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A Leo’s World ‘Take Me Out To The Ballgame’ Baseball Quiz

It’s been a while since I featured a “Leo’s World” quiz on here, but that’s about to end. Longtime reader/pal/contributor Leo Strawn, Jr. is back with one of his patented quizzes. As I’ve done with other quizzes of his, I will post this article now, without the answers, to allow you guys to make your guesses in the comments.

Later this afternoon, I’ll return with the answers in a separate post, so you can all see how you did.

Ready? Here’s Leo…

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Take Me Out To The Ballgame: A Quiz
by Leo Strawn, Jr.

I’m Leo…welcome to my world!

MLB is in the home stretch, so give me some peanuts and Cracker Jack…and an end to the 7 1/2 decade drought with a wire-to-wire division championship AND a World Series win! (Changing the name from “Indians” was supposed to end the “curse”, right?!)

This edition will focus on obscure baseball uniforms and caps, but no photos in the questions this time, just trivia. Like the battle for a playoff spot, this quiz might be a bit tough, so just give it your best and have fun with it, okay?

NOTE: For this quiz, I only included AL and NL clubs because uniform info on teams from other Major Leagues is scant and sometimes unreliable.



1. Which Major League club was the first to wear letters on their caps? (Hint: This was a 19th century NL club that is still in MLB today.)


2. Which American League team was the first? (Hint: They were the only AL club to wear lettering on their caps from 1902-04.)


3. Which Major League teams have sported “Worlds Champions”, “World’s Champions” or “World Champions” as the main lettering on the front of their jersey?


4. What was the first Major League club to wear a zippered jersey and in what year?


5. Which Major League team first wore vests and what year was it?


6. What was the first American League team to wear solid color (not white or gray) jerseys/pants/caps?


7. What Major League team was the first to put an animal on their cap and what year did it first happen?


8. What MLB club was the last to not wear any identifying logos or markings on caps or jerseys and what year did this happen? (Hint: It happened much later than you might expect!)


9. The Athletics were the first Major League team of the 20th century to feature green on their uniforms and caps way back in 1963 when they were located in Kansas City. Who was the second?


Extra Inning. What year did the first Blue Jays logo appear on a MLB jersey?

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Thanks, Leo! Those are some tough questions.

OK readers — post your answers/guesses in the comments below. Answers will be posted in a separate article later this afternoon!

Comments (17)

    1) The Braves?
    2) The Tigers?
    3) The Giants, and Cleveland
    4) The Dodgers in…1945?
    5) No idea – the Cubs in 1924
    6) The White Sox
    7) The A’s in, say 1931
    8) The Texas Rangers in 1969
    9) The Devil Rays

    This one was tougher than most of the quizzes. I think you did as good as I would’ve if I didn’t know the answers. 2 right, 2 partly right.

    Oh, and you forgot the Extra Inning question. It’s pretty tricky, though.

    1 Reds
    2 Red Sox
    3 Phillies, Dodgers
    4 Browns 1943
    5 Reds 1956
    6 A’s 1968
    7 Cubs 1908
    8 Brewers 1970
    9 Rays 1992
    Extra 1976

    Some I think I know. Others are pure guesses
    1. Reds
    2. Cleveland
    3. Giants Senators, Cardinals
    4. Cubs. Maybe in the 40s
    5. Cubs Maybe 1951?
    6. Yankees (Highlanders)
    7. Tigers 1912?
    8. Yankees. 1940?
    Extra Innings. Phillies circa 1950

    Got some years wrong, but overall you did very well. If I count like I did with Vasav, you got 1 right and 5 partly right. Getting years right for some of these is definitely a tough ask.

    1. Reds?
    2. Tigers
    3. The Red Sox, I’m pretty sure. Possibly Cubs & Giants?
    4. Pretty dang early, I suspect. Gonna guess Dodgers during the 1910s.
    5. Cubs, I believe. 1935?
    6. The 1901 Baltimore Orioles (now the New York Yankees)
    7. Want to say the Tigers, c. 1910
    8. The St. Louis Browns. Guessing 1949?
    9. The Reds’ infamous St. Patrick’s Day unis
    EXTRA INNING: 1942, the season the Phillies tried to rebrand as the Philadelphia Blue Jays1

    2 correct (nailed one of the questions with the correct year, nice!), 4 partly correct (a couple of years off on one and a few years off on 2 others). Best job so far!

    The Mariners introduced their current uniform set in 1993, switching from Royal and Yellow to Navy and Green, beating the [Devil] Rays by five years.

    TB’s green uniforms were gone too soon…especially the ves, err…sleeveless shirts!

    9. Milwaukee Brewers 1994 uniform and cap was actually “green.” The Marlins and Mariners uniforms incorporated aqua and teal colors.

    1 Pittsburgh
    2 Cleveland
    3 NY Giants, Cleveland
    4 Chicago Cubs, 1937
    5 Chicago Cubs, 1940
    6 Baltimore
    7 Detroit, 1902
    8 Boston Red Sox, 1930
    9 Seattle
    X 1944

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