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Arizona Cardinals Unveil Uni Schedule For First Time

Of course, just after I release my NFC West NFL Uniform Preview, I noted “As of this writing, the Cardinals have not released a uniform schedule, so it’s not known if or how often the team will trot out the mono-black kits this season.”

Well, this year, for the first time, the Cardinals have done just that, and now we know not only when the team will wear their alternate mono-black uniforms, we know what they’ll be wearing for every game.

As I had suspected, the team will continue to wear their white helmets with their all-red uniforms at home, and their all-white uniforms on the road. They will not be mixing and matching the red and white jerseys and pants, unfortunately.

So now that the full uni schedule is out, let’s see what they’ll wear and when.


They’ll wear this god-awful combo six times this season, all home games, except for the game against Miami, who will be wearing their white jerseys at home.


I’ve come to like this combo — except for the white socks — a bit more in the past year. It’s actually a pretty decent modern take on their uniform, with sleeve and pants stripes to boot. If they could bring themselves to just wear red socks, it would be one of the better all-white uniforms in the game. As it stands, it’s not, but it has potential.

The Cards will wear this combo 8 times, for their road games.


I never thought I’d like what is basically a BFBS uniform more than a team’s primary kit, but the Cardinals alternate all-black is actually a much better uniform than the team’s all red number. That’s not a compliment to either uni.

The team will max-out their alternate usage with this, donning it the maximum allowable three times, all home games.

I’m certainly glad another team has joined the ranks of those teams who release uniform schedules (and it’s even better that this is an actual uniform schedule, not just a “jersey schedule” as some teams are wont to do). It’s just a shame the team has such a crummy uniform set to begin with.

Comments (38)

    The game against the Dolphins is in Miami. And as you know, the Fins generally wear white at home, so hence the full blood clot look for the Cards on the road in Week 8.

    I suppose the following should be updated as well:

    “The Cards will wear this combo 8 times, for all their road games.”

    With the Lions and Jets upgrading this season, the Cardinals are officially the worst looking team in the NFL. The Falcons get a spot up for the sweet throwbacks.

    You prefer …Houston? Tennessee?
    I sure don’t.
    The Cards road uniform is one of the best in my book.

    Same brother, them not mixing and matching the white uniform kills the uniform for me. Why not wear red or black pants with them? A set of red pants with the same striping would be a great look for them.

    Arizona is the worst for me. Houston actually has a cool look, I live their new road uniforms, those are already better than the lat one and one of the best road looks in the league. I love the horn feature. Tennessee needs to upgrade, though as they’ll probably do it when the new stadium opens in 2027.

    Arizona’s road uniform has potential, but the lack of mixing and matching with red or black pants kills that look for me.

    Tennessee’s unis are just too gimicky for me with the sword helmet stripe and shoulder stripes. The color swatch under the armpit and the completely out of place pants striping need to go. They definitely need an overhaul. The navy helmet on them just has never looked right on them either.

    Arizona horribly botched these uniforms, but it’s unreal to me that they stubbornly make it even worse by only wearing awful mono-color combinations. I’m convinced that incompetent sports teams need a “common sense” uniform czar on the payroll. Ugh.

    I wish they’d wear the all white at home and away, since the red they completely botched when they came out with new uniforms last season. Like I said in another post, the white is good, but the gray makes them look like Ohio State. Replace the gray stripes with black and they’d be very good, or replace the gray with yellow stripes to match the bird beak and they’d be great. Even better would be to also have a yellow facemask. And yes, red socks would be great.

    And technically black is one of their official colors, so I’m not sure if this qualifies as BFBS. But regardless, it still isn’t good.

    I would definitely be for them incorporating some yellow into the uniform to go along with the cardinal beak. But, I may need to be careful what I wish for LOL

    Just when I thought we MIGHT get a good w/r/w/r combo, it’s all blow to smithereens. I still don’t understand going with a mono look all season long……….

    The Chicago Cardinals settled on the white/red/white combo in 1937.
    That home look was good enough for nearly 60 years, and when the off-brand mono red came along, it was an alternate look for 1 game in 2003, and then only intermittent use over the next few years until this new set in 2022.
    Why do the current Cardinal’s brain trust think they know better than 85 years of the franchise’s history?

    (I prefer red pants with the white jerseys – which actually date to 1956 – although they have switched between white and red road pants for their whole history, so I’ll let them off that look!)

    I remember them bringing in the red pants with the white jerseys and how good they looked. But, they also didn’t have solid red socks/tights either. It’s a new generation I guess.

    The red pants with white jersey is a good look, but I prefer the all white. I usually prefer the all white with teams with white helmets. Another all white I really like is the Colts.

    For the life of me I don’t understand why they insist on 3 mono uniforms. If they wore the white pants with the red jerseys and vice versea it would jump these up incredibly. I just don’t understand who thinks these look good and from what I’ve seen from their fans, they hate the mono look all the time.

    And I thought the Patriots were stubborn with the all navy; at least they throw in the silver pants occasionally.

    I 109% agree, no team in the NFL should be doing the monochrome look full-time. Keep that look limited. To me that’s what makes the Cards uniforms bad to me because the white pants with the silver striping is actually not bad if they paired the red jersey with white pants.

    Their white jersey would look at better if paired with the red pants most games. Colored pants always brings out the white jersey way better to me. Now, in days the all white uniforms look even worse because they use the white socks now. It’s way too much white for me. Black pants might not look bad either.

    If they were monochromes on a limited basis, I’d be fine with that, but the lack of mixing and matching options is just really horrible to me.

