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Mississippi State Football Unveils New Icy White Uni Combo for 2024

Mere hours after SEC rival Texas A&M unveiled a new black uniform (or at least jersey), another adidas-outfitted, maroon and white school — Mississippi State — have unveiled a new “icy white” combination they’ll wear during the 2024 season.

We’ll start with the hype video, which surprisingly gives some excellent looks at the new uniform:

As you can see, in addition to a new jersey, the team has added a new helmet decal, which is a script “State” in maroon, but also features white “perforations” which I am guessing will be part of a few new adidas jerseys this fall.

The uni features the all-white helmet, jersey and pants. The jersey has two maroon stripes on the sleeve caps, which also feature simulated perforations.

The helmet contains a medium-thick maroon stripe running front to back and which includes — you guessed it — simulated perforations. Front jersey numbers are a university block, in maroon with…perforations. The SEC patch and makers mark are rendered in maroon as well. There is also a tiny “M State” logo at the base of the collar.

The back of the jersey — something we did not see in the earlier unveiling by A&M — has an interesting design. Running down the middle is mesh insert, in a modified hourglass shape (thinner at the top and wider at the base). Atop the jersey are a NOB nameplate with semi-narrow block in maroon. Rear numbers are in the same style as the front, in maroon with perforations.

At the top of the collar is a Mississippi State logo, which is an outline of the state with a white star marking Starkville, the location of the campus.

The solid white pants that will be paired with the new jersey appear to be stripeless.”

The team has not yet indicated when they’ll wear the new combo (perhaps they can wear it against BFBS A&M for a spy-vs.-spy game).


Sigh. Another mono-white uniform. Obviously, these are popular with the players and recruits, and as I said with A&M’s BFBS uniform, these aren’t designed for me. I don’t mind the perforated numbers, but it’s kind of overkill to add that motif to the “State” helmet logo and the sleeve stripes. Neither will likely be visible from any sort of distance, although the “State” on the hats may be washed out a bit.

At least they too didn’t add a BFBS alt.

Your thoughts?

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    Sometimes minimalism is gorgeous and classic. Indianapolis Colts come to mind.

    Other times, it’s like drawing lines on a blank piece of paper.

    This is neither of those. It looks corporate and sterile. Over-saturation is becoming a problem in sports uniforms, and I doubt it’s going to slow down. Get used to no identity for your favorite teams.

    I wouldn’t consider the Colts to be minimalistic. Simple and beautiful, yes, but the striping and properly sized numbers keep it from being minimalistic.

    Get used to no identity for your favorite teams
    Oh, there will be an identity. Unfortunately it will be the maker’s mark.

    If my ‘Noles stay EXACTLY where they are, I’d be so stoked. I just miss the shiny gold pants.

    While I love script helmets, I’m not sure about that S.
    It looks as if a treble clef and an ampersand got married and had a baby.

    And although I’m not a fan of the icy white trend, this is a nice looking one.
    Just don’t wear it on a sunny day, please.

    THAT’s funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spy vs Spy LOL Let’s get rid of these HDTV’s and go back to black and white.

    BFBS. WFWS. Equally boring and uninspiring. Man, so many of today’s uniforms are tired crap. Don’t see it getting better.

    I’m fine with the mesh look on the numbers, maybe the sleeve stripes, but it doesn’t make sense on the helmet, in my eyes.

    Too much maroon, the players will not really like it. Just thin maroon outlines on white numbers and dito NOB plus no stripes anywhere and they will cheer up.

    The “icy white” description is so played out, and I say that as a criticism of the lazy marketing/social media people, not this site’s author. Auburn and Penn State, just to name two) have had solid white uniforms for years, and we never refer to them as “icy white.”

    In Miss. State’s case, there is a historical tie to all white in that they wore all white in the 2000 Independence Bowl, which was also a snow game. That said, we really don’t need them to be referred to as “icy whites” (again, criticism of the marketing/social media folks, not the author). I wish that phrase would be retired and never seen again.

    End of old-man rant.

    I disagree that that term is OVER-used. I believe it is being MIS-used. It was always my understanding that “icy” meant all white with either silver or chrome accents. Without chrome, I always just called it a stormtrooper look. That’s how I differentiate.

    End of old-man rebuttal.

    After seeing the Texas A&M BFBS and the headlines for Mississippi State going icy white, stormtrooper, clean (insert more corporatespeak at your own discretion), I was afraid that the unipocalypse was here. These, though, aren’t bad. Perforated helmet logos is silly but these aren’t bad. Not sure that’s an appropriate bar to clear but not bad.

    Phil, why do you use the god-awful nonsense “icy white” term? They are just white. There is nothing icy about them. My general understanding of journalism is that when writing the goal is to preserve the language. It is silly to describe them as icy. And yes, I know the market speak from the teams and uniform makers uses that nonsense, but there is no reason to indulge them, just like we wouldn’t indulge them when they try to pretend a jersey ad is something besides an ad.
    It is fine to quote their market speak, but it is disappointing to see you use it in your own descriptions of the uniforms.

    The team called them “icy whites” and even used the “snowflake” emoji on their twitter feed. I would never call a uniform “icy white” unless that’s what the team called it.

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