Good morning, Uni Watchers. It’s Friday — we made it!
So it’s not exactly the Hatfields and McCoys, but it’s fairly safe to say that in-state rivals Western Kentucky and Eastern Kentucky don’t exactly get along.
Here’s the deal.
Way back on July 10 of this year, Western Kentucky announced they had scheduled a “Whiteout” for their second game of the season, a meeting with cross-state rival Eastern Kentucky, and had been planning on wearing white jerseys for the game. It’s affectionately known as “The Battle of the Bluegrass.”
Normally, when the home team wants to wear white jerseys, the opposing team agrees to it and wears color jerseys (see, for example, LSU). However, it’s not always quite that simple.
You see, there are rules. We actually had a slightly similar situation recently with Arkansas playing Arkansas-Pine Bluff. However, in that game, both teams were wearing color jerseys — different color jerseys (and in what seemed to be sufficient contrast).
The rules for home teams wanting to wear white are pretty simple. If we check the rules in SECTION 4. “Players and Playing Equipment: Jersey Design, Color and Numerals ARTICLE 5 we read the following…
b. Color.
1. Players of opposing teams shall wear jerseys of contrasting colors. Players on the same team shall wear jerseys of the same color and design.
2. The visiting team shall wear white jerseys; however, the home team may wear white jerseys if the teams have agreed in writing before the season.
Both 1. and 2. come into play here. The jerseys must be of contrasting colors; therefore if one team wears white, by rule (and common sense), the other team must wear a color jersey.
WKU had asked EKU if they were cool with WKU sporting white tops for their planned whiteout. EKU said no. That is their prerogative, plain and simple. But as a courtesy most teams will acceed to a home team’s request to wear white at home. Eastern Kentucky, taking this rivalry very seriously, said, “nah, we’re good wearing white as the rules tell us to.” Except EKU didn’t let WKU know until this past Tuesday they were going to deny their request, leaving WKU no option but to wear their red jerseys.
The snub caused WKU to issue a statement on the whole kerfuffle:

So Western Kentucky, disappointed but not deterred, tried to make the best of the situation. They were gracious in their statement, and explained pretty clearly why they would be wearing red jerseys for a planned whiteout.
Matter over, right?
No. EKU upped the ante by subtweeting WKU’s statement on X.

EKU could have just left well enough alone, knowing they’d “won” the jersey color battle (they do have the rules on their side), but decided to basically gaslight Western Kentucky with their subtweet.
So we’ll see the EKU Colonels looking like this on Saturday.