    Arizona uniform is not that bad, it’s just the lack of mixing and matching that’s bad.

    Is there another team– NFL, CFL, college– whose uniform set is so weak that their all-white leotard look is their best uniform?

    White/red/white would look really good with these. In fact, I even sort of like the idea of black/black red. The all white is already pretty nice, but only because of the pants/sleeve stripes.

    This uniform is just a couple of tweaks away from being decent. Simplest approach: Make the red jerseys and pants the inverse of the white (add stripes, delete wordmark), and eliminate the all-red combo.

    What’s amazing is that they managed a decent design with the whites & blacks and still botched the reds.

    I would be fine with these if they used the template from the whites for the reds, and allowed themselves to mix-and-match a little bit (specifically, w/r/w). Get some stripes on those bloody yoga pants. I like the whites, and I like how they incorporated grey as an accent color.

    BFBS is pointless and dumb, but whatever. Strange that they don’t have a red helmet option, as there are no red-hat teams in that division and they’re the freaking Cardinals.

    I’d even be ok with keeping the all-white road uniforms. It reminds me of the St. Louis Cardinals and always brings Terry Metcalf to mind, and that is a very welcome memory. They wouldn’t even need full red socks, just the red uppers.

    This team desperately needs a redo on these uniforms…how they made so little of an improvement over their last set is just astonishing. But in the interim, they can at least do better with what they have.

    Mix and match the red and the white. The mono-red is awful, but it’s that much worse with that white helmet. Ugh. Red jersey/white pants, and white jersey/red pants should at LEAST be options.

    But if, and only if, you’re going to insist on wearing the mono-red at all, then go all the way and get a red helmet to go with it.

    The black is so unnecessary and should be scrapped.

    Even if they wore white pants with the red jerseys, that ridiculously oversized “ARIZONA” kills the vibe.

    What is going on with the huge wordmarks on NFL jerseys these days? It’s not only unnecessary, especially with a home team screaming the city it’s _currently playing in_ at you, it also pushes the numbers down so low it looks like they’re falling to the ground.

    The uniform schedule unveiling is interesting for the pros. With college I get it. There are certain weeks like rivalry week, or whatever where teams will wear new or very different, or specific throwback uniforms so it’s fun as a fan to stay informed and college kids get hyped for that stuff and want to know what colors they should wear to games or what theme they might adhere to.

    With the pros, until somewhat recently, what would a uni schedule even be telling us? That they would wear home uniforms at home and road uniforms on the road? Then came the era of the alternate but when I came to leagues with lots of games on the schedule, those also tended to be regularly scheduled (“orange fridays” for example). Now there are a lot more unis, particularly with basketball, but there are also a ton of games for most leagues so a full-season uniform schedule unveiling is a moot point because who’s going to remember by game 103 of the baseball season what their team was planning on wearing before the season started, and what if plans change (like a hot streak in a particular uni)? Football is a sport that, to me, makes very little sense in terms of having limiting rules regarding uniforms but also a mega hype train for what teams are wearing. There are less than 20 games. The games are only once a week and there are at least 3 “big deal” games broadcast every week (Thursday, Sunday night, Monday night) plus holiday games. All this would suggest that a uni hype schedule would be a good idea, but with only 4 unis max, it seems like teams force the idea of alternates to begin with. Like why do the pats wear the pat patriots against the Texans, a team with new fangled unis and no interesting history against the pats? Why not reserve the alts and throwbacks for specifically fun or interesting games? At least it would feel more purposeful and easier to get hyped for. Instead of just “on week three we wear BLAAAAAACK! Everyone get hyped!” Feels like corporate mandated fun. Cue Lumbergh encouraging everyone to wear a Hawaiian shirt on Fridays.

    If the Cardinals just tweaked a few things, mix and matched their pants and socks, and stopped wearing what is essentially a Color Rush look for every game, I think they’d have a really solid uniform base. I still don’t like the inclusion of silver into their color scheme though, I just don’t think it fits, and is almost impossible to see. If they had to add another color to red and white, why not yellow? I also would’ve loved to see them incorporate the Arizona state flag somewhere in their whole design. And lastly, the less said about the BFBS, the better. It’s unfortunate because I think they’re just a few steps away from having a really solid and respectable uniform, but it doesn’t look like they’re changing anything anytime soon.

    I’m not a huge fan of set schedules, I prefer teams just choose jerseys at random unless it’s a color rush, limited alternate, or throwback uniform. Leave the rest randomly, but Houston has done set schedules for as long as I can remember.

    Me personally, Arizona next to Tennessee has the worst uniforms in the league now that Denver has upgraded. Atlanta can use another upgrade, but their uniforms aren’t all that bad, they need to bring the silver pants look back.

    Speaking of silver, I think Arizona’s home uniforms should not be monochrome. It should be paired with either white pants or silver pants. I think the Cards 40s look included gray pants. Arizona’s road uniform is actually okay, but I’m not a huge fan of how they don’t mix and match with red or black pants. Donning white pants is too much for me like the Giants and Colts who would look amazing if they mixed and matched with blue pants like they did back in 1995. Giants should’ve never moved away from the Super Bowl winning gray pants.

    Arizona can use another upgrade in a few years. No team should be doing monochrome full time. I’m glad Seattle has mixed and matched their home kits and added in the throwback which should be full time in the future.

    I’m sorry, where is this team based? I can’t quite make it out on that red jersey. Perhaps they could make the font bigger.

    New England game will be a home game w/ white uniforms.

    Side note: I think the Cards unis are great. Among the best in the league. Sometimes it takes people a few years to adjust to something new.

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