes? Switch that to blue and it looks much better. For their alternates I went with their red 1938 and white 1990 championship season looks.

Always preferred the old kelly green, so going back to that but keeping a lot of the design elements of the modern look. Making silver much more prominent, also simplifying the numbers to old block style and updating the font. Alternates throw back to their 2017 midnight green championship season as well as the all white design from the early 1970s.

The uniforms and logo since they switched to the Commies are awful. I do like their idea of incorporating the Washington city flag into the design, so I worked the stripe pattern and three stars into their logo and uniform. The W, stars, and stripes into a military like roundel. Going with the yellow pants full time. For the alternates I used spearhead design from 1960’s. The uniform they wore for all 3 of their Superbowls in the 1980’s and 90’s with the burgundy pants works here, only difference is it has a Commanders W logo in the style of the helmet logo from that era.
Thanks, Greg.
Readers? What say you?
Finally, somebody tweaks the Commanders’ logo, love it.
The “W” you chose is way better than their current, it actually makes sense.
Great choice!
Agreed, that’s how the Commanders should look and the logo is such a nice little simple upgrade.
Give me that white alt for the Commanders all day long. That was the most beautiful white jersey look in the NFL, and I miss it.
I think the Commanders need to never throwback to anything Redskins-related as it will only continue to fan the flames created by the people who never wanted them to change in the first place. There are still a lot of people who wear Redskins merch, refer to them by that name, and call for its return. I love the spear set, but even giving those fans the slightest taste is only going to keep that push alive.
It was policy that Native American/American Indian symbology was a big no-no when it came to concepts posted on Uni Watch.
I’d rather see a re-imagined rear-feather helmet than the spear…not sure what exactly would replace it.
We all forgot that UW suppresses free speech and artistic creativity. Yikes.
Hahahahahaha you should really educate yourself on what those terms mean before you throw them about so confidently.
Free speech exists as a concept outside of whatever legal protections you are entitled to, the latter of which I assume is what you’re getting at Charlie.
Paul, I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but I’m very confident in saying Uni Watch choosing not to run a submission on their website is not even close to suppression of free speech or artistic creativity.
They could do a laurel wreath coming from the back since the commanders of the roman military wore them coming back from victory.
But yeah, the FSU knock off look has no place here.
Yeah it’s disappointing that Phil would run a uni concept post with native American imagery.
A freaking feather has absolutely no negative connotation to native american imagery. I collect various bird feathers, lots of peacock feathers actually. They don’t mean anything native american/indian. They have meaning of my grandparents house and the peacocks running around the neighborhood. A feather CAN be a feather.
The Washington NFL team should wear as much John Riggins-Doug Williams apparel as they can short of crossing into Redskins territory. There is a lot of success to celebrate.
My expectation is they will go fauxback in 2 years.
Maybe they sodt launch it as an alternate. New ownership has wired out very well, so league should be open to providing consideration for such things…
Yeah, why celebrate the logo/mascot that’s depicting a native American chief, designed by a native American. a white man is offended for other people!
Man these are great! I particularly love the changes to the Cowboys. In the past I’ve suggested standardizing on regular silver pants to match their helmet, even though I thought the idea of the silver/blue pants color being used for the helmet would look fantastic, but too radical for the fans to accept. But I like your idea better. I’ve also thought they should standardize their blue, with navy making the most sense. However, their earlier Staubach era blue was pretty great, being darker than royal but brighter than navy.
I also prefer the Kelly Green of the Eagles.
And well done with the Commanders. This seems like such an obvious fix.
The reason the Giants have so many red elements in their white uniforms is because their current white uniforms is the same version that they wore in the 1950s. The Giants were primarily red in their earlier years. When they changed their uniforms after the 1999 season, they were harkening back to an earlier look from the 1950s for both the home and away uniforms.
The Giants’ white jerseys had red numerals and stripes from 1954-1965, during which they won a championship and played in six championship games (including The Greatest Game Ever Played), and for the past 20 years during which they’ve won two Super Bowls; I’ve never had a problem with it, or I should say I never had a problem with it until they paired it with the red-striped white pants starting in 2021 and exclusively since 2022. Bring back the grey pants with the blue and red stripes, and it’s fine.
The ’80s-’90s uniform, if there is to be only one variant, should be with the blue jerseys which they wore in both Super Bowls (XXI and XXV), rather than white.
I like these a bunch!
DAL- Make the alts primary! Plus I’da kept the black outlines on the white jersey’s sleeve stripes (‘cause I’m sentimental)… and put hip numbers back on the silver pants.
NY- I’ll miss the non-blue road set, but dumping the gray masks and pants option softens the blow. Terrific ‘dark alt’!
PHL- Less Braman is more better! And it’s about time they dusted off the green wing helmet. Never liked the bird head logo – gimme as malt stripes as the sleeves can handle instead.
DC- If they stay the Commies, this’ll be a good set for them. As problematic as the spear set may be, it’s a good-looking throwback to the franchise history…though the Riggins red pants alt gets the homage message across most effectively.
