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Greg Seher’s NFL Uniform Concepts and Tweaks (AFC East Edition)

Long-time reader and submitter Greg Seher (who recently had submitted concepts for the NHL and NCAA) has returned, this time with some concepts and tweaks for the NFL. Similar to other concepters who have redesigned entire leagues, I will feature these over the next two weeks or so, featuring one division per day.

Today we’ll look at Greg’s concepts for the AFC East. Enjoy!

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NFL Concepts and Tweaks (AFC Edition)
by Greg Seher

Some uniform basics that are league wide:

1. I’d get rid of the free for all of alternate uniforms. Go with standard dark home and white away uniforms (aside from hot weather white at home exceptions). I’d give each team a dark and white throwback option, and all teams wear throwbacks once a year on Thanksgiving. For a few teams I’d give them fauxback exceptions instead of true throwbacks when needed.

2. The large college style chest wordmarks don’t look right, but I do like the small wordmarks below the collar, these are being added to all the teams.

3. No logos on the back collar of jerseys, that’s a bad trend, if you want to put a maker’s mark somewhere maybe put it there.


AFC East


I think the Bills look much more recognizable with their reds helmets. Created a slightly customized font, and tried to make their stripe pattern uniform across the helmet, jersey, and pants. Going red helmets full time makes the white standing buffalo helmet even better as the throwback, using the UCLA stripe design from the early 1960s to change things up a little more from the current jersey design. Keeping the modern buffalo on a white helmet for the blue throwback, the 1974 design when the modern logo first debuted.


I’d go back to their last 90’s era logo, but dropping the navy elements, and using the 80’s era aqua and orange. I really don’t have a problem with their current number font or emphasis on white in the uniform, so that’s reflected here. I’d also keep their previous wordmark over the new one, which is very bland, and return their helmet, sleeve, and pants stripe design to the previous look as well. Obviously going with undefeated 1972 season white throwbacks, even if they are pretty similar to the primary design. For the dark alternate using the 1973 championship season with the orange stripe socks.


Their current navy is so bland and boring. I’d go back to their old red jersey design, but keep the silver pants and helmet. And they are the Patriots, have to go red, white, and blue, instead of navy. Also modernize the collar and go with a similar number style to the Bledsoe era uniforms. For the throwbacks going to the classic Pat Patriot solid white look and you have to retain their dominant Brady era navy set as the dark throwback.


I tried mixing their logo and look from the 1960s with the winged version of the 1980s. Keeping the white helmet design, just going to a more standard sleeve stripe set but incorporating the jet fin into the stripe. A little lighter shade of green in there too. The 1968 season championship design is the obvious choice for the throwback, and then the green helmet over white jersey of the 1980s.

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Thanks, Greg.

Readers? What say you?

Comments (33)

    The red and silver New England uniform is very tasteful, probably what Robert Kraft should have done. Way too many silver/blue/silver teams in pro football.

    I love the Patriots ones, but only I’d you change all the silver to white. It doesn’t look very good with the silver.

    Kraft didn’t change the uniforms. He inherited the flying elvis logo from James Orthwein.

    I like every one of these. Except the Bills in red helmets. I think I’m in the minority, but hate those helmets and prefer the white ones.

    Amen brother! Fine as “modern” throwback but much prefer the current white shell.

    Side note–this is the first division where I like all the new unis!

    wayyyy better in white. i know they will bring red back in some way but it will come at the cost of the aesthetic

    I think the white does look good, but I think it is a combo of growing up with the red helmet, it being their most successful look (even with no wins, 4 consecutive SB appearances is a great run), and also wanting them to be more visually distinct from the Colts in white/blue/white.
    Just my personal preference, and wouldn’t argue with anyone who thinks the white helmet looks better.

    You are not alone. For one, I equate them with failure. Secondly, seeing them here in this lineup just shows how off balance they look when compared to the white lids.

    I’ve always equated the red helmets to too much cocaine, an excess of hookers, and failure.

    Re: Jets: Appreciate the effort, but…. no. Just, no.

    Combining the 1998 logo with the 1978 wordmark is a good idea in theory, but in execution it just doesn’t work aesthetically. The current secondary logo, green football shape with just the wordmark and no mini-football or “NY” background lettering, works better; maybe eliminate one of the two secondary elements. The current numeral fonts (1978 and ’68) are superior as well. The white helmets should always have double stripes. I do like the use of the jet silhouette on the sleeves, though; there’s some potential there.

    The Jets should just keep their current primaries and “Classic” alts, replace the BFBS alts with a green-jersey “Classic,” and call it a day; they’ll have two near-perfect uniform sets from both of their major eras. Or, better yet, make the “Classic” the primary and relegate the current primaries to alt status.

    Yeah, I think their original Namath era look would work just fine as a full time set. I’m not a Jets fan, but really if I was the owner I’d poll the fans to find out if they prefer the Namath era or the sack exchange era and make one of them the regular uniform, and then the other could show up once or twice a year as an alternate. But in this case I wanted to try something different and merge both looks.

