[Editor’s Note: This morning our own Anthony Emerson is debuting a new year-end feature which I think you guys will enjoy! Please give it a full read through and then please let us have your nominations — you’ll see what I mean in a second. Let me turn it over to Anthony now, then keep scrolling for the Guess the Games and more. — PH]
by Anthony M. Emerson
2024 was a big year for Uni Watch. Our esteemed founder and editor-in-chief emeritus Paul Lukas passed the baton (literally!) to longtime deputy Phil Hecken, we shook up the Ticker by reducing it to three times a week, and now we’re introducing something new.
Today, I’m pleased to announce that Uni Watch is introducing an end-of-year award for the best (and worst) new unis introduced in the past 12 months — and you, dear reader, will help us.
We’re asking for readers to nominate their favorite (or least favorite), and then vote to decide who wins “The Uni”.
How will this work?
You can either email us, tag us on social media, or leave a comment below with your nomination for each of the categories (more info on that below). Submissions are open immediately, and will remain open until Christmas Day. On December 26th, we’ll publish our first list of nominees. Voting will open on that category immediately, and will close after 48 hours. Our next nominee list will be published on December 27th, and so on. On December 31st, we’ll reveal the winners!
So what are the categories?
I’m glad you asked!
- Best and worst new primary uniform. Think of this as a team either completely rebranding (new logo, unis, and name), a complete logo-and-uni update (think the LA Clippers this year), or the inaugural identity of an expansion team.
- Best and worst new alternate, throwback, or one-off uniform. Exactly what it sounds like — an alternate or throwback introduced in 2024.
- Best and worst new logo. Keep the uni out of this one — we’re just discussing the logos here.
Wait, just three categories?
To start with, yes. To be perfectly honest, we’re not sure how this is going to go — obviously, we don’t want to spread ourselves too thin with too many categories. If there’s sufficient interest, we can expand the number of categories in 2025.
Furthermore, all sports at all professional and collegiate levels are eligible for each category. So, for example, we could see a Premier League soccer team going up against a National Lacrosse League team going up against a Single-A baseball team. Again, if there’s sufficient interest, we might start separate categories for separate sports in 2025.
So I’m assuming there are rules?
Of course there are.
To be considered for the uniform categories, the uniform must have been worn for at least one game in the 2024 calendar year. So, for example, the Guardians recently-introduced new unis wouldn’t count.
For the logo category, if the logo has been formally introduced in the calendar year, then it will be considered.
Readers are free to nominate as many uniforms and logos for as many categories as they wish, although we do ask you to limit the number of times you contact us so we’re not inundated with dozens of emails from one person.
Anything else?
To be honest, we have no idea how this will go. We certainly hope we get lots of nominations for each category, and we hope there’s enough interest that we can add categories in 2025, or divide the categories by sport. Think of this as a trial balloon for a bigger and better Unis in 2025.
This is great! One of those ideas so simple, so obvious, and so good that I’m shocked it wasn’t already happening. I love it.
It will require diligent research, of course, but off the top of my head, the Maine hearts of pine get my vote for best new primary. And I would only know about them because of uni-watch.
I’ll only vote once, but that was my new logo nomination :D
Agree. This is a terrific idea. I’ll get right on it.
Dave Jennings pic is 12/19/81. Giants beat the Cowboys in OT 13-10 to make the playoff.
Real sleeves, striped socks and no biking shorts. Sigh.
No, that’s actually from Nov. 9, 1980, when the Giants upset the Cowboys, 38-35. That was the last season of the Dallas royal blue and white jerseys. They switched to the navy jerseys with silver numbers in ’81.
Yes, good call! Great game!!!!
GTGFTS: November 9, 1980. The Giants beat the Cowboys 38-35.
I think you meant GTGFTU for this one.
My brain is already on Christmas leave…thank you!
Well, obviously, let’s start with:
Best new primary: Jets (green over white).
Best new alternate: Jets “Classic”.
Worst new alternate: Jets BFBS.
I agree re the first two. Worst new alt? Houston H Town mono blues.
GTGFTS: December 22, 1985 at Candlestick Park. The 49ers would add two more TDs to beat the Cowboys 31-16.
My least favorite alternate is the Lions black unis. Local team, recent loss, very biased.
When you cosplay as the Panthers, you gotta lose. I appreciate Detroit’s commitment to the bit.
I just wish they’d wear them with the blue pants. It would elevate a bad alternate to a passable, but fun alternate, much like the Seahawks Action Greens
Oh I’m going to enjoy thinking up some nominations for this year!
Thank goodness we have until Christmas! No way I could nominate properly just off the top of my head.