Making the Cowboys a dark blue and silver team is such a no-brainer I can’t imagine what is stopping them. You can’t say the gear they have now is idiosyncratic for good luck, because Dallas has been a punching bag for a few seasons, now.
What’s stopping them is how good they were 30-50 years ago with a heavy dose of royal. Navy and silver would be a great look for them. But for as much as I hate the Cowboys, I like the commitment to the quirks, like the Yankees still maintain (but the Tigers didn’t).
I’m really conflicted about these, especially the cowboys, eagles, and giants (the commander’s refresh is very nice).
Part of what makes the cowboys the cowboys is tradition, and even if recently the tradition has been losing in the playoffs before the championship game, they are an historical team who have looked pretty much the same for the last 50 years. white at home with blue/silver pants that don’t match the helmets is their signature look. Anything else just lacks character.
Same with the eagles. The kelly greens look good to me because they look old fashioned. its fun to throw it back sometimes… But midnight green is, and has been, their identity for 30 years. And I like it that way. its unique to them in all of sports.
For the Giants, I just liked when they wore grey pants.
I personally would have swapped the Cowboys silvers; Nike’s version of the bluish-silver is not very good, so I think keeping the silver from the home uniforms to match the existing helmets would be slightly more pleasing to the eye. The Commies concept is very solid, I don’t know why they didn’t lean more into the military iconography in the first place.
Dal should use same color silver pants with navy and white. Keep wearing white at home it’s been a 50 + year tradition too long to change. Their navy/silver combination is one of the best in the NFL. A royal blue 1970’s throwback would be nice with the more silver bluish pants. The other alt would be the all white. I think the commanders current set need glossy helmets ,striped pants and block numbers. Then have burgundy, white or yellow pants. The NY Giants need to go back to gray pants and that’s the only change they need. Phila would look better in the 1980’s-early 1990’s colors with silver pants. The Kelly green is overrated and especially looks bad with white socks which for some reason was worn a few times.
Dallas primaries yes alternates no
Giants yes to the white alternate no to the rest. Need gray/silver pants
Eagles primaries yes alternates no
Washington yes to all but the dark alternate
Best set yet.
Might not actually hate the cowboys so much if they were consistent using only navy blue like you suggest. And consistent silver. Currently they are a mess.
Nice job!
For Dallas, I’d use a blue that’s a little darker than Royal, but not navy. And also return to their original number font (the Colts currently use a version).
Dallas is a complete improvement in my view, The Giants are OK this way, the Eagles I agree: more silver. As for Washington: very yes tot the logo and the regular uniforms (the origami W is a WFT logo to me, so when they took a new nickname they should have replaced it), but no spears on helmets, please. It will get the debate raging again. Keep that alternate helmet all burgundy, maybe place the number of the year that they were established on it.
or have the players number on the helmet.
I’m in the minority that really loves the W helmet logo the Commanders use. Keep that, use the rest of the concept shown here and you’ve got a winner.
I suspect that uniform is going to be tweaked soon. So real reason why other than new ownership team has probably had enough time to get settled in and hear from fans who hate it. I also suspect complaints about the team name are gonna dissipate after this playoff run.
Really great work on the Commanders uniforms. My only demerit is the logo; the current semi-stencil W is the one thing I think the team got right with its current look. But I think it could work well with the three stars, so I’m sort of imagining the concept that way and it’s a masterpiece. The sooner the Commies can tweak their way toward something like this look the better.
Every time I see Washington in those road duds with the crappy number effects and the weird Cardinals sleeve stripes I wonder who at Nike was behind that mess. It doesn’t make sense at all.
I am always purplexed by new teams or do-over situations who come up with trashy designs. It’s not hard to create something that looks great. But I’n not sure that is what they are after.
i’m not even sure it’s the same shade of red on those jerseys as their home jerseys. maybe it’s # effects you mention but it looks almost more true red than burgundy to me, which makes no sense for the uni design. can’t wait for them to look like the wft team did with the new logos
It is probably the same color but with the dotted gradient effects, it reads lighter with all the white in the numbers and stripes.
The Washington Set is fantastic.
Nice Job Greg
Greg: all told, solid upgrades. No objections. I like that the throwbacks represent 2 different eras from the histories of the teams for the most part. I am fine with the Commanders’ present monogram but I like yours better.
I love the roundel concept for Washington. I think it’d look better with a more balanced looking W…maybe even keeping the one they have now, which actually works pretty well.
I still think the Giants should go with their blue numbers outlined in red for their white uniforms permanently. But if we were going to stick with the blue on white “road” jersey that was proposed and keep the other white uniform as a throwback to the SB XXV team, then the “dark” alt should be the corresponding blue jersey from that era. I’m honestly OK with the Giants leaving those mishmash “ode to our history” alts in the dustbin of history already.
And for the love of god, I so wish the Eagles would go back to the Kelly Green already. Even the Jets figured this out and went back to their classic green shade from the Sack Exchange era. Make it happen already!
Thanks for the White Helmets with the Eagles.