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Welcome to the Weekend

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*Taps microphone*

Is this thing on?

Hello there. I’m Anthony. You may know me from Uni Watch’s news tickers, but today’s my first day as weekend editor here at Uni Watch.

First things first: I need to thank the incredible Phil Hecken for entrusting me with this position, which for over a decade was his. I also want to thank Paul Lukas for his vote of confidence, and my predecessor Jim Vilk, whose contributions to this site will be missed.

I also want to thank you for reading the site. I love our comm-uni-ty, and I want to be clear: please reach out to me if there’s something you think I’d cover, or if there’s something you would like to write about yourself! You can email me, hit me up on the platform formerly known as Twitter, and also on Bluesky (I will be far more active on the latter).

A little about me: I started on staff back in 2017, although my very first post here dates all the way back to August of 2014, during Paul’s annual break from the site. I originally started doing the tickers for Saturday, then moved to Friday and Saturday, and finally moved to Wednesday and Friday following Paul’s retirement. Outside of the tickers, I’ve written mostly about soccer since joining Uni Watch. It is the sport I follow closest at this point (though it’s not like I’m a casual fan of the four major North American sports), and rich ground for uni anecdotes — my first ever lead story for Uni Watch was on Manchester United switching kits at halftime in 1996 after going down 3-0.

I was born in Portland, Maine, where I still live. I happened to be born at the perfect time to be raised a Boston sports fan — well, mostly. My father was a Raiders fan, but I of course supported the Pats. My Dad is probably why I like sports uniforms in the first place. As a kid, I remember learning the history of the Red Sox, mostly from this two-part VHS documentary released in 2001 to celebrate the team’s 100th anniversary. When we got to the 1975 World Series and Carlton Fisk, the first thing my father tells me is “I hated those uniforms.”

He was, of course, referring to the uniforms the Sox wore in the 1975 World Series — sansabelt pullovers with red caps. It’s important to remember that at this time, prior to 2004, Carlton Fisk’s home run was perhaps the best Red Sox moment in his lifetime. But he was concerned with what the team was wearing when it happened!

There are other uni tidbits I remember sharing with him too — he loved the way Orlando Hernández wore his socks, for example. He didn’t like how curved Nomar Garciaparra’s cap bill was. He thought hockey teams should continue to wear white at home. He couldn’t believe they retired Carlton Fisk’s number, because he didn’t spend most of his career with the Red Sox.

He died in 2005. I was 10.

So I’m thinking about him as I take on the next step of my Uni Watch journey.

If you have any questions for me, please ask away in the comments.

Comments (37)

    That’s the right call. I could never get behind a guy who was at least as much about showmanship as music, and didn’t write any of his songs. And from a somewhat Uni-related perspective, I’ll take the Beatles in anything they ever wore over Elvis’s gaudy jumpsuits any day.

    But the real question? what does he think of the color purple and the Oregon Ducks’ uniforms??

    If I am not mistaken, I understand you are a Boston Bruins fan. What is your favourite Bruins uniform design they’ve worn?

    Favorite Bruins design is actually the centennial unis they wore last year. Wish they stuck around.

    Welcome, Anthony! Agree with your Dad on the 1975 Sox uniforms, El Duque’s socks, and hockey teams wearing white at home. Gotta disagree on Nomar’s hat. The Uni-verse would be a far better place with fewer flat brims, IMO!

    Welcome Anthony and thanks for sharing your story. What would you say is your favorite current or past uniform in each of the big four sports?

    Favorite unis for the big four:

    NBA: Celtics, obviously.

    NHL: I’m really partial to the old Minnesota North Stars.

    NFL: I love love love the Gruden-era (and I guess Brady-era) Bucs. Modern classics in my opinion.

    MLB: I love the Mets look. Orange and blue with pinstripes? Incredible.

    My high school colors were purple and white, so I’m fine with it. It’s not my favorite color, and I don’t own anything purple, but I’m not completely averse to it.

    Welcome from the west coast (just a little north of “the other Portland”)!
    Q: What are your top 3 favorite west coast TEAMS that you might stay up late to watch live?
    Q: What are your top 3 favorite west coast UNIFORMS, any sport.
    Q: As a west coast reader, I’m interested in knowing if you’ve traveled out this way, and if so, how many times?

    Top 3 west coast: always loved the Lakers’ uniforms, although the current era doesn’t do it for me. The Golden Knights and Kraken are pretty close to perfect, too.

    Top 3 west coast unis: I don’t know if they count as west “coast” but the Calgary Flames red home unis are some of my favorites. The Seahawks throwbacks are incredible and should be brought back full time. I was always partial to the A’s kelly green Oakland script, too.

    I’ve actually never been west of the gulf coast of Florida, to be honest! Before I got my current day job money was pretty tight, and growing up in a (mostly) single-income home meant we never really traveled much.

    Welcome to weekends!

    Grew up in New England and a soccer fan, so… do you have lots of Minutemen merch? link

    Hello and welcome, Anthony!
    Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us weekenders.

    Welcome and the best of fortune! I’ve been asked this question so I ask you: One game you can go to past or present- – and who do you go with?

    Glad you have such fond Uni-related memories of your father, but I have to disagree with him. The pullover/sansabelt era was MLB’s best uni era.

    A big welcome to your new weekend gig! Did you remember to turn off the microphone? You don’t want the electric bill to be taken out your weekend paycheck.
    I’m a Midwestern native, and the closest I have been to New England is NYC, and in my personal uni-verse a Patriots Super Stripe cap from the Steve Grogan years.
    Simple uni question: If given the option on a custom jersey, radially or vertically arched?

    Welcome from the Mile High, Anthony

    Agree with you on the Lakers uniforms (from the 70’s/80’s) being better than the newer ones

    Keep up the great work

    OK. City Connect Red Sox uniform of the future.

    Should the motif be the MBTA Green Line trolley, the Green Monster, WGBH, or the Citgo sign?

    Congrats on the new role Anthony. That 2-part VHS documentary you mentioned on the Red Sox, is also on Youtube. link

    Go Sox!

    Welcome aboard Anthony. It’s hard to believe this season will be the 50th anniversary of the historic 1975 Red Sox season. I’d like to see the sox break out the red/navy blue hats for home games. I really thought that cap was great looking.

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