Reader George Noriega has embarked on a minor redesign for all NFL teams’ current uniforms. When George reached out to me earlier, he proposed “a weekly submission of tweaks to various teams that IMO (and also based on reader feedback) would address a lot of the comments and criticisms we see every week on Monday Morning Uni Watch.” He isn’t looking to change much, but feels his tweaks would enhance the overall look for each team.
Some of George’s tweaks have already run as parts of larger lede articles (including two of today’s, but in order to keep the divisions together, they’ll also be seen here). I’ll be running George’s tweaks by Division over the next couple weeks. If you missed any past tweaks, click the following:
AFC East
AFC South
AFC West
NFC North
NFC West
Today we’ll look at his proposals for the NFC East Division. Here’s George — enjoy!
NFC East Tweaks
by George Noriega
Just a quick rundown of the concept and an example of what I would be looking to do:
- (1) For all teams, tweaks would be based off their current templates, so I’m not looking to do complete overhauls i.e. Cardinals, Commanders and Rams would keep their current templates
- (2) Mono uniforms are OK i.e. Pats all-blue, Jets all-green, Saints all-black, etc., but also…
- (3) No leotard/yoga pants look, regardless of whether pant stripes break the look up
- (4) No plain white socks; socks are either contrasting color to the pants or striped
Dallas Cowboys

Home/Away: Silver/white/seafoam/blue
Alt. Home: Silver/navy/silver/navy
Alt. 1: Silver/navy/white/navy
Throwback: White/navy/white/navy socks with stripes
Color Rush/”fauxback”: I-don’t-know-what-the-hell-to-call-this-set: White/white/white/navy
Notes: I don’t care what issues Nike has replicating colors: in my redesign the Cowboys’ pants go back to the seafoam shade they used during the Aikman/Irvin/Smith years, no more of that weird baby blue Nike currently uses … since there’s no silver in that Color Rush set, the pants stripe gets changed to navy/white/navy… my personal preference is to keep the Home/Away whites. the Home navy blues, the Thanksgiving throwback, and just jettison the rest.
New York Giants

Home: Blue/blue/gray/blue
Away: Blue/white/gray/red
Throwback 1: Navy/blue/white/blue AKA Bill Parcells Era
Throwback 2: Navy/white/white/blue AKA Bill Parcells Era
Notes: I have NEVER liked the current Giants set with white pants, so we’re going back to the grays that the set started with, with matching stripes, as opposed to the original redesign where the stripes on the Home and Away sets were different… I considered making the socks blue on the Away uniform, but personally I like the red-heavy Away set, just not with white pants with red Northwestern stripes… the all-white set is elevated from a Color Rush alternate to a legit throwback, replacing the white socks with period-accurate blue socks, and removing the small “NY” wordmark above the numbers.
Philadelphia Eagles

Home: Green/green/white/black
Away: Green/white/green/black
Alt. 1: Green/green/green/black
Alt. 2: Green/white/white/black
Throwback: Kelly green/kelly green/gray/white with 2 kelly green stripes
Notes: Gone are the black pants, jerseys and helmets… although this set originally started with green socks for the Home uni (which I produced in the graphic to see how it looks), I am firmly in the black socks camp…I flirted with changing the Midnight Green to its original hue, as the Nike version of the color leans more towards teal, but I decided against it as I felt it wasn’t that noticeable of a difference… as much as the readership seems to skew towards making the Kelly greens the Eagles’ full-time set, I’m perfectly fine with the status quo of using it only as a throwback.
Washington Commanders

Home: Burgundy/burgundy/gold/burgundy
Away: Burgundy/white/gold/burgundy
Alt. 1: Burgundy/burgundy/white/burgundy
Alt. 2: Burgundy/white/burgundy/white socks with burgundy & yellow stripe
Alt. 3: Burgundy/burgundy/burgundy/white socks with burgundy & yellow stripe
Alt. 4: Burgundy/white/white/burgundy
Notes: Gone are the black helmet and uniform, which are Exhibit A for “BFBS” and COMPLETELY superfluous… the gradient numbers on the white jersey have been eliminated, as has the black outline on the numbers, replaced by a burgundy number with yellow outline… additionally, the black stripe on the sleeves of the white jersey has been removed, as has the gradient pattern, replaced by burgundy and yellow stripes… no, your eyes do not deceive you: everything from the waist down Is what the Washington franchise wore before its rebrand… as we’re not reviving the old logo and name, I think *usage* of the old pants and socks is fine, but I would be interested in hearing what the readership thinks… Striped burgundy socks are an option.