I can imagine WKU will be more than a little fired up for the “Battle of the Bluegrass.”
It ain’t the Hatfields and McCoys…but it may become just as heated a feud.
So what do you think? Was EKU right to deny WKU’s whiteout request (a form of gamesmanship as much as anything else) or should they just have agreed to their request, showing good sportsmanship? Or did they overdo it by informing WKU so late (this past Tuesday) and then further rubbing salt into the wounds with their subtweet?
I realize “good sportsmanship” is a subjective and probably fleeting thing these days. And maybe EKU thought that by denying WKU’s request to wear white they might be able to get into their heads just a bit.
So was this a bold play by EKU, or was this simply just a dick move? Love to hear your thoughts!
I’m all for ruining whiteout games
This fad of wearing all whites Is boring
Agreed. Penn State and the Winnipeg Jets are the only exceptions.
Back in 2021, Penn State had a (fan) white out scheduled against Michigan in Happy Valley.
As the home team, Penn State chose to wear blue.
As the road team, Michigan requested to wear solid maize (their only previous maize/maize game—2017 against Florida in Dallas), but was denied by Penn State.
The Jets don’t get to wear white because of the NHL’s dark unis at home dress code. It’s the fans that make it a whiteout.
They thing that I don’t understand is per section 2 of the rule, this must be agreed upon in writing before the season. If EKU just told them this Tuesday that they were wearing white, is that not after the start of the season? Shouldn’t this have all been decided upon at least 2 weeks ago? If it’s allowed, then that would make it a bit of a dick move to do it so late. A funny dick move, but still a dick move.
I think EKU needed to agree to allow WKU to wear white in writing before the season. They did not do that, so the fact that they informed WKU this week is just confirmation that they hadn’t agreed rather than late notice, IMO.
Also, while I think whiteout games are kind of stupid, I still think this is a dick move. I know that it’s the rule, but the home team should be allowed to wear what they want. The road team’s “agreement” in this case should just be that they understand they need to bring colored jerseys.
Penn State’s always looked great in their navy and white surrounded by white in the stands, and they’ve done the white out longer than anyone that I can think of in college football (yes I know the Winnipeg Jets did it first in the 1980s, but they didn’t take the tradition with them to Arizona. Although I think I remember seeing the new Winnipeg Jets bringing it back)
I agree Andrew
The Coyotes did, in fact, continue the whiteout, and even called for one for their final game.
Gamesmanship initially that was doubled down into a dick move.
EKU is petty and trolling which is perfect for this kind of rivalry. You love to see it.
The EKU coach said that no one told him about the white-out and that the WKU coach could have just called him and asked.
Regardless, it’s just a football game and it’ll probably serve to add some spice to the rivalry.
Should have Ducks in a row before announcing the promotion. Home team’s fault.
My first coaching job was eighth-grade basketball and football and a school that wore black and white. Our high school wore orange and black. I liked the symbolism; you earned your orange! In basketball, we wore white at home (we have a civilization after all), but an area school that we played home/away every year wore gold and black. They wore gold at home and black on the road. I didn’t like the idea that they would wear ‘our color,’ black, in our gym. So, every year, I would call over there the week of the game and claim that something bad had happened to our white uniforms (not uncommon at the junior high level!) and that we would be wearing black. It would be our one home game in black every year.
Change the rule so home team wears dark, road team wears white. Cut and dried; no confusion. All this gamesmanship about uniform color is just petty.
I agree with much of the above assessment. Absolutely a dick move which, in a rivalry game, is a great choice yet high-stakes choice. Now, EKU has to win or they’re going to look petty.
Dick move. I hope WKU wins by 70.
I love the competitive nature between the two schools and the utter dislike. EKU had the right to deny the request. But that could come at the cost of additional motivation. What they think is getting in WKU’s head may end up galvanizing them. Could backfire. Either way. This is the stuff college football rivalries are made of…
It was a dick move…..and 100% fair play. I love it, actually…
Also, as others have noted, Penn State doesn’t wear their white uniforms for home “white outs.” Doesn’t impact the atmosphere in the least. In fact, as a Penn State fan, the thought never crossed my mind.
More than one thing can be true…
Is it a dick move? Yes.
Is WKU kinda stupid for advertising a “white out” game BEFORE they had an agreement in writing, knowing full well EKU might say “nah”? Also yes.
Is the whole thing rather silly? Also also yes.
I’m interested in the statements either university might put out if WKU hangs 60 on EKU.
WKU is a Division 1 (or whatever they call it these days) school and EKU is Division 2 (again or whatever they call it today.) WKU should beat the tar out of EKU, that’s why then ink these types of games. I don’t believe they even play the series home and home anymore.
I believe the GTGFTU might be opening day 1977 between Cleveland and Boston. But I’m not positive; I don’t see anywhere in the play by play where Dwight Evans would have had a reason to be sliding at home. This is a tough one.
I thought that Pete Rose destroyed Ray Fossee’s career in the 1970 All Star Game. Al least that is what has been preached for 54 years.
I guess all the propaganda wasn’t true.
Ray Fosse played 9 more seasons after the collision at home plate with Pete Rose. He just wasn’t the same player after that.
Of course, it’s a dick move: It’s College Football!
I’m a Western student. Eastern sucks. Go tops
nobody cares
Eastern and Western students, faculty, alumni and supporters do.
I’m and EKU alumni. Their two NCAA championships speak for themselves.
Want to stop these dick moves? Get rid of the dick rule. Never heard of this happening in any other sports where the home team has to ask the road team for permission to wear a certain uniform. Just re-write the rule to “The home team chooses which uniform they will wear” and then the away team will have to wear an appropriate contrasting uniform.
It’s not that hard …..
100% agree.
So I’m assuming LSU has to in writing ask every team they’re playing at home if it’s OK for them to wear white. This is a stupid rule.
Dick move.
And yes, white outs are way over used.
As an EKU graduate, I’m all for this.
Anything to make Western in anyway the least bit uncomfortable about something, the better.
Petty? Maybe, but it’s a college football game and Sunday morning, it will be forgotten about.
A couple of thoughts:
1) Who would have thought EKU@WKU would have gotten any attention at all? So a win for both programs there.
2) It’s nice to see rivalry-type things playing out in rivalry-type ways again in College Football. I feel like these kinds of things have gone away mostly due to realignments. No one’s getting hurt, and sure it’s a dick move, but I like it for the spirit of rivalry.
3) I’ve been on field for both white outs and black outs. WFWS is better than BFBS on the field, and even though white outs make the crowd look “bigger”, black outs just look scary. Arms and heads and a ton of noise really messes with your eyes.
Personally I think the rule needs to be changed to the home team decides what uniform they will wear.
Good for EKU. Themed games are a trend I’d love to see disappear. Especially one as lame and unimaginative as “white out”. “Oooooh, we’re gonna wear our road uniforms at home and claim it’s some kind of earth shattering revelation. Look at us.” Big whoop.
Red Sox at Indians April 7, 1977
Forget “good sportsmanship” that’s not on the field. Bring back the animosity of rivalries.
I live in Kentucky, in EKU’s town of Richmond actually. You know who cares about this “rivalry?” Nobody! If it doesn’t involve UK blue this state just doesn’t care. I graduated from the University of Louisville during the good Pitino years and I’d wager 30-40% of the students wore UK gear daily.
I don’t understand how EKU’s subtweet is “gaslighting”. Taunting, maybe, but how is it gaslighting?
My Cousin would gaslight in front of the whole family during get-togethers…
Think he used a Bic…
The only dick move I see here is WKU announcing a whiteout game without securing the rules-required written agreement from their opponent. Rules are rules; you ask the opponent, and respect their decision. Absent the opponent’s consent, you don’t actually have the right to schedule the whiteout that game, so announcing it amounts to bullying the opponent into agreeing. Good for EKU for responding appropriately.
Jersey color doesn’t have any impact on winning games. This is just a visiting school who wants to spoil the fun of opponent fans in a way other than winning a football game
What is the “fun” here, exactly?
“White out” games are an idiotic fad. Good for EKU for foiling it.
Playing a rival. 100% dick move. But understandable.
Team A: Hey can we wear jerseys the same color as our fans’ shirts so its harder for you to see what’s going on?
Team B: No, that makes us harder for us to see what’s going on.
Such a dick move by Team B.
Not a dick move. I don’t think you owe your rival any acquiescence for their contrived promotion. Whiteouts are overdone anyway. And a little pettiness makes rivalries better.