Unveiled on Thursday night ahead of Cubs Convention, the Chicago Cubs have introduced their new City Connect uniform, which will debut in 2025.
Let’s start with the video:
Chicago born.
Cubs worn.⁰⁰The new Blues Alternate debuts this season. pic.twitter.com/SZ8OAqLA9O— Chicago Cubs (@Cubs) January 17, 2025
As you can see, the jersey is powder blue (aka “light” or “baby” blue), and will be the first powder blue jersey for the Cubs since 1981 (although the Cubs did break out powder blue as a throwback during their epic 2014 yearlong celebration). And powder blue actually has a deep history with the Cubs: the first team to wear powder blue was the 1941 Cubs, who debuted a blue road vest that year. The design lasted only two seasons before the Cubbies reverted back to road grays. Powder blue returned periodically for the Cubs in the 1970s and 1980s, so there is ample precedent for the look on the North Side.
Dubbed the “Blues Alternate,” the new CC pays tribute to the team’s history and honors Chicago’s contribution to the electric blues music movement with multiple nods to the era. Yes, there is a lot of storytelling going on — this is a CC after all — but first the details.

Unfortunately, the Cubs didn’t release any still photos, nor were there any shots of the back of the jersey. The video briefly showed a look at the pants, which appear to be white.

The cap is two-tone — a royal blue brim and cap, with a white front panel. It features a modified wishbone “C” in red, with a six point star (from the flag of Chicago) inside the C, outlined in white and royal. “ubs” is contained inside the “C” (spelling out Cubs), in royal lowercase letters. That same logo will also appear on the jersey front.

The jersey is powder blue, with the new logo located on the left side of the chest. Player number is located on the opposite side of the placket from the logo, in red outlined in white.

On the left sleeve is a new patch, in the shape of a guitar pick, spelling out Chicago.

Here are some good closeups of the cap and sleeve patch.

I noted we didn’t see any views of the back of the jersey — however, based on this graphic, we can see NOB will be navy blue, outlined in white, in a radial arch. There’s also a “Sweet Home Chicago” slogan on what appears to be one of the socks to be worn with the CC, which themselves are powder blue to match the jersey. The socks have six vertical stripes at the top.
As mentioned above, because this is a City Connect uniform, there is storytelling involved. Here’s how the Cubs describe the features of the new uniform:

And here is how MLB describes the uniform:
The Cubs’ logo on the left chest of the jersey and hat — a red “C” with a star at its midpoint, plus blue lettering to complete the team name — is a nod to the franchise’s logos in the early-to-mid 1900s. The designers also took inspiration from brands that made electric guitars, amplifiers and microphones in the same era.
The Cubs wanted to pay tribute not only to the club’s history, but to the Chicago blues movement of the early 20th century. The sleeve patch on the jersey features the city’s name within the shape of a guitar pick, complete with an electric bolt to represent the electrification of the blues.
The designers also sought design input from players on the uniform, which will include on-field socks that have “Sweet Home Chicago” along with a six-string guitar stripe. The hat has a blue brim and back, but a white front and red button on the top. The players’ names and numbers feature a blues-era typography that serves as a nod to the music and baseball scene of yesteryear.
The new uniform will debut on April 5 against the Padres in the second home game of the season. After that, it will become a Friday day game feature “during the summer months.” Unlike the Red Sox, who are also getting a new CC for 2025, and keeping their 2021 “Boston Marathon” CCs and moving them to the “Core 4,” the Cubs will be replacing their old “Wrigleyville” CC with this new one.
I can live with the “theme” and storytelling since this is a CC, but I’m still deciding if I love or hate the guitar pick logo. Most major cities can claim a connection to a musical history, so I expected the guitar pick to show up on Cleveland’s CC (as they are home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame). Fortunately, Cleveland eschewed playing to their RRHOF status when they introduced their CC last season, leaving that angle for another team. The Cubs have now seized upon that schtick. But since this is (apparently) the only direct musical reference on the jersey, I can probably live with the guitar pick patch just fine.