Fun! And I really like the idea of a few, broadly open categories rather than sports/league specificity. Suggestion: The “worst” awards should have a different name. Like maybe the Uni Award for best, and the Inu Award or Ugli Award for worst. That sort of thing. Like how the joking awards for bad filmmaking are the Razzies for Raspberry, or the joking awards for bad science are the Ig-Nobel awards. One other suggestion: When narrowing a list, adjust for league level. Like, if there’s a worst nominee from the NBA and another from a summer wood-bat amateur baseball team, keep the NBA team in the list. And the reverse for Best.
good idea . U-gli Watch!
Ugli pronounced “you-glee” of course.
Ooh, that’s a good idea.
I love this! Too many new unis to get my head around, but I’ll do some searching in the uni-watch archives.
Don’t forget the summer olympics from this year. Lots of great – and not so great – uniforms.
Will there be voting of any kind?
To be honest, when I saw the headline, I thought the awards were going to be focused on the Uni Watch community. “Best Guest Article”, “Best Uniform Concept”, “Most Annoying Commenter” (me). Now that would be cool.
Maybe in 2025!
Ignore my question. I was so excited by the idea that I missed the explanation!
Just showing off readership statistics about most viewed guest article would be fun. Heck, this is so unofficial you could change the stakes – nay, move the goalposts – every year. Give us some interesting highlighs and we’ll eat it up!
The Detroit Lions would be the best if they actually wore silver pants
The Nats new roadies are the worst. Miss you script Washington
Sunday, November 9, 1980 – 1:00PM
(7-3) Dallas Cowboys 35 VS (2-8) New York Giants 38
at Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
CBS – Frank Glieber, Roger Staubach
NFL newcomer of the year uniform element: Cincy Bengals orange pants
Blacklist, worst new NFL BFBS uniforms: NY Jets
Worst (hopefully fad) trend of 2024: whiteout uniforms especially white alt helmets or plain stripe less white pants
Best NFL uni rebrand: Denver Broncos (Jets is great, but consider it a throwback. Lions could win but ruined by choosing worst combos weekly)
NFL team most in need of new uniforms/rebrand: Tennessee Titans
Biggest discrepancy in uniforms – NFL team who currently wears an alternative throwback uniform occasionally that is laughingly superior to their regular uniforms: Jacksonville Jaguars
Glad it was a one and done NFL uniform of year: Week 1 NY football Giants
I think the Titans uniforms aren’t bad if you don’t look too closely (i.e. seen from afar). The white jersey looks good in any combo, as do the white pants*. The light blue pants look good with the navy and white jerseys. The details are terrible, but the colors are nice.
*with contrasting socks, of course.
My Nominations:
Best New Primary Uniform: Denver Broncos
Worst New Primary Uniform: Houston Texans
Best one off/alternate uniform: NY Giants 100th Anniversary (I know I am in the minority here) and Denver Broncos Throwback
Worst one off uniform: Green Bay PackersPackers icy whites
Best New Logo: Raiders 65th Anniversary Logo
Worst New Logo: Utah HC
I would nominate Utah HC for both Best Regular Unis and Best Logo. I’d love to see something, especially a logo, place on both the Best and Worst charts.
I do like Utah’s uniforms, but the HC shield logo is uninspired. Now, their alternate logo in the outline of the state of Utah, that one is on point!
Great call on the Raiders logo.
Best new uni: Broncos blue helmet, white jersey, orange pants.
Best new alternate: Oregon football’s yellow helmet, green jersey, yellow pants (not sure if this is considered a new primary or alternate?)
Best new logo: Arizona football throwback cactus on white helmet
Worst new uni: UAB football — any of them. Let’s say the new mono green
Worst new alternate/throwback: Texans mono red
Worst new logo: Texans horns on helmet or jersey
I’ll talk it over with the others, but I think Oregon’s going to have to go into the alternate section, no?
That’s what I would assume. I’m not even sure you can designate an Oregon “primary”
Nominee for Best New Alternate: Milwaukee Admirals fauxback red alt. Finally got a chance to see them wear these unis this last week, and wow does it pop on the ice.
Best new primary uni: Salt Lake Bees
Worst new primary uni: Ottawa Charge
Best new alt: Guardians City Connect
Worst new alt: Nuggets City Edition (lots of competition for this one)
Best new logo: Golden State Valkyries
Worst new logo: BOS Nation
I love the Bees’ new look, but we can’t include that because they weren’t worn in a game.
