It was only a couple days ago that the EA Sports Madden 25 game leaked the fact that the Bengals are adding a set of orange pants for the season, which they acknowledged shortly thereafter.
I was one of those that was elated by the news, as I had been hoping the team would add a set of orange pants since their new uniform set was unveiled a couple years back.
I guess the saying “Be careful what you wish for” couldn’t be more apropos.
Because in that article announcing the orange pants, I said “Let me be the first to say that while I’m 100% behind the orange pants option, I am 100% opposed to them creating an all-orange Color Rush uniform.”
Well, here’s what the team posted on their social media this afternoon…
This isn’t a drill.#OpenInOrange pic.twitter.com/MwmSZMIajT
— Cincinnati Bengals (@Bengals) August 16, 2024
You should watch that hype video, if only because we get several looks at the players sporting the monorange. Quarterback Joe Burrow and wide receivers Ja’Marr Chase and Tee Higgins are featured.
I love orange as a color, and think it’s definitely underused in professional sports. But there is such a thing as too much orange.
Here are a couple stills. At least the socks aren’t orange.

But still: This is too much orange.
I’m sure there are more than a few of you who will disagree (as some of you already did in the comments the day the pants were announced). But trust me…this is just too much.
And, not only will the team be wearing the mono orange, they’ll be doing it on their opening day game, against the Patriots. Yep, September 8th will be the debut of the new combo. I was considering doing a “5 & 1” for the NFL this year…and being this game is against the Patriots, this may be a lock for the and one.

I’m still hoping the team will pair the orange pants with their black and white jerseys, which will look fantastic. This however, will simply be an orange overload.
YMMV and all that, but what are your thoughts?
They couldn’t wait for Halloween to break out the not so great pumpkin?
Black socks would be the best look.
Hey Phil, hope you noticed that at least they will be wearing black socks. I think that will help a little bit. As a Flyers fan who loves orange and black together, I am morbidly curious to see how this game will look. But I’m not super optimistic…
Proof that the Cincy front office does not read Uni Watch. I can only trust the pendulum of history will swing to more favorable sartorial combinations eventually.
At least the socks will be black but year orange helmets, jersey and pants is a bit too much imo. I’d love to see them pair their white jerseys with orange pants.
It’s a little much, but with black socks this might look alright. I’m curious to see it on the field.
Had mixed feelings about the orange pants. My one fear was that they would someday go mono orange. 3 days later here we are. Week 1 no less. Horrendous.
Hope the orange on the helmets matches a little better now.
Absolutely a critical part to get right. If it rains it will assuredly not match. I remember as a kid seeing even different shades of orange on the helmets and it always irked me. If this isn’t perfect then the feedback will be very bad.
This is an eyesore if it’s worn regularly but it is really cool as a once a season thing. I mean, what’s not to like about a team named after a tiger dressing up as a tiger from head to toe? This should be their annual Halloween uniform and nothing else.
The Bengals are only wearing their white helmet once (which counts as an “alternate” and must be worn with an alternate uniform, though the team was somehow able to play a little fast and loose with the rules, as their white jersey — which is their primary road jersey — somehow gets to “count” as an alternate). So that leaves two dates for their other alternate, the orange jersey. We know they’re going mono-orange once, and they could do it a second time. They could also pair their orange shirt with the white or black pants (both of which they have done previously). Hopefully they’ll go orange/black (but orange/white is fine too). Anything but orange/orange.
I also hope they wear the orange pants again — just not with the orange shirts. There is no limit on how many times a set of pants can be worn, so I’d love to see them pair the orange pants with the white and black jerseys for a least one game. That would somewhat make up for going mono on opening weekend.
Yuck. Might as well call it the “bad spray tan” uniform.
Of course they are. Of course they are. Ugh. :(
Orange pants black jersey black socks would look real cool
Like I said before on this combo, I’m usually against the mono look, but I like this. In fact I like this a lot. And yes this looks better with the black socks, but I’m good with it if they wore orange socks.
I’m typically a traditionalist with uniforms, but I really like this look. The black socks make all the difference for me.
it’s not too bad…..am i the only one who thinks tiger striped socks would be kind of cool and different?
Pats in Navy/Grey would be nice.
Unfortunately, the Pats will be in white over navy
“5 & 1” for the NFL… Oh yes please
Of course they pick the ugliest combo: mono orange. And don’t get too excited about black socks. Those look more like black tights, which you know most players will be wearing….along with biker shorts.
Does anyone have an issue when Clemson does it? The Dutch?
I, for one, love it. However the mono is the worst look of the three options. Can’t wait to see them with the black unis later in the season.
As a Dutchman I say: we look better with white pants in between an orange jersey and orange socks as would the Bengals do. Only Dutch basketball should wear mono orange, like our 3×3 guys did in Paris.
I am a rationalist but I see not a thing wrong with it! Looks like Clemson! I personally think the black jersey, orange pants that many have mentioned would look much worse. I also prefer the all orange to the all white. Looks much better than throw back uniforms that aren’t current team colors or worn when games are played on turf!
Not sure a professional team should pride itself on “looks like Clemson.”
Yikes, glad I won’t have to watch this.
Side note: I love the idea of a 5&1 for the NFL! I hope it happens!
Bengals announced they are wearing the orange pants with black jersey later in the year against Cleveland for the “stripe the jungle” game.
Couldn’t decide if I like this design but I did find a pic of players in this uni arriving for practice…
I’m watching the Bengals right now wearing white jerseys over black pants. I’m thinking they would look so much better with the orange pants.
Awful. Just awful.
No, this isn’t a good look. Maybe the Bengals will consider this their “going hunting” look for storytelling.. Patriots better counter with the 1961-64 logo for strategic purposes of intimidation.
I remember the Browns trying this look and doing orange/orange/white as well. Orange is simply more of an accent color for me, but done right it can be fine. All orange is just way overdone. Matter of fact if the Bengals used a black helmet, orange strips, orange facemark, it still would be too much.
(In my Rick James voice) I wish I had two more hands, so I could give those uniforms four thumbs down!!!!!
The NFL has been doing the monochrome thing for over 20 years, and the color rush thing for almost 10 yers, yet people still lose their minds and act like this is the worst thing ever. I also dont see anyone complain when Clemson goes all orange all the time. I love the orange pants and the combo especially with black socks, been rooting for this for a long time.