I absolutely love the new cap. The team has knocked it out of the park with those!
The Cubs will officially unveil the full uniform later this weekend at Cubs Fest, where hopefully we’ll see full views of the uniform. I’m not sure if new Weekend Editor Anthony Emerson (who officially takes over that position beginning with his first article tomorrow) will cover the full uniforms as he gets his feet wet, but if not, I’ll have more on them next week.
So far, I like what I see. What do you think?
The number font on powder blue is giving me an Expos vibe. Not really digging this so far.
I had visions of Tim Raines in that #30 jersey.
Completely agree
I did too but it is slightly different up close. Definitely an Expos vibe for me too.
Exactly right. I was seeing Woody Fryman!
It isn’t a CC uni. It’s just their new alternate uniform. They still have the Wrigleyville CCs.
At least, that what Creamer reported last night.
No… Heard this morning that old CC’s are gone
Yeah, I heard these are their new CC’s and the old ones were retired.
The Chicago Sun Times reports that this uniform is to replace the wrigleyville CC uniform. They stop short of calling this a CC in its own right but multiple sources including the CST are reporting that this is replacing the wrigleyville uni. Maybe this isn’t a CC after all, but it’s replacing the CC. I’m thinking there may be a subtle move away from the city connect moniker as it is very limiting and the gimmick wears thin quickly as seen in the NBA, while any sort of alt can be whatever the team and designers want it to be.
That would make a lot of sense
With the number font they used, the front of the jersey looks very Expos-like.
The Expos want their jerseys back.
The Expos want their whole team back
Pretty please!!!!
That ship has sailed.
My first thought also. Maybe Coco Laboy can throw out the first pitch when these debut.
Cubs beat reporters have repeatedly said that this is not a CC. However the Wrigleyville CC is being retired.
Heard that as well, but they are wearing it as per the exact same schedule that they wore the CC’s on last year – Friday-Day-Home Games.
perfect – other than not having powder blue pants, and not a fan of the socks. I did see some pics of the back of the jersey…. Red numbers on the back, in the same font as front numbers, and last name lettering. It’s also nice to see the name lettering on the back to be back to normal size.
The Expos influence is heavy, but that’s a good thing. Take my money now!!!
Jersey looks great, but I’m not sure about the rest.
These are not CCs. CCs are usually unveiled during the season.
I heard these are their CCs and they’re replacing the Northside ones, they usually wore those on Friday home games. The Northside CCs have been retired and replaced by these.
Yeah I get the Expos influence, but this all makes sense and looks great. Nike did really well on this one. Looks almost like a Faux back save for the number.
I disagree with the number placement on the front. I think the numbers being that high make the uniform look top heavy, especially now that the Nike logo is there. I prefer lower numbers, if numbers are used. I really prefer no numbers on the front. I am happy they are using a lighter shade of blue, but I would prefer if the color matched the Chicago flag, instead of being this powder blue. Just my 2¢.
Interesting! I have the opposite thought – I like seeing the number even with the chest logo. It always seems disjointed to me to see the number lower than the logo
Multiple outlets (including SportsLogos.net) are reporting these are *not* in fact the team’s new City Connects, even though all of the elements of this design would understandably lead people to assume that. But we also know the Wrigleyville unis have been retired as of this season, so does that mean in addition to this alternate, the Cubs will also be getting a new City Connect set this season?
Gotta wait for the official word from the team. dont believe ‘outlets’.
Many others already beat me to it, but this is a uniform for the Chicago Expos. Do away with the City Connect already.
Yeah, the only Cub who should be wearing this is Andre Dawson.
These are solid, a fauxback of sort. At this point I am over alternates as a whole and would love to go back to just home, away, and occasional throwback to celebrate anniversaries, that being said, this is a good looking design.
Though it really bothers me that on the guitar pick logo the second C isn’t connected at the bottom, it doesn’t really look like a C to me.
Going to echo others on here wondering if this is actually a CC or just a new alternate. Or is the CC concept just being phased out because it is dumb and teams will just release new alts from time to time?
