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NHLPA Rookie Showcase Gives First Look at Utah Hockey Club’s Full Uniform

Back in June, we first learned the new name (“Utah Hockey Club”) and colors for the ex-Arizona Coyotes, who were packing up and heading north to play their NHL games in the Beehive State for the foreseeable future. The announcement was made prior to the NHL Draft, where players would be holding up the jersey of the team who had selected them.

Due to the short time frame of the Coyotes departure and Utah’s arrival, we only saw mockups for the team’s new home and road uniforms.

But the new sweaters were all that was unveiled at the time. Even during the NHL Draft, newly selected players received a “placeholder” jersey, which was not shown with the same sleeve and jersey striping as seen above.

And we’d never seen what color helmet or breezers would be paired with the new jerseys (I had speculated the pants would be black).

Now, finally, thanks to the NHLPA Rookie Showcase, we’re getting our first full look at the new Utah home uniforms.

And here’s a closeup:

As expected, the helmet and pants are black, with the socks taking the same striping pattern (blue/black/white/black/blue) as seen on the jersey sleeves. It’s difficult to tell from the photos, but it appears the breezers are solid black. The one semi-side view (with all the rookies shown above) shows the shorts, which look stripeless.

The black pants will also be worn with the white jersey, but it’s likely the helmet will be white, and the socks will also be white, following the blue/black/blue striping pattern seen on the sleeves.

The official colors for the Utah Hockey Club are rock black, salt white, and mountain blue.

It’s also not clear from the photos whether the jersey will have a patch signifying the team’s “Inaugural Season” (or something similar), and of course, unless the Utah Hockey Club gets a helmet or jersey advertiser, those are not on the uniform or helmet at present.

Utah is yet to announce the name of their team but has narrowed the list down to six finalists. Those names are the Blizzard, Mammoth, Outlaws, Venom, Yeti or sticking with Hockey Club and simply going by “Utah HC.” The ownership group expects to have an identity, mascot, logos, and branding ready before the start of the 2025-26 season.

The club has not said whether the new uniforms (once a name is selected) will be in the same style as the first season kits, nor whether they will keep the same colors (although it is anticipated they will).

I think this is a fine uniform on a temporary, one-year basis, and the UHC will fit in well with the design and color scheme. The real test will come next year, when the team will technically be “rebranding” and receiving an official name and new uniforms.

What are your thoughts on the inaugural season uniforms, now that we’ve finally seen them in full?

Comments (32)

    100% agree. Make the jersey “Mountain Blue” and wear it with the black helmet and breezers and we’ve got a great set.

    Add another 100% agreement. The real uniforms are fine. But swapping blue into primary color status and black down into accent color status would make these great, easily top-ten in the league for me.

    Honestly not bad, just throw a good logo on the front and a couple secondaries on the shoulders and you have your uniform.

    Also, those orange Ducks uniforms looks fantastic and Sharks — #bringbackblackpants

    Kind close to the Kraken colors being they are the two newcomers to the league in my opinion.

    That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw them. I thought it was pretty weird that they would would do that being they are only a few years apart coming into the league

    I always thought the same about the NFL letting in two cat teams (Jaguars and Panthers) with similar color schemes at the same time.

    I promise you Ryan Smith will screw up the design with his preferences just like he did with the Jazz (which took years to fix). These look awful, too basic- especially given this is an NHL team. Look at the Maine Black Bears hockey uniform- that’s how you do those colors/script.


    Change the name of the team to the Utah Saints and use their music to pump up the crowd!

    As an Avalanche fan (even going back to Joe Sakic’s years in Quebec), and just Getting It for nearly 50 years, I have been interested in the UHC’s branding process since the team’s transfer to Utah in April.
    I just don’t get, especially in this immediate techno design/communication era, how they couldn’t have just completed the naming process and be ready for Opening Night. The Avs pulled off the naming/uni process in a matter of months.
    That said, I am fine with the black kits for now, but I definitely agree that the “mountain blue” should be the home uniform’s primary color. Since it’s “rock black” for now, I am game with it: Ido like that UTAH is in a sharp diagonal. I imagine that whatever mascot is decided upon, such will play a major role in deciding on the final home color uni.
    As long as the Smith Entertainment Group is taking in this process, they better not mess this up. Listen to people who Get It!

    I get it cuz of retail and trademarks etc buts just fucking lame. I wish brands can be developed faster

    Hockey’s not my main sport, so I claim no expertise, but I’d like to push back a little (or maybe a lot) on the idea that these are “beer league.”

    For one, it’s temporary. They don’t have a full identity yet, so there’s an upper limit to how much they can do. But even if these WERE their fully developed, permanent uniforms, they’re perfectly fine. More than fine, even.

    I would say in the last 30 years the most common mistake in uniform design is over-doing it. Thinking more design elements equals better design, trying to reinvent the wheel, making change for the sake of change, conflating uniqueness with quality, etc. Here we have a simple design that perfectly fits the purpose it was made for. It clearly identifies the team, it looks nice, the colors go well together, the striping is attractive, and there are no gimmicky designs muddling things up. How is it any less professional looking than, say, a Rangers uniform? I can’t imagine anyone calling those beer league.

    Yes, uniforms can be too simple. The Utah Jazz rebrand a few years back looked like practice jerseys. These dont have that issue. Not even close.

    Utah HC it will be as this owner is really into minimalism. Switch the black and the blue of this set and you have a very decent hockey uniform. But I fear they will stick with Utah HC which is generic and bland. The owner would love to rename the Jazz to Utah BC if he could, I am sure

    1. I like Utah’s uniform. I’m also a uniform minimalist so it’s right up my alley. Really great color combo for Utah too.
    2. The minor tweaks Fanatics made are all perfect. Especially removing the shoulder dimples. Despite skepticism it looks like Fanatics did a really good job with the NHL

    The unis are fine, I guess, in a default-template kind of way. The design (such as it is) is perhaps overly boring, playing it a bit too safe. The color scheme is okay, although it feels a little like a cheap Seattle knockoff. All of the nickname options (including Utah HC) are terrible, but if they’re creative enough with the design, maybe the name can be salvaged. Very much a wait-and-see situation.

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