Good Monday Morning, Uni Watchers. I hope everyone had a good (and warm) weekend. Happy Dr. MLK, Jr. Day and Inauguration Day as well.
ICYMI, our new Weekend Editor, our own Anthony Emerson, began his tenure with an introductory post. If you didn’t get a chance to meet Anthony, give that a peep; Anthony also had some information on a couple patches the A’s will wear in their new home of Sacramento. And one awesome patch that is now gone to make room. Sigh.
Now then.
We’re getting down to the nitty gritty part of the playoffs now, with the final eight teams playing Saturday and Sunday for the right to represent themselves in the Championship games next Sunday. As expected, this weekend’s Divisional Round games weren’t the greatest-looking games — and one was particularly terrible — but two games were pretty good and we also got a pair of snow games yesterday, which was nice.
Philly-LA started out mostly clear, but a steadier and heavier snow fell throughout the game. Up in Buffalo, where we’ve seen some classic snow games, there were flakes flying for about half the game, but it amounted to just a bit more than a dusting. I’m not complaining.

My only regret over the uniforms this weekend was picking the Lions’ blueberries as the “better” uniform between them and the Commanders. They were equally awful.
So let’s take a look at the unis of the NFC and AFC Divisional Round games.

The first game of the weekend was arguably the best looking, with the Chiefs resplendent in their Sunday best. The Texans, on the other hand, went midnight navy over mono-white. It’s not a great look, to be sure, but there is enough color on the jersey and pants to mitigate the mono-white below the neck. They’d have looked much better with midnight blue socks, but it still was a decent uniform matchup.

This was one ugly uni game. It’s bad enough when one team wears yoga pants, but when both teams do it, it’s… it’s not good. The road to the Super Bowl was paved in Monolulu blue, but the Commanders mercifully saved us from having to see this again. Unfortunately, I will virtually guarantee they’ll run this back one more time, next Sunday against the Eagles.

For fans of outdoor football in the winter months, we got a nice set of snow games both early and late yesterday! But before the flakes really started falling, I was surprised how much I liked the color matchup (you could almost call this a color palette special), and with both teams having pants stripes, the yoga pants look was avoided. Once snow blanketed the field, the Rams royal pants and helmets really stood out in the snow, and even the Eagles midnight greens popped! I guess the snow makes everything better!

The weekend’s final game provided a nice bookend — just like KC-Houston, the Bills were in their Sunday best, while the Ravens went mono-white below the neck. And while not quite as impactful, like the Philly-Rams game, we had flakes falling. The Bills uniforms aren’t perfect, but they’re really really good. I don’t mind the Ravens in white jerseys and pants, but they really need black socks. Purple pants would have been even better. But with only white pants in common, overall it was a pleasant game to watch.
What’d you think of yesterday’s snow games? Which of the weekend’s games looked best? I think we can all agree on the worst.
Fire away!
GTSB -1961 NFL championship on December 31 from City Stadium in Green Bay. The first Million Dollar game (based on ticket sales and broadcast revenue from NBC). The Pack shuts out the Giants 37 – 0. Lindsey Nelson and Chris Schenkel call it on without replays. Giants lose first of three straight title games.
With the Lions decisively losing in Monolulu, I hope this means that Detroit can finally wake up and realize they need to go with the better uniform option of silver/blue/silver/blue.
If they INSIST on wearing Monolulu, is there an option for them to introduce stripes on their pants? Do teams have to declare minor pants changes as a full “uniform change” and wait those 5 years? I feel like in the past teams have done that sooner than the 5 year mark, but I don’t know what the rule is.
Pants are not subject to the five-year uniform change rule. They can do whatever they want with pants and socks.
Eagles Steve Van Buren scores winning TD 1948 nfl championship vs Chicago Cardinals.
Best possible matchups:
Burgundy/white/burgundy/yellow (is yellow socks even an option?)
I actually prefer the Eagles in black pants and green socks, but I tried to go with the consensus here.
GTGFTU-1948 NFL Championship, Eagles 7, Cardinals 0
Woof. A lot of ugly NFL games. Hard to say what’s worse. NFL yoga pants or MLB pajama pants. Both are equally hideous.
Easy call, pajama pants!
Now that the Lions have lost in Monolulu Blue, I hope they stop wearing it. Also, I don’t know why they removed white from the helmet stripe.
The yoga pants need to be made illegal. The Commanders and Lions looked brutal in them. The socks should not be the same color as the pants. And for god’s sake, Commanders and Lions, add stripes to all of your pants.
Hopefully this loss puts the stink on the Monolulu Blue.
The Commanders should wear their yellow pants, and go with a burgundy/white/yellow/burgundy.
Even white socks with yellow pants would be better than the burgundy yoga pants look.
AZ, err….As much as I hate the leggings look, the yellow pants paired with that atrocious white top with be much worse.
I am concerned that since they’ve had a bit of success in that road combo, the set may stick around (‘we won in those’). If that’s the case – Go Birds!
The Washington Franchise has a history known as “Winning Pants” Which are the Burgundy pants.
The Commanders’ White Pants now and forever should only be paired with the Burgundy Uniforms.
The only two times in Franchise history Gold pants were worn with the away uniform were the Lombardi year (and its 80th anniversary throwback) and early RG3 years (and it looked horrible).
I’ll play Devil’s Advocate: that Lions-Commanders game was an explosion of color! As I watched, I thought to myself, “Well, not the best uniforms, but there sure is some great contrast here.”
Well that’s certainly a take.
I agree. It would have been a great game for Color vs. Color jerseys!
I’m with you on this. I’ve been saying for years that CONTRAST is what’s most important in a game. The teams t should work together to create the highest amount of contrast, especially if the teams have similar color schemes.
Steve van Buren scores the only touchdown on December 19, 1948 between the Eagles and Chicago Cardinals. #91 on the NFL’s list of greatest plays. I had that same picture in an old NFL book growing up.
I’m an older guy who doesn’t think that look for Washington is all that bad.
IMO yellow socks with white and / or burgundy stripes would look better, but I actually like the matching helmet-pants look with white jersey. Letting the burgundy go down to the shoes… I can live with that as the “modern style.”
Hypothetically, if the Commies win the Super Bowl, do the keep the Commies identity permanently or do they go for a change as Dan Quinn modeled earlier?
Best season in Lions’ history being ended at home by a rookie quarterback in polka dot gradient numbers will hopefully be seen by this inexplicably superstitious franchise as a sign from the universe to stop dressing like a Conference USA team and just wear the damn silver pants.
My guess is monolulu blue will be back next year as the default home uni for Detroit, because players’ obsession with the current mono fad > superstition.
Detroit deserved to lose for that Monolulu crap.
Probably an unpopular opinion here, but I liked their last set of unis better, apart from the all-greys. I wish they had just tweaked them and taken the WCF/Lions off the sleeves.
Lifelong Washington fan and this entire uniform set is putrid trash. It’s Dan Snyder’s final “up yours” to the fans. The burgundy/white/burgundy/burgundy is the second worst combo after the full mono-burgundy look. Just put all the current Washington uniforms in the dumpster and set them on fire. Maybe that’s even too good for them.
I said it a few times this year regarding the Lions. Superstitious = Loser Mentality