I think the Bos Nation logo is temporary, though perhaps they deserve a nomination just for the name alone…
Nike/MLB for worst new uniforms, and it’s not even close. I don’t want to hear any nonsense about that’s not the spirit of the contest. That was the worst uniform debacle in history, and if it doesn’t win it invalidates the whole thing.
Wholeheartedly agree. The fact that most of Nike’s “improvements” are being reversed the following year sets a bar for WORST that hopefully will never be surpassed!
Best New Primary Uni: Denver Broncos Home Uniform (Preferably Navy-Orange-White-Orange)
Worst New Primary Uni:
Best New Alt: Iowa Wild “Iowa Grown” Uniforms (Very Heavy Bias, but I love the front crest)
Worst New Alt: Houston Texas “H-Town” Alternate Uniforms (Red with a light blue outline just doesn’t work for me)
Best New Logo: Kenosha Kickers (Northwoods League team one-off logo based on the Home Alone band)
Worst New Logo: Utah Hockey Club Primary Logo
Worst new primary uni: ISU stormtrooper unis
Best alternate uniform: AC Milan 125th anniversary (jersey or full kit), worn December 15 vs Genoa
Throwback nomination: Mariners Turn Ahead the Clock Night Uniform
They didn’t wear that this season.
Worst uniform trend:
A company making every team in a league wear a uniform sometime during the season. I’m looking at the Malmo Oat Milkers jerseys in minor-league baseball.
Best new primary uniform: Oregon Ducks Generation O “Gang Green” – they nailed it on the retro look. Vibrant, classy, and unquestionably Oregon
*Honorable mention – Houston Texans away uniforms. I personally love the look of the horns. It gives the jerseys some flair that feels appropriate to their image
Worst new primary uniform: New York Jets 2024 set – This may be controversial but I don’t particularly enjoy the Jets new uniforms. Something looks off proportionally. The numbers and collar are too big. Anytime there is some “stretch” on the jersey it looks wonky. Maybe its Rodgers and G. Wilson’s enormous sleeves too. I was just hoping that they looked a little cleaner and less clunky.
Best alternate/throwback: Jacksonville Jaguars Prowler – overall just a clean and appealing look. Say it with me “make them permanent”
*honorable mention – Philadelphia Sixers City edition – I love the retro look of these. I would say hands down the best City edition that dropped this year.
Worst alternate: Houston Texans battle red – I had high hopes but they appeared flat and blurry on the field
*honorable mention – Philadelphia Phillies City Connect – Everything about these uniforms just feels wrong
Best new logo: Toronto Raptors VC Eastbay logo – I think most will agree that the logo itself is one of the coolest logos in a long time. It’s rare to see such an “animated” logo for a professional team. As for the City jersey depicting the logo… that would be a different category.
*honorable mention – Brooklyn Nets alternate logo. This one is a deep cut but I love the logo. Fits their brand very well and I think they would be a great starting point for a new uniform set.
Worst new logo: LA Clippers – At first look I liked the logo but it is just too busy. Anytime I see it in a graphic I’m not sure what I’m looking at. I’m hoping they implement a simpler design to take over as soon as they are allowed to change it.
Worst Uniform: Nike/Fanatics and the disaster of the 2024 MLB Uniforms. Microscopic names on the jerseys. See through Pants. Mismatched colors between jerseys and pants.
Best leather helmet of the year: Fighting Illini (vs. Michigan)
Worst new logo: The 2024 Uni Awards
This great idea deserves a much better logo. Kerning is brutal. Luckily, I’ll bet that the talented designers who frequent the site can generate something nice before you publish the nominees on 12/26.
Best new logo; SLC bees
Best new primary: Denver broncos
Best alternate: Illinois panted “leather” football uniform
Worst new primary and logo: Utah hockey club
Worst alternate: Houston Texans Red uniforms
Formal nominees:
Best New Primary: Utah HC
Best New Primary: Hershey Bears
Best New Primary: Rome Emperors
Best New Alt: Milwaukee Admirals red fauxback
Best New Alt: Nashville Sounds “Brewskies”
Best New Logo: Lakeshore Chinooks
Best New Logo: Columbus Clingstones
Worst New Primary: Washington Nationals home & road
Worst New Alt: 2024 MLB All-Star unis
Worst New Logo: Utah HC
Best new primary uniform: New York Yankees road unis
Worst new primary uniform: Washington Nationals road unis
Best new alternate: Tampa Bay Buccaneers creamsicles
Worst new alternate: Houston Texans’ H-Town blues
Best new logo: LA Clippers
Worst new logo: Utah Hockey Club
Best new special uni: Illini Red Grange throwbacks
Second best special uni: FIU Miami Vice
Worst new alternate: Notre Dame Shamrock series