The Commanders uniform set should have kept the Redskins/WFT uniforms exactly the way it was, but with a W on the helmet instead of the Indian logo/numbers.
1) I’ve always loved the mismatched blues, precisely because it *is* tradition, even if it may be a bad one, as you say.
Someone braver can attempt it, but not I LOL
2) My only issue is: at that point, does it stop being a throwback once you start changing certain elements of it?
Yes, in the olden days, color matching was more difficult and so you had mismatched hues on helmets and jerseys, but as someone who grew up in NY watching the Parcells era Giants on TV all the time, when they first trotted out the white throwbacks as a Color Rush uni, I did not like the way it looked with a royal helmet.
I understand with modern technology you *can* match the helmet color properly with the jersey, but *should* you? In this case, strictly as a throwback, I’m fine with the helmets being darker, as I was with the Vikings, and if they ever throw back to the GSOT unis, the Rams.
Ooops, this was meant for another comment below. Ugh. lol
Yup, my expectation is thecnext uniforms will basically be that look.
Need to make the facemask gold for WFT.
You’re absolutely right.
Man, I can’t believe I never even thought about it. lol
This is not even a question
Giants DEFINITELY need to bring back the gray pants! Especially with the away unis. They are just too bland. Love the white socks for the Commanders. And yes to the white jerseys matching the same template as the maroon ones. Also really like the Eagles midnight green socks. Great job!!!!!
Two issues here:
1) Why not fix the Cowboys mismatched white home set? Get rid the royal on the jersey, pants, and socks and make it match the navy of the helmet (and rest of the unforms)? I know it’s tradition but it’s a bad tradition.
2) Same issue with the Giants throwbacks. Make the helmet actually match the set by making it royal instead of navy (which looks terrible).
1) I’ve always loved the mismatched blues, precisely because it *is* tradition, even if it may be a bad one, as you say.
Someone braver can attempt it, but not I LOL
2) My only issue is: at that point, does it stop being a throwback once you start changing certain elements of it?
Yes, in the olden days, color matching was more difficult and so you had mismatched hues on helmets and jerseys, but as someone who grew up in NY watching the Parcells era Giants on TV all the time, when they first trotted out the white throwbacks as a Color Rush uni, I did not like the way it looked with a royal helmet.
I understand with modern technology you *can* match the helmet color properly with the jersey, but *should* you? In this case, strictly as a throwback, I’m fine with the helmets being darker, as I was with the Vikings, and if they ever throw back to the GSOT unis, the Rams.
Love the Commies tweaks. Like another commenter said, gold facemasks would be the icing on the cake. I have always though that the white-over-burgundy with white striped socks was the Redskins’ strongest look, so I like seeing a version of that here. The pleasantness of your tweaked white jersey really brings out how terrible the actual white jersey is.
Thanks for the kind words!
I was hoping to see a new logo for the Commanders.
What logo would you suggest? I agree with you and I think the origami W would make for a nice secondary logo, maybe on the sleeves.
Perhaps a profile image of some awesome guy like Chief John Two Guns White Calf?
On the Giants…
Return of grey pants BOTH home and road (with late-50’s striping) are a must.. Bravo!
I never liked the 80’s unis (and still don’t), but at the very least the white socks with the road whites looked terrible in recent years..the blue looks much better.
One possible addition… with the old-school primary unis restored, BLACK cleats are a must!
I appreciate your efforts putting this together!!
“Cowboys’ pants go back to the seafoam shade they used during the Aikman/Irvin/Smith years, no more of that weird baby blue Nike currently uses”
The Cowboys switched to the pants to seafoam in 1993 from metallic silver blue. They went back to metallic silver blue pants in 2020. So I don’t think it is a Nike color issue, but a conscious choice to change the color.
IIRC, JJ had mentioned wanting to make the change around 2018 or so. Personally, I prefer the metallic silver blue over seafoam. Gray would be, last seen in 1973, would probably be best though.
I hate both the current blue/silver pants and the past seafoam. I’d go back to the Staubach silver pants that matched the helmets. For that matter, I’d settle on a blue that was the same for both their white and blue jerseys. Probably navy, though I liked the more royal blue color of the Staubach era and earlier. It wasn’t really royal blue, but a darker shade, though not as dark as navy.
The jinks part is ridiculous. First off, they wore these mostly on the road, when you lose more games. I wonder what their road record was in white jerseys back then? They also went .500 in these blue jerseys during the 1970s.