    All of these mockups are wearing on me. They don’t look good and they’re short-sighted. It’s a shame this place has devolved to the old man craft corner.

    Sorry you feel that way. Feel free to skip these if they don’t appeal to you. There are many who enjoy the concepts readers have created.

    There will be another set of NFL concepts that will run soon which are MUCH more modern in their design/style. Perhaps those will appeal to you.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    maybe not back to back like this would be my feedback. I thought when the last guy was done ‘finally’ – as i was tiring of the minute changes that didn’t really do much other than say let’s contrast the socks, so that doesn’t need 8 posts in my opinion. maybe mix it up with a different sport and do this one later.

    obviously do what you’d like on your site but foodfor thought

    Thanks for the feedback, but as I said to another commenter, if these don’t appeal to you, then skip them (or even post critiques in the comments — the designers would like feedback, even if it’s negative).

    But a lot of reader DO like the concepts — and I have many to run before the football season is over, which is why there is usually one set daily. I try to produce several pieces daily, and I realize some aren’t your cuppa. And that’s fine.

    what i’m saying it would appeal to me if it weren’t so repetitive and was more spaced out. mix it up, add variety vs the same things back to back and i think readers will be more engaged

    I have a lot of concepts backed up. And there isn’t very much uniform news that’s worthy of a full article this week. I try to post several articles with different subjects or topics thoughout the day. I’m sorry these don’t appeal to you, but it’s not like they are the ONLY post I do daily. Uniform concepts have always been a part of Uni Watch (maybe not as much under Paul), and if readers take the time and effort to send me them, I will post them for the readers.

    Again, you may not like them, but others do. If you don’t simply skip them!

    It may interest the readers of this site that a couple of my mockups did not reach the minimum competency level for publication. So there *is* a bar which must be met!

    I’m curious if there is a silent majority that is sick of these. It’s why I finally decided to speak up.

    I just don’t like amateur mockups in general. Always skipped on the weekends and was glad they were stuck there.

    It’s led to me visiting much more often in place of here.

    I agree, for one. I don’t see the point in these types of tweaks. So redundant – honestly not very creative. Just nitpicking small details (which I don’t disagree with…) but it just isn’t interesting.

    What would be more interesting, in the realm of concepts and tweaks, is real NEW ideas. New iconography, stripe patterns or colors even. Even team names. Something that requires real ingenuity rather than mashing together multiple eras of uniforms.

    I’m sure there are more than a few readers who are “sick” of reader concepts. But there are also more than a few readers who appreciate them.

    It’s not like every post every day is concepts. One a day (out of four or five articles daily) I don’t think is too much. You can certainly disagree. And feel free to skip them when they’re posted. Not every article is going to appeal to every Uni Watch reader. I’m tying my level best to include a variety of different uni-related articles, and I well know I can’t please everyone. There were quite honestly a bunch of articles Paul did that I wasn’t a fan of, so I skipped them. It’s really that simple.

    I appreciate your feedback and I think I’ve made changes over the past few months based on reader feedback and I’m hoping to make the site a better experience for all.

    Case in point: The Ticker — I know not everyone reads it (maybe sometimes NEVER reading it) but there are others who appreciate it and would love it to return of five days a week, which I am trying to make happen. I’m sure there are a few readers who are “sick of the Ticker” but others who enjoy it. Can’t please everyone.

    I don’t want to get all snarky here and say something like, “Uni Watch may not be everything you want it to be, but it is everything I want it to be.” Again, I’m trying my damnedest to make UW as open and appealing to all. Just read what you like, and skip what you don’t.

    More articles is always preferable to fewer articles. If I find them picayune or redundant, I simply move on to the next thing.

    I prefer the current aqua over this past darker teal color you’ve chosen. It looks more green than aqua.
    Also, a red jersey (Redcoats) makes no sense for a team called the Patriots. However, if the NFL ever puts a team in London, Redcoats or Dragoons could be a good choice for their name.

    I think the Dolphins current color has gotten too teal/blue and less traditional Dolphins aqua, at least that is how it looks on the field. I’m not opposed to lighter shades, but I definitely think the color needs to lean more green than blue.

    The current Jets helmet/logo is perfect, I wouldn’t mess with it. I think having a logo with a football in it is kinda dumb and I never liked their white helmet for that reason. The current/80’s logo is sleek, the way a Jet should be. And actually, ya know, has a Jet in it. I dig the changes for the Bills and Dolphins. Different division, but would like to see you have given the Saints a proper throwback helmet that matches their shade of throwback gold.

    I’m of a certain age – the Patriots concept is reminiscent of the Chicago Blitz…and that’s cool!

    I like all the adjustments but for that newly invented Jets stripe, it reminds me too much of the previous design failure in uniforms by the team. The current set is OK and so is the shade of green.

    I love the Patriots the best with red on silver. I would remove the white pants and replace it with red pants.

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