[Editor’s note: Welcome back to the return of “Collector’s Corner” to Uni Watch. Although no longer run by Brinke Guthrie, it has been ably resurrected by Chris Weir. Chris approached me about restarting CC, vowing to uphold the old look and style, but with one new twist: he will make each edition timely with what is going on currently in the sports world (i.e. rivalry games, big events, anniversary of events). Enjoy and please give Chris some feedback about the new (old) feature. — PH]
by Chris Weir
Conference Championship weekend is upon us and we’ve got a chance for two Super Bowl Rematches. This week we’ll be looking at the four teams playing in Sunday’s Conference Championship games.
• The Chiefs and their glorious AFL Patch are back for their seventh straight AFC Championship game. The last time we had an AFC Championship game without either the Chiefs or the Patriots was 14 years ago with the Steelers and Jets.
• I know some people who could definitely use a Personality Eraser.
• Pretty cool Poster featuring an old AFC West matchup between the Chiefs and Seahawks.
• This Sweater from 1994 is relevant once again.
• Even with the Chiefs recent dynastic run, a part of me always thinks back to Arrowhead with Astroturf and Marty Schottenheimer patrolling the sidelines in One of These Glorious Jackets.
• Here is a sweet Bills Painter’s Hat featuring the AFL logo.
• Love this Poster from the Bills’ 25th Anniversary.
• I’d love to take this Bills Toy Car off some sweet Hot Wheels track jumps.
• Make sure you’ve got a tetanus shot if you wear this Pin from the Bills’ AFL days.
• Gain instant credibility with Bills Mafia by carrying this Bag to tailgates at Orchard Park.
• Is there another fan base with a stronger association with Zubaz Pants than Bills fans?
• There is something unsettling about the Bills breaking into this family’s house in this Poster.
• The early ’90s has to be the peak of NFL Ties.
• Ron Jaworski has never looked better than he does on this Eagles McDonald’s Glass. You could see De Niro drinking out of one of those in Silver Linings Playbook.
• Here is an article explaining why Princess Diana wore an Eagles Jacket.
• Starter Jacket plus Budweiser equals Fantastic.
• The face on this Eagles Piggy Bank looks like Joe Montana to me.
• Probably could have put this Balaclava to good use last Sunday at The Linc.
• To find Washington items, specifically R*dskins items as we don’t use the “C Word” in my house, all I had to do was look on my wall for things like this Clock. Side note: I’ve come to terms with the loss of the name and my beloved logo and uniforms but I just pray the new ownership changes the name and uniforms to something that isn’t awful and doesn’t have the foul stench of Dan Snyder all over it. Check out @GonzoDidThis on X for some great Washington uniform and logo concepts. Seriously, the team should hire him.
• In honor of the greatest R*dskin/Eagle of all time here is my 1969 Sonny Jurgensen Jersey. I just love that NFL 50th Anniversary patch.
• Here are Pennants from the R*dskins’ three Super Bowl victories.
• This Plaque has been my life’s work as it’s taken me 30 some years to get all these signatures. If by any chance Joe Gibbs, Mark Schlereth, Wilber Marshall, Kurt Gouveia, Chip Lohmiller, Martin Mayhew, Matt Millen, Brad Edwards, or Charley Casserly is reading this, hit me up.
• I bought this Poster from Chisholm Larsson Gallery in Manhattan. I could spend hours browsing their Gallery.
• My favorite R*dskins item is this Starter Jacket with the 50th Season patch.
• Yeah, I had to spend a little for this Helmet Hat.
• Some people put away their phones when they drink so they don’t text ex-girlfriends. I put away my phone when I drink so I don’t buy more Starting Line Up Figures.
• We still play “Hail to the R*dskins” with this Record after every win. Hopefully I’ll be playing it Sunday evening.
Next week I’ll be looking for Super Bowl logo gear.
Great Redskins collection that you have there. I was going to say great Jurgenson jersey, but I love the poster and jacket and helmet hat as well.
Great collection, I love the Super Bowl pennants. Chris, how would you have felt if Washington kept the Washington Football Team name and uni designs they had those few years? I’m glad they changed the name, wish they would have kept the look and the longer they used it the more WFT grew on me.
Everything that occurred under Snyder, including WFT, needs to go. I think “Football Team” & those uniforms look better today because of how bad C*mmanders & the current uniforms are.
I prefer the Seldom Scene’s bluegrass version of the Washington fight song, and the 45rpm vinyl version is available out there (at very reasonable prices!): link
I have actually never heard that!
Glad I know it exists now.
While I’m not a Redskins fan, I came of age watching the NFL in the mid-late 80s and 90s, and I really love the look and feel of that past uniform and logo eras. One of them I’ve grown to like more is the Redskins (along with the Dolphins). Such a great color scheme and logo, especially compared to now. One thing that “bothers” me about the logo is the double feathers. I think the logo would be an all-timer if the circle around the chief was just a circle and didn’t have it’s own set of feathers. It’s like double vision when I look at it. Chris, as a Redskins fan, do you know if there is a reason for the multiple feathers, or does it seem like overkill to you too?
Phil, that’s actually a 80’s -early 90’s era Eagles Chalk Line jacket, not Starter. They distinctly look differently.
Thanks Dom — but this isn’t my list (it’s complied by Chris Weir)
Ok, got ya Phil
The only think I know about the “double feather” is the unique 1982 logo. More about it here: link
If the Commanders make or even win the Super Bowl, does that help or hurt the chances that they would go with a rebrand given that it would now be “associated” with winning?
It’s a good question. I do think the chances of C*ommanders staying would increase if the franchise experiences a string of massive success.
That being said the uniforms are extremely likely to change no matter what. Fans just want to see something that resembles their team. The current Black Alternative & Road uniforms look nothing like the team I’ve rooted for my whole life.
Personally I would go with “Washington Burgundy & Gold” with uniforms that resemble the 1969 uniforms.
It would be new enough for people to embrace it & would still have a connection with the franchise’s past.
As a Bills fan who grew up in the 90s this was pure nostalgia.
From that amazing 25th anniversary poster it pretty much confirmed imo the white helmet shell for da Bills. I think it makes the charging Buffalo pop more. With that being said the 90s uni never being worn as a throwback is quite perplexing.
Greg’s mockups really give off some modern throwback feels.
The toy car is actually a replica helmet buggy. You could get them in the 1970’s for a couple of years in the Sears/JCP Christmas catalogs.
My cousin had that Bills poster in the lede as a kid. I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
If you’re looking for Super Bowl gear I’d be happy to send you a few pix of what I have. Also some other random NFL goodies. Good job on this, Chris!
Send it to link