We’re not quite to the point where we can declare the Carolina Panthers the “Oregon of the NFL” because of all their possible uniform combinations, but it’s close. Over the past several seasons, the team has been breaking out never-before-worn outfits, and there are still several looks they still haven’t worn. If they really tried, they could go an entire 17-game season without once repeating a combo.
But how does the team go about selecting what it will wear on any given weekend? Turns out, it’s pretty much the same as every other NFL team, but it’s definitely not whimsical or haphazard. In fact, there is quite a bit of planning that goes into selecting what to wear and against whom. In some cases, specific future game outfits are planned out over a year in advance.
This weekend, Carolina Panthers Marketing Director Kalen Karahalios appeared in a very uni-centric video to explain how the Panthers go about it. Most of the information is probably well known to Uni Watch readers, but it’s still very interesting nonetheless. And it goes to show that teams have at least a few who Get It™ and are doing God’s work (c’mon, wouldn’t you LOVE to be on an NFL staff who gets to help decide the weekly uniforms???).
We’ll start with the video, and then a transcript of the uni-relevant parts, for your enjoyment.
Very cool!
Here are some of the key takeaways:
The Carolina Panthers went with an all-black look for this weekend’s game with the Chiefs. Coincidence? Not a chance!
“A few things went into it,” said Panthers Marketing Director Kalen Karahalios. “Huge opponent, right? (It’s a) very exciting game here. We wanted to show up in what makes the players feel the best.
Selecting the right look is a process, and in the NFL, it begins months before the start of the season. The front office and equipment manager are involved, too, and Karahalios is in the middle of all of it for the Panthers.
Interesting the team selected the mono-black uniform specifically for the Chiefs! And if you watched yesterday’s game, the team played very well in those unis — actually tying the game late in the fourth quarter, only to have more Mahomes magic result in a last minute victory for KC.
“It is pretty complicated,” she explained. “We have to stay within the league’s guidelines. They set some rules for us.”
The first one benefits the home team. They get to pick first. If say, the Panthers decide on a white jersey, their opponent must go with a color. From there, the teams then wait on league approval.
“I think the league wants to keep us all uniform,” Karahalios said. “(This way) to keep structure around it so that teams can’t go rogue and wear the same thing the whole season.”
That last line confused me. I’m thinking she means going an entire season in one specific uniform. (This would obviously require wearing the white jersey, along with the same helmet, pants and socks, home and road. Several teams have actually done this.)
It sounds simple but there are some additional limitations jersey planners have to work around. For example, each team is designated two main colors, Carolina’s are white and black. They can wear those jerseys anytime. However, it’s a different story when it comes to their alternate blues.
“We can wear it unlimited in the preseason, but in the season you can only wear it three times, so that makes things challenging for us when we are determining what we can wear and when we can wear it.”

After jerseys have been picked, the rest of the look is typically decided closer to the game. We’re talking about the color of the helmet, or pants, or socks. There are a lot of combinations, so many in fact the Panthers haven’t even hit them all in their 30 years of existence.
“White jersey, silver pants, (and) white accessories with the silver helmet, we have never worn,” Karahalios said. “It is shocking to me that we haven’t.”
We obviously know well the “alternate” rule (max three times per season). I love that she is well aware of all the possible combos, and even knows the ones the teams hasn’t (yet) worn!
But what isn’t shocking to Karahalios is the fans’ true passion for fashion. In fact over the years, it’s taken on a life of its own on social media.
“It shows how much people love this team and how much they want to see us and care about how we show up on Sunday”
This weekend the Panthers have the look. Now it’s just a matter of getting the win.
It may surprise you that there are many folks who eagerly await the TwitterX “uni reveal” for both college and pros — they’re Uni Watchers even if they don’t know it. Of course, I’m sure a number of you already do this.

Very interesting. Again, most of the information Karahalios doled out isn’t “news” to us here at UW. But I’m glad that she took the time to explain the process.
Now…who wants to see that silver/white/silver/white combo?
Looks like the only time they have ever worn silver/white/silver was in 1998. Although with blue socks.
Jerry Richardson would never allow this
If only they put as much time and attention to their actual, y’know, on the field PLAY…
Exactly! When you allow your team’s staff to make bizarre statements like, “We wanted to show up in what makes the players feel the best,” you’ve lost focus on winning games.
Maybe the NFL should return to two sets of uniforms- home and away and stop the useless distractions of these nonsense uniform combinations.
What is the “marketing director” supposed to do about that?
feelsj different to me than oregon because it all stays in the team’s color scheme whereas oregon seems to add colors that aren’t (neon, black etc). i like what they’re doing with the panthers more than oregon for sure
I agree with this, and I like Panthers for it. Whenever I turn on a game, regardless of the uniform combination, I can still tell it is Carolina.
As for the Ducks (and virtually everyone in the NBA)…that can be hit or miss.
Agree. You see that process blue/shoulder stripes and you automatically know it’s the panthers.
The marketing team for the Panthers entirely lost the plot a short while ago and while that’s enabled us to do some stunning combos it’s also absolutely destroyed several Sundays visually. It’s like they’re hitting random on Madden combos sometimes. The white pants and black jerseys with silver helmets was especially terrible. They also have this tendency to market with throwback logos and merch even going so far as to put them on the field but we don’t have a throwback uniform. It would be so easy to have one aswell? They wouldn’t even need an extra shell color and could switch decals like other teams do to take advantage. I’m not sure the people in charge even realize it’s something they can do. They don’t do promotions very well either and simply do not put on coordinated events for games very well. It’s insane to see the detail and care in Charlotte FC and see the severe lack of attention in the flagship franchise.
Уes! Finally someone writеs about balm.
What happened to the alternate helmet with alternate jersey rule?
Technically they’re abiding it.
The team designated their all black (excluding helmet) outfit as their “Color Rush” uniform. As such, it’s considered an alternate (even though they use the black jersey as their primary home). Because a CR is an alternate, it can be paired with the black alternate helmet. To me that’s playing fast and loose with the rules, but they are still within the rules.
Ah gotcha so if it was with silver pants and black jerseys than they couldn’t.
I’d like to see the Panthers replace all the silver in their uniforms with white. I think the uniforms would pop a lot more.
And white helmets instead of silver helmets.
Carolina has one of the most interesting color combinations and they mix and match it quite well. Unlike most other teams in the NFL who only look for mono as much as possible.
And silver/white/silver/white should be worn at one point, even if I prefer silver/white/silver/blue.
Too bad the teams and marketing people don’t make better sock color decisions.
They might consider removing those absurd shoulder loops. If you’re not the QB they are messy and not consistent. And the pants stripe. Never to late to fix a mistake
I really want to see them in the white on silver combo. The Panthers overall could use some new uniforms, though.
It does feel like the Lions which I don’t approve of with the players playing in a combo they feel like they can win in. You should be able to win any set you wear, this is why I don’t take the Lions seriously they’ve gotten away from tradition because of dumb superstitions.