Seeing all the “expos” grumbling reminds me that UW should cover these with a pro/con or for/against format. I honestly can’t believe that people are seeing these and hating on them, but that’s just me. They may not be perfect or whatever people think perfect is, but I think they are stellar unis.
Personally, I like it *because* it looks like the Expos’ original road uniform, and not in spite of it.
Pairing the hat makes the association with Montreal’s old uniform even stronger.
This is where I am too. It’s not a bad thing.
I agree with the others regarding the Expos similarity.
It would have been nice if they had come up with a number font that was not so close the Expos.
Aside from that, I like it. It is a really good looking jersey and now my 2nd favorite city connect to Miami, which I continue to maintain is by far the best.
Love the jersey (sans the sleeve patches), love the cap, but I don’t like them paired together. I prefer it when left chest logo and cap logo are not the same. Would have preferred a more throwback cap or just the stylized C.
Missed opportunity for powder blue pants.
Regrets to Expos fans.
Nationals ownership should consider sending a cease and desist letter to the Cubs…but these do look fantastic!
I’m sorry, to me this uniform reminds me of the Montreal Expos. I agree with the previous posters. Nothing about this jersey says “Chicago Cubs” or even “The City of Chicago” to me. Just as bad as the “Wrigleyville” uniforms IMO. Sorry.
I love these, they absolutely nailed the concept of the city connect, and yet they aren’t calling them a CC at all. Could be an interesting signifier of the direction Nike wants to take with the CC program, or it could be a Cubs-specific wrinkle since they had an open jersey spot. Side note: Since the Red Sox changed their CC to an alternate in order to get a new one, that makes two CCs that have been designated as core uniforms. What other teams should do this? My vote would be for the White Sox and Angels.
White Sox CC looks like a fashion version of their excellent regular set, but doesn’t improve on it, not a fan. Angels script is really cool, but the uni is doing to much with the asymmetrical football sleeve stripe and the numbers in the diamond. What’s the other team that is keeping their CC? Hopefully the Padres, it’s the best of the bunch.
I like this new Cubs set, but I like it more if it has a shelf life (CC or not). Otherwise too much unnecessary contrived old timeyness (that’s mostly from the NOB font not being block letters). The derivative stuff in these unis is starting to wear thin.
Woof! What an unholy mess. None of the elements are awful in their own right — well, except the “Cubs” patch, which is pretty awful — but they don’t cohere at all.
I like these more than the previous CC, I honestly kinda hated the Cubs CC uniforms. They were kinda boring and being all navy was another strike against them. Navy is as almost overdone as black.
Attractive uniform, but doesn’t scream Cubs. Feels like a mix between the Expos and the Cuban national team.
Objectively, these look great.
I’m a Cubs fan and don’t think these look good at all. This is something a high school team would wear. I dislike the number placement on the front and agree with a previous comment that it looks to heavy up front. I don’t really care for the cap and front logo either. The only positive comment I can give is it is better than their last cc jersey. Pictures of the back of the jersey can be found on Instagram.
Hate the trucker cap. Looks cheap. Why couldn’t those accursed things stay in the 70s where they belonged? There’s a reason everyone moved on from them as soon as they could in the 80s.
Baseball largely moved on from the style but the population in general never has. The style had a huge comeback in the late 90s early oughts, and again when stranger things popularized the look with the Dustin character. Aside from that there has always been a market that appreciates this look. Not just actual trucker hats but pro-fits as well.
Don’t want to get my hopes up, but it looks like the elasta-band type sleeve cap may be gone?
This is really nice looking. Evokes a classic look for them but puts a new spin on it. I really wish more teams would invest in their own legacies and colors without needing to reinvent the entire wheel every time they come out with a new alt or CC (whatever they’re going to call this — my personal feeling is that the CC program might be “quiet quitting” and we can expect to see more teams just announce alts from now on).
