For the first time ever, the Buffalo Bills will be wearing their red (Color Rush) jerseys with their regular white pants, when they take on the New England Patriots this Sunday 4:25 pm (ET). While the Bills have worn their all red CR uniforms multiple times since they were the first team to wear a CR uniform when the program began almost a decade ago, this will be the first time they have ever mix-and-matched their CR uniform with their regular uni.
The Bills unveiled their combo earlier this morning.

For years, I’ve been calling for the Bills to wear this combination. More recently, I explored the possibility of teams doing mixing and matching, and the Bills were at the top of my list for teams who could probably successfully mix-and-match.
Buffalo will wear their regular (and only, so far) white helmets, red jersey and white pants, and finish off the combo with red socks.

I’m obviously thrilled with this development. Of all the Bills possible mix-and-match combinations using parts of their CR uniform, this is the one that makes the most sense. I’d also love to see them try the red jersey with blue pants, the blue jersey with red pants, and the white jersey with red pants. I think all of those would be excellent choices, but for now, I’m very pleased with the red over white.
What do you think of this combo? Are their other combos for the Bills you’d like to see?
Wearing it against the Pats certainly is a choice
I really like this combination, it will look great! Wish more teams mixed and matched CR jerseys ans pants with regular jerseys and pants. Football uniforms are the canvas for contrasts in team sports.
And yes, the other Bills combos mentioned will look very good as well. As long as there is enough contrast it will work for any team.
Buffalo Patriots? It is a nice look, but this definitely doesn’t look like the Buffalo Bills.
Mixing and matching the red jersey with blue pants or blue pants with red jersey? Please no. Especially since they have a white helmet, either combo would be a mismatched mess.
Way to copy the Patriots’ throwback style. But it’s a very good, clean look.
I want to see all possible iterations of Bills jerseys, as you demonstrated in the 2+3+2(+3) project.
I love the look but looks way to much like Pat Patriot throwbacks
Exactly what I was thinking…
Best news of the week. Just going to have to disregard the Pat Patriot similarities.
Hell yes.
I love this, with the bills having these options I always wish they would somewhat coordinate their options with the other team. This will be great because the patriots probably wear their navy pants so you get red vs blue. Even the last few weeks red socks or pants would have been awesome against the lions or rams.
I’ve been waiting on this combo for a long time. I think it will look good on the field. But, while I love the Pats gray/silver pants, I hope they wear their navy pants this week.
Best news in a long time. These are going to look great!
If the Pats go with the blue pants then we’ll be treated to the Buffalo Bills dressed as the New England Patriots playing against the New England Patriots dressed as the Buffalo Bills. What a country!
Great new combo, just fits.
It’s…. beautiful…
Yes! More mixing and matching from teams, please. NFL remove all the dumb uniform rules. Let’s see pro leagues here do like soccer does overseas. Try to make it so all the parts of each teams uniforms contact in color.
Cha Ching. Gotta keep those cash registers moving at Nike….
I’m curious what this comment means. The red jerseys have existed for almost 10 years. How is this a cash grab by Nike?
It means Nike wants to sell more uncommon red jerseys. They’ve worn it one time each year for the past 10 years. And they thumb their nose to New England by wearing a look that basically looks like the old Patriots uniforms. Which will help sell more Red.
Oh, and I never liked the red helmets on the bills.
What do you mean by that? Wearing red jersey with white pants is a cash grab? Can’t be. Nike does not sell pants. And the red jerseys have been a thing for some time now.
Do we really think they are going to wear the red socks? White/red/white/white is on its way.
Clearly the picture the Bills posted have red socks, so why would you not think they are going red socks?
Very nice looking with the white pants, especially with red socks. I think the key is that there is enough red on the helmet to make it appealing Respectfully disagree with white/red/blue or white/blue/red assessment, as I think those would look like crap. White/white/blue and white/white/red are tolerable.
Wow 10 years later. Better late than never
This kit with the red helmet would go a long way in avoiding the Pat Patriot look. That being said, it is most pleasing.
I never liked the red helmet in the old days, but I agree, with the red jersey and white pants (or with the white jersey and say, red pants) it would look nice.
Dramatically better than full blood-clot…but I agree with others, it is a bit Pat-The-Patriot-esque.
Generally not a fan of the red unis but I’ll take the candy cane treatment for my beloved Bills!
I’ve been wanting to see this combo for a while too, but I was somehow under the impression that there were rules forbidding the mixing of color rush elements with base uniform elements, and thus it wasn’t able to happen. Is this just something I made up in my head? Or did the Bills do something like scrap the red pants so that the red jersey is just an alternate jersey, and not part of a larger alternate uniform?
I’m not aware of any rules around that, but since the Color Rush program is officially over, they could designate the whole thing as an alternate.
I wish buffalo would reintroduce their red helmet. I’m sure there’s a bit of “bad juju” associated with them, but that’s all in the head.
With the rules for an optional helmet, I would love to see some Jim Kelly throwbacks. But, losing 4 straight Super Bowls, they may be reluctant to do that LOL
Since I am from a Chiefs/Broncos region than the Bills/Patriots region, I needed to look up the Pat jersey’s stripes first to get a better assessment of the argument that the red Bills jersey is too much of a Pat copycat. For me, the different striping and especially their placements on the shoulders/sleeves make this look unique enough not to cry foul. I think the Bills will look great in the white/red/white/red set, and different enough from the Patriots’ classics.
Unis aside, wondering if the Bills will post another 40-spot — for their sake, only scoring 40+ and not allowing that much again.
Bring back the red helmet
Yep – like everyone in Kansas City knows.
So with a red helmet they would avoid the Pat Patriot comparisons and switch to Chiefs comparisons.
Stupid pop up ad bounced me to replying to the wrong post.
Hah! I agree, the Chiefs comparisons would soon come out.
All the best, John in KC. Say hello to Gruenauer, and Niecie‘s, and the Liberty Memorial, and Blind Box, and the Nelson Atkins! We miss them!
For people saying “too much like the old Patriots,” if the Pats want to keep this look they should use it more often.
They are wearing their old red jerseys twice a year a now. And they couldn’t wear them for a while because of the one-helmet rule.
I’d love to see the Bills wear a combo with red helmets, blue jerseys and red pants with white socks.
Yes, it will look like Pat The Patriot, but it will look nice and clean. As for red jersey and blue pants or blue jersey and red pants; please no, not ever!
I think this is going to look great on the field.
This combination is the best in the league!
Love this combination. Best in the league.
I don’t understand why people have to think they look the Patriots’ original uniforms. I don’t understand why they feel the need to bring it up. Don’t make a controversy out of nothing.