When other home teams ‘force’ the Cowboys into a blue jersey, they should just wear the Thanksgiving throwbacks.
That’ll show ‘em!
The Staubach era uniforms!
Love the Commies tweaks (thank you for the pants striping), even the mono burgundy, although I like that set the least of all. Ditching the black set is addition by subtraction.
Re the Cowboys, my tweak would be eliminate the silly “seafoam” pants. Just wear the silver/grey pants with both sets to match the lids. Yes, I know that goes against tradition, but the seafoam tradition is awful.
I’m eternally split on the Commies. The old uniforms were *perfect* were it not for the racist wordmark and helmet logo. I really do think that the best way to get fans to get behind the new name is to strike out in a bold new direction, leaving behind the problematic elements, because otherwise the Commies will never be able to escape the calls to return to the old, problematic identity. But that’s a shame, because the old unis were truly fantastic.
I think the cowboys seafoam pants should just be gray. The solid navy jersey doesn’t look good with white pants. I agree the NY Giants look better with gray pants and the commanders need to change their number font back to block as well. The eagles need a makeover back the 1980’s- 1990’s era uniform.
The Eagles in M/W/W/M is a splendid suggestion! A minor nit: you could have color-adjust the Buddy Ball throwback helmet to its true/slightly darker hue.
I really hope the Commies go for a full rebrand/revert… but if t they take note of your concept and stay that way, I’m ok – except for the red pants. Woof!
I love the non-blue Giants away set, so the gray pants aren’t an element I favor for revival.
Nice work!
Interestingly, I think the burgundy pants is their most iconic look, certainly the one I associate most with the Joe Gibbs era:
Unfortunately, the Commanders current set feels like they couldn’t make up their minds: stick with a classic look and a decent burgundy and yellow jersey, or go in a different direction, in which case you get the mess that is their white jerseys, with NO yellow and black trim. Instead of picking one, they said “yes” to both.
I did do a set of classic Washington threads with the current W logo, I might drop those at some point in the future.
Would love to see the Eagles add silver pants to the modern midnight green unis. They still use silver as an accent, and it would visually tie to the Jaworski-Cunnigham eras
Philadelphia uses an anthracite grey (instead of silver) that has the same value as their Midnight Green, and the grey stripe is *very* hard to see on the britches. Yes, it would be better if they used a lighter, shinier silver.
Washington needs to bring back the Redskins name and logo. Absolutely nothing wrong with either of them, and together they formed a distinct look and brand. Given the prevailing sentiment, maybe the circle with the R in it would work for the helmet, but the profile would be the move to make.
You’re fixes, in every conference, are just what the teams need to create a better looking NFL. I wish a position with the NFL could be created for you to implement these excellent changes you’ve proposed. Great work and thanks for sharing!
No real issues from me, and this is my division.
DAL – I agree, the inconsistency is a feature, not a bug… but Nike needs to make real metallic pants, both the pure silver and the silvery/blue-green. What they’re wearing now is closer to Carolina blue.
NYG – it doesn’t solve my main issue with their set, which is a conspicuous lack of blue on the road set.
PHI – Thank you for killing the majority of the BFBS in the set; I would finish the job and get rid of the black socks. I am kelly > midnight and I don’t like that midnight green has gone to teal any more. I think the number font on the current set is too refined and cute for the Eagles but hey, when it’s what was worn during a Super Bowl win, so what can I say?
WSH – everything I said about the BFBS for the Eagles applies here. I like the W monogram. I would go yellow cages and flank the single yellow helmet stripe with white stripes, like the old days. I would make yellow and burgundy the only pants options.
Commanders’ gradient numbers and stripes on white jersey is a must. As is getting the gold stripes onto the white jersey. Well done.
I love the effort, but I’m not a fan of having multiple sock options. Washington would be fine with 5 uniforms:
Absolutely lose the BFBS. Lose the mono burgundy and mono white. Yes to stripes on the pants. Absolutely no to gradient numbers.
If I was going to make. “radical” change, I’d change their current helmets, which I think are pretty boring, to a variation of the 1970-71 Vince Lombardi helmets. Gold with either a W or a C in a circle, minus the feathers.
the commanders definitely need to get rid of the gradient. it shouldnt be an element on the jerseys of any team. glad you did the same for the rams
I feel like the Cowboys CR helemt needs to add in the silver to the middle stripe to match the current pants.
**In Homer Simpson voice**
“We’re not reviving the old logo/name….so far!”