I’m a big fan of these. I’d also prefer powder blue pants, but this is a massive upgrade over the Wrigleyville CCs, which I always thought were firmly middle-of-the-road—not the worst, but not one of the best. Meanwhile these new ones are an instant top 10 if not top 5.
1970’s Braves Expos mashup. I dread what is coming for the Nats.
It looks lime they will have a Motorola advertisement patch on the opposite sleeve, like the Padres. Has that been confirmed?
They had this on all of their jerseys last year
I went on a journey watching that video. At first I was like, “Oh, those are cool. Yes, please!” Then I saw some of the images of the Cubs in powder blue from neck to calves and I was like, “Oh no, please, no mono-powder.” And then, right at the end, the (player? model? AI construct?) had white trousers on and I said, “Yep, make it a permanent alternate.”
Now, could someone please forward this to the Sacramento Kings and remind them that they, too, rocked this color combination?
Tim Raines!
So, what color are the pants? I’m assuming solid white. But, from they pictures they look gray. Which, I’m sure, MLB would not let them do at home.
Let’s go C*ubs. Or is it Union Bank of Switzerland?
Guitar pick logo is nice, tho
If they have powder blue pants, these are the best CCs in the league. If they’re white, they’re still top tier.
White with a blue strip down the side
As a Cubs fan, I really like them and can’t wait to see them on the field. Wonder if they will have matching batting helmets? I hated the Wrigleyville CC’s. Glad they are retired.
They do have matching batting helmets!!! There were pics on the Instagram page. They actually look better than the hats!
Fantastic! These go into my top 5 CC (or “alternate”) jerseys from the Nike era. In no particular order:
-This Cubs iteration
-Colorado (the mountains are perfect)
-Arizona (looove the Serpientes)
-LA Angels
-Chicago White Sox
Despite some salty comments here, I’m really encouraged by this design. It’s visually interesting without being far afield from their visual identity. Different enough that fans can get excited about it, without it being so unusual that casual viewers won’t be able to recognize who’s playing. Hoping the other 2025 CC’s strike a similar chord.
These uniforms are on a mission from God.
Penguin approved!!!! LOL
These are a lot of fun but I don’t understand teams’ reluctance to go with the powder blue pants when they choose to flirt with a powder blue top. I think the full powder blue uniform is far superior to blue top/white pants combo. This Cubs version is nice but ultimately disappointing.
Too bad Belushi isn’t still alive. I could see he and Aykroyd performing “Sweet Home Chicago” before a big game.
I like it, except the front number placement. It should be in the lower right, not the upper right on the front. It’s way to busy now and would look more balanced if it was lower, near the rib cage. Also, and forever more. The Nike logo needs to go, the manufacturing mark should never be on the front of the uniform unless it’s on a label that is being tucked into uniform pants or over on the shoulder sleeve. I’m not rooting for Nike, get your logo off my uniform.
THEY ARE NOT RIPPING OFF THE EXPOS!!! The Cubs were the first team to wear powder blue uniforms. They started in 1941 and the Expos didn’t come into existence until 1969.
No one is accusing them of ripping off the Expos, only that the design is so close to the 78-79 Montreal away shirt.
-Both baby blue base
-Both with red number on player’s right chest, logo on the left
-Both with (apparently) darker blue NOB
-Both with white front panel cap
I have to give the Story Telling graphic its props, I wouldn’t have noticed that the ‘ubs’ on the logo is a non-italicized adaptation of the Gibson Guitars logo.
just bringing back the baby blues with white pinstripes to replace the boring road unis would have been welcome. just make it button down (instead of v-neck).
Now these are CC’s! Love them!
They lost me with the cap. I like the jersey. I think they should have gone with just the horseshoe C on the cap and not use the same logo spelling out Cubs as on the jersey.
Is that guitar pick patch embroidered? Is MLB going back to embroidered patches from the printed ones they used last season?
These are NOT City Connect uniforms. These were designed in-house by the Cubs.
The Cubs will not be wearing City Connect uniforms, at least not for the next couple years
I like the overall look. Unfortunately, the more I look at the “Cubs” logo, the more I only see “ubs” given that huge C in a different color. My mind playing tricks. Also, that guitar pick sleeve patch with “Chicago” in it looks cool, but from a distance will be unreadable. A bunch of squiggles.
That cap looks like something a little league team would wear.
I imagine it’d look better with “ubs” in red so it actually reads as Cubs + no “ubs” on the cap at all, just the new C.
That lightning bt going down the middle of the C in the guitar pick emblem is driving me insane.
Very sharp, would’ve preferred blue pants but I think this is the best Nike MLB design we’ve seen in a while
Not bad.
Where does it say it’s a CC uniform?
fuck motorolla
The guitar pick patch looks cool, but the Nashville Sounds have an alternate logo which looks pretty similar.
As a lifelong Cubs fan, I love these. The only upgrade would be blue pants, but I still like the white pants. I love the new logo as it references old logos but also does it’s own thing. This is way better than the Wrigleyvilles, which most people hated, but I didn’t think were that bad. They weren’t really good though. Overall a nice change of pace for the Cubs. Definitely the best city connect in the NL central, Definitely better than any AL city connects. Probably number 2 city connect in all of baseball behind the Marlins.
Not bad for a CC. Like you, I would prefer powder blue pants but at least they’re not black or navy like most CCs in previous years. To me, maybe a top five CC. Of course saying more than five is good would be a stretch for me.
I think these are great to be honest.
First powder blue uniforms? Show me 1887 St. Louis Browns World Series kits link
Didn’t think I would see anything worse than the Seattle Mariners batting practice jerseys currently being called “Wrigleyville” but they managed to do so.
When I think of the blues, I think of the South Side, where I was born and grew up. This is. . .not it.
Love it, home run. And if it does look a little bit like the Expos, who cares the Expos don’t exist anymore.
Would’ve liked them to be able to somehow incorporate Chess records logo or something into it. That’s the record label that started all and lead to rock ‘n’ roll. But I guess the guitar pic and cheesy lyric will have to do. Just wish they couldve somehow fit a tribute to muddy waters, Willie Dixon or Howlin Wolf directly in there. Then it would be really cool. Maybe Little Walter’s harp?
I love these already and these are a huge upgrade over the Northside CCs that they replaced. If you think these aren’t upgrade then you need your eyes checked. This looks like an actual baseball jersey. The Expos influence is a good thing, so not even sure why some people are even mentioning that in a negative light. Expos uniforms were flawless, so if somebody takes that template then it’s warranted, honestly. I disagree with people saying there’s nothing Chicago about these. These have Chicago flag colors on them and people don’t seem to even know what the Chicago flag looks like with those comments. Chicago flag has light blue stripes and red stars.
It sounds like there’s no matching baby blue pants, so that’s a plus. I’d prefer seeing them with white pants which will bring out the jersey better. Similar to the 80s Cubs road uniforms with the blue tops and white pants.
These are a top 5 CC uniform already in my opinion, pending the pants, they could top the Southside uniforms for me.
As a huge fan of the all-navy-blue road uniforms of the 1900s and 1910s, I preferred the old Wrigleyville CC uniforms to these, which look way too Montreal-like for my Cub fan taste.
I like the number font more than that weird one they had been using on the Wrigleyville CCs, but really their timeless standard font would have been just as good. Also I would have liked NNOB as the team had been for so many decades. At least they’re sticking with historical team colors again; just to a different era (and more familiar one, to living fans) this time.
The jersey reminds me that one day I really would like to see a club called the USBs because their logo could be a dongle.
There is a photo of a mannequin with the Motorola ad, cap, and white pants here.
Looks like the Expos of ’69
Cubs uniforms for 2025: 1. .Home white 2..Road gray 3..Blue jersey alternate 4..This new powder blue 5..Whatever CC they use- Wrigleyville or new 2025 version. . 4+1 Nike is happy
Anyone know if these are the Nike template introduced last year? I know there was some talk about ditching that template and going back to the previous one because the players liked it better.